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David Leighton Reid

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    David Leighton Reid got a reaction from EasyPutter in Random Thread   
    Very nice!
  2. Haha
    David Leighton Reid got a reaction from sirchunksalot in Whats your best joke?   
  3. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to DawgDaddy in Whats your best joke?   
    A man asked his wife , "what would you do if I won the lottery?". She replied, " I would take half and leave you". He said, " I thought so. I just won $12, here is six and stay in touch"
  4. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to chisag in Whats your best joke?   
    ... That little basturd has been around since I was in grade school. I would love to meet his parents. 🤪
  5. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to EasyPutter in Whats your best joke?   
    The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence.
    Molly put up her hand and said, “My family went to my granddad's farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating."
    The teacher said, “That was good, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate,’ not 'fascinating'.”
    Sally raised her hand. She said, “My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.”
    The teacher said, “Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate’.”
    Little Johnny raised his hand, but the teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word “fascinate,” so she called on him.
    Johnny said, “My aunt Carolyn has a sweater with ten buttons, but her boobs are so big she can only fasten eight!”
    The teacher sat down and cried.
  6. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to chisag in Whats your best joke?   
    Apology Letters to Spouse

    Hi Sweetie,  I am sorry about getting into an argument about putting up the Christmas lights. 
    I guess that sometimes I feel like you are pushing me too hard when you want something.

    I realize that I was wrong and I am apologizing for being such a hard-headed guy.
    All I want is for you to be happy and be able to enjoy the holiday season. 

    Nothing brightens the Christmas spirit like Christmas lights! 

    I took the time to hang the lights for you today; and now I will be off to play some golf...
    Again, I am very sorry for the way I acted yesterday.  I'll be home late.

    love you

    Hi Honey,
    Thank you for that heart-felt apology. I don't often get an apology from you, and I truly appreciate it.
    I, too, felt bad about the argument and wanted to apologize. I realize that I can sometimes be a little pushy.
    I will try to respect your feelings from now on. 
    Thank you for taking the time to hang the Christmas lights for me. It really means a lot. 
    In the spirit of giving, I washed your truck for you; and now I am off to the mall.
    I love you too!

  7. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Rickp in Whats your best joke?   
  8. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to JerryB in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    Spent a little time in the garage hitting a wedge today, trying to work on my stance and rotation.  Started with little chips and gradually worked my way up to full swings.  
    Was striking it pretty good, until I didn't and took a divot.  On the rug 😬.
    Funny side note: While typing in the word "divot" my phone tried to autocorrect to "divorce," which might be my next topic once my wife sees the rug!
  9. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to GaryF in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    I think golf still has a prevailing culture of respect, but to your point, there are those that are considerate, and those that are not.  We have 6 courses here and 4 are available to hotel guests, and guests that register through our website, so we get some of the guy and gal trips but 95% are respectful, ask about the area, where to eat, etc.  But last summer, there was a small group of guys warming up on the range.  As they were leaving for the first tee, one of them went through the pockets of his bag and dumped whatever trash he had on the ground, picked up his bag and started to walk off.  One of our lady members stepped in front of him and told him in no uncertain terms to pick up his trash.  Reluctantly, he did.  
  10. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to chisag in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    ... I know I say this a lot but it has been my experience in golf (and life) that people are either considerate or inconsiderate. Considerate golfers play at a good pace, fix their ball marks and others, replace/fill divots, if they play music they do so at a low level and they respect the range. Inconsiderate golfers just don't care about anything but themselves. 

    ... I played with 2 guys in LA back in the late 90's that introduced themselves s "2 rich Jews slumming at a muni because our CC is closed today". I laughed thinking they were kidding but they were not. A father and son maybe 50 and 70ish that drove their cart almost on the fringe, hit multiple shots from the same place and never replaced/filled their divots or repaired ball marks. I asked them politely to replace their ball marks/divots because this is my home course and they replied "maintenance crew does that" I replied no this is a muni so WE have to do that and I am sure their CC appreciates them doing it also. No they said, they pay the big bucks so they don't have to do "servants work". After 9 I thought they drove off to the concession stand, but we waited til the next group showed up, so we let them through and realized these guys weren't coming back. These guys were an extreme example but sadly not uncommon. 
  11. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to revkev in What/How Did You Practice Today?   
    It’s a good habit, I have it too from my days as a caddy.  You don’t replace divots in Florida, they won’t grow back, you fill them with a sand/seed mix. They have half a dozen boxes of those mixes on the range. It really is not hard to fill your divots. 
  12. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to EasyPutter in Random Thread   
    The Blizzard of 2022 associated with Winter Storm Elliott is going to be staying with us for Christmas Eve and into Christmas Day.  
    Had to do a setup shot under the lights to prove the older brother wrong, that one can golf in such conditions 🤪 

  13. Like
    David Leighton Reid got a reaction from cksurfdude in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Great looking course!
  14. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to KnoxvilleReb in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    I just joined the forum just for this topic. The first post is incredibly well done and loved all of the experiments since. As someone who has been looking into the Autoflex (but just can’t justify the price) and more recently the BGT Brava, this experiment really appeals to me. I am fully in and want to try it myself.
    I have found a site (link below) that carries the GPLB shaft with a PXG Gen 4 adapter (my current gamer). I’m hoping someone with club building knowledge could kindly help me buy the correct shaft length and grip that would lead to the desired D0-D1 swing weight. I am 6’4” so my current driver length is 46 inches and I would like to stay there if possible. My current driver is a standard 10.5 Gen 4 that I have lofted up to 12 degrees. 
    Any help here will earn my eternal gratitude. Thank you! 
    Link to GPLB website referenced: https://www.monarkgolf.com/golf-clubs/custom-shafts/grafalloy-2019-prolaunch-blue-45-graphite-wood-shaft-adapter-grip.html
  15. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to cnosil in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    I have seen the following posted:
    Weight - 54.3g
    Raw Length - 45"
    Balance Point - 21" down from the butt so this is a butt heavy shaft
    41" beam length frequency with 205g tip weight - 207cpm
    Bend Profile measurements - 146/163/182/212/265/368/647
  16. Haha
    David Leighton Reid reacted to EasyPutter in Resolutions - golf and otherwise for 2023   
    Here is is again, time for another New Year celebration and what is one of those without making RESOLUTIONS for the coming year?!  Personally I am not going to be looking to use golf as a way to fund my retirement unless people would pay me NOT to play 🤭 but that would only cause me to play somewhere else.
    2021 I played 109 rounds.  2022 I played 124 rounds.  My resolution is to play more rounds in 2023 than I did in 2022.
    My other than golf resolution is the same one I first made when I was 21 and have been making very year so it is the most consistently successful resolution I know of.  My resolution is to make a resolution next year.

  17. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to revkev in Resolutions - golf and otherwise for 2023   
    Mine has consistently been to have fun when I play. Played not so hot yesterday, still had fun. Also almost had a gator encounter. I’m going to try and avoid that going forward. 🐊
  18. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to MattF in Senior walkers & Push carts   
    If you're looking for one that won't break a budget and have a Costco membership, then this CaddyTek that I bought is pretty good so far.

  19. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Michaels48895 in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Hi all. Went to local Xgolf simulator - played several holes with new shaft. Do not have stats but guessing that I hit fairway 90%+. Longest drive 245. Average drive 225. Ball flying straight or slight fade. 5 year old Callaway Rogue 10.5* driver head. Still want to go to simulator with both shafts and compare numbers. Impressive results so far. I am 69 and carry GHIN handicap of 10 playing 5800-6000 yds in MPSGA and GAM tournaments. 
  20. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to cnosil in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    I don't really consider them "BAD" shots; that is just how wide a good players normal shot pattern is.   I prefer to separate good and bad based on whether I have chance to advance the ball in a manner that I would if I were in the middle of the fairway.   Based on my stats, I hit 56% of my fairways and pattern is 60 yards wide.  Even when I miss,  I am generally able to hit advance the ball to try and hit the green.
    With OttoFlex,  should be looking for same dispersion with longer distance.  
  21. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to vandyland in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    That is pretty standard dispersion for me. I’m not a very good driver of the golf ball. I had that same dispersion when I was only carrying it 250 so I take this as a win.
  22. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to cnosil in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Here is a reference that notes that most PGA pro and scratch players have a 60-70 yard wide dispersion off the tee. 
    There are other sources that will indicate the same dispersion patterns.   
  23. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to azstu324 in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Santee Claus stopped by last night. Dropped off some toys for the MGS Nippon 850 NEO / OP project.. 😊

  24. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to Bobbers in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    I woke up to -13F temps (didn't bother to check the wind chill) yesterday with 40 mph winds.  Today is a balmy -3F and the bit of snow we did get is drifting. 
    I'm sorry you had a bad day at the course but at the same time I envy you the opportunity.  Merry Christmas.
  25. Like
    David Leighton Reid reacted to vandyland in Shaft Hack - The Otto Phlex Journey   
    Avg swing speed was 114 mph with 282 yd carry and 300 total. Never been quite there before. Ball speed average was 166 mph. The last strike was truly a walk off for me at 115 mph because it didn’t feel like much effort and got out there at 317 yds total which is like….whoa. Sorry, not trying to brag as it is just uncharted territory for me. The balls I missed right still had slight left curvature. Pretty much everything was a draw. 

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