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    Jacob10 got a reaction from ejgaudette in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on the personal best! Focus on the positives and how to do that more than what happened over the last five holes.
  2. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from IndyBonzo in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on the personal best! Focus on the positives and how to do that more than what happened over the last five holes.
  3. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to Green4Spinach in How'd you play?   
    Just the fourth 18 hole round of my life, and I did something I have never done before - ever. I shot two birdies in a round. Even better, I shot two birdies on consecutive holes, the 3rd and 4th at Sunbury. I don't have an official handicap yet, but Shot Scope estimates it at 28. So to be -1 after 4 holes (par - bogey - birdie - birdie) was just incredible. Predictably, the wider array of my golf shot repertoire caught up with me, and I still ended up 28 over for the round, thanks in no small part to scoring 34 for the last five holes.
    For a moment, I was living the dream of being a proper golfer. My playing partner chided me for being down on my round, since it was my best ever 18 hole score. But when you have tasted birdie after birdie...
  4. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to gingerbeast87 in How'd you play?   
    Played a very enjoyable scramble with my neighbour Wray yesterday at Woodlands Golf and Country Club in Bristol. We managed to hit 10 over for the round. My best was on the 12th hole on the masters course. It's undergoing some changes at the moment, was a par 5 but is being changed to a drivable par 3. At the moment it's 240 yards to the pin so took my new driver out and managed a 225 yard drive straight onto the green. Hands down my best shot of the game 🤣.
    Great joint effort for the day followed by a pasty and a pint

  5. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to JoeyBananas in How'd you play?   
    Played in the New Jersey Monmouth County 2 man team scramble event at Shark River Golf Course yesterday. My partner and I WON the even with a score of 61 (10 under par) Gross score. We started the day off on a par 5 with an Eagle and then I had a hole out eagle 7 holes later. I had 157 from the adjacent fairway. I hit a 7 iron high over the trees to a 1 hop in. One of the best tournament shots of my life. We only won by 1 stroke. Last year my partner and I came in 2nd with 6 under par. This is the best we have ever played together. We "hammed and egged" almost every hole. 

  6. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to MGoBlue100 in How'd you play?   
    I’ve played a bit of scramble golf so far this season; haven’t had too many opps to play my own ball. I’m in Louisville at my son’s house to work remote (some) and spend a couple days at Valhalla. Got to play Fuzzy Zoeller’s course in Sellersburg, IN yesterday. Covered Bridge. I recommmend it if you’re in the area. Long game was good, short game getting better, even played some decent bunker shots on the back nine. Happy with 90 at this point. 

  7. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to Dweed in How'd you play?   
    It's been awhile. Between being under the weather and that the weather itself really sucked too boot. Anyway, our 1st league was rained out yesterday so I snuck out between chores today and played 9. 65, partly sunny but wind gusts from the north, northeast at 30. Needed sleeves initially. Down, up and down day. 1st hole directly into the wind, carry over a river, with pond on west side of green. Double bogie. Oh well. I managed the wind better over the next 7 holes, 5 pars and 2 birdies. Things looking pretty good, then the last hole. Straight down wind, ponds and trees on the right side until the dogleg right, then 2 more small ponds on the right. Easy dummy. Just stay left hug the outside of the dleg. Double bogie. Oh well. I did have one of those moments where no matter what else shots. This one shot made the round memorable. I had a nice drive into the wind. Kept it low so it ran a little. I was 156 from the hole and directly into the wind. Used my 4H instead of 5 iron because of that. It took off like one of those low roostertails slowly rising against the wind and then just floating over the green when it dropped and trickled to 10 feet from the pin. Straight, perfect looking shot. Just one of those dream shots. That made my day. The following hole d bogie didn't matter at all.
  8. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to jbern in How'd you play?   
    Was able to squeeze in a 9 hole walking round. Shot a 7 over 43. I have a lingering rib injury from 10 days ago that is still very uncomfortable and made it hard to swing very smoothly. My driver was shorter than usual and I had a heavy miss to the right, but I was never in a terrible spot for the approach shots. My approach shots were horrible. Since my approach play was so poor, I had a lot of greenside chips (once I was able to get close to the green 😆) and those went very well. Many got within three 3' and a couple of others I hit my spot, it just wasn't the right spot. The chipping practice has been paying off!
    It was also the first round outdoors with the LAB DF3! It didn't get a chance to show off because my chipping was good, but long putts went well and I gave it two thumbs up for the initial 9 hole round!

    FW hit: 1/7 = 14%
    GIR: 1/9 = 11%
    Putts: 15
    3-putts: 1
  9. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to Josh Parker in How'd you play?   
    Different round than yesterday. I should have warmed up before teeing off. Shot a 2 over and if I could have putted like I did today with yesterday's ball striking, I would have broke 70. The game is coming along. 
    11/14FW with one OB
    9/18 GIR 
    28 Putts
    3 Birdies, 3 Bogies and 1 double

  10. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to edingc in How'd you play?   
    Last several rounds continue to build upon my earlier successes. Had a couple of low-mid 80s last week with some terrible luck (seemed like everything that missed the fairway went behind a tree!). Rebounded Monday for a 38 on the back, a +3 75 yesterday despite a pretty shaky front, and a 39 this morning on the back. Putting and chipping were great yesterday, not so much today as it caused two of the three bogies. 
    Having a lot of fun out there right now. Excited for the summer to start.
  11. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to MaxEntropy in How'd you play?   
    If there was anything to be encouraged about in league last night, it is that I don't feel like I could play any worse than I did yet walked away having played bogey golf. 
    It started very poorly....
    Hole 1 - flare 7w into the trees. First punch shot hits tree, nestles against the trunk of another tree. Hack at that one to just try to move the ball somewhere towards the fairway, but doesn't make it. 4th shot was a decent punch that rolls to 20 yards short of the front of the green, walk off with a double.
    Hole 2 - only solid drive of the night, almost ends up in pond, but stops on the bank, leaving an awkward stance with uphill/sidehill lie with ball way above my feet. I ended up pushing that one right into a green-side bunker (over-corrected on the effect of the lie, but with a pond left of the green, I'm mostly OK with that). I got all ball out of the bunker and launch it over the green and into the pond. Walk off with a triple.
    +5 after 2 holes? Could be a long night. Fortunately, the rest of the evening got a little better, but I was +4 on the remaining 7 holes. Other than the second hole, driver was terrible all night so there was a lot of scrambling. I really thought I had figured something out when I played Friday. Apparently not. Maybe I need to start thinking less and just swing the damn club.
  12. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to Haro in How'd you play?   
    Played a few practice rounds.  First round I wanted to keep score.  Played nine and 12 over   Lost ball four times.   My tee game was awful. But my short game was pretty good 
    playing tight treelike course didn’t help. 
  13. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to Rob Person in How'd you play?   
    Wtg! @Vegan_Golfer_PNW !!!  Welcome to the under 90 club!
    Today was a great day for golf.  Not so much the score total,  but the company.   Played a 9 hole scramble round with my son before he leaves thursday to move to TN and begin the next chapter of his young adult life.
    Was strictly a Stix club day too. (Will post in the Stix topic with video)
    F- 6, G- 5, P- 19.  Round total was 44.

  14. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from Vegan_Golfer_PNW in How'd you play?   
    Played my usual 9 holes last week on Friday. The course was dryer than expected after the flooding experienced on Wednesday night into Thursday morning, but the wind was a different story. Seems as though only a couple of times out this year the wind hasn’t been a major factor.
    A couple of loose shots on par 5s resulted in bogeys and not getting putts to the hole, otherwise a good round. 

  15. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from Steve F in 2024 PGA Championship Contest Sponsored by MYClubMaker.Com   
    Cut: +2
    Low Pro: Matt Dobyns
  16. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from ejgaudette in How'd you play?   
    Played my usual 9 holes last week on Friday. The course was dryer than expected after the flooding experienced on Wednesday night into Thursday morning, but the wind was a different story. Seems as though only a couple of times out this year the wind hasn’t been a major factor.
    A couple of loose shots on par 5s resulted in bogeys and not getting putts to the hole, otherwise a good round. 

  17. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from Shifty in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on breaking 90! Keep on going!
  18. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from Rob Person in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on breaking 90! Keep on going!
  19. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from William P in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on breaking 90! Keep on going!
  20. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from William P in 2024 PGA Championship Contest Sponsored by MYClubMaker.Com   
    Cut: +2
    Low Pro: Matt Dobyns
  21. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from cksurfdude in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on breaking 90! Keep on going!
  22. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from Northern Monkey in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on breaking 90! Keep on going!
  23. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on breaking 90! Keep on going!
  24. Like
    Jacob10 reacted to TCUfrog in How'd you play?   
    Played all 3 original courses at Sand Valley, 53 Holes, on Friday. Shot 82 on Sand Valley, then 6 over on the 17 hole short course, then shot 80 on Mammoth Dunes. The best part of the whole day was on our way back to the lodge after dinner in the clubhouse, the Northern Lights were in full effect.
  25. Like
    Jacob10 got a reaction from tdroma98 in How'd you play?   
    Congrats on breaking 90! Keep on going!
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