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Testers Wanted: Sub 70 Pro V2 Fairway Woods ×


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  1. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Northern Monkey in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    Today is back to work, probably should have taken an extra day since I slept great last night but woke up still tired. That will happen when you only get 4 hours of sleep the night before. No golf again for me today, I have to catch up with what needs to be done that was sent to me while I was on Leave. It's not going to be a super long day today as I will not allow that to happen. Hope everyone has a great day.
  2. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to CSiders12 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning spies! An early morning tee time right into work this morning. I've got a busy week with grad school, but I'm able to squeeze in quite a bit of golf. I'm hoping to play quickly this morning, but focus on all of my routines. I've gotten lazy and not done my full routine which has cost me some shots. Who knows, maybe I can go out and get a PR. 
    I hope everyone else has a wonderful Wednesday! Cheers!
  3. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Have some time to be lazy this morning before another Chiro visit .. with another "postural analysis" where they'll either recommend new isometric type exercises or maybe give me new ones (right now have one for the upper back and one for the upper neck).
    Then... I dunno... Wife is off to her last day of school, then heading out with a group of long-time friends for an extended girls weekend away.
    So yeah I can do whatever I want -- which is kinda what this old retired guy does every other day of the week!!! 🤣
    Hope y'all have a great middle of the week day today .. if you can't do something fun, try to do something productive!! 
  4. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Josh Parker in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning!
    Another hot day and a ton of work to get accomplished. The mini shows up sometime today and I'm hoping to get down to the range to give it a good test run. 
    Hope.everyone has a great day!
  5. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to IndyBonzo in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies!
    Semding prayers for your family @RichL85.
    No golf for me today. Looking forward to a round at a new course Friday morning.  Work promises to be nuts until then.
    Great day wishes to you all.
  6. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to EasyPutter in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning MGSpies from the tropical climate of "The Miami of the North" as one of Buffalo's nicknames was coined more than a century ago - and did you know air conditioning was invented in Buffalo NY by the Carrier company?  Yeah it gets that hot here in summer, but it doesn't stay that hot for too long which is why we never acclimatize to it, no wonder why there are so many backyard pools around and Carrier invented a mechanical way of keeping cool, which was application of another new technology of the time, refrigeration!  
    Golf yesterday was Chautauqua Golf Club Hill Course with Jim @The1C3man only just now realizing no attempt was made to take a photo, so relaxing and restorative was the day.  My day came in as a 95 and his was lower.  The good was having his eyes on my driver giving that small observation that makes a huge difference.  PGA HOPE sessions tonight with fellow Veterans.  And hope golf is a part of your day ⛳
    Now to get on with clearing the workload that backed up yesterday, and happy anniversary Jamie @GolfSpy_APH !!! 🥳
  7. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Rob Person in The Good Morning Thread   
    Stay hydrated @Northern Monkey !
    @GolfSpy_APH happy anniversary! I Can't say I would ever think of Chinese food as a luxury meal, glad it was great!
    @ILMgolfnut. Good luck to you on the exam. Just don't show them that MC'LOVIN i.d. and I think you will  be ok! 🤪 
    Off to work at the GC today, followed up by a final round with the stix set before starting my final review!
  8. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to ILMgolfnut in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies! Woke up before my alarm went off and decided to review the requirements for my test. Not study; review the requirements. Two forms of ID required, if they don't meet their standards you aren't allowed to take the test and forfeit the fee. Fortunately my DL and passport  both meet the standards. I think. Anyway, five hours of fun upcoming. Might have to go hit balls afterward just to decompress. A little bunker practice wouldn't be a bad thing either. For now, coffee and oatmeal.
    Hit 'em straight and hope your day is less stressful than mine!
  9. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to ParFore74x in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all. Should be a decent day today with some brief rain this morning and mid-80s this afternoon. Might be a good day to swing some clubs.
    Have a good one. 
  10. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to GolfSpy_APH in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all!

    A busy morning getting the schedule done for the curling hall, but finally got all 800 plus hours scheduled for the curling teams here. Now onto September! 
    No golf today, but instead going to hunker down and make sure that I am caught up on everything. 

    Last night my wife and I ordered chinese food for the first time in years (it is a luxury meal here) for our 3rd wedding anniversary. Was a great meal from a new place and really enjoyed it. 
    Newsletter is taking a bit of extra work from the migration as no title shows so until that is fixed we will reduce the newsletters other than Testers Wanted until we see a fix. 
    Have a great day all!
  11. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to sirchunksalot in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning everyone and happy hump day! 
    It's a nice morning here in TN and I'm just drinking coffee killing time before I walk in to work. We have an all team meeting this morning and I hope I can stay awake for it.
    @RichL I'm sorry to hear about your FIL, I hope he can get proper care. 
    It's going to be another hot one here today so I hope the humidity stays low so it's not miserable. 
    I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  12. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Northern Monkey in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all. Another lovely day weather wise here but also another duty day so can’t take full advantage of it 😕 
    Hoping for an easier day today work wise as yesterday was hard going physically due to the heat and being in bike kit, which ended up soaking wet due to sweating so much. There was lots of waiting around on the bike in the sun which is no fun. Despite that I enjoyed it as I do like the escort work we do.
    Not sure if I’ll get a round in today but might make it to the range.
    @William P congratulations on the anniversary and hope Mrs P has a good birthday
    @ejgaudette congrats and good luck  
    @RichL sorry to hear about FIL and hope he gets what he needs
    @Wheelieb good to hear you had a good time with your biological father
    Hope you all have a great day
  13. Love
    Wheelieb got a reaction from jbern in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  14. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from tdroma98 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  15. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  16. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Northern Monkey in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  17. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from EasyPutter in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  18. Love
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Rob Person in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  19. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from RickM71 in Callaway Ai-Smoke Drivers: 2024 Forum Review   
    Congrats testers. You’ll love the driver. 
  20. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from MattWillGolf in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  21. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  22. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Big moose in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  23. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  24. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from EnderinAZ in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  25. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Byrnzee in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
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