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Everything posted by GolfSpy_APH

  1. In my time this thread has come and faded then been revived only to fade again. Not even sure I've ever posted in it let alone kept up with it. That being said I believe this revival is from their PGA tour deal. Bottom line is WRX will stand to be relevant for the foreseeable future as it has a large membership, big classifieds section and a whole lot more. Granted I only usually peak over there from time to time and am not involved in anyway I do see positives areas on the site and things that maybe show me where we can look to better and further or differentiate our site here.
  2. I mean he did come out and say that Big Things Are Coming! So strong finish? Still have 20 weeks left in the regular season.
  3. I can look into that, but I know you can also change your location at will whenever you like. Something I'll definitely looking into and take into consideration.
  4. For those interesting in assisting and aiding the mod staff with some of these upcoming changes sign up for a chance to be part of the beta team to get a sneak peak on some of these new opportunities for the site here:
  5. Wanting to move Westwood for any of those interested. Prefer to make a deal around one of the players on my wanted list but would also sell for faab.
  6. Week 6: Arnold Palmer Invitational Recap Scottie! Our first double digit season winner on the tour. Guess when a guy is hot he is hot. Another somewhat surprising win in that he wasn't in the final group and was a few back going into Sunday and well apparently shooting even was good enough. Felt bad for Gooch and Horschel as the course played really tough Sunday and the scores reflected that. Between this and Honda those are two tough stops for the tour... makes Riv look easy. From a fantasy side it was a interesting week with some bigger/popular names missing the cut such as Reed, Power, Davis, Theegala, Higgo, Straka, Kisner and Na. Drop in lots of over par rounds and we saw another week with lower scores (fantasy points). We have a new leader with @ZJBogey2overtaking @jddaigneaultfor top spot in the overall lead. The rest of our top 15 round out like this: Our league median this week plummeted to a season low of 105.98 which is roughly 50 lower then the typical average. Just goes to show how tough a week it was. However myself and @Mtbryant01 were able to crack the 200 barrier with @GolfSpy_APHmanaging the top point scoring week at 210.7. The other undefeated team this week was @Bunker Snot in the fade division. Fade Division at the moment is the seemingly slightly stronger division holding the top 3 spots in the overall. Fade top 15 looks like the following: Draw division is of course still very competitive, but certainly looks a little different As for the wild card spots (Top 10 in Points Scored remaining) it roughly at the moment includes the following (remember this is NOT official, but number above 30 on the left side eligible for that position) Reigning champ @blackngold_blood is not unsurprisingly working his way back from a slow start and leading this by a good margin. There wasn't a whole lot left on the waiver wire. 19 guys who made the cut were available, but only these guys made much of a impact. A very interesting season so far and one that has lots of ebs and flows, but now we get into the meat of the schedule with The Players coming up next week, Masters just around the corner some good texas events and well simply a LOT more golf. Good luck everyone and wish everyone the best of luck moving forward next week!
  7. Appreciate all those who have put in their spots and added in a few course reviews so far. Few quick things I've discovered since we added this is one I should explain the "codes" They are pretty self explanatory, but worth explaining a little. There are 2 Member categories from the "recruit group" days. There is no real distinction between the two now, but they still show up as two different categories... hence why you see two different "Member" options. The other is the blank then just a number, this is Donors. When members donate they get put into this category as a member who has donated and it is a Blank Category. As a reminder if you have donated and want to get your donator badge go to the thread: HERE Also with Course Reviews if you wanted to just see them you can of course unselect the members, but you can also go Browse Markers then Course Reviews and it will list them in a catalogue type entry. HERE I'll look to create a secondary link/shortcut so these are easier for any and all to find.
  8. Triple diamond for me... Which gets me excited because it was what i was hoping to get fit into.
  9. Course reviews are something I've wanted to bring to the forum in a better way for months and it is almost a happy accident that I was able to build it into this plugin. The whole two birds things. At some point I'll be going through and doing nearly all the Nova Scotia and BC courses I've played as well as some NZ courses... and Australia. I have a feeling I'l kill a lot of time on it. However this is probably the feature I'm least excited about rolling out... a lot more to come and I really hope that this will help grow the site, but also grow the community in ways we may didn't think of before.
  10. That is seemingly Theme related as on Dark we don't see that at all. I'll look into it, but it may be a day or two before I get that sorted with other work taking priority. The create button is right up top and is a + (plus symbol) on mobile. I've logged out and was able to see it and logged in and it is there. It is the same spot where you can create topics, status updates and near the notification/message icons.
  11. Quick Start Guide: Create -> Community Map Marker Select Course Review OR Member (example will be for course review) Fill out Course Review Marker (Not the actual review yet) Once Completed hit Save Marker and it will pop up as it does in the below photo Want to write the review now or leave a comment? Hit the any of the Comments, Reviews or Read more and it will bring you to the review page. Shown Below. And that is all! Hope everyone has fun with this and if you have questions send a note to any of the mods or comment in this thread and we will do our best to guide you through it.
  12. Hello all! We are slowly getting closer to testing season (no I don’t have any inside information …. Right now). With that there has been a lot of work going on in the background to enhance the site and bring some improvements to the site. In this thread I will let you know all what is going on when we are getting close or about to launch any new features, structure and more. Without further delay the first update we are bringing to the membership is actually a older feature which ended up on the cutting room floor, but is bring brought back to life by popular demand. The Community Map! What is this? - The community map is a feature we had years ago and it’s pretty simple. It is a map of the world where you can tag your location and where you are located. Why now? Well the long and the short of it is I was able to get approval to purchase it and again it is a feature that has been asked for time and time again. Another key feature we are working on is Community engagement… I know we hear this all the time, but this is all part of a bigger plan to increase get togethers, events and a phenomenal community not just online, but in person as well. What can we do with it? This is a bit different than the older member map which has been renamed to Community Map. Again you can tag your location (home) so other spies can see who is all living in your area. We are also introducing a secondary function within this single application which is course reviews. It is pretty simple, have a course you want to write a review for? Go into the “create” go down to Community Map Marker and Select Course Review. From there find it on the map, mark it, add in the course name, a brief description and hit submit. It is after this that you are able to write your review on the course (unless it has already been created) and you can grade it out of your 5 stars however you like. We are also incorporating (at a later date) some of the player profile features (if you have it filled out) where when hovering over the player you can see their player profile data. Where is the Map Located? Well you can find the map here: https://forum.mygolfspy.com/communitymap/ Or simply go the the “Members” Tab at the top of any page and when the drop down comes you will find “Community Map” This was a very useful tool in the past in getting members together and creating a community that is more than just a forum. The great thing is it is also optional. Don’t want to take part? No requirement for testing or profile completion or any of that. This feature is there for you to use as you wish. Whether it is to check out course reviews, write your own on a course that has a review or doesn’t or seeing what spys are in your area which you may want to get a game in with this feature will allow you to do that. This is only the beginning and we have a lot more in store to bring you in the near(ish) future. Cheers, Jamie
  13. Got DEEP into the weeds with Forbidden West the other day/night. Had a busy morning/weekend and with a full free afternoon and wife/baby just wanting to rest I got down to business. Before I knew it I had gone for about 7ish hours straight and only felt like I progressed through 2 main story lines in the game. I love how I'm able to get entrenched into the game and enjoy it even without taking a straight line on the main quests. Side missions or just random question marks on the map are entertaining and engaging. I do wish the fast travel option was a little less costly to make it a bit less running around, however using the fires does simplify that (I know in zero dawn there was a unlimited fast travel which could be purchased). I have yet to watch any reviews or anything on it so I really am just taking my time exploring and enjoying the game. Anyway it ended up being about 11:30pm before I put the game to down and called it a night... which made for great fun during a 1:00am and 4:00am baby feeding, but still was definitely worth it! Tomorrow may be the next binge, but so far truly awesome game and a lot to like with only a few things I can pick at (textures loading in late and some very back and forth side quests). Anyone else progress much in this game? No spoilers please!
  14. Just realizing this, but how the heck do we manage to have ties! That is wild.
  15. Week 5: The Honda (Carnage) Classic After a pretty wild 72 holes with some very high scores from some great golfers, local Austrian and next door neighbor (country wise) to me and the first Austrian PGA Tour Winner Sepp Straka pulled up a great win! With a collapse by Berger and a steady Lowry in the final pairing Sepp managed to string together a great weekend and take home the win. Our high scoring team of the week goes to @Hobert with 195.7. He only had 4 make the cut, but had both Sepp and Lowry in the starting lineup who combined for greater then our league average which was at 120.55 (Sepp/Lowry earned just under 130 total). Also worth noting that nobody (obviously) broke the 220 barrier, which isn't a big surprise given the scores, but also for the first time nobody broke 200 which hasn't been too too hard to achieve with a typical league average of 160+. It was a pretty crazy week and a shout out to the other undefeated team @Gino5778. A lot of high scores and a lot of golf balls in the water, but overall a bit of a nice change of pace from the normal week to week events we see. Not many real standouts left on the wire this week, but given how many high scores maybe there were more then I'm listing here? Now that we are a bit more then 5 weeks into this and nearing the first major and even though the playoffs are still some 20 weeks away I'm going to break the standings down a little differently to help aid in the playoff picture. As a reminder top 15 in both pools get in, top 10 total points scored in either pool after that also get in.Bonus points are earned for end of season standings. Our overall top 15 are as follows @jddaigneault continues to lead the way for the second week in a row becoming our first back to back season leader, however his 10 game lead has been shrunk to just 1. Draw Division top 15 Fade Division top 15 The next part is hard to lay out, but I'll do my best. (number on the left if it is 31 or more you are likely eligible for the fantasy points scored playoff spot) This is not fully broken down, but gives you a rough idea. As you can see our defending champ has climbed his way from the depths and is starting to gain some real ground... I'm scared... are you? haha Unfortunately due to work/family/illness/baby and more I didn't watch a minute of golf this weekend so only have the leaderboard and mgs/fantrax threads to go off of so hope everyone who did watch enjoyed it! We now move onto Bay HIll for the Arnold Palmer Invitational with some exciting players back in the fields and hopefully some great golf to come! Cheers!
  16. Interesting. I'm almost just as curious to know how often this would happen? The group i played in had a kinda unwritten rule. Nike balls found went to one guy TM usually to me, Callaway went to another and everything else usually was left to the football guy in the group. This all just sorta happened over time when we realized we all played different balls and such. If it was me I'd offer it back, but by that same token if someone found mine i wouldn't expect them to give it back to me. Once lost in my books it is truly considered lost.
  17. Not yet, but will be shortly! I watched the race recaps on all the car releases while doing my 2am baby feeds haha
  18. I'm all for good discussion and disagreements as well as some back and forth. It's part of having an opinion and beliefs on varying aspects of golf and life. I know the forum is here to discuss topics, views and opinions and encourage that. However it is hard when essentially the same thing is being said over and over without any real new evidence or support. On a product that has seen a ton of success (Scheffler won puting this driver in the bag week of his win). This has been a polarizing driver or face and there will be views on both sides which is great for discussion. In reality though i haven't seen the faults of flaws which others claim... Again if it is shown then I'll take it into consideration with a open mind, until then I'll let the products successes speak for themselves. As my final note on this i have owned TM drivers in the past, but never found a ton of success and infact had my burner 2.0 face crack and my r1 fall apart on me.
  19. So many gorgeous new cars! So happy with the changes that were made and how the new cars look. Hopefully they perform just as well!
  20. I sent the report off and Screenshot however none of us were able to duplicate the issue.... I just tried now and all is fine on my end with multiple mobile devices android and iOS.
  21. We understand you are highly skeptical of the face. You've made many posts about it. We know you don't want or believe in this face/Club. We still have yet to see any true visual of major damage or discoloration. Any face is going to show wear if it is being hit by a sandy uncleaned Golfball... More to that why would someone not clean their golf ball before hitting their driver? Whole other conversation. I hope that anytime someone mentions a flaw or hiccup with the product/face we aren't going to see a new post here about how bad this could be. I've gone to several shops and not seen any of the damage, discoloration or flaws which have been suggested so jury is still out. It's good to have some level of concern, but given the tour rep this driver has and use it seems as though TM has done a solid job with it overall with a low level of concern. When I see visually these issues or flaws i will take a step back, but as i mentioned before TM has put a lot of effort and backing into this product and i will choose to believe in their efforts until proven or shown otherwise.
  22. It has been interesting to read the comments coming out from players and I suspect there will be more coming out if and when the main list is inevitably leaked. I'm glad this saga is all but dead in the water. Part of me does wish there were some players that bailed and it failed and left them in a awkward spot trying to claw back, but in the end I want to see the best golfers compete against each other. The Players will be a interesting time and we will see what if any more press comes out about this league, however in the mean time I'm just happy that the talk has seemingly died down and we can move onto normal golf news so to speak.
  23. Another lefty! Great looking setup and glad to hear that you are happy with all that is in your bag at the moment. As far as changing... if you currently don't have a club (say a driver) as mine is broken beyond repair with no backup... does adding a new one count as changing? haha Looking forward to seeing how your bag progresses or doesn't over the season!
  24. They are a playstation exclusive... Join the Club and see... Oh and you're s apple user and I'm android. Guess we have both sides covered?
  25. I'm only about a hour or so in but Im hooked. They're done such a good job adding to the core gameplay while having it still be very familiar which is great. I'm on PS4 too and it still looks absolutely stellar... Going to beat fun way to kill a lot of time in the next couple weeks.
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