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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×

Big moose

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  1. Like
    Big moose reacted to Willie T in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Morning (two days in a row....I'm trending......NOT).  Well we got some rain yesterday, so the grass is slowly getting a little greener, still hot and muggy in Eastern NC.  Will be doing First Impressions portion of the CaddyDaddy Claw Gloves today (posting over on that thread later - supposed to play nine hole scramble this afternoon, so "one" of the gloves will get a first on course test in place).  Have a great day ya'll and stay cool....
  2. Fire
    Big moose reacted to William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Tuesday morning Spies!
    Going to be another brutal hot day. We seem to be in the wash, rinse, and repeat cycle for the next week or so for the heat and humidity... 
    Interesting day today as SWMBO celebrates her birthday and we celebrate our 42nd anniversary. I received my marching orders yesterday and all arrangements have been made per her detailed instructions. I have also been informed that I will enjoy myself immensely and will refrain from any celebratory shenanigans... Not quite sure what she's referring too with the last comment but I'm pretty sure there's some history to substantiate it... 🤣
    On another front I am hoping to receive my new wedges today but obviously that takes a back seat to the days planned events.
    Everyone stay safe and enjoy your day.
  3. Like
    Big moose reacted to Kenny B in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Morning everyone!  Temps are back up in the 90’s today.  First on the agenda is to follow my wife to get the oil changed in her car; just had it done last month, but after driving across the country… twice equal to 7500 miles!!  I will be taking her to the golf course so she can play with her lady friends.
    Next I have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon… scheduling left knee replacement later this year.  Then go back to the course for some practice and pick up my wife.  
    Have a terrific Tuesday… work hard; play harder!!
  4. Like
    Big moose reacted to ejgaudette in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all!
    Was MAI yesterday as I played in NH State AM qualifier to make it to the actual tournament so I was out most of the day at that. I am working on a longer write up about this to come so I won't spoil anything.
    Kids and Mom are off to the lake today as it is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous out today. Work has been going on to split some rooms in our house so our oldest gets his own room and that is progressing very well so far and should be done soon.
    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  5. Haha
    Big moose reacted to David Leighton Reid in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning, Spies!  Another hot day here in the Ozarks with heat indexes over 100°.

  6. Like
    Big moose reacted to tdc1 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning, everyone!  Thunderstorms this morning so the scheduled 9 holes may not happen.  We'll see.
    Yesterday was a lovely day and I had the chance to play in a Michigan Section PGA Pro Am.  I thought this would be a good close-to-final test for the Terra Forza Green driver shaft and the Bridgestone Mindset balls -- unfortunately I forgot to switch out the Pro V1x balls I was toying with so the I used those instead. 
    For most of this year I have been fighting a strong pull to the left off the tee with the driver (Ping G425 Max) -- rarely a hook or quacker but just a straight pull.  I took a chance and lofted the club up to 12° and put the back weight in the Fade position.  On the range I hit some of the straightest drives in some time.  During play, I hit the driver 11 times and my only visit to the left rough came late in the round on a high toe/almost whiff.  Even that shot, however, was safely in play.  FIR was only about 50% (typical during my Terra Forza testing and +10-15% better than my stock Alta CB shaft).  Shots to the right were straight pushes.  Average distance (using Shot Scope) had me +13 yards over stock.
    The ball also proved interesting.  I had always assumed that my SS of about 85 would not be enough to get the fullest benefits of the ball but I also am looking for a higher launching ball with good spin on wedges.  The ball felt surprisingly soft on most shots, miss hit irons being the exception.  The ball was holding greens with shots that normally would run through.  Stopped shots into Par 3s nicely.  The only issue was greenside chips with my LW checking up too soon!
    We didn't stick around for everyone to finish so I don't know how the team did.  I know that my handicap strokes meant I contributed positively to the team, and I felt really confident with both the driver and the ball, and it was great fun all around.
  7. Like
    Big moose reacted to ILMgolfnut in The Good Morning Thread   
    Arcadia Bluffs looks rather linksy!
    Good morning Spies! Last day of study before my big test. I've been taking practice tests off and on during the study process. Scores haven't been great, but good enough that I think I'll pass. After having 10 years to forget this stuff... Seriously, I've never seen a patient younger than 16 but I'm expected to know pediatric stuff. Etc. etc.
    GF just cashed in a CD and wants to go buy a new (used) car this weekend, so I may get roped into that process. I probably could go ahead and pack my clubs for Scotland; don't think I'll be using them until then. Maybe I can get a little range time.
  8. Like
    Big moose reacted to Wheelieb in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning All,
    So this past weekend went wonderfully. I met my biological dad and was able to have great conversations with him. Friday was spent at his house and he grilled out. I’m going to have to teach him how to grill steaks as the ones he grilled were drier than the Sahara desert in the dry season. I also showed him how to grill asparagus on the grill, so Friday was good. Saturday we went to the Cardinals game and it was so hot out that even though I was wearing a white jersey, I was drenched in sweat. Our seats were directly in the sun and the breeze just so happened to be blowing out of the ball park away from us. The only reprieve we got was in the bottom of the 8th inning the shade was finally on us. Sunday I was able to meet my uncle who owns a boat down around the Lake of the Ozarks. We went out for a good 5 hours on the water and swam. Got a little burnt but not bad. Unfortunately yesterday we were going to go get IMO’s pizza, which is St. Louis style pizza. It’s so good and a must get if you ever visit the St. Louis area. The unfortunate thing was his boss called him on our way and pretty much begged him to take the load that a different driver was supposed to take. He at first declined until his boss told him he would get triple pay for the load. If you are offered 6800 dollars to drive 600 miles…I’m just saying I would have taken it too. So no pizza and we said our goodbyes for the time being. His next vacation he is going to see about driving out to Virginia to visit. It’s a start but it went really well. Still cautiously optimistic as 38 years of my life I knew someone else to be my dad, and my biological dad seemed happy with how I turned out. Hopefully it continues to foster a good relationship with him and that side of the family. On my flight back home right now. Hopefully everyone stays cool and has a great day. 
  9. Like
    Big moose reacted to cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning everyone!!
    Another nice day here .. with a full schedule 😄 for this retired guy - acupuncture; then gotta get some range, wedge and definitely putting practice in; followed by picking up my wife at her work to drive to an Irish wake; and then she and I will go out for dinner together.
    So coffee, heating pad on the back and MGS forum to start! 
    Hope everyone has a great day today!!
    Oh, PS: was actually rooting for the Panthers, since they had beaten the Rangers. Sorry all my Canadian friends...
  10. Fire
    Big moose reacted to Byrnzee in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning spies!
    Back to reality after a fun couple days in Michigan. Work week should be relatively chill besides preparing for month-end close next week. Short work week as well will hopefully make things go faster. Erin Hills next Sunday with @Swood1994, so hoping to get some practice in this week beforehand!
    Meeting up for dinner this evening with a friend from high school who's in town this week for work. Hoping the weather cooperates, as there are thunderstorms expected this morning and potentially again later tonight. 
    I promised some pictures and videos from Arcadia Bluffs this weekend, so I'll add some of those below! Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!



  11. Like
    Big moose reacted to skraeling in The Good Morning Thread   
    Quite sore, very tired after yesterday, but hit my first true bomb ever.
  12. Like
    Big moose reacted to CSiders12 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning spies! It is going to be a hot one today with highs in the mid 90s. Unfortunately, there is a tournament at my golf club today, so no golf for me. I'm hoping to make my day productive, as I have quite a bit of stuff to do for the week. I have tee times booked every morning for the rest of the week, so if I'm productive today, I can focus on golf for the rest of the week. Feeling good this morning and ready to get the day going! 
    I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!
  13. Fire
    Big moose reacted to EasyPutter in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning MGSpies from the midst of WNY wine country for a round of 18 holes with @The1C3man at Chautauqua Golf Club on the Hill Course. Coffee is in good supply and the weather looks great.  Not much else to say except hope golf is a part of your day ⛳
  14. Like
    Big moose reacted to MattWillGolf in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies,
    Uppa with a cuppa. It will be a really nice day in CNY. I have an 8:40 tee time with Nemo the DF3 in forum test. Not much on tap today. I was hoping the Oilers would bring the Cup back to Canada. They did stage one hell of a comeback to bring it to a game 7. I watched some of the Giants game last night. They honored Willie Mays before the game and all of the Giants players wore 24. But I did not stay up late enough to see the come from behind win. Living in the east but having one’s favorite team in the west makes for a tough follow. Especially with night games. 
    @Rob Person I was able to reset the error code on the dishwasher and did the vinegar cycle that you recommended. 🤞🏼Thanks for the tip.
    rkj427 Happy birthday to SWMBO! 🎉🎂
    @Northern Monkey Hope you can stay cool doing what looks to be a really part of your job.
    @Swood1994 sounds like a fun golf trip. It’s great that you can get in some golf with a fellow forum member.
    Wishing all a wonderful day!
  15. Like
    Big moose reacted to rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    The final game was a good game, both teams played well.
    First Stanley Cup ever for the Panthers, and the Oilers last won it in 1990.
    Hoping that sooner rather than later my Red Wings get back to the play-offs and at least have an opportunity to get another Cup brought back here to the Motor City.
  16. Like
    Big moose reacted to Triple_Putt in The Good Morning Thread   
    Morning all! Back to work this afternoon, sad but that’s life! Going to get unpacked from the trip, clean up the clubs and shoes, and then go grocery shopping. Also want to catch some of the highlights from the travelers as I missed most of it. Have a great day everyone!!!
  17. Like
    Big moose reacted to Preeway in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning everyone. Another loop scheduled this morning at 9:00 and it’s 78° at 6:15. Not supposed to reach 100° today but high 90s and high humidity make for miserable jog around the course. Hopefully we get some wind today as the last couple of days were anywhere from 0-10mph making it feel even hotter. Can’t complain too much though. Any day spent on a golf course is a good day. Hope everyone has a great one!
  18. Like
    Big moose reacted to tdroma98 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good Tuesday Morning Spies!  
    Beautiful Central Florida morning, .already 80 degrees muggy and warm. Much needed walk this morning. Even par thru 2 holes. 
    Here is a pic walking down the fairway of hole 2, approaching the green. 

    Have a Great Day Everyone and Hit’em Straight ⛳️⛳️
  19. Fire
    Big moose reacted to Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    A fine good morning to all.  Enjoying my morning espresso. A congratulations to the Florida Panthers on winning the Stanley Cup, although I was really hoping Edmonton could complete the comeback and bring the Cup back to Canada.  Well done  

  20. Haha
    Big moose reacted to MattWillGolf in The Good Morning Thread   
    Been there! Done that! I blame the caffeine for not doing its job properly. 😂
  21. Fire
    Big moose reacted to Swood1994 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning everyone!
    up early with the kiddo and then heading to work. T-minus 5 days until I’m in Chicago with @Byrnzee and we head to Erin hills for a quick weekend golf trip! I’m super excited and we have quite the plans packed into the weekend. I’m hoping this work week goes by quick.
    Have a great day everybody!
  22. Like
    Big moose reacted to rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning Spies on a currently cloudy, but soon to be rainy Michigan.
    Had a busy day yesterday, managed to get the items packed away from the weekend, play a round of golf, and then go out with SWMBO for her birthday in the evening/night.
    Honestly, a quiet day for me would be perfect about now.
    Will work on my posts for the Virtual Tour, and review of the Motocaddy and get them up later today.
    The Motocaddy for me has been exceptional, and a real pleasure to use while walking the courses I have played with it.
    Hope that you have a great day @Northern Monkey, and a pretty neat thing to do with the other dignitaries in town.
    Hope the rest of you all have the best day you possibly can, and that something fun and enjoyable is in your plans. ⛳ 
  23. Like
    Big moose got a reaction from EnderinAZ in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all, well looks like we are getting a break from the 90 degree heat for a little while. Next two days we play in the morning so it will be more comfortable to play. It's only June and we're getting Temps in the 90s I hate to think what July and August are going to be like. Play well everyone. 
  24. Like
    Big moose got a reaction from Kenny B in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all, well looks like we are getting a break from the 90 degree heat for a little while. Next two days we play in the morning so it will be more comfortable to play. It's only June and we're getting Temps in the 90s I hate to think what July and August are going to be like. Play well everyone. 
  25. Like
    Big moose got a reaction from William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Good morning all, well looks like we are getting a break from the 90 degree heat for a little while. Next two days we play in the morning so it will be more comfortable to play. It's only June and we're getting Temps in the 90s I hate to think what July and August are going to be like. Play well everyone. 
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