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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Posts posted by STUDque

  1. Very entertaining today to say the least. I had one stretch with three doubles in a row and another one with seven pars in a row. The three doubles in a row were all contributed by snap hooks. The good thing is I'm close to eliminating the frigging ducks. ;)


    43 + 40 =83


    But at least those putts are rolling in like butter right?




    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  2. I used to get all psyched up for rounds that were important to me and take great care to make sure my personal hygiene was handled to a tee with my freshest clothes. I think I was taking it too serious because I never really played that well.


    Now my superstition is to not try that hard. Seriously. I make it a point to just wear casual clothes and tuck in the shirt sometimes and just.... You know..... Whatever. No sweat just playing some golf brah.



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  3. Actually, I don't believe in the superstitious mumbo jumbo stuffs on the course, as long as I have only the same size white tees in my right pocket and same number on the ball on my left and occasional flip the my Oakley upside down when putting uphill.

    So you're a simple man huh? Easy peasy



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  4. Practiced putting for a whole hour today. Wanted to get my stroke feeling good in case I get chosen for a certain....thing.


    After a general warm-up, focused on one hand putts, different gate drills, lefty cleanup, and finished with lag-n-makes. Unfortunately I had more 3 putts than I would like.



    side note: I used impact tape the whole time. What's the point? You don't swing a putter hard enough for it to make a mark.



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  5. A Reverend skips church to play golf. He comes to a par 4. Hits his ball wide right.


    An eagle comes down, picks up his ball and drops it in the water. A fish spits the ball forward. A squirrel grabs the ball and drops it as he crosses the green on the way to his tree. A gust of wind blows the ball near the hole to the edge of the cup. Just then, a bolt of lightning shakes the earth and sky and the ball goes in for a hole in one.


    Watching all this transpire, Jesus looks at God and says "How could you let that happen??? He skipped church!" God replies "Who's he gonna tell?"



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  6. I'll turn it down if I have to, but I'm firmly in the music is good camp. At any given time we will have at least 3 speakers going in a round. Yes they are probably too loud, yes 3 songs going can get weird but we don't really care.


    I'll turn it down if we come up on a group but otherwise I want to hear the music. Make golf fun, play music, drink a beer or 6. Shoot the s*** with your buddies. It's a game and it's time away from the kids to hang out with my buddies. I'm going to enjoy it.

    True. But different people definitely enjoy golf in different ways. I'd have a hard time concentrating (and thus enjoying it) with that much commotion going on. One song and a beer would be my limit.



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  7. This is one review I'm anxiously waiting on. It wasn't long ago I went and demo'ed the Epic with my intentions set on buying it that day. However, I really had a problem hitting it consistently that day. I think it was due to a couple of factors. The first being I just wasn't hitting the ball well then and the second was the guy that was "fitting" me for it. He's a friend of mine that owns the local golf shop and I think he was more interested in trying to get me to buy it than actually give me the right club for my swing. He was giving me a regular flex and I've never hit a regular flex before. Then he was changing the settings on the head to something I've never used before because according to him, that's what I needed to be hitting. I walked away not buying it, but to this day, I still want it pretty badly.


    Ah that sounds like it was painful to walk away.



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  8. Stage 2 is up guys! https://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/20071-official-forum-member-review-ping-i200-irons/?p=301216


    I am cobbling together a video which I will add ASAP!

    Well it's about time!!!!!



    Just kidding. Great review! I've never heard of the Hogans either and it was interesting to hear the comparison. It's funny that the fun-to-play factor mattered more to you than raw scoring.





    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  9. My practice area really isn't all that great. But the range tee box is 60 yards wide. I pace off the yards and use a range bucket as my target.


    Every once and a while I go to to the other course theirs an actual practice area, but it's full of A-Holes, so I try to avoid them at all costs. It's always full.



    - Alan

    So you've gotta hope the range is totally empty? You ever hit it in the bucket?



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  10. The Bionic one I just picked up has the black palm, and I like it. It won't wear (or look wore) as fast. I will definitely shoot for those styles from now on.

    Relaxed grip? I love those. Been using the same one since mid season last year and I never switch during the round.


    It feels really weird to go back to a normal glove after using those too.



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  11. I tested C2 and D2 on the range before playing. D2 felt great so I took it to the course. After piping the first tee shot 315, I was sure I made the right choice. The middle 5 holes don't require driver but on 7,8, and 9 I snap hooked the tee shots something terrible.


    I feel like I'm getting into the right neighborhood as the upright lie felt good so maybe I'll give B2 and C3 a shot next time.



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  12. Just went out for 9 today. We figured we'd play from the tips for once to get a different look at the course even though it was quite windy out. I tell you what, that was extremely enjoyable because you really had to attack the course in a totally new way. The sight lines for our course are basically the same from white to blue but are drastically different from blue to gold.


    So to the score: I was 2 under after 4 and the swing felt great. I texted my wife at this point to see if I could stay for 18 and try to break 80 for the first time. Of course the wheels fell off once she vetoed me (mother in law's birthday party) and I had to kick the scramble game into high gear just to finish with a +3 39.



    Until next time!



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  13. IMG_4475.JPG


    For those that have or used to have Titleist drivers, what setting did you use and how'd you get there?


    I'm still trying to find my sweet spot and would love to hear from those who properly tuned theirs as to what extra things I should be looking for to identify my correct fitting.



    Here's a link to how far I've gotten thus far:


    915-D3 Settings with Shot Trace




    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  14. Hitting live pitching once every five or six days in a game situation is not easy. At that level you need reps and a lot of them. When I got to the collegiate level I stayed on the mound for that exact reason and pinch hit once or twice a week and played about five games a season in the field. I was all world in the cage during BP and hit about .200 in game situations.



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    Yup. Whole different ball game when the pitcher is actually trying to get you out lol.



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

  15. All valid points. I know the game has changed a lot in recent years, just like pro golf. I remember watching baseball when I was a kid, and sure many pitchers were easy outs, but there were always a few who could actually hit pretty well, and bunt better.

    There's still a few that can hit but we're talking 2-3 pitchers out of the whole league. Micah Owings comes to mind as someone who was a good hitting pitcher. He actually made the switch to full time outfielder.


    Bunting is no easy task either. That takes a bunch of practice by itself.



    Sent by carrier pigeon using MyGolfSpy

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