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  1. Haha
    Rtracymog got a reaction from Bad Golfer in K Sig Driver $199   
    Good luck! I've asked Costco to bring back chocolate ice cream and it hasn't happened yet! lol
  2. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to GolfSpy_APH in FlightScope Mevo+ vs. Rhapsodo MLM2 Pro   
    Check out the Rapsodo (No H) ongoing reviews. I haven't used the mevo so cant say much, but am blown away with Joe much better the Rapsodo is and really everything it provides. I haven't even unlocked it's full potential because I've just been using my phone so far. Computer, projector and the rest is still to come. 
  3. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to golfinnut in FlightScope Mevo+ vs. Rhapsodo MLM2 Pro   
    I know I can go look thru all the threads but I thought I'd just throw the question out to the forum anyway.  
    Which is better?  FlightScope Mevo+ or Rhapsodo?
    I'm looking to put a net up in my backyard, so this won't be used indoors (at least for now).  
    Thanks for the help 😉  
  4. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to Golfspy_CG2 in Full Swing Kit Launch Monitor -Unofficial Review by CG2   
    That’s a great question and honestly thdy are both good.  You won’t be disappointed either way. 
    The R10 costs less and gives Club data such as  club path and face to path etc.  Rapsodo says this will come down rhd line but not sure when. 
    But MLM is superior in every other way in my experience.  I like that it has a built in camera.  So you can watch your swing there and see your path.   Thd impact vision is fanatic.   If you see lines up properly.  It will show you what your club face is doing at impact.   It is really cool.  
    Like you I used them both mostly outside and found myself using the MLM2 more.   When I did a few inside sessions last winter I did use the R10 with E6 for the range and simulator.  MLM2 just made some fantastic updates to its sim package from what I have read on its FB page. 
    If I could only keep one of the two. It’d be the MLM2 without a doubt. 
  5. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to Golfspy_CG2 in Full Swing Kit Launch Monitor -Unofficial Review by CG2   
    I  got the FSK this week, charged it up and downloaded the apps to both my I phone and I pad.   Late in the day in 40 degree and windy temps I couldn't resist and took it out.  Only about a dozen balls, but wanted to get the hang of it before putting it to the test against our Trackman.  So better weather on Friday near 55 slight breeze and sunny.   But went out with the FSK and our Trackman along with our Director of Golf, our Director of Instruction and our Assistant Superintendent, all three of them very good players, and then me to show the other end of the spectrum.
    The TLDR if you don't go past this, the FSK held it's on with all three of us against Trackman!!
    Corey our  Director of Instruction was really really impressed with it, quoting him "I could teach off this very easily"  All the data numbers were spot on-and it out lasted his Trackman battery wise--details below on some results.  He was literally blown away, he told me,  "This is by far the best devise you've had of al them.  Note: I currently have the MLM2 and Garmin R10 and had a basic MEVO and SC200  previously.   
    We all  have varying Swing Speeds,  mine with 7 iron is in the low to mid 70's, our Director of Golf is around 93 and our Assistant Super maybe 87 to 88. 
    Our DOI is currently nursing a bad shoulder and didn't hit any shots.  
    Below are some screen shots of dispersion and shot summary.  Dustin’s,  from SW, 7I, 5W and Driver and you will be able to see how helpful those are in seeing if the gaps are proper.  The screenshots of both our summary's show a pretty consistent gapping for us.   Just on different levels...ha
    Everyone loved the unit.
    It was easy to set up and line up properly.  
    The display on the screen was easy to read for everyone no matter where they stood
    The I pad displayed all the data points very well and really very accurately from what we all know of our numbers.  There were some occasional spin numbers that seemed out of whack.  But we can probably attribute this to our ranger balls...you know what they say about fitting with range balls.  It even happened a few times this year with the OEM during fitting days with their trackman and GC Quads.  But I'd say 90% at least of he shot registered an appropriate spin rate   
    All the ball data matched the Trackman with mere decimals, see the one screen shot below.  The Trackman battery died after a bit due to it also be used before our session in a lesson with a student.  I joked with the DOI that the FSK still had 75% battery after almost an hour of use.  
    The club data was spot on as well.  I have a fairly consistent out to in club path and I counter that with a fairly shut face at impact so my face to path is not usually far off, resulting i a fade that starts left and usually ends up not too far off the center line.  This held to form on the FSK data points for each of those.
    It was tough to compare those to the Trackman data pints as they had to sit on slightly different angles, we with the positioning a few times with putting the trackman behind the FSK but then it didn't pick some of the metrics. we tried overlapping them a bit then the FSK was off a bit.  So it safe to say it's nearly impossible to get both units on the same exact aiming point at the same time.   But when I took the FSK away and tooks some swings only on Trackman lined up properly the club numbers were pretty much spot on as well.  
    I didn't' really get any pictures of the unit itself set up, just screen shots.   I'll work on that aspect next time. 
    The FSK is very easy to carry and comes in a very nice and sturdy hard case with handle, that made carrying it to the range very easy.  I was ALMOST able to put my  Pad in the case as well but it was pretty tight and I didn't want to break the screen on it.   
    Shot dispersion for Dustin.  

    Here is data on Josh’s our Director of Golf 7 iron  Trackman on Left and FSK on Rigjt   Just spot on   The club data was further down   I’ll try and get those on another session  
    I will say the data on this one wa probably a bit further off than most   For example the spin shows a difference of 53 rpm  while vey good  there were several where it was 20 RPM or less  pretty incredible  

    Dispersion chart on my SW and 7 iron...yeah, not very long I know but at least fairly tight.

    Club Summary list can be used to see if your gapping are consistent enough of 10 to 15 yards between each club.  In this case, I have 4 clubs  GW, PW, 9 and 8 irons between the SW and 7.  So the 42 yard average is pretty spot on.

    Pretty good gapping on Dustin's shot averages as well.  His 7 iron is a bit shorter than he normally hits it, so it's not perfect in this session.

  6. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to storm319 in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    By nature par is a relatively arbitrary reference point. If players are averaging well under par on a particular hole, then par should change. 
  7. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to azstu324 in K Sig Driver $199   
    This has been the ongoing conundrum with Golfworks/Maltby. During a time when the DTC environment is as strong as it's EVER been, the DTC king (Maltby) is continuing to play the slow, silent, and steady card rather than come out guns ablaze. Why? I dunno.. 🤔
    I've had chats with Britt and it's just not a game that they want to play. While I can understand on one hand that loyalty = longevity, I can't help but feel like Maltby is actually getting overshadowed by the likes of Takomo, Sub70, Calley, etc, with the help of YouTube and golf forums alike. The're probably actually losing business in an environment where they should be destroying. 
    On a more positive note though for Maltby, I just happen to know that a certain fairly well-known YouTube golf personality will be releasing a full review of the KE4 MAX irons very soon. I'm really hoping that he continues a series and does the rest of the lineup.. or at least some of the higher-end forged models. I'm also hoping that this becomes somewhat of a catalyst for maybe a few other guys out there to follow suit.. and Maybe for Maltby to change their tune a little. 
    Don't ask me how I know.. I just do 😉
  8. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to cnosil in K Sig Driver $199   
    There are multiple ways for a company to be part of most wanted testing.  From my discussions with the HQ staff: 
    1.  Companies can contact MGS and ask to submit their equipment. 
    2.  MGS reaches out to companies and asks the OEM to submit equipment for testing.   The clubs must be stock offerings (no upcharge) or configuration not available at retail.  For companies that are highly fitting specific like LAB, they can provide multiple lies angles .   Not all companies agree to send equipment and refuse to be part of the testing.
    3.  MGS will purchase items at retail if it is considered a significant player in the industry or there is a large consumer interest like the Kirkland clubs (MGS purchased these).
  9. Haha
    Rtracymog got a reaction from dobrycki in K Sig Driver $199   
    Good luck! I've asked Costco to bring back chocolate ice cream and it hasn't happened yet! lol
  10. Like
    Rtracymog got a reaction from Franc38 in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    Agreed! They want to show the athleticism and power on tour, but now we want to roll that back? I don't get it. I know Tiger talked about not having enough land, but look at number 13 at Augusta as one example. You're telling me that ANGC couldn't cut some trees down or move that tee box 10 or 15 yards farther left to force a certain shot shape? and bring more problems into play? 
    The courses don't want their setups to be considered too hard (minus the Memorial) because players might not come back. I feel like they haven't exhausted all their options, but they just said, "Here let's do this!"
  11. Love
    Rtracymog got a reaction from PMookie in The Edison Challenge featuring Edison 2.0 Wedges   
    Awesome review! Great to hear about someone from SE Michigan even if you've moved! I've always been curious about the Edisons, but I've never gotten along with a V sole in a wedge. I feel like they just skip and I blade everything out of the bunker. Good to hear about the Edels though, they are on my list!
  12. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to GolfSpy_APH in Newton Golf Shafts - new technology or marketing hyperbole?   
    I pulled the trigger on one. I'll share my findings after I get it and test it out. 
    Also going to have a call with SP and their main guy with Newton shafts to get some more info to share with all. 
  13. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to GolfSpy_APH in Question about Tour AD shaft chart   
    Would actually love to try the VF in whatever the lowest spinning head with lowest loft and see if I could get the thing off the ground!
  14. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to KC Golf in Question about Tour AD shaft chart   
    Another chart from Japan.  Draw / Fade vs Low / High launch.  With Tiger using this with his TaylorMade QI-10, the VF orders will be off the charts!
  15. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to Shankster in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    This is bringing me out of retirement for this post.  I don’t get it… you don’t see Porsche, Tesla, F1, etc. making their cars slower because they are setting records.
    Huge mistake by the “Governing Bodies”
    Much like the CFP comity leaving FSU out of the playoffs, and I am in no way a FSU fan in the slightest.  It just doesn’t make sense.
  16. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to Ben_Howell34 in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    Also, on top of all of this, rolling the ball back will put even more emphasis on distance in my opinion, not less. If you look at strokes gained, distance is a bigger deal for amateurs than it is for The pros believe it or not. I tend to think that’s because they all hit it pretty dang far already, even the “short” guys. 
  17. Like
    Rtracymog got a reaction from silver & black in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    Agreed! They want to show the athleticism and power on tour, but now we want to roll that back? I don't get it. I know Tiger talked about not having enough land, but look at number 13 at Augusta as one example. You're telling me that ANGC couldn't cut some trees down or move that tee box 10 or 15 yards farther left to force a certain shot shape? and bring more problems into play? 
    The courses don't want their setups to be considered too hard (minus the Memorial) because players might not come back. I feel like they haven't exhausted all their options, but they just said, "Here let's do this!"
  18. Like
    Rtracymog got a reaction from Shrek74 in The Edison Challenge featuring Edison 2.0 Wedges   
    Awesome review! Great to hear about someone from SE Michigan even if you've moved! I've always been curious about the Edisons, but I've never gotten along with a V sole in a wedge. I feel like they just skip and I blade everything out of the bunker. Good to hear about the Edels though, they are on my list!
  19. Like
    Rtracymog got a reaction from Bob Pegram in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    Agreed! They want to show the athleticism and power on tour, but now we want to roll that back? I don't get it. I know Tiger talked about not having enough land, but look at number 13 at Augusta as one example. You're telling me that ANGC couldn't cut some trees down or move that tee box 10 or 15 yards farther left to force a certain shot shape? and bring more problems into play? 
    The courses don't want their setups to be considered too hard (minus the Memorial) because players might not come back. I feel like they haven't exhausted all their options, but they just said, "Here let's do this!"
  20. Like
    Rtracymog got a reaction from NM01 in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    Agreed! They want to show the athleticism and power on tour, but now we want to roll that back? I don't get it. I know Tiger talked about not having enough land, but look at number 13 at Augusta as one example. You're telling me that ANGC couldn't cut some trees down or move that tee box 10 or 15 yards farther left to force a certain shot shape? and bring more problems into play? 
    The courses don't want their setups to be considered too hard (minus the Memorial) because players might not come back. I feel like they haven't exhausted all their options, but they just said, "Here let's do this!"
  21. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to McGolf in How To Regrip A Golf Club   
    Taking a newbie through the ins and outs of gripping. 
    If you guys want some help in the area just let me know
  22. Like
    Rtracymog got a reaction from Beakbryce in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    I feel like there are plenty of other things to do instead of rolling the ball back. Soften the fairways, grow the rough, narrow the fairways, use tighter doglegs with more trees, etc. The recreational golfer doesn't hit it far enough anyway. I don't think that companies will be happy with bifurcation either. That means more molds, more tech, more research at different levels and that will cost them more money.  This could end up like the wedge thing where everyone freaked out about the groove rollback and now they spin as much or more than ever. I'll play the waiting game, but I will probably stock up for a while as 2030 approaches.
  23. Like
    Rtracymog got a reaction from fixyurdivot in Planned 2030 Golf Ball Rollback   
    I feel like there are plenty of other things to do instead of rolling the ball back. Soften the fairways, grow the rough, narrow the fairways, use tighter doglegs with more trees, etc. The recreational golfer doesn't hit it far enough anyway. I don't think that companies will be happy with bifurcation either. That means more molds, more tech, more research at different levels and that will cost them more money.  This could end up like the wedge thing where everyone freaked out about the groove rollback and now they spin as much or more than ever. I'll play the waiting game, but I will probably stock up for a while as 2030 approaches.
  24. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to PMookie in The Edison Challenge featuring Edison 2.0 Wedges   
    Chipping and pitching yips Champ of 2022 at your service! Yep, the bane of my golf existence these days!!! I have NO idea how they developed, when exactly, or why, but here I am, the CHAMP!
    I’ve been golfing for over 40 years, my Dad was a HS golf coach and my favorite days were riding around on the cart during practice being able to drop balls here-and-there. When he took me to play early-on we went to Pat’s Par 3 so I could learn the game from appropriate distances, and only when I became strong enough did he move me to full-size course play. I still remember the day he told me I was ready for my first REAL round! Today that par 3 course is the famous Miles Of Golf in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I still love to go-by there whenever I get back home!
    Born-and-raised in SE Michigan, first year of college at Kalamazoo College to play hoops, then off to Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, one of the most beautiful places you’ll ever see! I played golf in HS, did play in the Ann Arbor Jr Open one summer, so I liked to play competitively. I absolutely fell in love with Mountain golf in NC. We played an inexpensive course once the snow melted as the course was part of the ski slopes during the winter. Yeah, to this day I prefer mountain golf to any other! I had my first hole-in-one on that course in a tournament (my second hole in one came years later at Fazio Foothills #9 hole at Barton Creek in Austin, TX).
    I live in NE Louisiana and play as much as I can. A recent divorce set me back a bit, but the course and range is still where I love to go to get peace-of-mind, be active, and be outside. I play most rounds with a former student and player who was on the HS golf team where I coached. I won my flight of the Monroe Open 8 years ago, but have only played in scrambles since. I play a semi-private course and it’s a good test albeit very flat due to the topography here in the Mississippi Delta. I’m a father of 3, dating again, and looking forward to the future!!!
    I’m excited about this test because I’ve been through a lot of different types and brands of wedges over the years. Most recently I have been playing Edel SMS, and for those who know me on here over the past 10 plus years, y’all know I’ve been an Edel “fan boy” getting to know the guys there very well. As my opening few sentences let you know I need as much forgiveness as I can get right now with my wedges. I’ve REALLY been enjoying my i230 U wedge and have built some confidence with it, so adding a couple more for which I have the same feeling would be great. Shot-wise around the green I’m a bump-and-run guy, it’s old school, what my Dad taught me in the 70s, I hardly ever play a flop, so if I can use the 8 iron and run the ball to the hole I’m going to! I hit the ball VERY high due to overly active hands and arms, so I’m interested to see how much lower my ball flight goes with the Edison 2.0. What would I need to see to bag these babies? Similar distances, increased GIR, lower ball flight, and similar spin. If I can be more “accurate” and hit it lower, I’ll be a happy man.
    My bag is all Ping until wedges and putter:
    Ping G430 Max driver, LST 3w, and 4 hybrid, i230 irons 4-UW, 50/54/58 Edel SMS wedges, and Edel EAS 1.0 putter.
    I’m looking forward to this opportunity, and I’m very thankful to both Edison and MGS for including me! Have a blessed day!!! Here we go!!!!


    First Impressions 8/10
    I was very impressed by the Edison 2.0 wedges immediately upon taking them out of the box, even the shipping was nicely done especially with the inclusion of the hat! I liked the look of the wedges, the colors, the matte finish, the weight, etc. The only think I didn’t care for was the two-tone finish on the face just because I’d been playing a “single finish” face for years. I liked the dual sole wedge and was familiar with Koehler sole from Scor wedges, and the similar sole on Srixon irons I’d played for years.
    Aesthetics: 8/10 with the deduction being for the dual color face
    Feel-wise I really liked the Edison 2.0 on full shots. There was something about the combination of the face and shaft that on well-struck shots it had this “powerful” feel to it! It was addicting! One night at the range I was absolutely flushing everything so I had this feel coming as feedback over and over again. I was hitting to a green/flag and it wasn’t like the balls were going significantly farther than ones hit with my Edel wedges, but it sure felt like they were going 20-30 yards further! When I chipped and pitched I did not get the same feel at all. I actually didn’t enjoy the feel very much around the green and I’m not sure if I could narrow it down to one specific aspect of the clubface. I think I can chalk-up the issue with feel on chipping due to hitting balls further out toward the toe and the head being tilted toe down, but it’s just a guess. Full shots: loved the feel. Short shots: didn’t love the feel.
    Feel: 7/10

    The Numbers 2/10
    Ok, here’s where we get down to brass tax. I purposely held off showing my Trackman numbers until the review for a reason feeling it would give away too much of my review if I posted them a few weeks back, so here goes. To start with, the whole purpose of doing a review for MGS is to put the manufacturer claims to the test and see if they hold-up for average Joe’s, weekend golfers, so what I was testing were the claims that these would be more forgiving, fly lower, and spin more. Ok, what did I see? Whether it be on the range, on the course, and especially on Trackman, for ME, not a single one of these claims held-up. I didn’t hit more greens than with my Edels on-course from the same distances. Balls did not fly any lower than my Edels in any situation, and my Edels spun more which was seen both on-course, and on Trackman. There’s even a picture I posted showing how balls were backing-up whether I hit them with my Edels or with the Edison 2.0 but the Edels backed-up FEET further! The minute I got these unwrapped and got to the course  I was SO ready to see lower ball flight from ball one! Ball one.. Ball 20, ball 100, none went lower than my Edel SMS! Shocked. I had numerous Edison users tell me it really noticeable so I thought something might be wrong, but the balls off the Edisons never went any lower than my current gamers in any situation. So, here are the numbers from TrackMan: first launch and peak height. Edel 54 launch was 29.1 with peak height of 94. Edison 53 launched also at 29.1 and had a peak height of 102, so 8 feet HIGHER! Edel 58 launched at 30.8 and hit a peak height of 91, and the Edison 57 took off at 30.2 and flew up around 90, so no real difference. SPIN: Edel 54 spun at 10936, Edison 53 was 10312 (624 less), Edel 58’s spin was 11668, and Edison 57 was 11375 (293 less). In summary, with the numbers I saw really the only category that Edison won would be distance, but the shafts were also ½” longer than my gamers.

    On-Course 10/20
    I’ve pretty much already addressed everything I saw on-course when I posted and added pictures, and addressed it above in the previous categories. I will say I thought that on-course full shots was where I would see these shine just because of that powerful feeling I got with these on flushed shots at the range, and with Edison’s claims of more forgiveness. I thought for SURE I’d hit more greens, miss “closer”, see a difference from my Edels, but I just didn’t. Add to the fact that the grinds just didn’t work for me around the greens where I struggle most and these just weren’t for me on-course at all.
    Good, Bad, In-Between 10/20
    The good for me were the looks and powerful feel of the wedges. The bad was that these didn’t perform up to any of the claims made by Edison. The in-between comes down to this… These were not fitted to me at all and, to be honest, I really didn’t think these could beat my Edels for this reason alone. The shafts were too soft from a flex and tip standpoint (KBS Tour S vs my Nippon Modus 130 X), they were also too long at an extra 1/2” over my Edels making it that much harder to hit the sweet spot on full shots and even worse when it was time to grip down and chip around the greens. The Edel fitting is pretty extensive, at least the one I did, and we tried a TON of different shafts and not just brands. We tried various stiffnesses, lengths, weights, etc., we really zeroed-in my wedges for me and my swing. There was just no way the Edisons could compete with that. I would LOVE to have a true fitting with the Edisons, and THEN have them go head-to-head to make it a true test.
    Play it or Trade it 10/20
    After getting this far in the review I think it’s safe to say you all know my answer here… Trade them. They will not be going into my bag, and I probably won’t spend the money on getting Nippon shafts and having them built similarly to the Edels because just the grinds alone don’t work for me. I want to be clear that these are QUALITY clubs! They just aren’t for ME… I don’t want anyone to think I’m bashing Edison in any way, shape or form because I’m not. If one looks up the Edison threads, and looks at the other reviews here they will see much different results, so don’t just read my review and make assumptions. Edison has a free trial program so it’s always best to take advantage of those specials and see how they do for you!
    Overall Score 55/100
    I sincerely thank Edison Golf and MGS for giving me the opportunity to participate in this review, my first of wedges on MGS. I really appreciate being included!
  25. Like
    Rtracymog reacted to McGolf in Rubber weight type thing   
    If it has the rubber feel is it probably the tungsten tip weight which runs about 10 grams with out any epoxy. 
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