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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Posts posted by PeterHenric

  1. 4 hours ago, Owengeorge13 said:

    Not a bad week to live in Vegas.  How’s traffic going?  Are you making it to one of the rounds?

    Sadly no. I had planned to go to the final round with some friends on Saturday but a family event came up so I had to go to Utah for the weekend.

    Traffic will probably be crazy but fortunately wont have to deal with it.

  2. I live in Vegas and have played LVCC many times so it is cool to watch these guys decimate this course. Turned a par 72 into a par 70 like it’s no big deal. They also reworked the hole numbering for some reason. They are playing hole 1 as 10 and vice versa. Not sure what the reasoning was for that. 
    I do love that some of the players are getting punished by the trees lining the fairways. They are brutal if you get off line. It is impressive to see how well they play the course.

  3. Couldn’t wait until my round tomorrow so went out to the range and spent some time hitting some shots. Not gonna lie, I kinda dig em! Good swings are rewarded with good shots. They will be staying in the bag for a while. 

    Pitching wedge

    5 iron


    Getting used to the look of a smaller profile, it was kind of trippy seeing how big  the Ksig 60° wedge looks at address. All you can see is a wide open face.

  4. Went out and hit the 8 and 9 iron for about a half dozen shots each. I currently game some stealth irons with graphite shafts so the swing weight on these is VERY different. They feel very heavy. 
    As far as performance, they are less forgiving than my stealths. I hit exactly 1 great shot in my limited test and that ball went high, long, and straight. 😂 Went about 160 which is a bit longer than I would normally expect with my stealths. I kept missing the face and hit off the toe. Predictably, those balls went shorter and lower. Still straight though. The feel on mis-hits was worse than my stealths. Probably because of the combination of graphite shafts and a more forgiving head. Full round scheduled for Tuesday. 

  5. If they actually rolled the ball back for everyone, I could see a situation where stores like GG or PGATSS have a "conforming" balls section and a "non-conforming" balls section. Or maybe the old non-conforming balls are still sold but they have a "does not conform..." badge on the box. I personally don't give an F if a ball I am using is conforming or not as long as it seems to work for my game. I'm never going to play in a tournament, my buddies and I usually carry more than 14 clubs in our bag (in Vegas you need a couple "rock" clubs so you can still hit from the desert without damaging your nice clubs), so using an older ball that no longer conforms to new standards means nothing to me.

    If they decided to not continue to sell non-conforming balls, I guarantee that there will be a run on the stores in the year(s) leading up to the rule change by people trying to stock up on balls before they go out stock. Think of the ammo shortage when Obama first got into office. Guys were buying anything/everything for years because they were afraid it would eventually be hard/impossible to get. It would probably be the same with these golf balls.

  6. @Javs Probably 80% mental. I can chip well but I don’t think I take the proper time to take a few practice motions. I walk up thinking “this will be easy, just nice and easy” then I blade it across the green. When I take the time to practice the motion, it usually goes better. I’m usually not wanting to take the time to practice the motion. I hate slow play so much that I end up causing slow play from hitting too many shots because I didn’t practice. 😔 It’s a vicious circle.

  7. 59 minutes ago, fixyurdivot said:

    Interesting info, thanks for sharing.  I know this sounds crazy but I simply cannot get past the "Kirkland" logo.  I've managed to do so on my gloves... but this is a bridge too far 🫣

    I’ve never understood this mindset. They look one way in the bag but when you are actually hitting them, you don’t see the logo. I’d understand if you wanted to put them on display in your office or something but in the bag, it doesn’t matter what the logo looks like.

  8. What do you or anyone else consider “growing the game”? Is it more people actually playing the sport or more people watching pros play on TV?

    IMO, there is a big disconnect from people who watch a given sport and who actually play a given sport. The fight between LIV and PGA doesn’t affect anyone from actually playing golf.  Most golfers that I know don’t ever even watch golf on TV in any aspect.
    Grow the game at home. 

  9. What do either of those tours do to really help grow the game?

    As far as I’m concerned, growing the game takes place at home. People who already love the game get their own kids involved and bring them up in the sport. People invite their friends to come play and try and get them hooked. 
    The tours have their outreach programs that do help bring new faces to the game but it’s so limited in reach. People being less judgmental and more easy going also helps grow the game. That all takes place at home.

  10. I have purchased and kept every golf product that Costco made. I actually do plan on having a top to bottom Kirkland bag just for fun. Guys like Rick Shiels could do a cool YouTube video on playing a round with only Costco gear.

    1 hour ago, customgolfcenter said:

    That's my plan, to make a full Kirkland bag if for nothing but the novelty of it. And yeah I noticed the big gap between the PW and 52 as well, but the 52 & 56 both have 10° of bounce (which is high for a 52) so they can be bent to 50/8 and 55/9 for better gapping. 


  11. For the people who are upset that Rahm went to LIV but is saying he did it to “grow the game” and stuff like that, do you expect him to put on social media that it was simply for the ridiculous amount of money? You think LIV is going to quote him in their press release “I don’t care for any of the aspects of this series but they paid me an ungodly amount of money so here I am.”

    I don’t remember what HV3 said in the PR when he signed but I’m sure it said something along the lines that Rahm and all the other guys did. It wasn’t until later when he was being interviewed by 3rd parties that he admitted it was only for the money and the time off.

    Initially Rahm did pledge fealty to the tour but it was later on when he was interviewed that he said he didn’t blame any of the guys for going and he could understand why. It wasn’t, at that time, right for him. It’s obviously the right time for him now. We will never know but if it wasn’t for what Monaghan did, maybe he wouldn’t have come over to LIV?

  12. I don’t know what time these clubs officially went on sale, but I ordered mine about an hour after this thread was started. I had been checking Costco several times a day for the entire month of November in anticipation of these. I am leaving for Hawaii on Wednesday and have a few rounds scheduled so I paid for the expedited shipping in hopes that they will be here on Tuesday and I can take them with me. Seeing how fast they went out of stock, until I get a shipping notification I will be holding my breath in hopes that I made it in before they sold out. 
    even if I don’t like the irons, I will definitely be holding onto them just for silly collectors value. Looking at the specs that are on Costco’s website it is interesting that the pitching wedge is a 45 but the Costco wedges have the gap wedge being a 52. That is a pretty big gap if someone wanted to have a Costco bag from top to bottom.

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