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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. I'll post some photos likely tomorrow sometime, however will do my best to explain. I purchased some Ping ie1 irons off the local buy and sell. They were super cheap. 4-UW for $80. I don't intend to put them in play often, but these irons have a soft spot for me as I've scored my best ever round using them. The photos in the ad looked okay, worn, but okay. I even thought well if the heads are great I'll pull the shafts from them and maybe use them in a set of heads I may get down the road. So get home from my trip and the box is there and open it up and the heads are in great shape compared to the shafts. There are spots of rust all over them, stickers are pretty scratched as well. The shafts are the nippon 105 S which is one I've always enjoyed using... again part or big reason why I wanted these. Grips are in good shape too surprisingly. Again I know I need photos to help, but having little experience with shafts that are in this condition what are your thoughts? Should they just be pulled and tossed? Can it be cleaned up (I was thinking some steelwool and well wd40 as its what we do with our blades at work for rust.) It doesn't look as though it is large patches, just spots here and there speckled all around the shafts. I honestly don't even know how this could happen other then true neglect. As disappointed as I am I'm not, again the likelihood of me playing these was slim, but at the very least I still want to clean them up and have them as a good backup set or travel set.
  2. I don't miss these early morning flights. Was a rough wake up at 4:00 foe the 4:30 Shuttle. However back home!
  3. I am 6 foot and play 35. It is just a comfort thing for me... or I have short arms?
  4. I don't have either so they both must be awfully difficult! haha
  5. That's exciting. I'm hoping for a few surprises this season with some performers.
  6. Cant say i have. Altho i am looking at getting one!
  7. I'll most definitely be adding to this thread!
  8. We have an arccos users Group which could be useful for you. https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/46018-arccos-user-group/page/12/#comment-875938 However for me anytime I've had issues like that it's because the sensors are old or done. I've simply contacted arccos and they have sent out new ones.
  9. Why can't something that is said by any OEM have an impact on one golfer vs another? Isn't that part of getting fit and testing? Of course if we add up all the claims as a whole the sum does not equal out. However OEMs have gotten better at saying expect to see 1 or 2 mph ball speed here and there. In addition when they talk about speed gains or distance gains it's normally centered around off center strikes. Anyway, everyone allowed to have your opinion(s) as well as thoughts. I'm glad we see MGS and all others go out and test and write about the new kit so it can better help my buying decisions. I enjoy reading about the new advances companies are trying to make and appreciate all the work that goes into club Design and more. The marketing side will be what it is. After all it is a business and they want/need to sell clubs. Often not their fault golfers are obsessed with distance vs accuracy so good on them for targeting what we will buy into. After all any increase is still a increase.
  10. If ping can recapture some of that g400 series magic it will be epically good.
  11. I would say most OEM claims are partial truths. They are and can be true for some golfers vs others. Consumer knowledge is also higher i would argue (thank you mgs) and most don't go in to a new driver from the previous years expecting 15-20 more yard. The point of testing and trying the equipment is to inform the consumer and tell a story about what they have found to be true with the product. Oems want the clubs in the hands of mgs as well as other outlets to get hype about the products which will help sell more.
  12. Really wanted to make this work, but with Baby 2 coming just not going to happen. However I expect to hear lots of stories and see lots of photos.
  13. Will be interesting to see what responses are. Kinda sad to see it happening and there must be a way for them to stop it for good.
  14. I've noticed this trend with several youtube channels and sm platforms teasing the new equipment and blurring out the new stuff in videos. I get that many have had early access and it is part of building hype, however there are a ton of leaks out there if someone really wants to find them. Personally I am more than fine with waiting to see them when the OEM's are ready. I would be surprised if there was any true game breaking tech that comes out. It seems like it will be another year or growth on current tech vs introduction of any crazy new tech. I'll be happy to be proven wrong and although I am always excited to see the new equipment I have to wait and test when they come to stores. Plus the chances of me dropping full launch price on a new driver or set of irons is slim.
  15. I would really like to see these in person although I don't think that will be possible for me. So therefore I have to rely on you all to take super impressive photos and do some accurate reporting and comparisons to inform my decision on these.
  16. A shout out to @Tony Covey MGS on his Birthday for all the work done in the Ball Lab series that has brought stupidly valuable information to millions of golfers. Seems suitable that we do a Gratuitous Photo Thread in Ball Lab form as he was also the one that originally started these! Enjoy your Friday and stay tuned for more of these threads as embargos lift on new upcoming products!
  17. Well as most know I have been in Finland for the last couple weeks and when I got here it was cold, but not too cold. Since then though it has been freaking cold! -15 most days which is what 10F? Maybe colder. Then we have also got record snow falls. It has made it quite pretty and truthfully it is dream weather for the event we are doing as it is helping conditions stabalize inside for the championship, but its just so cold I don't want to have to walk to my room or food because I get that chill and being in an arena is so hard to shake. Looking forward to getting back to Switzerland where it is still cold, but not to these extents!
  18. Second this, altho my thoughts would be adding a could pro to pair with my 659 set
  19. Unfortunately this test is from last year and testers have been announced as well as reviews completed! Feel free to do your own unofficial review or read the ones that have already been done as well as check out the forum every so often for other new opportunities!
  20. Very much looking forward to getting home and testing some more clubs. Haven't swung a club in a while and it's really getting to me!
  21. That's interesting... I do really want to get something.
  22. Even if they get through a full season next year which I expect they will and future seasons, it will always be a risk of the plug being pulled and it just being left completely.
  23. They offer a ton of different options for shafts. What is it that you generally use or need?
  24. Apparently this is what I am getting for Christmas although i don't know what as of yet. Either way I am excited to see! I have Footjoy right now, but may look at sketchers next if I had the choice.
  25. saw this comment in my feed legit thought it was spam... lol
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