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Sign up Closed: Star Golf Grips

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
962 signups
Equipment Type: Grips
Vendor: Star Grips


One of the most overlooked items on a golf club is the grip. Yet it is our single connection point to the golf club and shaft. Star Grips is not as well-known as some of the big names but they have a long history and provide grips purpose-built for the air-compressor installation method.

About Star Grips


If you haven’t heard of Star Grips, this is what they have to say about their brand, history and product: 

“Founded in 2001, Star Grip has been manufacturing golf grips in the USA for over 20 years. Made from our proprietary StarTack EPDM compound, our grips are produced using a seamless injection molding process which results in unmatched quality, performance, and consistency with a weight tolerance of +/-1 gram. They are also unquestionably some of the longest-lasting grips in the industry. As such, we are proud to offer an unprecedented 3-year durability guarantee on every grip we make - whether purchased directly from us or from any of our dealers located around the world. If they become hard, slick, or crack within 3 years, just contact us, and we'll send you a free replacement!”

Star Grips offers four different grips for full-swing clubs: The Sidewinder 350*, which is offered in eight different colors; the Classic Wrap and Tour Star+ 360* in four different colors, and the Smoother Wrap in black. As a bonus, Star Grips also offers a free installation gun when orders exceed $100.


What Is Being Tested

With bold claims about having the longest-lasting grips in the industry and an exceptionally long warranty, Star Grips is providing four testers with a full set of grips (13) of their choosing.

Testers will install, test, review and keep the grips to tell us how they really perform! Do Star Grips live up to these claims?

Do you want to be our next tester?



*Registration closes March 6.
*Testers announced March 12 on the Forum.
*Open to registered Forum members worldwide.
*Installation can be done by tester or shop. However, the cost is at the tester's expense.



Going to be honest now, never heard of Star grips...but 3years on a grip sounds AMAZING! I am currently in the market to fit new grips anyway so would love to give these a go

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I play a lot of golf so if these do last three years, WOW, which I'm guessing they do because they are confident enough to offer the 3-year durability guarantee. Fingers crossed I get to test these. Good luck everyone

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I May be in the market for new grips soon so I’ll be interested in how the chosen testers like the star grips. Good luck to everyone signing up!

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6 hours ago, GolfSpy_APH said:

A little early - but I'm in a good mood and am really excited for this so we are off and running! 

Who is ready to try and test some grips that claim to last at minimum 3 years!

I've checked these guys out and they have had demos here. I change my grip a lot. Probably 2 times a season. I usually play Golf Pride, but am in Lamkin now. Good luck to the testers selected. They are pretty neat, and pretty easy to change. 

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I don’t know what kind of grips my ping clubs came with but they have become slippery and I’d love to test a quality grip!

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