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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. Two things are on my list at the moment- One I saw a leak of new ping i59 irons I believe and well my jaw hit the floor. So nice and can't wait for a proper update. Second is a driver, I have my Epic Flash Sub Zero which is good and has worked well, but I am ready for a update and when the new ones come here for fit carts I will be sure to go in and see whats going to be best. Till then just keep waiting!
  2. As mentioned both have their pros and cons. Best ball is definitely more forgiving and rewards the best overall team, certainly less "luck" involved and having multiple chances at players scoring. Start sit simply requires more attention and well luck with picking the right players and not leaving someone big on your bench. I go between both formats and kinda lean towards start sit for the managing aspect of it. That being said with such a large league having best ball is probably the best format for a longer season with so many players. Will this season align with the tour championships again? If so running back a similar format would be great.
  3. I'm ready to go back to back! Ready to take on the best!
  4. Apparently I haven't needed to buy golf balls in a while! Project (a) was a good line that I enjoyed. Will maybe give the tour response a try next season when I run out of my srixons.
  5. Project S going thr same route? Good news is we may be able to find good deals on them!
  6. Maybe the biggest of long shots, but assuming Merc keeps Bottas and there being some question about Hamilton coming back, could Lewis take a season away allowing Russell to take a seat at Merc, then following the end of Bottas contract Hamilton jumping back in to join Russell following the end of Bottas' term at Mercedes. I know likelihood is next to zero, but just maybe.
  7. Also just announced George Russell will replace Lewis this weekend and Jack Aitken will step into Russell's seat at Williams. Quite a interesting development and I know Williams is a feeder program for Mercedes or they have a partnership, but still taking their top driver away is interesting. Also likely means that Russell's streak of out qualifying teammates will likely come to a run at 36.
  8. So happy to see this thread, yes we are a golf forum but we are more a community in my eyes so this is perfect. I am a new convert to F1, but much like golf I have caught the bug after listening to the Trap Draw podcast and then watching drive to survive and I was hooked. Even with this downtime with Covid I bought a wheel and made a setup for F1 2020 for PS4 and have been loving it! It is an incredible sport and last weeks race was a little beyond words, RG's crash was terrifying and was so happy to see him be okay. Incredible that within 18 seconds he was out and safe, however must have felt like a lifetime. It would have been great to see Perez finish on a podium even though he isn't quite my favorite still hard to see. Also wish there were a few more laps as it would have been great to see Lewis fend of Verstappen with fresher tyres which was what he was worried about a few laps earlier! Any predictions on the final few seats? Who is everyones favorite team? Looking forward to this weekends race, sucks no Lewis, but could make for a more exciting finish?
  9. Welcome! Nice to see some others close by (relatively speaking) i can see a German/Swiss MGS Spy get-together when the world settles!
  10. Welcome from Switzerland! When the world gets back to normal if you are ever in the Zurich area send a message and we can go for a round! I will surely do the same if I am up your way!
  11. Sorry to hear that you had those issues. Just had a few questions with follow up as having gone through the protocols as a tester and someone who has had back issues before (mainly from work) did not find that to be the case. Did you do the recommended stretches and warm up before each session? Also were you doing more then 3 times a week? Obviously a single product may not be for everyone, but as this has been highly popular and proven to show man benefits for lots it would be good to learn more of your experience to pass along to others. I am also sure superspeed would be interested in knowing more specifics as they are extremely helpful on the forum and with other cs. Again thanks for sharing and hope to hear more!
  12. I had to move mine a little more inside (closer to my stance and still however far back) to get it to match up with the SwingRadar. It took a bit of time and the first few times I though I was going to come close to the PRGR but after video I had lots or room to spare. It was also propped up on the box, I'll try and get some videos or photos of the setup this weekend to post. Keep in mind I am a lefty so it may just like those swings more haha
  13. For me the stretches and warmup helped a lot with the my flexibility overall so i would say yes it increased for me.
  14. I am going to redo the top end of my bag (Driver and 3 wood) and I could likely go into a heavier shaft in my irons, but right now everything still works well so that will stay. Thankfully my 2 and 4 iron have actually improved with the speed so they defintely stay!
  15. I haven't seen 10mph, but again the setup or placement of the PRGR is very important. It took me a bit, but I did find a spot where the numbers were very similar and often within a mph. They do read different the odd time here and there, but they are placed in very different spots as well so depending on the your swing path that can make sense.
  16. I believe I went over this a bit in my review, however I will gladly go over my findings here, because I started my program with the swing speed radar it is what I used as my official reference for the duration of the review and I still use it as my main one. It was great, didn't miss many swings and for the program was exactly what I wanted and needed. I did feel a bit left out and thats why I ordered the PRGR from Superspeed to see what it would be like in comparison. As far as swing speed numbers they are very similar and are often within a mph of each other. So for the sake of numbers its great, but if you only plan on using it for the training then the swing speed monitor will be more the adequate for you. I haven't used it enough with a ball to really say for sure with those features, however now that I am getting a membership somewhere I can surely tell you more soon. However more testers reviews go into that as well. I guess it depends on what you want it for, if you want those numbers then it is a great device to have and provides solid data for you to reference. It can take a bit of time to set up and may be a bit of trial and error, but I think they both are good and do the job. In the end it will more or less be again what you want to use it for! Want the extra data then get the PRGR, just using for protocols then stick with the Swing Speed Radar. Hope that helps!
  17. How I would love to have a set of these!
  18. Yes an oldy but a goodie! Ping i210 in the most wanted testing a couple years later and still not only relevant but doing very well! https://mygolfspy.com/2020-most-wanted-players-irons/
  19. Looks like Switzerland is headed for another mini lockdown and means that I think now is just as good of a time as ever to reup and fireup the Superspeed program again. Had a good break while things were picking up at work and busy, but lots of uncertainty and could be a lot more time at home again.
  20. Certainly can't hurt! @Apolloshowl for instagram.
  21. In Canada they would be available at stores such as walmart, sportchek and canadian tire. Pretty sure they are just a simply 2 piece at $16 or so a dozen
  22. It is a day earlier then expected, but for those who are needing some evening reading my review is up! Of course there will be much follow up as the program continues and expect a updated scoring on the review in the coming months when I have more rounds in! Also final note will be I am going to try and find GC quad or trackman and get a full round up of numbers then fire them off to TXG and say give me a driver since they ship worldwide and will likely be cheaper then anything I can find here in Switzerland. Thanks everyone for following along and please feel free to send any follow up if you have them. I did not post kneeling swing or step swing numbers as I figured the other data was more relevant to the review, but can go over them if so desired. Cheers!
  23. Review to drop Friday! Compiling all the data and getting some good figures for everyone.
  24. Review to drop Friday! Compiling all the data and getting some good figures for everyone.
  25. I think something I've learned through all of this is that some days are just a lot better then others. Tough to say normal or not, but there are so many factors that come into play with sleep, energy, time of day, weather or heat that there are always ups and downs. With that being said if you post a video and mention Superspeed they will often look at it and give some tips on getting a extra gear.
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