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Everything posted by hckymeyer

  1. I switched to BOA a few years ago and won't buy anything without it. The one exception being the USA edition of the CodeChaos that came out this year. Love that shoe but BOA wasn't an option for that edition.
  2. I would guess those tires aren't going to do very well on grass. I'd be concerned with them doing damage to the fairways since they are so narrow. Better ask the super before you take it out there. Very cool mod though and it's always great to complete a project!
  3. No worries at all, the search within the forums never seems to work very well. If you have any specific questions let me know. There are quite a few guys on here with birdieball setups. Exactly what Plaid said, I usually just search "mygolfspy xxxxxxxxxx" on google to get better results. Search here has always been a little wonky.
  4. I have one and like it, for the price it's tough to beat. If you have the space I'd recommend the 4' wide so you can stand on it and be at the same level as the green. Otherwise you will want some sort of stance mat to raise your feet to the same level. This topic also comes up quite a bit on MGS, here a a few links to previous threads... https://mygolfspy.com/birdieball-giant-putting-green-review/
  5. I just placed the same order through my club but mine will say "Pitter Patter"
  6. It's been a while since I've been able to participate in this thread, but the last couple of weeks have really had me itching for golf. If you can't play, might as well buy stuff so you're ready right?? New Groove it brush... Then I was lucky enough to snag one of the American Flatsticks/Gibbons Handmade Baby Yoda mallet covers. Yes I'm going to game it and it looks way better in person. Last, but certainly not least. I finally picked up a Fujikura Ventus Black in 6-S. Turns out the cheapest way to buy this shaft is to do it as an upgrade on a TM SIM driver, so that came attached to it as well
  7. Let's re-arrange these questions in the order you should be asking them. Should I get fit for a driver? Is the $100-$150 worth it? In my opinion, absolutely yes. From the sound of things you've never been through a quality driver fitting. Unless you randomly found a great fit with your current driver it's pretty good odds that you are leaving yards on the table. Start with the driver fitting and that will help answer the remaining questions. I'm in the market for a SIM driver. Ok so this one isn't really a question, but how sure are you that you want a SIM? What if that's not the best driver for you? Go in to the driver fitting with an open mind and you may end up with the SIM, but it's also possible you end up in something else. Only you can decide if you just want a SIM or if you want the best driver for your game Is an aftermarket shaft worth it? This isn't really a fair question. There is such a range of shafts out there that any random aftermarket shaft, regardless of cost, is really a crap shoot if it will fit you without going through a driver fitting. For me personally I found the cost completely worth it. But I also sourced the shaft myself and built it, so with a used head, used shaft and doing the work myself it ended up costing less than buying a stock new setup. The question isn't "Is an aftermarket shaft worth the cost" the question should be "Is the best shaft for my game worth the cost?" Only you can answer that question, and it's entirely possible the best shaft for you is a stock or no up-charge option At the end of the day it's your time and money so only you can decide if the costs are worth the performance gains. But I would absolutely go in for a true quality driver fitting before anything else. You're going to drop $550 on a new driver, it seems almost fiscally irresponsible to not do a fitting first to make sure you are getting the proper specs and shaft for your game. Last advice, if an aftermarket shaft is out of your budget I would recommend letting the fitter know that going in. Almost every OEM has a list of no-upcharge shafts that is larger than the 2 or 3 stock offerings they have in the store. Just let the fitter know that you are limited in shaft selection to any no up-charge shaft before you start the fitting, a good fitter will be able to work with that.
  8. Obviously this ball thing is a scam and we get that. The part I can't figure out is how come so many people are joining just to put one post in this thread on how to cancel the subscription. I feel like it should be some sort of scam or bot, but it generally reads like people trying to help other people cancel and get out of the scam. Just kind of weird
  9. Ignorance is bliss Cypher Sorry, couldn't resist
  10. I'm 100% on board with the made for Ventus rant. I've wanted to hit Ventus since it launched, then they released the Black and now I REALLY want to try it. However I have 2 young kids and don't have the time or desire to go in and pay for a fitting just to test it out. So I'll likely end up buying one when I find the right deal. However I also have a bunch of clubs laying around that I would be more than happy to trade in. Couple that with 50% trade in bonus and if there was an OEM that released any driver with a real deal Ventus shaft this year and I would most likely buy it. The fact that Taylormade put in a made for version and are trying to mask it as the real thing makes me not want to hit it. I guess Cally is my last shot for this dream, but I don't have any high hopes there either. As for the SIM if I ignore the issues with Ventus. Love the color scheme and I think it looks better than their past few releases. If it's truly lower spin with some gain in ball speed I'd put it on the short list of drivers to test this year.
  11. Great thread and I'll be following along. Just hope my wife doesn't notice my research
  12. Rather than bending them just do what all the OEM's are doing these days. Take a sharpie and cross out the 7. Write an 8 on it. Boom, now you are hitting 8i as far as you used to hit 7i. Then add an extra wedge at the bottom of the bag.
  13. I did it myself last time too. Made a DIY battery strap with some chain and carabiners and it worked great. So much easier to get them out of the cart compared to doing it by hand without the strap.
  14. Good find on the lithium upgrade, I'll definitely look in to that for next time. Last time I'd looked in to it was a few years ago and there was no direct drop in solution. Still cost at least $2k and you had to get a new charger and change the wiring in your cart. 4 new 12v Trojans run me $800 up here. Doesn't matter if I install or have the dealer do it, same price. I can usually get 4-6 years out of a set so I'm a ways away from having to replace again. If they truly last 5x as long and only cost twice as much it really does seem like a no brainer to go lithium.
  15. The key to hiding clubs is to just keep enough around that you can add a few and they don't stand out. Hiding in plain sight!
  16. Awesome experience @jlukes and thanks for a great write up! You mentioned the "temporary" putter change, but did you go through any putter fitting stuff while you were there?
  17. It looks like a design I'd like, but like cnosil said, I needs me some flow neck!
  18. That's what I've been playing this year so far. Let me know what you think about durability. I've had a few wedge shots that ripped up the cover pretty quickly. Other than that I love this ball.
  19. Golfdiscount is legit, when MGS first started out I believe they were a sponsor and there used to be a discount code. It's long gone now but don't hesitate to purchase from them. $520 for a new set is a decent deal. You can probably go used for less money but then you get in to the question of what the specs are and what's been done to them. Best of luck in your iron search
  20. Going to buy a new Taylor Made M5 Tour driver tomorrow or Monday morning. Dicks/Golf Galaxy is running the promo that if Rory wins the PGA they will refund the price of the driver. So buy it now, if Rory wins I'll keep it. If he doesn't I'll return it in a week.
  21. p.s. From one club ho to another. Swapping shafts doesn't count as a different club
  22. Great stuff Dave, stay strong and you'll be under 80 very soon!
  23. Snow is gone (at least for right now), 74 and sunny today and the course is re-opened. Tee time is 11:28 and I'll be there all day! All is well
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