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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Everything posted by SlowNLow

  1. I agree with you 100% but when all of this kicks in, there will be those who will question about what golf ball everybody is using. I'm thinking of one guy in particular who spent 5 years complaining about people using long putters. To him, anybody who whose upper hand was touching their shirt was anchoring. And nobody has to cheat to beat this guy, he is terrible, but I think we all know a guy like this. So the first time you bomb one after the rollback takes affect , a guy like this will start bitching that your golf ball isn't legal. Doesn't matter that his drive went 40 yds forward and 80 yds. right and nearly killed a small dog who was hanging out in the backyard. Some people won't care, but some will. I just want peace and quiet.
  2. Yes, you are on to something, it's changing habits that can save time. Like you said, writing down scores, adding up the scores, etc. after walking off the green instead of doing it at the next tee. Ditto, cleaning the club just used, putting headcover back on, etc. putting it back in the bag, instead of moving on, then cleaning the club and putting it away when you get to the next shot. Some of my pet peeves for wasting time... Thinking that golf is a casual, social activity, the golfer walks slowly, moves slowly, takes their time, talks non-stop, looks at their phone, etc. These guys may even say, "we aren't going anywhere", so they move even slower. S-L-O-W.................... Guys who drive up to the tee box and just sit in the cart. Get out of the cart and tee it up already. Buying beverages at the green instead of the next tee. Or in the middle of fairway when they could be hitting approach shots. Beverage cart operators don't care about pace of play, and most are oblivious too it. The cart golfers who are only 5 yards apart but each one sits in the cart waiting for the other guy to pull a club, pull out the rangefinder, take practice swings, then hit. The golfers who won't give up on a lost ball. Or go fishing for balls. Then we have the "who's away" on the greens, one guy is 40', the other guy is 40.2", does it matter? Somebody putt already. The public golf courses could put a "gimme" zone around the hole too. (This might actually slow things down) Waving golfers up from the green has disappeared. Especially on par fives, long par 3s, and short par 4s. Nobody does this anymore, not where I play anyway, what happened? Actually some the traditions of the game make it slower, the who's got "honors" on the tee, whoever is away goes first, these go against ready golf. "Ready golf" needs to clearly defined and pushed hard until it becomes the tradition.
  3. A lot of people, almost every person who plays music, think their music is not loud or disturbing, but it is. Just like body odor. Actually I've never seen a post where a golfer with a speaker says, "Too bad Boomer, I'm blasting my speaker. Don't care if you hear it or not." The music, or the noise, really carries, especially on older courses where the greens and tees and are close together and fairways run adjacent to each other. If you play on this type of course and you turn off the speaker off when other groups are nearby, the speaker would be off a lot. Many people will acquiesce when asked if it is OK to play music. People did that for hundreds of years when someone wanted to smoke a cigarette. Personally, I don't understand the need. Mood? "Helps my relax?" If you need music on a golf course to relax, you really need something else.
  4. My putting is currently so awful therefore I am blaming the putter device and I am dumping it. I'm going to use a Coke (or Pepsi?) bottle taped to the end of a stick. Just not sure yet if glass or plastic would be better. Cans are out. Could not be any worse, geez.
  5. If anyone wants to use iron covers, I certainly can understand and respect their choice. Protecting the clubs and prolonging their value, definitely a good idea. For me, I'd be dropping them, losing them, putting a wet, dirty club inside of them, putting the wrong cover on the wrong iron, etc. I'm always dropping wood head covers, towels, ball markers, once and while a golf glove will disappear. That annoying guy who was to go back 2 holes to find a head cover, that is me. Gravity rules.
  6. You are right, debating this issue with the people on this website won't make a bit of difference to those in USGA and R&A making the rules about equipment. Organizing violent protests, insurrections or government coups might be a bit much as well. Que sera, sera. (This one will stick in your head for days.)
  7. I think that I bought my compressor at a big-box store, it isn't very good. But It does shut down when it reaches pressure. Ironically, I bought it to pull grips off. That's when I made a bullfrog. Didn't explode, but I over-stretched the grip I was trying to salvage. I agree that double-stick tape and solvent is mess, could even be a fire hazard. I use good ol-fashioned naptha, and a million paper towels. Geessh. You talked me into it, I'm going to get some ear plugs and do air next time. SPHHH,SPHHH,SPHHH......
  8. Somebody should market the "BullFrog" grip targeting the pneumatics grip guys. I'm a solvent guy. This is going "sound" weird, but it's the noise. Just don't like hearing the compressor and the never-ending..... SPHHH.... SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....SPHHH.....
  9. Few years back I bought some used/refurbished Z-Stars and ProV1s. I don't remember hitting any great shots with them or hitting any bad shots either, that I would say, "hey if that wasn't a used ball, it would have been in the hole...." or "damn if that ball wasn't used, I wouldn't have sniped it into that's lady's patio.." Well I guess I did hit some bad shots with them because they are long gone but since then I got informed by others, maybe even by some on this website, that used golf balls may not perform as well for various reasons and I now will not use them even to the point if there is a bark mark/cart path bruise etc I will not use it anymore. Actually I never hit a great shot and say, "good thing that was a new ball..". I do hit some (maybe more than some) awful shots and the last thing I would think of is that the golf ball is the problem. If we use that "Archer/Arrow" analogy, did the archer get away with blaming the miss on the arrow? Or give the arrow credit for a hit? Or was he too busy ducking?
  10. It's ok, gives the home a little more character.
  11. Tough call, no doubt. (It is always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission?)
  12. GC3 w/ software If Santa drops the ball, then maybe my credit card will come through.
  13. 3 1/4 wood tees, with some kind of stripes on them, helps to tee it up the same height. I typically lose tees or forget to pick them up because I'm too horrified watching my drive head towards the edge of the earth. I'm definitely a net loss kind of golfer when it comes to tees. I'm the guy whose tees a lot of you guys are picking up, and I would like them back if you don't mind.
  14. I'm too much of a slob to wear white pants, or white shirts. I don't try to be a slob, it just happens. I'm better off with dark shirts and pants. White socks are OK. I like white hats too. That's all I got to say about that.
  15. Please excuse my reading comprehension skills but are these re-used grips? Is there residual goo on the inside of these grips from when they were first removed? Could this be why you aren't getting good contact? Got one of these things?
  16. I tried it for a season before the anchoring ban, although I really never anchored it. The momentum of the putter head going back and coming through felt really good on short and mid-range putts, however, judging the distance on long (+20 ft.) putts was more difficult. Putting off the fringe was harder as well. Easier to see the line? Not really. And I concur it was much better on the back. Sometimes they went in, most times not. One thing that I remember, that there was actually less control, or less room for error, with the putter face on the long putter, even though it felt more stable. When I went back to a shorter putter, I was amazed how much more control and feel for the putter face I had. I use a saw grip with a 35" mallet now. Sometimes they go in, most times not.
  17. That's so true. In the first few seconds after processing result, I feel like after all of this time of playing decent golf, I reverted back to infancy. Whaaat just happened? Remember infancy? we were all a mess back then. One thing I'd like to add, one skill that goes unappreciated in golf is being able to find our golf ball after a horrible shot. Huge stroke saver.
  18. At first, self-loathing, then quickly concern for my fellow man takes over and I try to access if anyone within the county is in danger. If so, I scream "fore", if not I will mutter a couple words that the moderator would blip out. Then I watch the ball until it comes to a stop or it disappears into the abyss where I try to fix on exactly where it disappeared. I'm usually off by ten yards. At this moment, self-loathing returns. Snap hooks are equally as bad. Just don't last as long. Physically, my forehead gets hot. Seriously, I've noticed that when I play badly, my forehead is hot (not a fever). But no, applying something cool to this spot doesn't turn things around, need to cool down from the inside out, if you know what I mean.
  19. I agree, they came out looking good, but..... One day, you might sell those clubs and somebody is going to pull the grips and see that shaft extension and ask, "who did this???" Then again, some might say, "so what". Your SWMBO does have some nice gear.
  20. Wow, what we find when we do a little digging?? I'm guessing here but maybe the misaligned shaft graphics could be that the previous builder did some spining/FLOing/pureing thing? So the resultant "top" of shaft doesn't align with the graphics, thus isn't the same from club to club. Looks like the one shaft extension didn't get installed deep enough, and they trimmed it anyway, ugh. If it were me, I'd take out that one ugly shaft extension, and replace it with something a little cleaner. Our SWMBOs deserves the best, don't they?
  21. Yes, chipping and putting. There is a practice green I go to a lot and I spread 6 balls around it and have to get up and down with all 6 or I have to start over. Spend a lot of time doing this. Adds a little tension too, which is good.
  22. Had a physical Monday and good 'ol Doctor told me to stop eating snacks at night and have smaller dinners. BMI, he said. Gee I don't know, the Pączkis are out already....
  23. Never had a shoulder but went through 2 hip swaps, the pain means you are working through it, keep pushing, soon you will feel seconds of strength without pain, then minutes, then hours, after that you are as good as new.
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