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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. I dare say it, but think RF is droppable
  2. I know they have been packed busy and wait times are quite long. Even when I had mine sent to get the loft and lie done a few years back it took nearly 8 weeks to get them back. That was even in the off season, so hopefully yours will be arriving sometime soon. However as they have said above I could imagine it taking a bit longer with them being as busy as they are.
  3. I really want to make a move, but can't seem to find the right deal for all sides yet. Think I may have to wait till after the masters and evaluate the roster after that. @STUDque brave putting DJ on the block! Especially where you don't really have any dropable players that can easily make for a 2 for 1 trade.
  4. Despite my many calls, tweets, emails and other various DM's they decide to hold out. Rickey is the only one trying his butt off each week to get me some points, but poor fella is having a tough season. Interesting looking at when they do play they are some of the leading players (4 in the top 14 on points score per tournament played) however many seem to be taking lighter schedules. Just hoping they come through big in major season.
  5. I really don't like that my team doesn't seem to play half the time. Should be happy with where i am at in the standings all things considered.
  6. Just need a curling club to need some assistance with ice and think I may be able to swing it as such.
  7. I know the feeling.... Hoping it will turn soon and we will get some more consistent weather now that courses are reopened.
  8. no play this week means there should be trades! Especially with all those going on in the NBA today. I'm looking at packaging Fitzpatrick, Fowler and Hadwin together for someone if anyone has any offers.
  9. Sorry to hear that, don't give up though! Still lots of weeks left and anything can happen. Was a scramble of a time this last week and wasn't a easy decision by the league or commissioners, but the vote was a resounding yes for changing it to a BYE week. Hopefully a few tweaks here and there and you'll still be in the playoff hunt and after that anything can happen!
  10. Thanks for the assist, now to try and make some trades this week!
  11. As much as this decision is going to affect some teams more then others and wasn't a easy one for the league to come to. Thank you commissioners for going through it all and appreciate all your time and consideration to our issues throughout the season. Also thanks because we know this is more or less on fantrax not being able score it and so on. But to my point it was nice to see just over half the league vote in such a short period of time. I love seeing the involvment with this group. From the teams trading, to waivers and the overall engagment of the fantasy league community its pretty awesome. Edit: apparently waivers ran sooner then I thought so I am one of them in the boat who would be looking to reverse a move I made if possible.
  12. I dunno... The title feels pretty darn good. I'm doing everything possible to not give it up and to make it back to back years!
  13. As a suggestion if it does go to a BYE can we enable those teams who have dropped certain players to make corrections before standard waivers run? I am not one of them, however want to make sure it is fair for all teams. I would even support giving teams who have already dropped players a priority on waiver wire for the next week given this may have put them at a last minute disadvantage. Waivers itself should also be pushed back a day or so to if it goes ahead as planned. I have submitted several claims, however if it stays in or is promoted to a bye week that will therefore effect my roster moves. EDIT: I am of the benefit of being in europe and up early so can make most adjustments morning of waivers, however many others may not get that chance.
  14. In a perfect world I would love this to be a BYE week, but 100% agree that teams would have set themselves up already for this week based off it being a participating event. It's a long season, yes I really don't like tossing away weeks such as I am with this one and last week to an extent, but it is what it is and I am confident my team is still the strongest in the field for the long haul. It is a little too late to change this week with teams already making some roster decisions. As many have said we knew about this from day 1 so it shouldn't be a shock.
  15. Yeah going to be another week that is just punted away. Looking at the field not sure if there are many worth picking up. May replace Hadwin with someone playing, but means I have to cancel the other waiver move I was planning on making. Will be happy when we are back to normal field with our typical names.
  16. I know I likely won't get the same return as I did with him in my last trade, however I am going to look at moving Fowler again. Really like the guy and just want to see success for him, but he may do better if he's not on my squad.
  17. Courses are reopening here after the ground has finally thawed and dried out a good bit! Stores are reopening meaning I can go in and do a driver fitting soon. After being off work since beginning of December looks like we will reopen for kids and professional teams and on top of all of it saw MGS had well over 2000 guests on the site from the new forum testing thats coming out. Up a LOT from what I have seen the last few months. Have a good weekend all!
  18. Not quite in the right thread. Here is a link to the one I believe you're looking for. Saw on ESPN that there are 0 perfect brackets and after day one there was .92% that were still perfect. Incredible...at least I don't feel quite as bad even if I had my winner knocked out on the first day.
  19. Taking a look over the site it's phenomenal what they offer and just the sheer amount of options. It is interesting how there are no stock shaft offerings (at least what i saw) everything is extra, which can't say is a bad thing or I'm surprised, but wonder why they don't have stock offerings which would be no upcharge in some cases?
  20. That was fun! haha good luck everyone... oh boy did the first day ever kill me.
  21. Looks like a 2-8 week for me. However both guys made the cut and Hadwin is outplaying Mav who I dropped so that feels like a mini win in itself.
  22. I wish it wasn't the case having to write off weeks, but it's a Long season and with this format of 10 matches it shouldn't hurt and help anyone too much. That being said I'll be happy with winning 2-3 matched this week. Makes for 2 bad weeks, but hope my team is strong enough through the main schedule and FedEx cup to make a good run at the title!
  23. Could this be Fowlers breakthrough week after not having a great start and a lesser field?
  24. I believe a lot of that also has to do with just how popular TM is. They have a huge following, top tier marketing and are a generally good looking club. I believe an average consumer would be drawn to them or Callaway withouth much thought. Regardless of where they end up on the most wanted they will likely always be purchased more then say Titleist, Cobra and even Ping. For me personally I would like to try out the PXG 0211 and Mizuno series given their price and compare it towards the Sim and new Epic. If there isn't a great difference between them then I wont be spending the extra money for them. I have a feeling a lot of people with be in a similar situation as me and we may start to see some of those other brands in more bags as the price differences are just so big now.
  25. True, but they are a bit more picky with with their shots and Ian/him know his swing so well it's scary. Also realizing the poor english used in my post, but not about to go change it. Computer is set up for german and would take too long to go back through... Think the just of my point is made.
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