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  1. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to Jwc5149 in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    They may have a special exemption for current residents.. LOL
  2. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to Tom the Golf Nut in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    I just moved to NC. Don’t tell me they are going to kick me out. I can’t take another move.
  3. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to Jwc5149 in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    ohhhh sheet, tequila and full moons - we may not get invited back to North Carolina....
  4. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Tom the Golf Nut in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    At least you have a feel for your game. I've only played 9 holes since Thanksgiving. I'm not sure I have a game right now. Between moving and the constant rain I've been sidelined.  Of course, it's raining right now. But on a positive note, I plan on playing 18 on Saturday. And we do have four and a half months to find our games.  Regardless we will have a good time and get to meet a bunch of great guys.
  5. Like
    tommc23 reacted to cnosil in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    now the pressure is on.   I played pretty well in MD so I feel like I need to play well in NC.  Feel like my game is not at its best right now.  
  6. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to JohnSmalls in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    You're not alone.  I've got an 18cap to uphold 😂
  7. Like
    tommc23 reacted to cksurfdude in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    OK quick serious note, and then it's back to all the fun trash talking...
    This trip is a great motivator for me, to keep up with lessons and practice and .. fingers crossed knock on wood .. actually start to play some decent enough golf this season!
    ...and now we return you to our regular programming ... 
  8. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to JohnSmalls in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    I'll send a nice hat box and pre-paid FedEX if you're bringing Tequila.
  9. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to Yellow Ball in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    If @GolfSpy_SAM wins the lottery. I avoid the Rahm bashings and get a free ride from California. Thats a Win Win. 
    So, @GolfSpy_BOS About you being my caddy. Well, if you have one of those thick Boston accents, I'll have to pass because I won't understand a freaking word you are saying.
    Yes, @The Hat You bring the tequila, and we are going to party hard. That is my favorite go to.

  10. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to The Hat in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    You pick me up on way mijo? I bring tequila.
  11. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to JohnSmalls in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    Does it come with an Odyssey O-works putter? 
  12. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy SAM in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    Quoting "Tombstone" is an automatic win. I got two more spots*.  Who's in?
    *Contingent, obviously, on a $500-million lottery win. Don't be stupid. 
  13. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to chisag in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    ... I'm your Huckleberry. 🤠
  14. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy SAM in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    I win the Lotto tonight I'm coming and flying out 3 other lucky idiots to join us to make it a full 20. 
    Get your raffle tickets now. I accept Venmo @YouDontReallyThinkThisIsRealDoYouOhGodSomeoneWillTotallyThinkThisIsReal
  15. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to chisag in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    ... You misspelled daddy. 
  16. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to Yellow Ball in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    It's true. They saw the air holes in the box and thought there were live animals inside. They were right!   
  17. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy BOS in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    2,748 miles = 4,836480 yards...  That's about 15,472 repeated bashings by Jon Rahm across your behind.
    If you ionomer cover makes it through that then I'll be your **** caddy! 😉
  18. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to chisag in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    ... I think to be fair you should provide full disclosure. Ship Sticks refused to ship you cross country and hence your dilemma. Just sayin ...
  19. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to Yellow Ball in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    Ohhh crap, I just finished a round out at Pebble and then I realized it's 2,748 miles to Pinehurst. 

    I got to get this bad boy up to 20 mph in order to get there by June 9th putting in 10 hours of driving a day.  Here's hoping to catch a ride. Any ride is ok, planes, trains, automobiles. 
    I see we are up to 16 people. Fantastic.......... Which one of you is going to be my ****** caddy? 

  20. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Golfspy_CG2 in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    I saw your registration come through.  Love that you’re making it!! 
  21. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to EasyPutter in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    Oops I did a thing and it is all @Tom the Golf Nut's fault LOL 
    Put me down as number 16
  22. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy BOS in Announcing 2023 My Golf Spy Outing-Pinehurst Area   
    Figured it was worth one more try to peer pressure you. Haha
  23. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Center of Gravity vs Center of Mass   
    That is interesting thanks for the info @cnosil
  24. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from silver & black in 2022 MGS Forum Member/Thread Awards   
    When it’s cold and you can’t golf or when I’m hurt I can always make y’all hungry lol. Stu your Otto flex thread has been constant 
  25. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from tony@CIC in Enter To Win a 2018 Odyssey O-Works Putter   
    47 notifications about likes from this thread alone dang Chuck
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