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Sign up Closed: Terra Forza Shafts

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
1,471 signups
Equipment Type: Golf Shafts
Vendor: Terra Forza

Testers Wanted!


Can the proper golf shaft for your driver be determined solely by how you use the ground in your swing? As part of this "testers wanted" opportunity with Terra Forza Golf Shafts, we will find out!

About Terra Forza

Terra Forza has taken a new approach to shaft fittings and flexes. In this case, it is best to hear about their claims directly from them.

“Our theory revolved around the idea that how a golfer loads and unloads a shaft is directly correlated to how they use the ground. After many years of studying ground reaction forces (GRF) and pressure traces, Terra Forza Golf was born, validating that theory. After some trial and error, we were able to create a line of golf shafts that matched a golfer's pressure trace and pressure data. Our patented algorithm allows us to recognize those traces, along with all of the pressure data coming from the TF Pressure Plates, and objectively determine the proper shaft for any golfer. We welcome you to the new ERA of fitting shafts, from the ground up.”


What Is Being Tested

For this testing opportunity, we are searching for four golfers to not only test, review, and keep a Terra Forza golf shaft but also evaluate the fitting method Terra Forza has adopted.

Selected testers will be fitted with the TF Pressure Plates system and be provided with the Terra Forza driver shaft that suits them best.

We want to know how this fitting method works, how effective it is, and ultimately how the Terra Forza shaft performs in your driver! Will the Terra Forza method change the way you think about shaft fittings? Register below to find out!



*Registration closes April 2.

*Testers will be announced on the Forum on April 9.

*Open to golfers able to attend or travel to a Terra Forza fitting location.


I am actually looking for a new shaft now so this would be great to participate in to have a fitting a try a new product

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Almost forgot to add this in!

If you are newer to the forum or even if you have been around for a long time and never selected this guide will give you all the ins and outs in how to better your chances, but also goes into our process at how we do/ make the selections. 

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Very intriguing spin on shafts. My drives are not what they should be. I definitely need a different approach to fittings since the shaft that have been recommended to me in fittings don't seem ideal after I leave the practice bays. I am still hoping that the problem is the shaft and not me. 

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The fitting process for these shafts seems very interesting and I think maybe very helpful for me. Having the right shaft is crucial,regardless of the brand name of the head.  I would need a Titlest adapter  on the shaft.

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I am actually going to get fitted for a new shaft in 2 weeks. The stock shaft is not stiff enough for me. 

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I love the concept, and would love to participate, but alas the closest fitter is an overnight trip to Boston or Texas.  This will be a great follow as there is so much talk about ground pressure - but to have a shaft fitted based on that will be interesting to see the results.  Especially for a guy who has had to teach his body it’s okay to get the weight on his rebuilt left foot as a transmet amputee (motorcycle wreck in ‘16)…swing away testers! 

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Been playing for 30+ years and have never really spent the time it takes to understand the physics of the swing......always been more of a feel player. As I get older I am beginning to research more into the swing physics and hopefully this will enable me to get 30+ more years out of the game......

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Now this is an intriguing test right here.  Using the ground?  🤔  I'd be interested to know if this does work.  Call me skeptical but I'm not sure how shaft performance can be influenced by the ground force?  🤨  But these are the tests that are fun & why MGS exists ... to prove or disprove every OEM's claim.  Now that I have a launch monitor, I can definitely contribute more to testing's like this.  Id' love to be a part of it.  👍

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I have to say I'm really impressed with the testing opportunities offered so far this year. It's really nice to see and learn about these smaller brands that I've never heard of that may offer the same performance as the big OEMs, but just don't have the marketing budget! Don't get me wrong, I like to the big OEM equipment, but seeing basically the same irons every year with 5 in the name instead of the previous year's 4, is refreshing. Now about those BluePrint irons.🤣

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I am currently looking for a new shaft to try. This sounds like it would be a very good option for the bag. I would love to try it.  

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Interesting concept. Willing to travel and would love to be a part of the test. 

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I am a true believer the shaft makes a big difference in your ability to draw or power fade your Drive off the tee box I have been a fan of Hazard Smoke for the last five years I recently bought new Callaway Rogue driver love it but very interested in trying these new shafts Swing Dokter

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It would be a great first test opportunity for me. I look forward to being able to give my input on this shaft in comparison to my current one. Which I love anyway. 

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1 hour ago, GolfSpy_BNG said:

This is a cool concept. I can’t wait to get the kit and see how different golfers use the ground in the swing.  If anyone is interested in checking it out I’m in North Central Iowa. Good luck to all that apply 

I'm not too far away in Omaha. Just might have to take you up on that.

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Excited for this opportunity!  

I live a short drive to Boston... currently carrying my new Ai Smoke Triple Diamond 285ish...  

I have really gotten into the data/information of golf the last few years and it has been very helpful.  


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