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Paul Hedrick

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Posts posted by Paul Hedrick

  1. Thank you for posting this.  I have ZERO tolerance for guys who treat women this way.  Thinking about it, I do believe my daughter has made me a better man. On that note, I feel sorry for any guy that gets creepy with her.  She is a tri-athlete and would likely kick their ass if ever she had an unwanted touch.  All of us have mothers, or wives, or daughters.  Would you want someone to treat them that way?

  2. I have been very fortunate to only have played  with two people I could consider miserable playing partners. The first one was a guy I worked with.  He was either constantly fussing with his phone or giving unwanted advice.  It has always been my practice to observe my partners ball flight to help in locating it if necessary, and only give advice is asked for.  The second guy, topped the first one by far.  His continual and constant foul language was very annoying.  Yeah, I get it with the occasional 'F*&^" when you hit a bod shot, but let it go and move on.  The "topper" was when I was in a foursome with him and we shared a cart.  We Had just hit our second shot on a par four.  I noticed the other car moving on and was wondering where my cart partner was. Looking to the left and right,  I did not see him.  Turning around I see he is urinating behind the cart, right in the middle of the fairway.  That was the last time I played with him

  3. There seems to be some very strong feelings about iron covers within the online golf community,  from those that use them to the nearly vitriol reponses to those that are against them. I golf with a group of approximately 8 guys; a few use iron covers, most do not. Those that do not do not insult those that do.  For myself I used them in transport. When I arrive at the course, I remove them and leave them in the car, putting them back one before putting the bag back in the car.

  4. I have been on this forum since mid year 2020, and I am not sure if I have posted here or not.  Anyway, I live in Virginia, and have 'played' around with golf for perhaps 20 years.  When I say 'played around', I played perhaps once or twice a year. A few years ago on my birthday my wife bought me a set of fitted irons.  At the time she told me ' You have to play golf more'... I am not sure she knew what can of worms she opened!  LOL  For the first few months after the new clubs I struggled to play, mostly because I really didn't want to play alone.  I spoke with the Pro where we bought my irons and asked if they knew of anyone looking for golf partners.  She hooked my up with a great bunch of guys.  We now play at least once a week, sometimes more.  Last year we took a 'golf buddies' trip to Pinehurst and that was awesome!  It was so awesome we are going on another trip in 35 days!  For me golf fills a need and I enjoy it very much.

  5. I played a round of golf with a friend yesterday. While I am happy with my score, I am wondering one thing: Would have killed the golf gods to give me one stroke, one lousy stroke????
  6. Being a 'Weekend Golfer' I know I will only reach a certain level of performance. Hopefully when I can play more I can improve.  That said, when I golf it is always a toss up which version of ME will show up at the tee box:  The good ME, or the terrible ME. Last weekend the good ME showed up.  I wonder which version will show up today?

  7. I have both.  However that said, I tend to use my GPS much more often.  I find that it is useful for me to measure the distance to a particular spot or feature on the fairway, and the GPS does that easier for me.

  8. On 6/20/2021 at 12:14 PM, Raj LP said:

    Have a great time.  If you haven't already and if there's room on the itinerary, play mid-pines and/or pine needles. We were just there and it was our favorite track between pinehurst 2 4 8, and tobacco rd included. 

    Yeah, mid-pines is great for sure.  We played there last year on our trip.

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