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  1. Fire
    toehold57 got a reaction from ryan.mzzz in Arm Lock Putting Should Be Illegal   
    Let them putt with anything they want but take away the greens book.  Everyone has to become a green reader again.
    Wonder what Billy would say about that 🤔
  2. Haha
    toehold57 got a reaction from Philpug in The Still Aceless Thread   
    My younger brother has had two.  I think he’s a dork 😋
  3. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from doodlegolf in Share your experiences with singles or being a single at the course   
    I played Saturday with three older folks.  They were terrible!  Every shot was 50-100 feet, even their putts!
    They were great folks and a pleasure to hang with.  We had a good time on the course 😉
    Enjoy the game, enjoy the people you’re with even if they aren’t very lovable.  None of us have learned to walk on water yet.
  4. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Share your Shot/Hole Of The Day!   
    #7 at our local nine hole course.  Anywhere from 200-215, uphill and normally into a south wind.  Just a long par 3.
    Nailed a 5H to about 6ft and rolled her in.  First time birding this hole, I was a bit pumped 😄

  5. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    Yet another day in the 60’s here, although it was the low 60’s.  Why would that matter?  Because I rushed out of the house and didn’t pick up my quarter zip and I wore shorts today.  Chilled all day.
    Add in that the back & left wrist were stiff and sore and it doesn’t make for most fun round in the world.  But it still beats being at work!  Can I get a Amen?
    Back at Patty Jewitt again, third week in a row.  Surprised I came away with an 82, it felt worse than that.

  6. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  7. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    When it gets to be this time of year in Colorado and it’s above 60, you better be taking advantage of it. And so we did!
    Windy day, mostly cloudy but the temperatures were in the low 60’s. Played Patty Jewitt, one of the oldest courses west of the Mississippi.  City owned course that is without a doubt the busiest course in town.  But come fall the fair weather crowd tends to stay at home.  
    Patty has a fair number of flat greens which makes your approach shots tougher to stop.  I broke out a sleeve of the mighty, spinning Kirkland’s in hopes of holding a few.  Hey, it worked 😋
    43/38 - 81. Good day.  If it wasn’t for the snowman on #3 and the double on #10 it could have been a lot better.  Sigh, another day.

  8. Like
    toehold57 reacted to Onesavant in Cleveland Introduces Launcher XL Halo Irons   
    After winning closest to the pin @ a Member-Guest Tournament (where I was the guest of one of my golf students); I won a gift from their pro shop.  The gift turned out to be a new set of Cleveland Halo XL irons. I took them home and wondered what I would ever do with them.  I have been teaching golf for over 45 years, and played to a scratch handicap, for a majority of that time.  Being older now, I managed to remain in the mid-single digits, as distance waned and other  strengths slowly diminished.  What the 'heck', I decided to take this weird looking  monstrosities out on the golf course.  How could I ever play with a club that looked so large and so different?  Boy was I ever "shocked", when these hybrid irons almost hit themselves.  I was immediately hitting the ball higher, than I had in a decade, and about a club and a half farther.  I didn't notice how they looked, but I did notice how they played.  The Cleveland Halo XL irons are a legitimate golf club.  As a matter of fact, I haven't played my other so called forged 'players' irons since.  I have shared this revelation with many of my students, particularly the ones over 50, and they are now also enjoying the ease of these golf clubs.  I actually find conventional golf clubs, so much more of an effort to hit, that why bother. I committed 100% to the Cleveland Halo XL irons, and have not ever looked back.  This is a testimonial to anyone looking to simply enjoy hitting the ball higher and farther than whatever iron they are currently playing.  Ultimately, I believe that clubs like the Halo's are the way of the future.  Almost every manufacturer has come out with a more hybrid type set of irons.  I have now tried them all, and believe that the Halo's are the best of the lot.  Trust me, no one was as surprised as I was to have discovered the Cleveland Halo XL hybrid irons.  Who knew that a 158yd 7 iron on a par 3, @ a Member-Guest tournament, hit to 5'8' from the pin, would earn me a brand new set of these irons.  Fortunately for me, my swing held up, and I did in fact win 'closest to the pin', with that shot.  Only to discover a more fun way to play.  My iron play has never been better.  I only wish I had irons like this in my bag, so much earlier in my golfing career.  Oops, they could've found their way in sooner, since their technology has just arrived in the last few years.  I am certain that these Cleveland Halo XL irons, will extend not only my golfing career, but also keep my handicap in the single digit range.  Not bad for a senior golfer over 70.  Means, that I can still keep 'bragging' about my golf game, probably into my 80's, where I will still be shooting in the 70's ... lol
  9. Like
    toehold57 reacted to Syks7 in How'd you play?   
    An easy no fuss no muss 43/41 84 today using the same plan -- keep it in play and avoid the short side of the green.  Could have been a bit better if I'd been able to get anything to drop, but going from Rustic Canyon greens back to LA muni greens was a rough transition.  Speed was fine, but read on break was not.  I missed on the pro side all day but rarely had anything but a two foot tap in to clean it up.  Only had a couple holes where I didn't have a par putt and I'm happy to say that when I did hit a green in regulation I left with a par and I set my personal best for fairways hit at 79%.  Approach is where I lost the majority of my strokes today -- just a little sloppy and short.  Overall I'm pretty happy.  It's nice to hit the lower half of the 80s with a mellow low stress unspectacular day.  Breaking 80 is coming.  I can feel it.
  10. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from downlowkey in Are powered carts/trolleys worth the money and hassle?   
    On Black Friday I bought an Alphard Golf eWheels for my Sun Mountain Micro Cart.  I’ve only been able to use it for one full round but having the ability to just walk instead of pushing was a revelation.  I watched my random guy I played with push his cart, you could tell at times it was a bit of a struggle.
    I just walked.
     I don’t think I’ll be going back to a regular push cart.
  11. Like
    toehold57 reacted to geralndionio in Trip to Ireland - seeking advice   
    Ireland is my favorite country. I've been there a couple of times. The weather there is awesome. Not too hot, but not too cold - that's how you can describe the Irish weather in a nutshell. The island has a temperate climate, and there's no drastic difference between the seasons. But Ireland's weather is completely unpredictable: a rainy day can quickly turn into sunshine, and vice versa. And so on several times a day. In terms of prices . Ireland is a European Union member country, so the currency here is the euro. I like this country very much. But I have not been there that long. The last time I was there was a year ago. Because I like Spain better. And I was just looking at villas in spain for sale. But I hope to go to Ireland. Good luck with your trip!
  12. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I find this to be correct unless I take too long to start the back nine.
    I also have found that if I choose the wrong nine for the backside, I have to “end the round “ and start a fresh round.  I was worried about this, I’d have two nines instead of eighteen.  My fears were unfounded, SS combined my two rounds even when I goofed it up on the back nine.
    Good job SS!
  13. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from Gavin_Shot_Scope in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I find this to be correct unless I take too long to start the back nine.
    I also have found that if I choose the wrong nine for the backside, I have to “end the round “ and start a fresh round.  I was worried about this, I’d have two nines instead of eighteen.  My fears were unfounded, SS combined my two rounds even when I goofed it up on the back nine.
    Good job SS!
  14. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from MattF in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I find this to be correct unless I take too long to start the back nine.
    I also have found that if I choose the wrong nine for the backside, I have to “end the round “ and start a fresh round.  I was worried about this, I’d have two nines instead of eighteen.  My fears were unfounded, SS combined my two rounds even when I goofed it up on the back nine.
    Good job SS!
  15. Like
    toehold57 reacted to TR1PTIK in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I like this a lot. It'd be much easier to incorporate some sort of flick of the wrist to "wake up" the watch than doing practice swings for me. I've tried and tried to incorporate practice swings into my pre-shot routine and it's always done more harm than good for whatever reason. 
    It's also nice to know the watch will display whatever club is being detected. Definitely not something I remember having on the V2 device when I tried it.
    Thanks spies!!!
  16. Like
    toehold57 reacted to tony@CIC in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I don't have info on V4, however, I found that the V3 picks up the club sensor virtually all the time. As I check the distance to the FMB, I also double check that the sensor picked up the club and that's before I take a practice swing. 
  17. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from MattF in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I cannot answer your first question but on the second, I find that it doesn’t take much of a practice swing for the watch to pick up which club is in your hand.  That said, when I grab one club and then decide to use another, I give it an extra few swings.
    The watch will also show you which club it thinks you’re getting ready to use.  Good for those times when you’re not sure if has detected the right club.
  18. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from TR1PTIK in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I cannot answer your first question but on the second, I find that it doesn’t take much of a practice swing for the watch to pick up which club is in your hand.  That said, when I grab one club and then decide to use another, I give it an extra few swings.
    The watch will also show you which club it thinks you’re getting ready to use.  Good for those times when you’re not sure if has detected the right club.
  19. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Shot Scope Users Group   
    I cannot answer your first question but on the second, I find that it doesn’t take much of a practice swing for the watch to pick up which club is in your hand.  That said, when I grab one club and then decide to use another, I give it an extra few swings.
    The watch will also show you which club it thinks you’re getting ready to use.  Good for those times when you’re not sure if has detected the right club.
  20. Like
    toehold57 reacted to Middler in Are powered carts/trolleys worth the money and hassle?   
    If you can comfortably walk with a manual push cart, I wouldn’t get an electric. But they aren’t a big hassle, they only take up a little more space than a manual cart IME. And I wouldn’t recommend the auto follow carts, a remote is better IMO with the cart is out in front of you. I see more “crashes” with follow carts than remote carts.
    I’m 67 and I noticed my back was starting to tighten up after 15-16 holes when I walked, so I bought an electric cart (sig line). It’s not a revelation, but it does make a difference, my back does not tighten up before the end of a round anymore. Walking at a decent but relaxed pace instead of pushing the limit helps. So does sitting for just a minute every couple of holes. Only a couple of the 20+ regulars I play with had electric carts a year ago, now almost half the guys have them…
  21. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cnosil in Are powered carts/trolleys worth the money and hassle?   
    On Black Friday I bought an Alphard Golf eWheels for my Sun Mountain Micro Cart.  I’ve only been able to use it for one full round but having the ability to just walk instead of pushing was a revelation.  I watched my random guy I played with push his cart, you could tell at times it was a bit of a struggle.
    I just walked.
     I don’t think I’ll be going back to a regular push cart.
  22. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from MattF in Are powered carts/trolleys worth the money and hassle?   
    On Black Friday I bought an Alphard Golf eWheels for my Sun Mountain Micro Cart.  I’ve only been able to use it for one full round but having the ability to just walk instead of pushing was a revelation.  I watched my random guy I played with push his cart, you could tell at times it was a bit of a struggle.
    I just walked.
     I don’t think I’ll be going back to a regular push cart.
  23. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from alasmn in Shot Scope Users Group   
    We talked about this a bit last year.  
    My take is when you take a practice swing the tag and watch sync up, you can see what club you have on the watch.  Remember, the watch band has an antenna in it, so the tags and watch do talk to each other. The watch now reads the GPS coordinates.  It has no idea if and when you actually hit the ball. After you move some distance away from this location the watch will assume you will be hitting your next shot Several have noticed that if you seriously duff one a short distance that only one shot will be recorded.
    It’s a simple design that appears to work well.
  24. Haha
    toehold57 reacted to CarlH in What Have You Bought Lately? (CHA - Club Ho's Anonymous)   
    2 suggestions Rick....either turn your body to face the other way or resort to a fountain of youth elixir (aka tequila).
  25. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from TBS in 2022 PGA Survivor Pool!   
    Pick #1 won the stupid tournament, pick #2 missed the cut. Story of my life 🤨
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