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Everything posted by BMart519

  1. As a tinkerer with a full set of head weights for my F9, I really want to try this but the cheapest shafts on ebay are around $100 and not having much luck finding anything local in used golf shops, kijiji, or facebook marketplace.
  2. If your miss is a weak fade, hybrids seem like the best choice considering your club head speed is around 95-100 based on driver distance. I use a 19 deg 3 H for that 220-230 distance gap. Something between 17-19 deg of loft should get you aroudn that number.
  3. i use dry erase marker and colour the club face
  4. What's your up and down percentage from greenside bunkers compared to your normal up and down percentage?
  5. Pretty easy decision based on this hole and the tee shot considerations you laid out: - right miss is the worse side, which is the problem with your Driver - 200+ yard forced carry to green protected by sand (problem area) needs to be successful 80-90% to make sense long term if you are losing 1 shot in the water and close to 1 shot in the bunker. Not a good choice for 15+ index - the commitment to hitting less than driver hard with the whole fairway will produce better results vs a tentative driver swing into a pinching hazard Driver is my fade club, next club down is pulls or draws. Which side the big trouble is on is a major consideration on which club I pull along with fairway bunkers. I use Decade principals but it's not as simple as 60-70 yard between "hazards". Especially on tree lined courses where you are punching out from the trees most times. Practice some 60-100 wedges and you might get the occasional birdie. Par on the most difficult hole on the course is basically a birdie for any handicap golfer. Shot Scope shows your scoring average by club which can also inform these decisions, not sure what the other trackers do.
  6. Looking forward to the results and if these things really are magic wands.
  7. Experiment with "heads up" putting inside 6' or some other short distance. You should be less "yippy" if you are not staring at the ball and you obviously have the skill to make a 5' putt at a high percentage. One other mental trick I use is to aim at a spot that is not the hole no matter how short the putt. - my default spot is 6-12" past the hole for flat or uphill putts, I will pick a blade of grass either side of center if I am aiming inside right or inside left - for downhill, I pick a patch of grass just in front of the hole on my line for that "Die it in" feel. This gets my mind off focusing on the hole, making the putt, and what it is worth. I'm just hitting the putt to a blade of grass. When all else fails, do the clock drill in practice more often from 3-6' away.
  8. If you have no experience in Speed Training the regular set will be fine. Unless you are at 125MPH. Speed training is more likely to improve your mechanics than hurt them as you naturally find more efficient ways to swing the club through repetition. Then add reps hitting actually balls with driver after the speed sticks to help transfer and you get more reps which in general will help your tee shots.
  9. Similar to clamping your cell phone to the putter with the iPING app, I can't see the logic of adding weight to your putter and changing the balance point but then assuming your stroke is identical. Because of this I favored a Trackman fitting, even though it provides less data for putting. I have never used Quintic, but feel this is the gold standard for putting because it measures what the ball is doing (which is what actually matters) without altering your club. The 10' putt test on indoor turf was difficult for me because I use an intermediate point to aim the face requiring me to "read" each putt from behind and step in or marking a spot on the turf to align to. Even with less "tech" I feel the Edel fitting process is superior than making equipment decisions based on the SAM data. The path data and stroke length was interesting for SAM and one of the more valuable items IMO.
  10. For the sake of discussion, what if the club is already travelling 2x as fast in the cast early scenario compared to the same lead arm position in B. Another thing that Sasho discusses is hand speed. The fastest swings have the largest spread between max hand speed and speed at impact. If you are maintaining too much wrist hinge close to impact you likely have unrealized speed because the wrist hinge is able to apply more speed to the club than any other joint.
  11. I went for an Edel fitting and dropped the money on one after being impressed with the demo build on an outdoor practice green. I keep detailed data through Shot Scope and improved SG: Putting by nearly 2 full shots through the first half of the season vs using a non-fit putter. I am hoping for more improvement as I continue getting used to it. I cut 3-putts in half and shaved off 2 total putts/round.
  12. Course selection will affect your strokes gained: - the course with nice greens near me I always putt the best - the one with thick damp rough hurts my short game numbers because of no spin to help stop the ball - the tight, tree lined course makes me hit less than driver. Reducing SG: OTT but will often increase SG: approach because of higher average approach distances and I hit my hybrids well (relative to my handicap) If you can't find enough turf to do short game practice, use the course when it's empty like you mention or look for a new one to play. Life is too short to hit off rock hard dirt.
  13. For someone avoiding a left miss off the tee, you can't aim at left side of fairway or left trees even with OB right. You need to trust your shot shape and take less club if that is required to not go through the fairway up the right side. For short game, you just need to get reps in at the course you play. Setup flat, downhill and uphill chips from different distances around the green. Hit to upslopes and downslopes on the green to start seeing how the ball lands and rolls out. This will help you make to decide on landing spots and make club choices on the course. You'll also develop feels from these reps on how hard to hit the shot based on the lie. Practicing chipping into a net is good until your contact is consistent, after that you need to practice situations that come up on the course so they are comfortable.
  14. Many are hollow head and more forgiving than set matched irons. The flat face should make it more accurate than a hybrid. Throw a long graphite shaft on it and the ball go far…
  15. I really hope this works for me, I've also put the Stack aside setting up a new house and some random injuries. Shot Scope has me -2 SG off the tee vs last year. I'm averaging 20 yards less off the tee while hitting 4% more fairways. That has offset the gains I've made in putting, short game and approach.
  16. Use the desktop app, go to Rounds, pick any round and view hole by hole... "Hole Avg" is displayed next to your score for the hole on that day and is based on all time playing that course.
  17. Once I setup to the ball the routine is the same for all shots: putts, chips, drives. -begin slow exhale... Look at the target or landing point, count 1-2 Look at dimple or mark on the ball, count 1-2 Begin backswing counting 1 to the top, and 2 down to the ball. All on a tick-tock slow cadence that I want for the swing itself. The focus on counting pushes out any technical thoughts or worry. I now experiment with trying to maintain the image of the target in my mind throughout this process, especially chips and putts.
  18. Sounds like a good excuse to get out and play more Not tournament legal, but you could swap after 9 holes to get a more direct comparison on the same day with similar swings.
  19. If you have all the shafts, you should alternate them on the course and see which does best. Range is one thing, on course is another. Don't get hung up on fairways. Main concerns with tee shots are no penalties and avoiding punch outs or other recovery shots. If you have a clear look at the green and hit it 250+ that was a good tee shot. Unless the rough where you play is very penal... But in that case your choice is probably clubbing down to hybrid or driving iron.
  20. The one with best dispersion unless you are giving up 30 yards. This will free you up on the course and possibly allow to hit driver on some tighter holes. You only need to average 250 off the tee to play scratch golf. But you need to keep it in play.
  21. Based on your course log I would probably avoid the shaft giving you a draw since your most severe misses seem to be pull hooks.
  22. Why are you trying to estimate data from the PRGR? Anything within 2-3 MPH of ball speed is going to be similar carry on that style of monitor. I use the SC200 and get the same thing. There's nothing about the shaft performance you can pull from those numbers. The only thing you should judge is face strike consistency and location and well as ball flight/shape. You need to be a high end unit and using your gamer balls to try and get anything meaningful for the shaft while also trying to compare face contact locations consistently. I don't know if PRGR does temperature and altitude compensation. But if the sun was baking the monitor, it could be tricked into using higher temps and carry distances.
  23. Did you hit all of these putts with your current putter at home? Is this a function built into the app or did you work like with a PING fitter?
  24. There was an interesting "Sweet Spot" podcast with Kent Osborne who is a mental coach. He talked about 2 main personality types (player vs performer) and how some people should focus on routine/target/process and plan shot by shot. While others are better off focusing on a target score, beating an opponent etc. What was the strategy change?
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