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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×

David Leighton Reid

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  1. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to DawgDaddy in Whats your best joke?   
    Two women were out for a Saturday stroll. One had a Doberman and the other, a Chihuahua.

    As they walked down the street, the one with the Doberman said to her friend, "Let's go over to that bar for a drink."

    The lady with the Chihuahua said, "We can't go in there. We've got dogs with us."

    The one with the Doberman said, "Just watch, and do as I do."

    They walked over to the bar and the one with the Doberman put on a pair of dark glasses and started to walk in. The bouncer at the door said, "Sorry, lady, no pets allowed."

    The woman with the Doberman said, "You don't understand. This is my seeing-eye dog."

    The bouncer said, "A Doberman?"

    The woman said, "Yes, they're using them now. They're very good."

    The bouncer said, "OK, come on in."

    The lady with the Chihuahua thought that convincing him that a Chihuahua was a seeing-eye dog may be a bit more difficult, but thought, "What the heck," so she put on her dark glasses and started to walk in.

    Once again the bouncer said, "Sorry, lady, no pets allowed."

    The woman said, "You don't understand. This is my seeing-eye dog."

    The bouncer said, "A Chihuahua?"

    The woman with the Chihuahua said, ........

    "A Chihuahua? They gave me a freaking Chihuahua?!"
  2. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to steveone in Whats your best joke?   
  3. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to steveone in Whats your best joke?   
    A chicken farmer went to a local bar, sat next to a woman, and ordered a glass of champagne.
    The woman perked up and said,
    “How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne, too!”
    “This is a special day for me too, I am also celebrating,” said the woman.
    “What a coincidence!” said the farmer.
    As they clinked glasses, he added,
    “What are you celebrating?”
    “My husband and I have been trying to have a child, and today my gynecologist told me that I am pregnant!”
    “What a coincidence!” said the man.
    “I’m a chicken farmer, and for years my hens were infertile, but today they are all laying fertilized eggs.”
    “That’s great!” said the woman,
    “How did your chickens become fertile?”
    “I used a different rooster,” he replied.
    The woman smiled, clinked his glass and said,
    “What a coincidence!
  4. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to DawgDaddy in Whats your best joke?   
    One day an old German Shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he’s lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch.
    The old German Shepherd thinks, “Oh, oh! I’m in deep doo-doo now!”
    Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the panther is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly, “Boy, that was one delicious panther! I wonder, if there are any more around here?”
    Hearing this, the young panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees.
    “Whew!,” says the panther, “That was close! That old German Shepherd nearly had me!”
    Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the panther. So, off he goes.
    The squirrel soon catches up with the panther, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the panther.
    The young panther is furious at being made a fool of and says, “Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what’s going to happen to that conniving canine!”
    Now, the old German Shepherd sees the panther coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, “What am I going to do now?” But, instead of running, the old dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn’t seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old dog says… “Where’s that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another panther!”
    Moral of this story…
    Don’t mess with the old dogs.
    Age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery.
  5. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to chisag in Whats your best joke?   
    A Blond & her husband are lying in bed listening to the next door neighbor's dog.. 
    It has been in their backyard barking for hours & hours. 
    The Blond jumps up out of bed and says, 
    "I've had enough of this". She goes downstairs. 
    When she finally comes back up to bed her husband says, "The dog is still barking, what have you been doing?" 
    She says, "I put the dog in our backyard, let's see how THEY like it!
  6. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Jim Shaw in Non-standard Lofts   
    great post by fixyurdivot, and yes we have moved to another topic however, I feel, a very important one. Course management decisions are directly related to skill and experience I believe, by that I mean it isnt a good idea to decide to commit to a shot you have not practiced or comfortable with, you could pull it off but odds are you won't. "tween" shots are part of the game as fixyurdivot stated, it is very rare but I do hear the odd pro say "my numbers were exact all day" and they say it as if, "that was lucky" so you have to have a plan to hit tween shots, there are lots of ways to do it and lots of advice given, in my case I have gone with "NIck Faldo's" clock system, ie, 40 yd shot take hands to 8 o'clock, If you are right handed, 60 yd shot take hands to 9 o'clock, that is with my 56 degree, I do the same with my other irons probably to the 8 iron. 
  7. Like
    David Leighton Reid got a reaction from cksurfdude in Non-standard Lofts   
    I have a loft/lie machine so it is easy to tinker with the lofts and lies.  My irons are set at 2° strong to make up for distance I have lost as I have gotten older.  I have never been a long striker of the ball, but I remember in my younger days playing a 48° PW at 110 yards and now I play a 44° PW at the same distance.  So basically, I have lost 1 club in distance.  The other change I have made is bending my irons to 2° upright which turned my fade into straight/light draw ball flight.  
  8. Like
    David Leighton Reid got a reaction from fixyurdivot in Non-standard Lofts   
    I have a loft/lie machine so it is easy to tinker with the lofts and lies.  My irons are set at 2° strong to make up for distance I have lost as I have gotten older.  I have never been a long striker of the ball, but I remember in my younger days playing a 48° PW at 110 yards and now I play a 44° PW at the same distance.  So basically, I have lost 1 club in distance.  The other change I have made is bending my irons to 2° upright which turned my fade into straight/light draw ball flight.  
  9. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to edingc in Considering a WITB change. Would appreciate some advice.   
    Are these carry or total distances? Are you comfortable hitting hybrids?
    At first glance, you could opt for a 4 wood lofted fairway to replace the 3 wood/5 wood combo, or maybe try lofting up the existing three wood, or shorten the shaft to 4/5 wood length (being mindful of swing weight). You didn't say you have troubles hitting the 5 wood, so perhaps something with a shorter shaft but still lower loft would work as a good replacement for both of those clubs and slot your gapping somewhere between the current two.
    If you can hit hybrids I might look into a 4 hybrid which will likely go further than the 4 iron even if they are similar in loft. I like the versatility of the hybrid out of the rough and even around the green versus a low lofted iron that likely won't be as useful except off the tee and from perfect lies.
    I understand a common advice is to have perfect gapping throughout the bag, but if you play the same courses a lot of the time I am a big fan of tailoring the top of the bag to those courses rather than gaps. If you feel like the 5 wood is too much but the 4 iron is not enough, a hybrid might be a nice addition in there.
  10. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to GolfSpy_APH in Non-standard Lofts   
    I don't mind hitting any of my irons truly. The confidence better hitting my 9 and 6 I would say are the same. What i do try to avoid is going hard at a club to get the extra distance. I would rather try to have a bit too much, this is also something with arccos where my miss was always short vs long so taking the extra club proved beneficial. 
  11. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to cnosil in Non-standard Lofts   
    Here are my thoughts:  people seem to be obsessed with a clubs loft; I’m not one of them.  I prefer to focus on understanding the distance each club goes.   I’ve never adjusted the loft on any irons I have owned. Or really cared what they were.   After listening to the no putts given episode with Lou Stagner and the one on hitting the ball higher I have thought about possibly reworking my gapping to have more distance between the longer irons and reducing the gapping and maybe increasing the number of clubs at the short end of the bag.  Would that change me from stock lofts…maybe.  The purpose would be to get finer granularity in short iron distance control. 
  12. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Karlan in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Hi all, stumbled upon this thread and had to try it out. So my driver was a g400 10,5 set to 9,5 with the stock stiff shaft, swing speed between 95-100, generally launching the ball pretty high on a good hit with spin around 2400. I have never been one to tinker with equipment but found a cheap pro launch blue in L flex online and off I went. Got it cut to 45 in and with a ping sleave installed. Really liked the feel, felt a lot easier to swing.
    We have trackman range at my club, so thats some ball data but no club data. It is also only a few degrees above freezing this time of year and almost always playing into the wind on the range. Ball launched a few degrees higher, distance was hard to judge in the wind and flight felt like it was ballooning a bit. But was effortless and felt easier to find the center of the face than normal. 
    Had to gather some more data, so next day i rented the studio with an actual trackman for an hour. This confirmed my suspicions, spin on good shots were anywhere from 3000-3500. Club speed was up around 1 mph and ball speed up around 2 mph compared to standard shaft. Distance was marginally down. Only way I could get spin approaching 2500 was hitting a slinging hook.
    A saner person then myself might have concluded the experiment here. But I figured, why not try another head? Since I have no clue how to switch the sleave I am limited to g400 heads. I find a used g400 LST 8,5 degree online. Understandably he is not interested in selling only the head, so now I have an extra regular shaft as well. Head of to the range again today with my new head with the PLB. Ball flight is so much better, launching around 15 but not ballooning into the wind. Have not tried it in the studio yet but would be shocked if the spin isnt much lower. Best part is it feels just as easy to hit as the old one. Still have one degree more to play with, as this head can come down to 7,5 if needed.
    Thanks for this thread, has been a fun ride. Looking forward to the course opening in March hopefully! Of course by then maybe with some speed training I might need a senior flex 😂
  13. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Bobbers in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    There's an online business called, I believe, "the golf adapter store" that sells them for like $13 each compared to $9 for the left handed model.  I simply use the LH model rather than pay the jacked price for essentially the same product.
  14. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to revkev in 9 hole rounds   
    I may be nearing retirement age, 66, but I am not slowing down.  My occupation, Pastor, is pretty much an on call 24/7 one.  My observation is that people have become more and more needy, not a complaint just an observation, and far less respectful of other's time, that is a complaint but also an observation.  I get texts, phone calls and facebook messages every day of the week, many well outside of regular business hours.  I'm constantly forced to triage whether these need an immediate response and they are extremely disruptive.
    What this means is that I have had far less time to play golf than in years past.  While I always knew that I could be called out in the middle of the night or a round for a death those occurances were few and far between.  One occurred on thanksgiving evening, just as my company was leaving, thankfully.  Ultimately it cost me a round that I had scheduled with MGSPer Larry D on Friday morning.  I did finish what I needed to do around 1 and so called another friend and headed to the club around 2.  They worked us in at 3.  Since it was probably too late to play 18 - the course was still pretty crowed and its dark around 5:50 we decided to walk 9.  It was a great decision.  Bayou is a big course, I got 10K plus steps in for that 9 hole when most places walking 18 is 15-17K for me.  We were done before 5 which meant under 2 hours for the nine.  Had we ridden we would have been waiting on every shot.  Instead we only needed to wait a few times (on the par 5's because one of the guys ahead of us could clearly reach them in 2 - no big deal.  
    What I'm getting at is that it was a great time.  I enjoyed playing an interrupted round, enjoyed the company, enjoyed the walk.  Didn't play great but it was very hard to focus after losing a parishioner whom I've served for 16 years.  I shall miss her.  Additionally we have another one who is touch and go.  
    I'm thinking that I am about to become a 9 hole walking golfer twice a week for the foreseable future - any one else fall into that category?
  15. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Bobbers in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    That's the joy of shared experience in my opinion.  Together we accomplish a helluva lot more than we do by groping around individually.  I'm glad you found it useful.
  16. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Bobbers in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    I hope I can convey this accurately so bear with me.  The standard adapter for the Callaway allows you to drop down one degree or go up two degrees.
    If you'll buy an adapter suitable for a left hander you'll be able to go "up" one degree and "down" 2 degrees for the cost of an adapter.
    Just remember that everything you do with the LH adapter is reversed.  So +1 is actually going DOWN one degree, etc.
    It's a convenient hack.
    Also, if you check with Billy Bob's golf they may have an adapter that goes up OR down 2 degrees for your Callaway.
  17. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Snips2021 in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    This is amazing, thank you so much for taking the time.
    Just picked up a brand new Graffaloy blue A flex on eBay for £65. 
    any tips on how to gauge swing weight? 
  18. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to BadgerRick in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Played over the weekend, and decided to try the Ottoflex Grafalloy PLB in my Epic Speed LS again. At the range, there's a fence around 260 yards away, and has to be around 70 feet high I'm guessing. Usually when I hit my driver, I hit high up on the net, but rarely go over. There's a green a bit behind the net, and never really worry about hitting them. Well, after getting lathered up a bit, I kept hitting driver after drive over the fence, and when there was a group on the green, they turned and waved their arms, so I stopped. Used it for a few drives during the round, but I'm so consistent with my Mini300 driver that it's hard to tee off with anything else unless it's really wide open. Such a weird feeling to go back and forth between the two clubs.
  19. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Bobbers in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Ok, it got up to 48, bit breezy but I just had to get to the range for perhaps the last time this year.
    Three things to test:  PXG 3 and 5 woods with ProLaunch Blue L flex shafts, PXG 6 and 7 hybrids with Bassara W series L flex shafts, and 7 and 8 irons in L flex from an Adams Idea V4 women's set of irons I snagged for cheap.
    Started with the irons.  Nice, high flight and I could NOT, for the life of me, get them to do anything but fly straight.  Hard to judge any distance gains as I've never hit these irons in my life.  I will, over the winter, be looking for a couple of Recoil shafts in L flex to try in my regular irons.  Yeah, I was impressed overall, with the O-PH concept even into the irons.
    Next up were the fairway woods with the ProLaunch Blue L flex shafts.  Wonderful height, nice straight flight, probably gave me 10-15 yards more distance even with the range rock golf balls and the weather.  I have no doubt that next spring will see me off to a fast start knowing I can count on these.  My only decision might be moving to a 5 wood/7wood combination given the added distance I'm seeing.
    Hybrids were the third in line for testing.  I realize, slow swinger that I am, that many of you will have trouble relating to having a 6 and 7 hybrid in the bag rather than a 6 and 7 iron.  Nevertheless, added height, probably a 5% increase in distance.  Biggest advantage, again speaking only for myself, is I'll be able to hit shots with a much better chance of "sticking" than was possible with the lower trajectory.
    I'm not suggesting or recommending applying the O-PH concept throughout the bag for everyone.  I, as an older, slower swing speed, distance challenged golfer however, am going to see a LOT of benefit from the concept.
    Tip of the hat to azstu for starting this madness.
  20. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to azstu324 in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    One thing that a lot of us have noticed is how this setup really promotes a tempo check . Not to say that's your issue but I really need to stay mindful not to swing too aggressively. This shaft set-up will definitely call me to repentance if I start to get too impatient but that's a good reminder that I can quickly adjust for during a round. The shaft is doing a lot more of the work so just don't get over zealous or the face could hold open a tad longer. That said, with the correct sequencing, I've gotten my club head speed up to 116 and kept complete control of my shot. I felt like I was putting a full bore swing on the club BUT was much better sequenced and connected in my swing if that makes sense. So it's not that the shaft can't handle it is what I'm getting at😁
  21. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to vandyland in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Ok so first 18 holes was not terrible but not an improvement over current setup. Hit almost every tee shot high and right. Just didn’t feel like I could turn the ball over at all which is odd because the helium shaft in senior flex felt easy to turn over. Maybe it was just a bad day swinging but I wasn’t losing my irons or anything else right. Will have to take it to the range and see what we can figure out.
  22. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to cksurfdude in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    K fwiw I'm totally sold on lighter-flexier!!
    ..have struggled with driver for years and didn't even carry one .. used an aging Bertha Mini 1.5 = a large head / deep face 3W for my tee club...
    ..been taking my wife's old Amp Cell (pink 😄 lol) driver to the range and .. combined with lessons and full swing practice .. am (finally.....) starting to send balls downrange with it! 
    Looking forward to next season and getting my GPLB dialed in 👍
  23. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to vandyland in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    And now it is finally here…

  24. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to GolfSpy_APH in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    I have the standard Fubuki ZT 60 blah blah blah and I got a kuro kage black 50 reg as my Otto Phlex, then the other was one that I feel is more suited to me which is a Fujikura Speeder Pro 74 stiff.
    I hit say 20 balls with each and my initial impressions were as follows. 
    Both very straight (the Speed pro is CB ish) and I didn't have my big right hook miss with either. I had the Tsi3 set up in B2 which is 1 up (playing 10*) and fade, weight neutral. The flight though was where I saw a huge different. The Kuro Kage is simply so much higher. Like 20 feet difference on impression. Just an entirely different window and didn't feel whippy at all either. Definitely felt more head weight as it isn't a CB shaft, but good. Ball speeds were similar. Again this was just initial and the numbers I got were preliminary. Nothing concrete. I am hoping to get to the range tomorrow and get a better set of data for everyone between these two. It is clear that the Fubuki isn't quite for me. 
  25. Like
    David Leighton Reid got a reaction from Rickp in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    Happy Thanksgiving!
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