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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Posts posted by BigtazzGolf

  1. I'm a believer we should have 2 sets of rules. Those for pros and those who aren't.
    Then I think the rules would be better suited for all.
    As for playing non conforming equipment.
    Why use it and keep score? If you use it then there is no need to keep an illegal score if you're only playing for fun.
    If you do keep a score with this equipment. Then you are cheating yourself and others you may play against.
    On another note do you really think non conforming equipment is better than legit equipment? Likely it isn't. Cost really can't be a reason since you can buy quality that's used and still in great shape.
    So to me. No I wouldn't use it.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

  2. Hi spies.

    What's the best way to remove worn down soft spikes. Couple are worn down to the shoe.

    First thought is it drill but before I go that route, figured I'd see if yall had other options that may not damage the shoe.





    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

  3. I use a rangefinder most of the time. If playing a course I'm not as familiar with I'll use app called skydroid. Even then I'll use rangefinder to confirm things if I can.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

  4. Currently holding down a 13.2 under these circumstances. Some courses have noodles. One has taken the pins out completely and left the hole with the cup raised.
    Difficult for exact distance but not a big issue since most of us aren't that accurate.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

  5. Random here we go.
    I've been staying away until golf gets kinds back to normal for us.
    One of those it's me not you deals lol.
    I've played 5 rounds this year. 3 of those in last 3 weeks. I know probably selfish and childish not to participate until I could actually play, but Tazz is back

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

  6. Great stuff guys.

    Sorry I wasn't able to get out this week. Lil thing called work caused issues lol.

    Tomorrow we are set to play a notorious windy course.

    With these clubs wanting to go high, tomorrow could be a true test.

    Last weekends round I posted a -2 under net score. The front was horrible and you'd think I forgot how to play. Luckily I remembered on the back.

    Making 4 birdies in a round is something I've NEVER done. One maybe 2 is what I usually can do. Was it the clubs? Or me?

    I'll say 50/50




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