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Posts posted by myherobobhope

  1. 4 hours ago, shome said:

    I heard Lou say on a podcast that he shoots his laser measuring device to the stick.  It makes a good vertical target. 

    I briefly contemplated picking one up, but it's $300 and I'd rather buy a new 3 wood with that money... 

    I've just started into Month 3 of DECADE, and I'm pretty excited about it...

    Interesting, my driver was drawing today and I was hitting the ball better than I ever have... I couldn't force a fade even when trying (my default shot shape)... so I guess I'm playing a draw for the time being!

  2. I guess it depends on what you mean by generic off the rack clubs... There are far more driver shafts I don't get along with than there are iron shafts... but if we are just going straight stock demo bag from the local golf course, I'd probably pick my putter... I'm sure I could make a "regular" putter work for one swing, but I'd much rather putt with mine, as it's long, center shafted and built for me... 

    After that it would be my driver, but mostly because I like the midsize grip and heavy shaft... if I could keep that part, you can toss any modern head on the end of it, and I'll miss the fairway just the same as I do with my current driver.

    Love my hybrid and utility iron... but they aren't special... same with my irons and wedges... Off the rack would be fine for one shot... but I built my bag for me, and every club in there (other than my 3 wood) makes me happy and helps me perform better than if it was replaced with a generic equivalent. 

    As a side note, if you have an off the rack 3 wood, feel free to send it to me... My pro took the one he gave me back and I'm using my adams speedline again... it's fine.

  3. 20 minutes ago, blackngold_blood said:

    Guess I’m back to looking for one. After agreeing on a price and shipping method, he decided that it cost to much for ups shipping. PayPal quoted him select price $39 instead of ground $19 Wisconsin to Iowa. I even gave him my shipping zip code before we agreed to a price and sent funds. What a joke. 

    That sucks. You should buy a SeeMore 😀

  4. So turns out when you make a triple bogey on a par five with a three putt and 2 chips after being 100 yards out after 2 swings you get to check ALL the boxes on the Tiger 5 list when tracking your round... So that was fun...

    I'm really liking the putting stuff... it's something I've always wanted to improve at but never knew how to practice. I've harassed both Lou and Scott with questions and they've been helpful but it's also funny to see the differences in their personalities... I asked about measuring distance for the putting combine, and said "is it OK to just step it off?"... Scott said "sure, that works" and Lou said "I measure it off to 1/16th of an inch"... 

  5. 1 hour ago, THEZIPR23 said:

    You will get a lot out of it. And don't worry about the back, DECADE will help you shoot better scores without doing anything physically different. 

    Back is healed, and I'm back to doing full swings... just have 6 months of rust (and tight muscles) to shake off... honestly, I had a really good range session today, and I'm excited for my game this season... DECADE seems like it might be a missing piece of the puzzle... We shall see!


    1 hour ago, BMart519 said:

    The putting speed drill is so hard, first try last night as the putting green was empty after playing a late 9... Probably not a good sign that I was better around 20-30' than up to 10' in the smaller window. 

    I guess Exputt is definitely helping with speed control, once I get 5-15" cleaned up I should be in business as I have already dropped 1 putt/round compared to last year.

    Just got the Decade month 3 videos unlocked a couple days ago. Huge amount of info on the targeting process, the 6 month foundations membership is a great value for the amount of knowledge it exposes you to compared to the cost of 1 lesson. Especially if you put in the effort to use the Combine tools, which I haven't had the chance to use.

    Oh man... I've started doing more of these types of drills... I've done Scott's ladder stuff before (though ironically did it in a way he SPECIFICALLY said not to do it... for a long time and without enough focus) so it will be good to add it back in in a more productive manner... I also really like the moonwalking drill, as I think it will help me build a more confident stroke on longer putts.


    2 hours ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    I think this is the best investment you could have made then, especially if you're limited in your ability to make mechanical improvements.  If you're like me you're not content to simply play and not get better...better course management and a better mental perspective should absolutely help you do that.  I'm already seeing dividends after a month of membership.

    I'm pretty excited about it... though I've been listening to him talk for so long, I'm ready for more content!! I have access to the 2nd month as I was on the first month free, and have already burned through the videos... It's all good, and I think it's probably best for me to really invest in the system.

  6. 2 minutes ago, chisag said:


    ... No doubt one of the most interesting slots in anyone’s bag. There are just soooooooo many great options depending on need and skill level. I have seen all hybrids played very well and only DI‘s that also work well but one of each just seems ideal if you have room in your bag for both. If we could play 15 clubs I would love to have a similar lofted DI and longer shaft hybrid to take full advantage of their differences. 

    Yeah, since I like the launch of my hybrid for hitting greens, I often wonder if I should have swapped the order of the two.. I don't love hitting my 4 utility into greens... it's OK, just not ideal. 

    I think it's a fun few slots... I've been without a 3 wood for a bit and it really only hurts me on 1 hole... I'm still planning on getting a 3 wood, but might eventually replace it with a 4 wood... 

  7. 20 hours ago, chisag said:

    Granted a true DI will launch lower into a strong wind and a true hybrid will dig a ball out of deeper rough with more success, but those are two extreme uses for either club. 

    Everyone’s bag is different, but I split the baby and went with a 4 utility iron and 3 hybrid... it’s good to have the options off the tee and out of the woods and rough... each one gets used for a variety of punch shots... 

    I wish I hadn’t gotten my 4 utility long, though... it’s a 3/4 extra and I could have gone standard... choking up is fine most of the time, but sometimes I wish I could choke up more... oh well.

    if I can sort out my 3 wood slot I’ll be done with clubs until I convince myself to drop money on new irons... I’m happy with my cmbs but the forged faces show wear quickly... (I bought them in like new condition last season). I spent 25 years playing cast irons that still look great, so seeing wear spots develop is hard! 

    it would probably be easier if the wear spots were where they are supposed to be! 

  8. I’m long enough to play the tips at my home course, but much prefer the whites (2nd tees)... it actually allows more decision making for me as I don’t have to hit driver, can hit into par 5s and I just generally enjoy it more...

    ive played shorter tees and don’t enjoy the course as much... a couple big yardage swings makes good holes into mediocre holes for me...

    im lucky to play the same course frequently, so it’s easy to try different tees and find the right balance.

    If a system works for you, great, use it and hopefully you have fun and consistently pick the right tees. The guys playing from the tips don’t have a system and are going to play from the back regardless of what anyone tells them.

  9. 16 hours ago, ericlawhead said:

    Funny you mention that. I’m actually going out there next week for a fitting. I don’t live very far from their shop here and someone I played with over the weekend mentioned them as well and had just got irons from them. I’ve heard good things so I’m looking forward to it and knowing what I know from the “fittings” I’ve already had I can go in with some good data to know if it makes sense. 

    Love my sub70 hybrid... definitely worth hitting while You are there... find a shaft that works and roll with it!

  10. 2 hours ago, THEZIPR23 said:

    The funny thing about this back and forth, they are both 100% right. 

    If you hit it left, leaving a better angle you will score better. (Colt's argument) 

    If you chase angles, your scores will be higher. (Scott's argument)


    Ha, if you look at my twitter, I came out pro-Scott... Colt was arguing that chasing angles made sense (And that talent trumped analysis) for that hole... I think he came across as a jerk, but that was just my impression of him...

    I've listened to ALOT of Scott talking, and have really warmed up to him... I used to dislike him and his attitude, but believe he both improved how he presented himself and I came to respect his point of view a little more... I get annoyed with his "I've done the math, you don't have to" at points, but do think his system is good.

  11. 6 minutes ago, THEZIPR23 said:

    In essence DECADE is a mental system way more than a strategy system. The math is not new, it is just quantified now. The strategy is not new, top tour players have always played this way. There is nothing NEW per se it just allows our feeble minds to take all the information digest it and spit out an answer that separates fact from fiction, myth, feel etc...Puts your mind in a complete different state than it was before. 

    this is what appeals to me... pick the right target, know you have the right club and put a swing on the ball. Know your variables and if you put a 9 iron to 20 feet, know it’s not a bad outcome, hit two putts and move on.

    my goal this season thus far has been to make easy pars. Put it on the green, have a good first putt and tap in for par. It’s been very helpful for expectation setting.

  12. @GolfSub70sorry, I didn’t have the correct user name! I blame jay.


    what’s the status for clubs to France? And when are the new sgi clubs coming?


    also, the 699 are great clubs and would be good to learn with... enough forgiveness for a beginner but easy to grow into as well.

  13. 1 hour ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    Yeah, I see what you’re saying but that imagery doesn’t really reveal the nuance...where your line is if you go that far left of the cart path you run into very uneven lies and you’re blocked out by trees from really advancing the ball.  If you’re not coming out sideways you’re coming out 45 degrees at best.  Agree driver though.

    I’ll take a picture Thursday.  

    I have a hole at my home course that just doesn't lend itself to decent decision making... sometimes we just have to do the best with what we have... I think the generic strategy for you would be SEND IT, take as much of the water out of play as possible, and if you are in the hazard, you at least get to drop forward. 

    This assumes the second shot from a good drive puts you in position to get home in 2. If you can't regularly get near the green in two with driver, just lay back, hit long iron short, advance the ball as much as you can, and then try to stick a wedge close... 

    As a side note, what are you guys using to measure distance in Maps? I have a chromebook and downloaded Maps, but it's not friendly to distance... do I need to download earth?

  14. 18 minutes ago, JFish350 said:

    If there were ever a better review written I am not sure I have read it yet. Once I get back to being able to swing a club, This is where I am going. I just wish there was a fitting cart close by. I know how I am with trying clubs and it would cost me what a new set would using the Demo version. 


    Do you have a sub 70 driver? After irons and hybrid, I'll be looking at those as well. 


    Thanks for the info. 

    No. I don’t have a driver... I won a mavrik last year and still have some hang ups about buying a DTC driver...

    the hybrid makes me more confident they are making a quality product, though.

    on the demo front, I did the same math! I just bought the five iron figuring it would be cheaper overall... $20 to borrow a $100 club didn’t make a ton of sense to me.


    happy to answer any questions, but jay and Jason are great for that as well... jay@sub70golf.com or jason@sub70golf.com

    I’ve joked they pay me in visors, but I’m just a big fan of them!

  15. On 4/20/2021 at 8:35 PM, GaDawg said:

    "An individual’s value will be based not just on on-course performance but rather an Impact Score, which will be determined using six metrics: a player’s position on the FedExCup points list; a player’s popularity in Google Search; a player’s Nielsen Brand Exposure rating; a player’s Q Rating (appeal); a player’s MVP Index rating (engagement on social and digital channels); and a player’s Meltwater Mentions (frequency he generates coverage across media platforms)."

    Call me a Dud, Ole Fart, etc., but I don't do social media. Never have and never will, that's one of the tings wrong with our country today. I think this new incentive program is a crock of crap. Play the game of golf, whomever shoots the lowest score wins and divide the money based on how the field finishes.

    I feel certain others are going to disagree, but to each his own.

    I think, more than anything, this money could be spent better in other places...  but it does create some fun incentives for guys who are in the middle of the FedEx rankings to attempt to "game" modern media and go viral... most of the top guys aren't going to be willing to do dumb things for $8 million dollars, but some of the up and coming golfers it would be life changing / career changing... 

    Take a guy like Joel Dahmen... He's already pretty popular on Twitter, his caddy Geno has an excellent presence and while he's now won enough to be comfortable, he was also looking for an uncrustable sponsorship on twitter earlier this week... He rolls out the following playbook:

    1. Announces if he wins, he will donate half the money to the animal shelters in all the cities he visits

    2. During said announcement, he goes full Richard Sherman and answers all questions: "I'm just here to go viral and win 8 million dollars"

    3. Whenever he gets to a city, he does local news with the local animal shelter... he goes full ham (if you haven't seen the various "local news pranks" they are fun... local news are always looking to fill time)... tries to teach a kitten to sit, it bites him. Wonderful. (I'm not a comedy write, this part needs some massaging)

    4. Forms the "Paws and White Claws" foundation and raises money for local shelters... they now also have incentive to get him trending... 

    This creates a story bigger than golf, as it's a guy basically saying "I'm cheating at a game to win $4 million for the puppies, please help me."... This would be a fun way for him to basically mock the system in place while also hopefully cashing a $4 million check... The right guy with the right strategy could easily game these rankings outside the FedEx points. 

    I offered Max Homa my services on Twitter for 10%.

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