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Posts posted by evershady

  1. Word in from the MRI 2 protruding discs L4L5, L5S1 and an annular tear at L4L5. Go in next Friday to see what the Dr wants to do about that.




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  2. Picked up a painful back injury. Not really sure how I did it, but about 2 weeks ago went down to Missouri to play a quick softball tournament in my brothers name . Left Friday after work came back home Sunday. Then Tuesday Wednesday had training at headquarters 1:45 away with 6 hours of training then back home. Thursday went to the course after work for league right left started getting painful made it difficult to walk got huge cramp in my right glute. Haven't been able to take more than 2 steps without a ton of pain getting worse the longer I go. Went to the dr got xray showed nothing. Got some steroids muscle relaxers and antiinflamitory. I imagine if the Palin doesn't get better after I finish the steroids in a few days it will be MRI time.


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  3. Played front 9 twice last week. 42, 37 with 4 total birdies. Hitting the ball really well putting well. Found 3 fried egg bunkers in the first round hitting a nice little draw that I'm not used to. Partial wedges shots going a little long right now too, but very happy with the start. Also both round less than 2 putts per green which has been my standard for years.


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  4. This week finally saw some weight loss. I was about 3 or four pounds down this week made it a total of about 9. Not sure much had to do with eating and exercise though. Got my 4th Personal Trainer visit. I made it through 3 full sets and did half the reps o the last set. 20 sit ups, 10 20# sandbag lift down to burpee back up to lift, 20 kettle bell swings, 10 pushup on that bosu ball, 20 leg lifts, then run up the stairs around the track and back down.


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  5. TRX is a lot more difficult than it looks.

    The rest of the stuff you're doing would probably kill me. Good job!



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    We are just doing the first strength work out and it's hard I looked at the first exercise of the 2nd workout and it's a handstand push up, I was like how is that easing into any workout,. Then the wife reminded me this was designed by Navy Seals and that is easy for them.




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  6. So today I finally had my 3rd visit with the personal trainer. Two weeks ago he had to travel and couldn't meet at normal time, then I went home to Missouri to play in the alumni basketball tournament with my brothers. We are all over 30 and outta shape so didn't fair well, 3 games over 2 days, but it was fun to play and exhausting. Last week did trx workouts at home with the wife,difficult but fun. And today I decided since I did so well down home I would play ball with some kids at the y before my trainer appointment. 15 minutes of full court( short side) 3 on 3 is rough playing high school kids with no breaks or subs. Side note if I was in shape they would have been dominated. I was doing really well in the post for the first 5 minutes. Then ran outta gas. Then went to the session. 1000 meter row in 4.5 min maybe coulda done under 4 with out b-ball, 20 lunges with 15# plate twist to each side, 20 sit ups, 20 push-ups, 40 air squats. 20 leg lifts, 20 15# curls, had to take a break after 5 to not die, then 20 30# overhead tricep extensions, finished with 20 5# side shoulder raise with slow lower, started with 10# but that was too much. I was supposed to do more than one set, but I was toast. I guess the moral is don't try to keep up with high school kids before personal trainer session. Also need to work on left leg strength, much harder to do left side on trx and could barely finish lunges today. Right leg and abs could have done 20#, or 25#.



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  7. Yup working out helps. I was eating fast food like 3 to 4 times a week for lunch. Now I've only had either subway twice or not as good form me erbs and gurb like twice. Sub was better because I got more veggies on the sandwhich. And cut out pop, I did have two cherry cokes last Friday as the wife and I had pretty long weeks so we just got pizza and the cherry coke which I added whiskey to. Other than that clean living the last month in a half. Now that I have cleared the first hurdle I can focus on sugar from the rest of the day. Although I have been avoiding treats and removed all high fructose corn syrup. I know sugar is still pretty high. Working on removing one or two things at a time.


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  8. Still working out had the 2nd of the 5 personal trainer sessions.



    3 rounds


    2 sets of stairs( up hitting each with both feet)

    15 up and overs on 18" box

    15 Sandbag/DB Burpees

    15 over the shoulders with Sandbag/Medicine Ball

    30 Leg Raises

    15 side/front lat raises with 10# plate in each hand


    This work out is quite a bit easier than the first would have been nice to start with it. I added that on stair after going up I take a lap around the track, and use the 10 pound weights on up and overs.


    Still haven't lost much weight. Will have to look into diet a little more. I gotta be honest though I thought for sure cutting out pop and fast food would have more of an effect. I also have a scale that give fat%, muscle%, water% and bone weight. Almost no change across the board. But feeling better and able to do more each time.




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  9. Today I was able to make it through 2 full sets of the circuit. I played some basketball before and after didn't have any legs after but was still able to get through. As for diet still sticking with 2 main goals no pop and no fast food. I will check weight tomorrow but not expecting much change there.




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  10. Wow what did he have you doing?

    This one was 500 meter row, 15 lunges with 15# dumbbells, 30 situps with overhead press one 15# dumbbell, 30 air squats, 20 kettlebell squat tosses, 30 leg lift from couple inches off ground to 90*, 25 pushups, 25 crunches, 30 calf raises, repeat, i was tired still sore today and have to go try and do it again.


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  11. Finally got in with the personal trainer yesterday to really get started. I have been eating better and doing small workouts but yesterday was rough. The circuit we did was supposed to be 4 set i made it through 1 and doing half on the second. But tjats what im looking for hard work


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  12. Barbajo just told me about this post. I will be joining in. I dont have a goal for masters week, but i want ro get to 220#. My wife got me some personal trainer session and that starts Thursday. We will also be switching to diet similar to what my wife had during her last pregnancy when she had gestational diabetes.


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  13. Played nine holes Thursday and Friday. Shot 42 Thursday 41 Friday with my wedges being garbage. Thursday had 3 2 chips and a 3 putt poor chip left a long putt to a tough pin. Friday had 4 wedge shots on #1. wedge dump in the water on 5, And 2 chips on 6 and 8.


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