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    toehold57 reacted to cnosil in Instructor vs. Coach   
    Thinking more on this topic and reading the responses it is interesting that we talk mostly about instruction. How to swing the club and reaching physical limitations; it is for the pros, and it brings in to many technical thoughts.  I agree that Taking instructional lessons forever will definitely reach a point of diminishing returns to,where there isn’t anything an instruction could do do to improve a swing or that the investment would really only be necessary if you are playing at the highest levels.  That said, Periodic lesson over time should provide a benefit to help refine our swing as we age or fall into bad habits; essentially the spring tune up.    I would say this is how do I swing a hammer.

    what we don’t seem to talk about or differentiate is the coaching aspect and taking those “limited” skills and better applying them to score better and play better golf.  This starts down the path of things like strokes gained, DECADE, expectation  management, how should I play a particular hole, and how do I win my club championship.  I would say this is the how do I construct a house.    
  2. Haha
    toehold57 reacted to MattF in Random Thread   
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    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  4. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from Kenny B in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  5. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  6. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from fixyurdivot in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  7. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from NRJyzr in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  8. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from Tom the Golf Nut in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  9. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from Shapotomous in How'd you play?   
    There are some upsides to global warming, we still have temps in the 60’s. We may pay the price next summer due to a lack of moisture but for now it’s game on!
    Played at Patty Jewitt again on Saturday and ended up with the same score, 81.  No 8’s on the card though!
    Had a couple of 300+ yard drives, sorta makes me feel all warm and Bryson-like inside, until I remember the fairways are dried out and running like Barkley’s dialogue 😄
  10. Like
    toehold57 reacted to BIG STU in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    After warming up on the range-- I basically do the same thing hit balls playing a imaginary golf round on my home course that I know well. When I go to the putting green after getting the feel some I basically putt out my round and chip when I remember I missed a green. Most people belt balls one right after the other on the range and I get some strange looks when they are resting etc. I guess it looks funny I hit a driver and assume I hooked it and have to make a knockdown low cut and then a wedge or hit the driver and go to the bag and pull like say a 6 iron. My practice time is limited now because of the physical restraints so I make the best of it. Before a round I may hit like 10 balls on the range with just a wedge to time myself up and get loose. If I can time my wedge up then I am ok so to speak. One of the reasons I hit whiffle balls in the yard with wedges mostly just keeping loose and timing it up
  11. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Indoors at our local First Tee’s driving range - took the driver and a seven iron.
    Once warmed up I played a mini game in my head.  Driver went X yards on a imaginary hole which would leave me Y to the green.  Then I have to use the seven iron to hit the green.
    Keeps me from mindlessly hitting balls one after another.  Besides trying to hit the distance, focus on good solid strikes.
  12. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from BIG STU in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Indoors at our local First Tee’s driving range - took the driver and a seven iron.
    Once warmed up I played a mini game in my head.  Driver went X yards on a imaginary hole which would leave me Y to the green.  Then I have to use the seven iron to hit the green.
    Keeps me from mindlessly hitting balls one after another.  Besides trying to hit the distance, focus on good solid strikes.
  13. Like
    toehold57 reacted to Gavin_Shot_Scope in Shot Scope Users Group   
    Hey all, just to let you know the team at Shot Scope follow the user group closely and it is great feedback/discussion. 

    I will chip in with answers to various questions as I can. Tag me, if you think I can shed some light. 

    If there is an individual or account specific question best to get in touch with our support team, they are much quicker, smarter and will give better advice than I can. 
  14. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from Shapotomous in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Indoors at our local First Tee’s driving range - took the driver and a seven iron.
    Once warmed up I played a mini game in my head.  Driver went X yards on a imaginary hole which would leave me Y to the green.  Then I have to use the seven iron to hit the green.
    Keeps me from mindlessly hitting balls one after another.  Besides trying to hit the distance, focus on good solid strikes.
  15. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cnosil in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Indoors at our local First Tee’s driving range - took the driver and a seven iron.
    Once warmed up I played a mini game in my head.  Driver went X yards on a imaginary hole which would leave me Y to the green.  Then I have to use the seven iron to hit the green.
    Keeps me from mindlessly hitting balls one after another.  Besides trying to hit the distance, focus on good solid strikes.
  16. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from edingc in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Indoors at our local First Tee’s driving range - took the driver and a seven iron.
    Once warmed up I played a mini game in my head.  Driver went X yards on a imaginary hole which would leave me Y to the green.  Then I have to use the seven iron to hit the green.
    Keeps me from mindlessly hitting balls one after another.  Besides trying to hit the distance, focus on good solid strikes.
  17. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Indoors at our local First Tee’s driving range - took the driver and a seven iron.
    Once warmed up I played a mini game in my head.  Driver went X yards on a imaginary hole which would leave me Y to the green.  Then I have to use the seven iron to hit the green.
    Keeps me from mindlessly hitting balls one after another.  Besides trying to hit the distance, focus on good solid strikes.
  18. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from Nibblick Golf in For you, what is the most difficult thing in golf ?   
    Understanding all this Strokes Gained stuff and how it actually relates to me.
    Guess I’m too simple minded
  19. Like
    toehold57 reacted to sirchunksalot in How'd you play?   
    We're off work this week and one of the guys invited me to play a round with him, his son, and one of his son's friends. We decided to play a scramble with the old guys playing against the boys. 
    We played at Moccasin Bend near downtown Chattanooga, a course I haven't played before. I'll play there again, it was fairly open and flat. 
    We started off strong, winning the first nine by two, but fell apart on the back. We scored 88, I'm not going to gripe about that considering we both shoot in the 100's way too often. 
    Those young guys can bomb it and if they ever get control over their clubs, they'll be good. 
    My game was as solid as it's been in the last year, except for approaches in the 25-60 yard range. My ground contact was chunky and since it rained last night, that wasn't good.
    Driver was decent, I hit some good fairway woods and irons. I feel like I'm starting to see positive results from the work I'm putting in from the lesson. 
    Some highlights from my round. 
    First hole, hit fairway and had 138 to the pin. Hit 7 iron slightly right of the flag and rolled off the green. 
    I hit another 7 iron on a par 3 that was 146 to the flag and hit it on a line at the flag and came up about 15 feet short.
    Two of the par 5's we used all my approaches and ended up on in regulation. The 18th was playing 480 hit a drive in the fairway with 268 left to the flag. I pulled 3 wood and hit one to 41 yards and chipped just past the flag.   Even though they took us down in the end, it was a fun round and a nice day to be on the course.
  20. Like
    toehold57 reacted to tony@CIC in Shot Scope Users Group   
    Yup - I sync'd with the app after the time change. What I was concerned about was the 30 min discrepancy  on the fully charged watch. I just checked on it this morning and the same issue. Now it's about 15 min off. Going to send another email to support. 
  21. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from juspoole in For you, what is the most difficult thing in golf ?   
    Understanding all this Strokes Gained stuff and how it actually relates to me.
    Guess I’m too simple minded
  22. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from tony@CIC in For you, what is the most difficult thing in golf ?   
    Understanding all this Strokes Gained stuff and how it actually relates to me.
    Guess I’m too simple minded
  23. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in For you, what is the most difficult thing in golf ?   
    Understanding all this Strokes Gained stuff and how it actually relates to me.
    Guess I’m too simple minded
  24. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Shot Scope Users Group   
    When I played on Tuesday I noticed the time was off by an hour.  Figured it had something to do with daylight savings time and didn’t worry about it.  Now that you’ve said this, I ran upstairs and checked the time on the watch.
    Just like support said, sync and the time is back to normal.
  25. Like
    toehold57 got a reaction from tony@CIC in Shot Scope Users Group   
    When I played on Tuesday I noticed the time was off by an hour.  Figured it had something to do with daylight savings time and didn’t worry about it.  Now that you’ve said this, I ran upstairs and checked the time on the watch.
    Just like support said, sync and the time is back to normal.
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