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Testers Wanted: Vortex Rangefinders ×


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Posts posted by PCS

  1. Any thoughts of practice in the out of doors would be quite the challenge today in Denver! This came during the overnight hours and and is forecasted to continue through the day today.

    8 PM update. 14+ inches in my part of Denver, Englewood, and still snowing. 10 more hours of Winter Storm Warning to go. 63 degrees forecast for next Wednesday! Ah, life in the mountain west!


  2. Wow. I've been fortunate to have several memories that makes it hard to say one is the greatest memory. I grew up playing the NCR South course where Ray Floyd won the 1968 PGA Championship. A really great course to learn how to play the game. I've also stood on the 1st tee and watched players coming in on 18 at St. Andrews in Scotland. But perhaps the most memorable is playing Pebble Beach in the 1980s when the greens fee was $135. Being on the course I'd only seen on TV was spectacular. And my wife got to follow along in the cart for only an additional $35!

  3. My BOAs are performing just like the first time I put them on. The comfort of the right lacing pressure from ankle to toe can't be beat. I'm not seeing any wear or breakdown of the lacing cord. I will definitely buy another pair in the future.

  4. I started as a caddy at 14 at NCR CC in Dayton, OH. Every Friday was caddy golf day and that is when I started playing. After caddying for several years I worked in the pro shop at the club; washing carts on Mondays, cleaning member clubs following their rounds, and eventually working the cash register in the pro shop. I played on my high school golf team. And I've been playing ever since, 52 years as of my current age of 66.

    I'm a BS/MS Chemical engineer by training and have been fortunate to have worked in research and development, process/project engineering, manufacturing, and engineering and contractor management.These experiences give me a broad perspective that would enable me to be a good candidate for consideration as a tester for MGS. I've also been an amateur photographer most of my life so I can capture the testing experience for our members.


  5. Not only is my pet peeve slow play, but slow play because some are totally oblivious or simply do not care that they are impacting the enjoyment of the game by others following them on the course. I find I am unable to play well because of the constant interruption of the flow of the game. I really enjoy the social aspect of the game but I even more so enjoy playing well. I suppose I should learn? how to take advantage of the extra time I am on the course, but I find my group's conversation tends toward complaining about the speed of play. And in the end, none of us play very well.

  6. A good fitter should be anything but a used car salesman. And you don't need to make an immediate decision, and probably shouldn't based on the short amount of time you are exposed to a new to you product. We live in a world where our desire for immediate gratification needs to be reined in when it comes to entering into a relationship with something you need to get to know better! Who wants to be repeatedly disappointed by decisions made without enough information.

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