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Everything posted by PlaidJacket

  1. Interesting.... but why cover your bag with a towel?
  2. Not sure playing the newest ball out there will do much for your game. Well... it might. Today I pulled out a brand new 2014 PV1 (had a tournament logo and date on it) and had a great round working until #17 & 18. I was one under on the back doing into 17 and then made bogie followed by a double on 18. Had to be the ball. Right? Right? Of course it was the ball.
  3. I hate to be a stick in the mud but... But I don't really care. Sure I'll watch tournaments and such during the season. I'm only focused on my game and how I fare this next year. The 3-Club Tour has lost its luster for me.
  4. I like some Retro in one form or another. I like retro golf bags too. But not for usage on the course. They're usually not as functional as newer bags and I guess that's the biggest reason for me. I have a couple authentic bags I'm saving for display purposes in our First Tee office one day. Other than that...
  5. Solid. Meaning my game (these days anyway) is good all around. I'm playing in a narrow band of scoring 72-75. I keep thinking i'm going to at least shoot even or perhaps break par! but just can't overcome myself. LOL Funny thing is.... i'm getting older and better. Go figure.
  6. Wall of words ahead... I personally don't and would never walk into a lesson open ended. I TELL the coach/pro/instructor what "I" want to accomplish. Keep in mind that the instructor you select might not be the instructor you end up sticking with. You're not married to the guy. Be prepared to seek advice from another instructor if you're not comfortable. For what it's worth here's an example of how I worked with my instructor - At our first meeting and after a brief meet & greet I told the instructor, "here's what I want to do." In my case it was improving my irons/ ball striking. That's it. I let the instructor know (at the time I was 60 and playing with about an 8 hcp.) a bit about my golf history and he watched me hit some shots observing my setup, grip, ball flight, etc. etc. I told the instructor that I didn't want to rebuild my swing or for him to try and turn me into a portrait of Adam Scott. I said I merely wanted to work with what I have and make improvements in increments over time. After some of that initial discussion he said that all sounded good to him and "let's get to work." I also want to add; we didn't use any electronics. It was all eyes and ears. Old school style. Each lesson lasted about an hour with me hittings balls and observing my instructor demonstrate various moves or positions. We also had much discussion. Everything he asked of me were small and minor adjustments which were easy to understand and put to use. Sometimes he didn't even introduce anything new. We'd just work on what had been previously discussed. My game never suffered or went backwards (you don't have to get worse to get better) along the way as I made noticeable and steady improvements from the get-go. I believe that far to many people seeking lessons/improvement walk into the deal without a specific plan. At my lessons I was only given about 1-2 things to work and focus on. I'd go away and practice/incorporate the recommendations for a few weeks before returning. Usually each time thereafter we'd review and build on the previous meeting. I scheduled each lesson on my time frame. Not the instructors. My game - ball striking, etc. steadily improved. After that first year I'd return periodically for a "tune-up" and discussion. Me and my instructor became friends and would occasionally go play a round which was fun. During those times I'd also get some free advice along the way. Your situation and circumstance is probably much different from mine but the overall idea here is to have a specific plan in mind and not to let the instructor lead or fill you head with too much at one time. Take small bites and you will improve. Slow and steady wins the game.
  7. Why the hell would you quit with 2 holes left? Unless the men's locker room was on fire or something I think I could've found the time to finish. And even then I might.
  8. I expected responses so far to be putting. but it seems like... Driver? Fragile to me seems to imply that some part of my game is hanging on by a thread and could snap at any moment. But I get where MPR is coming from. I think I've got a pretty solid game all around. But like we all know well there is usually some aspect that's not as sharp on any given day. In the spirit of the question asked I'd have to say being faced with a long forced carry with my 4i. High risk and medium reward. There are many times on my home course where instead of pulling my 4i on a certain long par four with a pond fronting the green; I opt to lay up and then try/hope I can get up and down for par. It's probably a 40% proposition most of the time from about 90-100 yds. So therefore me and my 4i become a fragile combination and I'm pretty much conceding bogie.
  9. That's a very good point. Although it's not what I usually take away/remember so much when playing a course it's always nice to encounter a professional, helpful, and courteous staff. I play now and then at our local muni which is fun with the guys I know that play there regularly. However, the staff isn't professional and are a avatar of typical city government workers. Entitled and a bunch of do nothings; hangers-on that can't be fired. And like Dave said... I'm having to contribute to their salaries!
  10. LOL... yes. An in depth analysis with all the data! You never know. Some towels might not clean a surlyn cover as well as a urethane cover. Some towels might not go through the washer as well using Tide as opposed to Cheer. Does using fabric softener effect a towels cleaning ability? Would a Costo bath towel clean a ball or your clubs better than a Frogger towel? What about thread count? So many unanswered questions. How can a golfer make a decision on which towel to use without thorough testing?
  11. Hmmm? I guess I rate courses after playing them more than once. Usually. I've played a ton of courses around the country - private - resort- and muni. There are exceptions however. Wherever I play these days I'm not looking for a beat-down. Challenging yes. Tricky no. I tend to play better on parkland style courses as opposed to wide open desert or perhaps links style. I do enjoy scenery as where I live there is little natural beauty. It's mostly flat. Greens and fairways are most important and when I find those two to be in great shape the tee boxes are as well. However, I can live without beautiful tee boxes because most if not all the time I'm hitting off a tee and a prefect lie. I also like to see a course that's cut and groomed properly for good play ability. As many of you probably say; to play a course well it has to "suit your eye." Some do and others don't regardless of course conditions, etc. Scoring. Of course when I score well I rate them higher as many of my personal rating factors probably aligned. One man's 5 star is another man's 3 star. It all depends doesn't it?
  12. His stance/setup/posture looks very good. I like how he holds the club too. (assuming he's not intentionally gripping down a hair) I think too many people tend to hold the club too far out on the butt end without exposing about 1/2" past the palm. Yes... He'll be past you soon. Sorry Dad!
  13. I didn't read Swags wall o' words but I think I get the gist of it... There have only been a few and rare times I've had to quit a round or walked off a golf course. None of them had to do with my playing ability (or lack of) that day. Super slow play prevented me from finishing a round. (Had a dinner engagement to attend.) Rain Wind (I've also played through 60 mph gusts. That was Interesting.) Paired with a complete jackass. (Quit after 9. casual round) Right shoulder tendinitis once. (Had to pack it up after 9.) I've never quit or WD'd from a match or tournament. (thought about it a few times) I've seen and played with a few guys through the years that would quit due to poor play. I've never understood that. Doesn't everyone have a bad round now and then? I certainly have.
  14. A towel thread... ?? Maybe someone will cut one in half and inspect the fibers under a microscope.
  15. I wanted to send you a message but your message box is full or something. Can't send.
  16. LOL.... who you kidding. Well, I have and it was back when drivers were made from trees. We'd just pull some green grass and rub it in. Seemed to work ok.
  17. Got a photo or link to the product or site? That'd be helpful.
  18. I seem to remember two drives. Both by John Daily. This first might have been a PGA Championship where Daily crushed a drive and then bent over to pump up his shoes. (remember those?) The other was a time Daily skanked a tee shot thereby promptly helicoptering this driver over or into the trees. LOL My memory is a little fuzzy on the second event so perhaps someone can refresh me.
  19. I think you can correct it yourself Rev. Pretty sure I'd done that in the past.
  20. There are variations on this for free. For instance... broken tee stumps. Who hasn't swatted a few broken tees before? Same principal imo. I suppose most anything will work in the place of buying a specific aid. Of course this won't help IZZO much.
  21. I always seem to find similarities with our games and how we play it. The other day it was putting. I play my 56* more than any other wedge in the bag. Although I prefer to keep it low and let it run more than you. However, my 56 is my go to wedge. Next is my 60. It's windy to one degree or another here where I play and I suppose growing up in the those conditions I just learned to flight or keep the ball lower. Or else. Again... I usually feel the same way. I don't sweat it much missing greens. It happens all to often. But I usually think I'll get up/down most of the time. My percentage is probably about 75%+ most days. Maybe a little less right now as the rough is pretty high. My home course greens are fairly straight forward but generally pretty quick. My irons just haven't been that hot in recent months to be honest. But a good chip/pitch - short game and putting well will save the day.
  22. good idea. But... have your cut one in half yet? LOL
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