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Testers Wanted: Newton Driver Shafts ×


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    tommc23 reacted to Jwc5149 in MY Golf Spy Regional Outing-Questionaire Survey   
    let me know where to send the $$$$$$$$... feels like summer already to me....
  2. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Golfspy_CG2 in MY Golf Spy Regional Outing-Questionaire Survey   
    So thngs are rounding into shape.    Don't hold me to every detail in this post, the official annoucment post will have all the definite details.   But here's what we are looking at to give everyone some idea.
    I'm also changing the poll at ther top for you to indicate you level of possiblity in making it.  Please take a moment to anser that as well.
    And add any commentss here in the thread that you have about the event/etc.   Just an FYI, the date is pretty locked in after numeropus checkng of dates with numerous locatons, this was the best option.  
    Dates: June 9-11 (This is 99% certain)
    Location: Pinehurst Area-Not the Resort but surrounding courses-(This is also 99% Certain)
    Accomodations-2 Bedroom/2 Bath Villas at Mid South Lodge-4 Per Villa 2 Queens in each room.
    Courses: Mid South Golf Club/Talamore Golf Course and either  Pine Needles, Mid Pines or Tobacco Road for the 3rd course
    Price depending on final course selection and turnout:  $650 to $900 per player (breakfast included two days)
    Will likely open it up to 12 players at first, once those 12 spots are filled, we can get more based on availaiblity at the lodge/course.   To start with a larger upfront number would require a larger immediate commitment. 
    To get your spot in the first 12 a deposit of 25% will be needed immediately.  The balance will be paid 30 days prior to the date of the event. 
    More details will come with an official annoucment.   Other activities might be added after everything is locked in and we see how many players will be attending. 
  3. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Rickp in Home "Improvement"   
    Yup.  We had to do that with my Daughters house.  She had a leaking oil tank in the basement with no way to get it out.  We drained it and cut it in 3 pieces.  
  4. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from JFish350 in Home "Improvement"   
    Cut the old water heater up screw taking it apart
  5. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from MattF in Home "Improvement"   
    Cut the old water heater up screw taking it apart
  6. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from GolfSpy_SHARK in Home "Improvement"   
    Cut the old water heater up screw taking it apart
  7. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from Rickp in Home "Improvement"   
    Cut the old water heater up screw taking it apart
  8. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from tony@CIC in Home "Improvement"   
    Cut the old water heater up screw taking it apart
  9. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from Kenny B in Home "Improvement"   
    Cut the old water heater up screw taking it apart
  10. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from EasyPutter in Happy Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday guys
  11. Like
    tommc23 reacted to azstu324 in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    I've tried a heavier and stiffer more standard version at D0 and it's not for me. I always needed to play at least D4 in my conventional setup or else I just couldn't maintain a playable tempo and the feeling just wasn't enjoyable. 
    D0-D1 in OP really doesn't play or feel the same as D1 in standard. It feels more like D4+ but requires much less effort to load and release. I think this is a multi-part equation. Shaft and total weight + SW + flex = results
  12. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from Larryw in Happy Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday guys
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    tommc23 got a reaction from GolfSpy_SHARK in Random Thread   
    Yes they had to because the head of the whole thing got replaced and multiple heads of facilities got replaced due to issues
  14. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Tom the Golf Nut in Random Thread   
    Crunch time..... I've been packing for over a week. I got the large POD full and it gets picked up tomorrow. I close on my current home on Wednesday and close on our new residence on Thursday. I have to be out by Sunday. Twenty Eight foot U-Haul is set for Friday for the furniture. If all goes well, we should be on the road either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. 
    I haven't been on a golf course in three weeks. Here I am at 11:15 at night and I just sat down to check in. I can't wait to be moved in and unpacked. Looking forward to some new courses!
  15. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from EasyPutter in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    I’ll say the propane ones aren’t terrible I’ve used one for years but if you ever want to cold smoke they just aren’t good at it I can never get a cook below 200
  16. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    I’ll say the propane ones aren’t terrible I’ve used one for years but if you ever want to cold smoke they just aren’t good at it I can never get a cook below 200
  17. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from GolfSpy_SHARK in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    I’ll say the propane ones aren’t terrible I’ve used one for years but if you ever want to cold smoke they just aren’t good at it I can never get a cook below 200
  18. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from MattF in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    I’ll say the propane ones aren’t terrible I’ve used one for years but if you ever want to cold smoke they just aren’t good at it I can never get a cook below 200
  19. Like
    tommc23 reacted to sirchunksalot in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    I appreciate it, Matt. I've got a little time to look around and see what's out there. I'm thinking propane this go round, and its kind of fun seeing what's out there. 
  20. Like
    tommc23 reacted to MattF in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    Pity you're a bit far from me, I have a UDS I'd sell you for $50.
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    tommc23 reacted to tdroma98 in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    Happy Belated Thanksgiving!  Had the traditionally cooked turkey, with all the trimmings! 
  22. Sad
    tommc23 reacted to sirchunksalot in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    I'll second the opinion on smoked, it gets stuck a nice crust and the flavor is superb. I'm  really sad my smoker died on me before Thanksgiving. 
  23. Like
    tommc23 reacted to cnosil in CNosil - Journey to a better golf game   
    Grabbed some balls and did some startline drills to evaluate my putting a little bit.  I have developed a right miss. 😢   I've noticed this a little on the course; especially after MGS Phillip mentioned it during our round a few weeks ago, and it was my miss during the drills this morning.  I'm guessing I have overcompensated for the left miss that used to be my typical miss for many years.   Tried making a few tweaks to my setup and couldn't didn't feel like I had a lot of success though it seems like I have crept a little closer to the ball.   Going to go back to the basics and work on some of the fundamentals of putting and see what I can figure out.   
  24. Like
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy_SHARK in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    Smoked is the way to go IMO. We did fried and baked (no smoker) but my parents used to do all 3 when they would have 40+ over. Smoked was always the best
  25. Like
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy TCB in Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!   
    A little late to the thread... hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  
    I opted for Smoked Turkey this year... Today's sandwich was nearly as good as the Family Dinner last night 🙂 

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