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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Posts posted by RickyBobby_PR

  1. Hit about 150 balls working on not getting hips open too early in the transition. First time swing a club in two weeks so had to battle tempo issues for a bit.


    I love the extra distance I get when I'm not getting open quickly and able covering the ball. Also missed the feeling of flushing blades.


    Forgot the phone st the house so was unable to get video or pics of the swing

  2. Forecast is iffy for Saturday. But who cares.


    I'm thinking of treating myself to a Birthday round somewhere that I haven't played in a while. Among the thoughts for courses are:




    Waverly Woods

    Worthington Manor

    Maryland National



    Anyone else interested/available...I'm open to other suggestions as well if that works out better for anyone.

    Depending on time of day I'm available

  3. The biggest weakness of the fitting process is that I don't hit clubs off a carpet when I play golf. Club to turf interaction and feel is a big part of your success in ball striking and hitting off a carpet doesn't feel remotely close to taking a divot. A thorough fairway club fitting IMO would involve having a club or two built to your specs that you can take to the range or the course to hit so you can see actual ball flight and feel and see how the club works for you in real world conditions. Launch monitors have their place as a starting point but relying on them completely for your fitting process leaves some huge variables in play.

    While I agree that we don't play off carpet on the course a fitting off carpet indoors or a mat provides the perfect lie every time and you have a clean club face on everyshot so there are no outside factors affecting contact

  4. I think overall fittings are important. The good fitters can use both data and what they see in bit ball flight as well as how the player swings and delivers the club to find a head/shaft combo that will help reduce the big miss by the golfer while not affecting the shits when the golfer makes good contact/swings.


    Fittings can be mental for some and when the golfer ends up with something different than they expected to be fit too it affects them with confidence.

  5. Played Worthington Manor this afternoon. We followed an AJGA event. The course is in great shape. The greens were very fast. It was a struggle out there today with the cooler temps and winds gusting up around 20-25. The course itself is always a treat, where as the greens are the equalizer. I had forgotten how critical my this to be on the right side of the pins here. Shot 77, but I worked my tail off for that.



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    The two times I've played there after finally finding out about the course that's been my experience with the greens.

  6. Maryland National is in pretty good shape, the greens were still a little slower than they normally are, fairway were decent, rough is coming in well. Bunkers need some attention, but with the rain and crap we've had they'll get them to come around rather quickly.



    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    That's good to hear. Might be trying to get up there in a couple weeks

  7. Played a rain soaked, sloppy wet 9 holes with three great Spies today.


    GolfSpy_Stud, MDGolfhacker and TheWahoo. Thanks for coming out. The golf was great. But the post round lunch was good stuff as well.


    Let's do it again and get a few more DMV'ers to join in on the fun next time.



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    Wish I could have joined but this has been a crazy week. Third day of high priority issues at work and this time we are still troubleshooting after a 30 mim break

  8. I played 8 degree bounce across all my wedges with the SM6. Going to add bounce in the 54/58.


    But I'm thinking I'm going to go S grind 54 which would put me at 10 bounce.





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    S or f in 54 are good options. I'm a fan of the m grind in 58

  9. An most act like their opinion of the swing is gospel without considering the abilities/physical limitations of the person seeking advice.

    So true. Love reading guys giving recommendations only for someone with actual knowledge correcting them followed by several more posts with opinions that don't match the experts.

  10. It's amazing how many people will take the random advice of someone on the internet rather than going to a professional fitter or instructor.


    I'm all for self education and improvement, but man it gets frustrating reading things on here sometimes

    Lots of equipment and swing experts around the www. Crazy ow so many can interpret the same piece of info in so many different ways

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