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Everything posted by DiscipleofPenick

  1. This offseason the two Northern Ohio sections merged (or Toledo was eliminated depending on pov) any way I'm building a list of all 18 hole courses in the section. I'll settle for just playing those. There's over 100 within an hour of my house. And who knows how many out closer to PA or IN. I know there's a few hidden gems on the fringes that are worth the trip. Take Dead Aim
  2. I've played around with a lot of the online ball fittings just to see what their algorithms were. It's really difficult on Titleist to NOT get recommended the ProV1. Same with Callaway and the Chrome Soft, the TP5, and on Bridgestone the RXS. It's really tough to get recommended an X ball. For example on Bridgestone to get the Tour B X I had to pick Drive +270, straight ball flight, distance is highest priority, average score under 80, and a medium ball flight. Take Dead Aim
  3. I wear a regular medium glove and use MCC+4 midsize. It really helps with my grip pressure and keeps the wrists quieter through the swing. Take Dead Aim
  4. I've been putting for eagle a few times every season, I maybe make 1. It helps my home course has a 460 yard par 5. I've holed out once from about 65. Take Dead Aim
  5. Here are the 2020 sand save leaders on the PGA. To answer the question, the numbers say copy Day. Of course you could try to copy anybody but you need to practice more than anything else. Though if you practice right, you won't be in bunkers in the first place. [emoji16] Take Dead Aim
  6. I always say outside. A launch monitor will only tell you so much. I think actually seeing the ball flight and being able to relate the feeling of a swing and impact to perceivable results is fantastic. If you can find an outdoor place with a monitor that is fantastic. I will 100% pick hitting balls outdoors. Take Dead Aim
  7. Last purchase before the season starts... Time to replace my main wedge, but it turns out Vokey no longer offers my bounce/grind combo in the 58* anymore. I play the L grind with 4* bounce. So time to source new SM5 and 6 off ebay. Well I found one not only in black, but black raw. This is the one I've wanted but they were out of stock last time I bought my wedge. I've been playing this setup for about 12 years now, story for another thread. So I guess I'll be buying another 2 or 3 of these when I have funds and praying Vokey offers it in the future. Can always bend a 60 I guess. Take Dead Aim
  8. WGCs are usually good viewing given the top talent they attract, but you could swap all the Puerto Rico Open coverage for the ladies and I'd be a lot happier. Take Dead Aim
  9. Oops sorry. I'd been meaning to switch it for months, just got around to it. Better this way than a private message. Take Dead Aim
  10. StoneWater is supposed to be amazing, great decision! I am also renewing my season membership to a local public course for the same reasons (and price).[mention=72853]MaxEntropy[/mention][mention=1253]tony@CIC[mention=12972]MattF[/mention] does this get anyone just as excited???? [emoji1787][emoji1787] http://www.cossettcreek.com/ Take Dead Aim
  11. Am I wrong or or is golf channel not airing the ladies live? According to their site its only 2 hours at night Thurs-Sun? Take Dead Aim
  13. It's always nice when we can see the guys who aren't on fire that week. Even watching the earlier in the day golf channel coverage before the leaders get on the course is nice. Take Dead Aim
  14. Right, and starting in 2019 the local chapter that runs the private club tournament series opened the series up to all local players that have a GHIN. So if I'm going to play in a flighted tournament, I may as well get on a private course, and know that everything is being regulated and is offical with USGA system. Sure there's sandbaggers, can never fix that completely, but it's less shenanigans than a 3 handicap not being checked and just registering for the C flight and then shooting a 75. Take Dead Aim
  15. Right? And they've raised entry fees too. $100+ for public courses I can play for less than half isn't a good business model... Take Dead Aim
  16. Disclaimer: My understanding is that the GolfWeek Am Tour is run kind of like a franchise, so these experiences might not be similar to events in your area. There are over-arching rules and the flights are the same nationally, but each region's chairman may operate differently. Apparently, these same guys run two different sections in Ohio and the other one supposedly has hundreds of players. Our area is in the third year and still not really off the ground. Also, my area already has a robust Amateur event scene, so GolfWeek is a little late to the party. Also, in spite of my experiences, I think there is some benefit to the tour for those with a higher handicap. Most events are always contested at scratch, so it serves a purpose providing a competitive environment for those with a double digit handicap. Now it's story time. I was eager to sign up for this. It was a low initiation fee, and the tournament prices weren't too bad with <$100 entry fees. I lasted two tournaments. The first tournament, I played in the Championship Flight. My opponents were the reigning regional Amateur champion, and a Div. I golfer who was called up from out of the area to boost the field. GolfWeek lets you enter any tournament nationally, so I'm not complaining about the quality of my opponents, what can you do about that? Just say I finished a distant third. What I found out was that playing with those two, is that the low man of the tournament was actually in the C Flight. C Flight is supposed be 14-18 hcp...and some dude shot even par. This was the first concern. It turns out that GWA ignores GHIN, or at least these tourney-runners did. See the tour maintains it's own handicap system that is supposed to mirror GHIN. But you need to play 5 tournaments before you are assigned a handicap by GWA and put into a flight. There was zero enforcement or tracking of who should be in what flight. So anyone could sign up for whatever flight they wanted without a check on their GHIN or past scores. I was in the champion flight anyways, didn't really effect me, but I see it being a huge turnoff for the higher handicaps. You could show up expecting to be paired against equal competition and then someone who should be in the champ flight registers for your lower flight just to get a trophy and a bit of cash. A month passed and the next tournament was played. My handicap went up in the meantime so I registered for the A flight. When I arrived at the course, I was told I would be playing the championship flight again because that's what I selected when I signed up for the tour and I have to stay there until receiving a tour handicap. This time there were 4 of us in the Champ flight, and now that my handicap was going the wrong way, I finished 4th, though not as distant as the last time. Two guys tied and were getting ready to head back out for a playoff hole to decide the winner, or so we thought... Two groups later a fifth guy comes in. Says he was part of the Champ flight too. He asked the two going to the playoff what they shot. He replied he shot 1 stroke better than them. He handed his score card to the tournament runner and was declared the flight winner. None of us knew he was playing, as they display all registered participants online. When we teed off there were only 4 in our flight. We didn't know this guy existed. No one played with him, could attest his score, or was able to even view his scorecard before he handed it in. Also, flights play different tees. Champ on the tips, A&B next in front, and C&D next up from there. If this guy was playing with the A's or B's, he could have been playing on their tees as well. And the course had a big difference (6900 vs. 6500 yards from Black to Blue) Did he shoot the 1 stroke better playing a course 400 yards shorter? The two guys that thought they won blew their stacks and quit the tour then and there. After seeing how disorganized everything was, I decided to stop playing too. Just too many scewups on behalf of the commish, and too many shenanigans with the players.
  17. I tried the GolfWeek Am Tour when it first came to my area. It was not a good experience. I'll elaborate if anyone wants to hear the story. Take Dead Aim
  18. Tee it high, let it fly. I use 3 1/2" inch tees and put just enough in the ground to keep it stable. Take Dead Aim
  19. My first child was born in October, lockdown in March. So while I'm not golfing as much as before baby, I did get to play more than I expected. Take Dead Aim
  20. I've used midsize grips for years. These are very comfortable in my hands and very durable. Take Dead Aim
  21. All set, mean green is ready to roll. No club changes, though I did order a new Vokey 58. Same one I've been using for about 12 years, just swap in a new one every 3-5 seasons. This time I got the black finish. Vokey stopped making the L Grind in the 58 so I'm limited to what's available still on ebay. Testors offers most of their paints as a marker so that's the number fill. It needs touched up after each season, but the marker was like $4 so it's ok. Take Dead Aim
  22. I consider the following: Chip - the bump and run. A very low shot played from just off the green. Pitch - a high lofted shot from within 30 yards of the green. Also can be played from just off the green, see Harvey Penick's definitions. Knockdown - a full swing shot meant to keep the ball low in windy conditions. Example from 150 yards would be a 9i in normal conditions, but I am into the wind, so I hit a 7i easy to reduce spin and keep the ball lower. Take Dead Aim
  23. I got the medium speed. Which they refer to as private course and they say it's a 10 or 11 stimp. And it really is faster in one direction than the other. Also, I'm glad I got the middle one because I was thinking of getting the fastest, but this is plenty fast. Goes to show how slow greens really are at most public courses. Take Dead Aim
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