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Posts posted by STUDque

  1. Yes. And Yes. I'm on episode 4... you HAVE to pay attention.



    - A.S.


    Sent from #nothingfeelslikeamizuno dreamland...


    Just finished episode 8 and it keeps getting better and better. I love the long episodes. So much stuff happens each episode.



    Sent from carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  2. These jokers are spending more attention to the uniforms than the product on the field. I prefer pro sports for all because I want to see quality competition.



    I guess we can chalk this one up to the Oregon effect.



    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

  3. When I wash my clubs I can't do a thing with them

    Nice setup!! Clubs always feel better when their clean.



    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    Got em nice and dirty at the range yesterday. It's quite a different look seeing washed grooves. They're brighter at address.


    Not sure if it's in my head or not but the spin seemed to be WAY up. I keep my grooves clean but is it really possible that dish soap and water adds spin as well?



    Sent from carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  4. Its time to get a new lob wedge for sure. I stretched about as much life as possible out of my 2 scratch 8620 D/S lob wedges. I can't seem to find any more even on the bay.


    I wonder if any manufacturer makes one with a similar bounce and look. Bc I don't really want to change anything. I've just worn these out.

    You could try a groove sharpener to breath some life back into yours



    Sent from carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  5. Good afternoon all- does anyone have a few drills to help me stop swaying forward (lateral shift toward the left - I play right handed) on the downswing? I often end up forward of the where the golf ball was, with a block or push fade. When I concentrate and think "Stay behind the ball" I can catch it from the inside, get my little draw and a resultant good swing, but my frequent miss is that hip slide instead of a good turn...



    I had one I used for a while because I would sway a lot in both directions.


    Just hit some balls on the range with your feet together. Try it with all your clubs. It's that simple.


    I put it into my pre shot routine for a while till I finally got the feel. Now I'll just do some dry swings from time to time when I'm waiting for the group in front of me.




    Sent from carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  6. I was referenced here by another legend of MGS-lore and this might be the greatest intro in the history of the interwebs. To think all this time I wondered what MBP stood for...and it was in front of my face all along. Welcome to the best dang forum on the nets, MBP!Ghjkl.JPG

    That's funny because I kept seeing the account Mrs. Manbearpig and thought it was funny that I could find a Mr. Manbearpig.





    Sent from carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  7. 1. Don't care

    2. Don't care

    3. Don't care

    4. Don't care

    5. Don't care


    Be proud of shooting a good score no matter what the conditions were. It's hard to break milestones and you've got to ease your way into it. There's a reason the college 3-point line is shorter and little league plays on smaller fields. If you can manage a course at 5100 yards, you can develop the principles to manage it at 6100 and 7100 once your swing fundamentals catch up.


    Great work! Keep it up!



    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

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