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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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    srooch2 reacted to DriverBreaker in HackMotion Training System - 2023 Forum Review   
    Hello again Spies!  Tony (37yrs old) here with another review for the MGS Forum!  I have been blessed to do several reviews for the Forum in the past, however I am EXTREMELY excited to test this Hack Motion system!  It has been on my personal radar for quite some time to purchase to help my students in my own golf coaching.

    I currently run Player Development and Internships as a professor in a Professional Golf Management (PGA) Program at a large university in North Carolina.  My job mostly has me helping others improve their own golf games, but I have been playing more lately.  Currently, I play off a 2.6 handicap and I still hit the ball a long way off the tee.  I currently primarily play a fade with every club, so I’m very interested in seeing how I personally hit a fade and what my wrist conditions are to achieve that.  I know my swing direction, club path, face angle, attack angle, etc. from extensive use of TrackMan, but the actual biomechanics of my wrist conditions are something TrackMan can’t measure.  TrackMan tells you the what, but not the why.  I have what most would consider a very strong grip (3.5 - 4 knuckles showing on the lead hand), so I have to play more of a body rotation/hold off release, at least that is what I feel, to hit my fade.

    As much as I am looking forward to testing this for my own game, I’m most excited to help my own players out.  This seems like a very valuable training/teaching aid to help students understand what their lead wrist is doing and how it correlates to the club face at impact.  This literally could be a game changer for my coaching.  I’ve watched lots of videos on the Hack Motion system for my own education, so I am fairly familiar with the system in general.  Let me know if you have any questions before we get started!  

    First Impressions (10 out of 10)
    This has less to do with the physical product, but more to do with the entire experience.  I was very impressed with the onboarding call with HackMotion.  They took their time to walk through each aspect of the app, calibration, and resources.  Speaking of which, I think almost as useful as the device itself is, the online resources they give you access to are invaluable.  For the golf data/biomechanics nerds out there, this is as deep of a dive as you can ask for.  While much of it might be overkill for the recreational golfer, I do believe that if you know the why and how, you have a better chance of executing the what.  Calibration was seamless the first time out of the box and I’ve had no issues connecting it since.  Very fast.  Another thing I appreciate about HackMotion as a company is that they aren’t really making astronomical claims about a magical pill that will instantly make you a better golfer.  This is a combo training/learning aid.  You get out what you put in.
    Aesthetics (18 out of 20)
    The device itself is very sleek.  Looks a lot like an apple watch or something with the matte black finish.  It is light weight and does not really inhibit your swinging motion like some other wearable devices can.  I have very small wrists, and the band seems to be sufficient for me.  They might be wise to include a few different size options though for smaller bodies.  It is super small and you could easily store it in your golf bag without any issue or added weight. 

    The Numbers (18 out of 20)
    This one is a bit tough for me.  I’m a 1.1 handicap right now and a golf coach/professor.  So I know my swing.  I will say that this device has helped me reduce practice time and allows me to maintain my swing with less time/effort than before.  Hitting those green “in range” numbers every swing lets me know I’m within my tolerances.  Then I can focus on whether or not it is my alignment that is off, low point control, tempo, etc.  I will say this, you MUST ensure that your device is calibrated correctly first.  Make a few swings and check to see if things are drastically out of whack.  Do a live test where you move your wrist into extension and flexion to see if it matches the screen’s avatar. Save yourself some wasted energy first. 
    The numbers in the pro version are phenomenal.  Flexion, extension, radial and ulnar deviation, rotation, and tempo.  This data is now measurable in real time, swing after swing.  No more looking and guessing where you’re at.   You can measure directly.  From a coaches’ perspective, this is superb.  When a player is dialed and swinging lights out, I can now go back and compare data to see where they are doing their best.  Then on days when it is out of whack, where are we losing it?  I also like how HackMotion acknowledges different grips and how the numbers need to change for each one accordingly (see example below):

    Practice makes … ? (14 out of 20)
    As I said in other posts, the device is only as good as the user’s understanding of the data interpretation and then decisions related to.  If the user is not willing to invest in coaching alongside of the device, or do a deep dive into understanding exactly how A leads to B for each part of the data, it is a rabbit hole device like no other.  Same for Launch Monitors.  The tool is only as good as the user’s understanding and interpretation of the data and how to adjust it.  See the video below where I show how it could be fools gold, as you can still hit green numbers even with a stall flip, thus why understanding the graph data is very important.
    The good, the bad, the in-between (13 out of 20)
    I love this device for full swing data.  Putting……..  it’s practically useless until they fix the issues with it.  I do think they could add in a way to change clubs during a session, so that you can hit multiple clubs and see where you struggle or where you do better.  I found the pitching/chipping to be ok, still not as good as the full swing for reading each shot (I got some miss-reads like I did with the putting).

    Play it or Trade it? (10 out of 10)
    For my needs as a coach, I’m definitely keeping this.  It is another data point that I can add to build the full image of a golfer’s swing and game.  But it is just that, data.  The real work comes with what to do with the data.  That is where a machine/device loses to a human.  The diagnosis and practice plan needed to address the issues found are, in my view, best addressed with a good coach.   HackMotion, to their credit, provides all the resources you need to work on your game after you get the data, so there is no fault to them there.  I just wonder how much a recreational golfer will be willing to invest in their own education to know how to maximize the use of this device.  If you aren't going to learn how to interpret the charts/graphs (see below), what's the point.  The potential is massive, but at the end of the day, what is the user willing to do?  That’s something each buyer has to decide for themselves.  

    Conclusion (TLDR)
    In short, this is a very powerful device that is easy to set up and use.  The data it provides is extremely valuable in the right hands.  At the end of the day, it is a useful as the user is knowledgeable on how to maximize and utilize it.  Either invest in education around the device and biomechanics of the wrists in golf, or get a coach you trust to use it with and let them build a practice plan around using it.  Do not just beat balls with this device without a sound plan, because, like any piece of good technology, it could be wasted time if you do so.
    Final Score (83 out of 100)
  2. Like
    srooch2 reacted to GolfSpy_APH in HackMotion Training System - 2023 Forum Review   
    Testers Announced! HackMotion Pro Swing Analyzer
    Master Clubface Control to Unlock Consistency

     The clubface is king. It determines more than 80% of the direction of your ball flight, and your wrist angles directly determine how the clubface moves. With HackMotion training aid and feedback tool, you can now be in control of your shot direction.
    How HackMotion Works
    The best golf training aid to learn correct wrist mechanics for an improved ball flight. This swing analyzer provides precise data and feedback after every swing to help you accelerate the learning process. 
    Please welcome and congratulate our testers!
    @Bad Golfer
  3. Like
    srooch2 reacted to Vegan_Golfer_PNW in SEASON 2 - WEEK 12 MGS Forum Member Weekly Virtual Championship Tour (VCT)   
    I’ll try to get in this week. With what happened to my family couldn’t get my second nine in Saturday. 
  4. Love
    srooch2 got a reaction from OdinSnipes414 in Don’t talk me out of it, just tips please 😛   
    I appreciate the input, I have thought of that. I don’t think the head weight is a valid argument as the progressive head weight and shaft length should make them play similar. I’ve played very light graphite iron shafts before, like 65g light weight. I have one of these in 80 gram extra stiff on my 9 wood and it is a lot stiffer than the 60 I have in my driver. I definitely could see the length of trimming from the butt effecting the feel though. Something to think about. Cheers
  5. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from cnosil in Don’t talk me out of it, just tips please 😛   
    I appreciate the input, I have thought of that. I don’t think the head weight is a valid argument as the progressive head weight and shaft length should make them play similar. I’ve played very light graphite iron shafts before, like 65g light weight. I have one of these in 80 gram extra stiff on my 9 wood and it is a lot stiffer than the 60 I have in my driver. I definitely could see the length of trimming from the butt effecting the feel though. Something to think about. Cheers
  6. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from OdinSnipes414 in Don’t talk me out of it, just tips please 😛   
    Trim code says it can be tipped up to 1” if I’m understanding it correctly. Another thing I read was you need to leave 1.5” of tip length, so that would put it at a max of 1.5” of tipping. So I would not go over 1.5” of tipping after reading that. They did make this in a .370 hybrid shaft, I’m just having a harder time tracking those down. I know that would be a better solution. 
  7. Like
    srooch2 reacted to McGolf in Don’t talk me out of it, just tips please 😛   
    if the shafts are .355 tipping is not suggested or recommended as they come in discrete lengths.
     If the tip is only 3" then trimming is also not recommended as the insertion depth is also included in the 3"
  8. Like
    srooch2 reacted to OdinSnipes414 in Don’t talk me out of it, just tips please 😛   
    sounds interesting i have seen the reverse done in a video with a steel shaft in a wood but never the other way around
  9. Hmmm
    srooch2 got a reaction from Christof in Don’t talk me out of it, just tips please 😛   
    I’ve decided to go graphite in my irons, I have a shaft I love that’s in my driver and fairways. I’m gonna buy them and install in my irons, it’s obviously .335 to .355. I have the shimming down just wanting advice on tipping. It’s an 80 gram version. I can get in x, s, and r if needed. I have an 80x on hand. My thought was to put 80x in pw and jump to a flex in the 8 & 9 then going to R 4,5,6, and 7. There isn’t enough on the bay to go all the same flex and I figured it might help with flight anyways. They are fairly close in weight and I know how to adjust swingweight. Any advice on tipping in this setup? I know this seems wild but I love this shaft so much and I’ve never felt one I like compared to it. Plus I don’t take golf too seriously. Cheers 
  10. Love
    srooch2 got a reaction from OdinSnipes414 in Don’t talk me out of it, just tips please 😛   
    I’ve decided to go graphite in my irons, I have a shaft I love that’s in my driver and fairways. I’m gonna buy them and install in my irons, it’s obviously .335 to .355. I have the shimming down just wanting advice on tipping. It’s an 80 gram version. I can get in x, s, and r if needed. I have an 80x on hand. My thought was to put 80x in pw and jump to a flex in the 8 & 9 then going to R 4,5,6, and 7. There isn’t enough on the bay to go all the same flex and I figured it might help with flight anyways. They are fairly close in weight and I know how to adjust swingweight. Any advice on tipping in this setup? I know this seems wild but I love this shaft so much and I’ve never felt one I like compared to it. Plus I don’t take golf too seriously. Cheers 
  11. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from MWLEFTY in Aldila Rogue White or…   
    I’d say definitely go rogue white, I found a shaft I love and it’s in all of the clubs in the top of my bag. When you get used to a feel it’s hard to change and never a great reason to. Cheers
  12. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from cnosil in Let’s talk about graphite iron shafts!   
    I agree, while I have some back issues, I am not making the switch for health reasons, they felt amazing and so much better than steel. It’s the first time I was almost addicted to hitting my irons. I was craving it, they felt that much better. 
  13. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from chisag in Let’s talk about graphite iron shafts!   
    I agree, while I have some back issues, I am not making the switch for health reasons, they felt amazing and so much better than steel. It’s the first time I was almost addicted to hitting my irons. I was craving it, they felt that much better. 
  14. Like
    srooch2 reacted to Ignacio in Let’s talk about graphite iron shafts!   
    I currently have Wilson D9 Forged irons with Nippon Modus 120 as fitted to lower my spin. Precious to this I was playing a 30 year old MacGregor set with graphite shafts that my Dad had handed down to me. I like both feels but the graphite shafts were definitely lighter than the steel shafts. I am enjoying the steel shafts but know that the time will come that I will need graphite shafts as I get to that age. 
  15. Like
    srooch2 reacted to JerryB in Let’s talk about graphite iron shafts!   
    I've got graphite shafts on my new incoming clubs having played only steel shafts previously.  My misses tend to be chunky and I've noticed the past couple years that I have wrist and forearm soreness early in the season.  I'm hoping graphite helps to alleviate that somewhat.  Was also just a fan of how they felt when I swung them.  Hoping to get them in the next week or so.
  16. Like
    srooch2 reacted to cnosil in Let’s talk about graphite iron shafts!   
    the guys at MGS HQ used Fujikura Pro shafts and they were really nice.   I have the stock Honma Vizard shafts in my irons.  Lots of graphite shafts available in different profiles and weight ranges.  
    Graphite iron shafts have no relationship to age.  Graphite shafts work for any golfer; the only negative would be cost.  
  17. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from puttnfool in Denver, Colorado 12-16 June   
    I just got back from there. I didn’t play this course but I’d say you gotta play commonground in Aurora, not too far from ya public and affordable. Watch some vids on it. 
  18. Like
    srooch2 reacted to Triple_Putt in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    I went to my local Club Champion for my fitting
  19. Like
    srooch2 reacted to ChitownM2 in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    A few of us did.  I went to Golftec not sure about the others.  @GolfSpy BOS may have gotten fit at an actual Edel location but I'm not positive.
  20. Hmmm
    srooch2 got a reaction from DRLEONARD58 in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Did any testers go get fit?
  21. Like
    srooch2 reacted to sirchunksalot in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Dang, @GolfSpy BOS! Those look gorgeous. Can't wait to see how you hit them. 
  22. Love
    srooch2 reacted to GolfSpy_BOS in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    I almost feel a little bad sharing these since most are still waiting on shipping.... but I just have to share these!
    I got a nice delivery yesterday and after bringing the box inside I had to run to baseball and then had some work to do last night so I haven't gotten too much time to drool...
    But calling these beautiful irons would be a gross understatement.  The full set is even better than I was expecting and everything about the packaging told me this is a premium product.
  23. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from IndyBonzo in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Did any testers go get fit?
  24. Like
    srooch2 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Did any testers go get fit?
  25. Like
    srooch2 reacted to pozzit in Edel SMS and SMS Pro Irons - 2023 Forum Review   
    Those are gorgeous so clean. Looks like a nice compact shape. How is the top line?
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