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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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    srooch2 reacted to TSauer in L.A.B. Putters - 2023 Forum Review   
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    srooch2 got a reaction from Syks7 in L.A.B. Putters - 2023 Forum Review   
    THE Mcgolf?!?! Haha I didn’t know you were on this app, I follow your videos. Cheers
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    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy SAM in L.A.B. Putters - 2023 Forum Review   
    THE Mcgolf?!?! Haha I didn’t know you were on this app, I follow your videos. Cheers
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    srooch2 reacted to TSauer in L.A.B. Putters - 2023 Forum Review   
    Hello friends, and welcome to a review unlike any other (in my best Jim Nantz voice). My name is Tyler Sauer and I hail from a small mid-western town known as Belle, Missouri. I am a 32 year golf junkie that was introduced to the game back in 2015. Spoiler alert, I’ve been addicted ever since. I have been married to my lovely wife for 3 years and we have a 19 month old that keeps us on our toes each and every day. When I was younger, I was dedicated to basketball and nothing else. In fact, golf was never something that interested me. If you would have told me in my early twenties that I’d be this hooked on the game, I would have called you crazy. I joined MGS back in 2016, but I’ve been on a slight hiatus the past couple of years simply due to being busy with our little one and of course the whole winter thing that tends to roll around every eight months or so and forces me to put golf on the back burner. I’m only slightly envious of y’all that get year-round golf weather. Anyway, I’m back baby! Happy to see everyone and excited to interact with all the newcomers I’ve missed during my hibernation.
    My hometown course is just a few minutes from my house, and since I work remote, it tends to soak up my lunch hour most days. It’s a relatively short 9-hole track with a couple holes that can really cause some trouble. Ask me how I know. I consider myself a pretty casual golfer, I try to get in 2-3 rounds a week along with some practice time squeezed in there somewhere. If you had to distribute skill points as if you were creating my character, it would look as follows: 

    My putting is usually the one thing that remains pretty steady throughout the season. I would consider myself a good reader of the greens, but I still tend to have those slight misses on either side of the cup. Could that be the putter to blame? Could it be that maybe I’m not as good at reading as I thought? Well, that’s what we’re about to find out. L.A.B. has been in the lab creating something special, claiming you only need the correct line, good speed, and your natural stroke to sink more putts. No longer will you need to worry about returning a square face, as their tech should make it effortless to do so. I plan to put those claims to the test in a 1v1 battle where my Newport 2 squares up against the Link. The plan is to continue what I'm doing now, and that's playing lots of golf, all while paying more close attention to putting stats like SGP as well as recording distances and missed putt data. 
    I am truly excited for this heavyweight bout, especially since I’ve never gamed a center shafted putter. And, since we’re on a bit of a scientific showdown I want to leave you all with my hypothesis…
    IF the Link.1 face remains square throughout my stroke, THEN I will drop more putts and make the L.A.B. putter my primary, BECAUSE we all love one putts.  
    (Bonus shot of my local course that I took with my drone)


    I want to give a quick overview of the fitting experience I had with Sam. To begin with, L.A.B. offers remote fittings if you’re not able to make it to one of the locations that is able to fit you in person. Personally, I think that’s pretty rad! In order to complete the remote fitting, just throw on your golf shoes, record a DTL clip of you putting, and send it in. Of course there are a few other specifics, but that’s the gist of it. After the Facetime with Sam, I slipped on my kicks, busted out the tripod, and sank an imaginary 40 footer… a few times. Normally, you would email the video in and they would analyze it and get back with you. In this case, Sam wanted the video sent directly to him so we could expedite the process. Pretty cool… right?
    After sending him the goods, he had a couple of concerns and wanted me to adjust some things. Unbeknownst to me, I was pretty crammed up and my sight line was a little far over the ball. I currently play a 36” putter, but luckily I had a 37” one lying around, as that’s what he wanted me to try out. Back to the tripod we went, relaxed the posture, and focused on keeping the sight line a little inside the hosel. Sam liked the second rendition much better… Now we’re cooking! He gave me the deets on what options he suggested and we rolled with it (ba dum tss). After recording both fittings, I took a look at things and put the images side by side, which made it pretty apparent that I was indeed a little crammed and in an extremely poor position. 
    Of course, getting fit by the CEO of the company you’re getting the putter from is an awesome story. But, what made it extra special was Sam’s passion about the whole experience. He wanted to make sure he was doing everything he could to assure I am going to have the best possible outcome… which is just grand!
    I will leave the custom details a mystery for now, at least until the unboxing. That way we're all waiting on the UPS man!
    If you would like to look at some early testing data, click the link below. This is still a work in progress and there will be more results posted later once I can get around to finishing those tests up!
    >>> LET'S TALK NUMBERS <<<

    First Impressions (19.5/20)
    When you think of L.A.B. Golf, what comes to mind? Do you think less strokes at the cost of looks or is it hard to even see beyond the unorthodox design that is the Mezz or DF2.1? Before testing opened, I was aware of LAB as there are a few YouTube golfers I watch religiously that play both of those aforementioned models. So, I was already intrigued. But, what really grabbed my attention was their new Link.1 model, which mimics that of a blade. Now, there are some differences there with the center shafted head and the visible weights, but I think those things give it that LAB touch and I’m able to see past it for the most part. I thought getting used to looking down at a center shafted putter would take some time, but I adjusted pretty quickly. It really does feel like hitting your traditional blade putter. I love the laser etching of the logos and the sight line, I have never seen this done before, and it is an awesome touch! There are some slight imperfections/fuzziness on the logos, which I’m assuming comes with the laser method. You can only see that if you get REALLY up close and personal, but to the naked eye you will never even notice it.
    Another nice touch is the color. It may go unnoticed by most, but  when you sit it next to what I would say is the normal or most common finish, you can see the difference. It has a slightly darker, brownish tint and no glare. Nothing crazy, but something I like.

    If I had to choose one thing to gripe about with the Link, and this is a very, very nitpicky gripe, it would be the toe weights. I think it’s more of an OCD uniformity thing than anything else. Aside from that small complaint, the Link pleases my eye very much. I do like that it is a little different than most and tends to spark some putter talk with a lot of the people I play with.

    Speaking of the weights, they aren’t just for show. We know that putters twist during your stroke, and in order to sink putts you need to make sure that face is square at impact so you can hit your line. That is where these weights and the LAB tech come into play, claiming to reduce putter torque (face rotation) and more consistently deliver a square face at impact, no matter how slow or fast your putter stroke is. That’s where the magic is! Imagine removing that factor from putting, now all you need to focus on is your line and pace. To visualize this a little more, give this short video a watch: Why Putting Is So Hard

    I will be putting the Link up against my two most used putters, an Evnroll ER2 and a Newport 2. I have been using the Newport 2 most recently, but have been in between the two for the past year I would say. Unfortunately, I do not have any prior stats of either of them, but will be performing several tests to gather some numbers and determine which of the three will come out on top.
    The Numbers (40/40)
    To start with, I wanted to put the first claim to the test. Does the LAB truly reduce torque and help my face remain constant through impact? I tested indoors on a BirdieBall putting mat at distances of 3’, 5’, 8’, and 10’. I used a laser to make sure I was lined up correctly each time that way all I would need to do is hit my line. If I could keep my face square, then I should not have any issues with making these pretty straightforward putts. I rolled 100 balls with each putter and spaced the testing out over a couple of weeks. 

    As you can tell, the Link was the clear winner here, with the Newport finishing last. The first couple distances were pretty simple putts, there was no break and all I needed to do was hit my line. Of those few I missed, I can safely say it was due to face issues. When it got to the longer putts at 8’ and 10’, there was a slight right to left break, so not only did I need to hit my line but I needed to make sure my pace was good as well. My BirdieBall is fairly quick compared to what I normally play on, so the main issue I had at first was hitting it too firm, but I was able to adjust on the later sessions. From this, I gathered that maybe I wasn’t as good of a putter as I thought I was. Maybe I have an issue with hitting my line and there’s a possibility for improvement.
    Next up, I wanted to test out the longer putts from around 30’. There are days when my short game isn’t the best (more often than not) and lag putts are essential. So, I headed out to the course and tested proximity to the hole. I did those over multiple different greens with varying slopes and breaks to get the best results.

    The hardest part of this test was getting used to the Link. I did play a few rounds before getting to this test, because I struggled with distance control. A lot of times I was coming up way short, which isn’t a typical miss for me. I believe the weight of the Link played a role in this, as it is a little heavier than what I am used to. But, as you can see, after getting the hang of its stroke and characteristics, it outperformed the others significantly. A whopping 52% difference!!
    Aerial shot of my proximity test. Various shots from around the green from 30 feet.

    On The Course (9/10)
    When we take focus off the specific test and just look at using the Link during a normal round, it’s been amazing. Not only have I gained confidence in the putts inside the 10’ range, but my chances of making those longer putts have significantly increased. Before, when the putt was beyond 15’ or 20’ I felt like I was just making the stroke and hoping for some good luck that it ended up semi close to the hole, so I could tap it in. Now, there is a real possibility of me making these putts without any luck.
    I know it may sound odd to say, but it seems impossible to miss your line. I played quite a few scramble rounds over the past couple of months and I made sure to putt last or second to last just so I could get a read. It is almost unreal how many long putts were made. You may have read it in a previous comment, but there has been much praise from my golfing partners ever since I put the Link in the bag.
    There are times here and there where I struggle with distance control, but I believe that will come in time. As I mentioned, I was using the Evnroll and Scotty for a while and you saw what those proximity numbers looked like. I think a couple more months with the Link and that statistic may look even better.
    The Good, The Bad, The In Between (19.5/20)
    There are a lot of good things to talk about, but the first and most important thing is the free online fitting. The nearest PGA Tour Superstore for me is just over 5 hours away. There is a Golf Galaxy a little over an hour away, but from what I saw, they do not carry LAB putters. So, the ability to send a video into LAB to dissect your setup and fit you remotely is huge. They want to make sure the putter is fit perfectly for you!
    Another good thing, and I cannot say this enough, is the headcover quality is out of this world. When you buy a premium putter, you expect a premium headcover. A lot of times that part gets overlooked or the companies just don’t care enough. LAB is different. From the magnetic closure to the stitching to the soft, pillowy inside… It's absolutely phenomenal. If I ever lose or damage mine, I’m buying another one directly from LAB.

    One thing that may get frustrating to some is those who want to make grip adjustments to their Link. We know that changing the grip can throw off the swing weight on any club, but it also throws off the balancing ever so slightly on the LAB putters. So, if you are making a drastic change, it would be best to send it in to have it rebalanced. However, this is something that comes with purchasing a putter that is fit and balanced specifically for you.
    I love that the Link is the same, but different. It’s a blade, but it’s a LAB blade. It has those touches that set it apart just enough to pique the interest of others.
    One final thing, another good, is that you can always reach out to LAB with questions or concerns and Sam (CEO) or another member of his team will be happy to assist. Customer service is huge and I think LAB is right there at the top!
    Play It or Trade It? (10/10)
    Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, I will be playing this. My other putters are already nestled up inside on the rack, just waiting to gather dust. There is not much else to say here, I don’t see any reason to switch back to putters I’ve used in the past. Unless, I want to sandbag the front 9 and pull out the Link at the turn.
    Closing Thoughts…
    If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma the yips, I cannot urge you enough to give one of the putters from the LAB lineup a chance. I know you may find them a little bulky, somewhat alien-like, or just different… But, I think you will surprise yourself. I, for one, did not think my putting could improve without lots of practice sessions or maybe even a couple of lessons. However, I am already shaving strokes off of my game by doing neither of those things. There may be a small period early on where you may have some rough patches for a couple of rounds, but I guarantee once you and the new putter work things out, the relationship is going to be smooth sailing.
    **Disclaimer, I have developed these weird habits since using the Link.1:

  5. Love
    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy_APH in L.A.B. Putters - 2023 Forum Review   
    THE Mcgolf?!?! Haha I didn’t know you were on this app, I follow your videos. Cheers
  6. Like
    srooch2 reacted to sirchunksalot in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    I can't wait to start seeing these irons in your hands. Hopefully you all won't go crazy waiting for them to arrive. I know I go full stalker when I have a package on the way. I'm checking the app every 5 minutes and tracking where they're at on the map. 
    I don't remember if FedEx does it, but I know UPS has a follow the truck map and I'm like watching it progress on there. 
    What I'm really looking forward to is you all getting them on the range and the course to see how well they perform. 
  7. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy_KFT in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    I was just in Colorado and stayed very close to edel. I considered going there but didn’t have any time. I’m very interested in this test to hear some feedback on these. 
  8. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy_SHARK in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    I was just in Colorado and stayed very close to edel. I considered going there but didn’t have any time. I’m very interested in this test to hear some feedback on these. 
  9. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy AFG in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    I was just in Colorado and stayed very close to edel. I considered going there but didn’t have any time. I’m very interested in this test to hear some feedback on these. 
  10. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    I was just in Colorado and stayed very close to edel. I considered going there but didn’t have any time. I’m very interested in this test to hear some feedback on these. 
  11. Like
    srooch2 reacted to knotthead17 in Heading to Denver next week   
    Ahh okay. Yeah it's still early season so the course will come much more than it is now. Glad you at least go to check it out. You can walk 9 holes for $20! That's very cheap for Colorado golf 
  12. Like
    srooch2 reacted to knotthead17 in Heading to Denver next week   
    If you're staying near downtown, I would say walk nine holes at City Park Golf Course. They just rebuilt it and it's kind of fun. Nothing fancy, but has good views of the city and is close. If you're looking for 18 holes at a little nicer course I would say maybe Green Valley Ranch Golf or Fossil Trace right now? 
  13. Like
    srooch2 reacted to Kenny B in Welcome back to me   
    Welcome back and glad you are able to keep playing this game!!  
  14. Like
    srooch2 reacted to GolfSpy_APH in Welcome back to me   
    Welcome back!! 
  15. Like
    srooch2 reacted to Triple_Putt in Welcome back to me   
    Welcome back and stay healthy!
  16. Like
    srooch2 reacted to ZackS in Welcome back to me   
    I am new here and similarly getting back into the game. Barely played for a few years then had shoulder surgery and didn’t play at all for a year and after that. But back injury is worse. Glad you are able to pop get back after that. 
  17. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Congratulations and can’t wait to follow this one
  18. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy_BOS in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Congratulations and can’t wait to follow this one
  19. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy AFG in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Congratulations and can’t wait to follow this one
  20. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from ejgaudette in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Congratulations and can’t wait to follow this one
  21. Like
    srooch2 reacted to GolfSpy_BOS in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Congratulations to our 4 Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons Testers!!!

    Testing a Combo Set of the SMS and SMS Pro Irons:
    @Getoffmylawn & @ejgaudette
    Testing the SMS Irons:
    @ChitownM2 & first time tester @Triple_Putt
    Also joining in the fun and testing out the SMS Pro irons:
    We are very excited to get this test underway and know we have an excellent well represented group here if you're interested to see how the SMS or SMS Pro irons might work for you!  Click that follow button to make sure you don't miss out on any of the great content this group will produce!
    Happy Testing!
  22. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from Triple_Putt in Welcome back to me   
    Hey hey hey!! I’m happy to be back to mgs and the game of golf. I used to be a pretty active member approximately 5 years ago until I had a very bad back injury that took me out, I had to leave my job and quit the game. I’m happy to be feeling great and playing again. Look forward to chatting to fellow golf lovers and equipment junkies. I’m located in SW Missouri, around Springfield if any spies are close and ever wanna play. Cheers
    ping g410 lst 10.5* w/ping tour 65 stiff
    nike sq II 3 & 5 wood w/aldila rip phenom x flex
    Adams mb2 irons w/ nippon modus 120s
    nike wedge 56/14 (I’ve tried to get replace this club and can’t for the life of me!)
    My bag is anxiously waiting to get updated
  23. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from ZackS in Welcome back to me   
    Hey hey hey!! I’m happy to be back to mgs and the game of golf. I used to be a pretty active member approximately 5 years ago until I had a very bad back injury that took me out, I had to leave my job and quit the game. I’m happy to be feeling great and playing again. Look forward to chatting to fellow golf lovers and equipment junkies. I’m located in SW Missouri, around Springfield if any spies are close and ever wanna play. Cheers
    ping g410 lst 10.5* w/ping tour 65 stiff
    nike sq II 3 & 5 wood w/aldila rip phenom x flex
    Adams mb2 irons w/ nippon modus 120s
    nike wedge 56/14 (I’ve tried to get replace this club and can’t for the life of me!)
    My bag is anxiously waiting to get updated
  24. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from Lee Stanek in Welcome back to me   
    Hey hey hey!! I’m happy to be back to mgs and the game of golf. I used to be a pretty active member approximately 5 years ago until I had a very bad back injury that took me out, I had to leave my job and quit the game. I’m happy to be feeling great and playing again. Look forward to chatting to fellow golf lovers and equipment junkies. I’m located in SW Missouri, around Springfield if any spies are close and ever wanna play. Cheers
    ping g410 lst 10.5* w/ping tour 65 stiff
    nike sq II 3 & 5 wood w/aldila rip phenom x flex
    Adams mb2 irons w/ nippon modus 120s
    nike wedge 56/14 (I’ve tried to get replace this club and can’t for the life of me!)
    My bag is anxiously waiting to get updated
  25. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from GolfSpy TCB in Welcome back to me   
    Hey hey hey!! I’m happy to be back to mgs and the game of golf. I used to be a pretty active member approximately 5 years ago until I had a very bad back injury that took me out, I had to leave my job and quit the game. I’m happy to be feeling great and playing again. Look forward to chatting to fellow golf lovers and equipment junkies. I’m located in SW Missouri, around Springfield if any spies are close and ever wanna play. Cheers
    ping g410 lst 10.5* w/ping tour 65 stiff
    nike sq II 3 & 5 wood w/aldila rip phenom x flex
    Adams mb2 irons w/ nippon modus 120s
    nike wedge 56/14 (I’ve tried to get replace this club and can’t for the life of me!)
    My bag is anxiously waiting to get updated
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