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Posts posted by RickyBobby_PR

  1. 36 minutes ago, rbsiedsc said:

    Thanks. That is interesting with Martin's swing since in the protocols for the planemate, he says to stand it up like an umbrella, which can easily be interpreted as raising your hands high. It almost appears like he makes a simple 3/4 swing but ends up being a full turn with hands level with the shoulders. I wonder how that would feel with the planemate.


    @edingc and @goaliewales14, have either of you noticed that with your planemate work?


    18 minutes ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    Standing it up like and umbrella is referring to get the shaft vertical which makes it feel light. 

    what he does is the left shoulder goes down and towards the ball the arms will have a very small a out of movement up as a result but at that point the hands are about even with the right thigh or just past if. A little rotation of the chest and hips and a small bend/softening of the trail elbow gets the club to be parallel to the ground. Now to stand it up like and umbrella you set the wrists. A felling of the left hand pinky staying down and the thumb up will get the left arm parallel and rotation of the hips, chest shoulders will get the club to the top of the swing. There’s some lifting of the arms but it’s not a lot.

    Here’s a good slow mo video of Mel Reid using the planemate and showing the pinkie down, thumb up set of the wrist that stands the shaft up. Does a really good job of showing of the club head stay low and back for the first 12-18” and the minimal movement of the arms going up. 


  2. 10 minutes ago, rbsiedsc said:

    Thanks. That is interesting with Martin's swing since in the protocols for the planemate, he says to stand it up like an umbrella, which can easily be interpreted as raising your hands high. It almost appears like he makes a simple 3/4 swing but ends up being a full turn with hands level with the shoulders. I wonder how that would feel with the planemate.


    @edingc and @goaliewales14, have either of you noticed that with your planemate work?

    Standing it up like and umbrella is referring to get the shaft vertical which makes it feel light. 

    what he does is the left shoulder goes down and towards the ball the arms will have a very small a out of movement up as a result but at that point the hands are about even with the right thigh or just past if. A little rotation of the chest and hips and a small bend/softening of the trail elbow gets the club to be parallel to the ground. Now to stand it up like and umbrella you set the wrists. A felling of the left hand pinky staying down and the thumb up will get the left arm parallel and rotation of the hips, chest shoulders will get the club to the top of the swing. There’s some lifting of the arms but it’s not a lot.

  3. 33 minutes ago, rbsiedsc said:

    Here is my post planemate work today trying to work on posture and rotation. Really felt more ghost hands today. Need to think of only take 3/4 swing as I think I am over rotating. Also, @RickyBobby_PR, still don’t get what you mean with the left hip. I feel like I can’t turn it any more in the downswing. 


    There some improved rotation in the backswing in the video as you can see a better change in the flexion of the legs and in your transition you get the squat and slight push back with the hips.

    to me you are still raising the arms to get them into position which is causing you to have to move toward the ball at contact and afterward as you see you body move towards the ball and a big gap from where your were coming into impact and where you are post impact.

    here’s a link with slow motion swing of Tyler coonts who has a pretty solid swing and you can see what his hips do and where his body is at impact and where it’s at in his impact position and post impact and see that he doesn’t move toward the ball with his whole body.

    also a link to Martin Chucks swing from down the line. You can compare what your arms, chest and lower body is doing in comparison to his. His hands are arms are much closer to the body in his first. You can also see how his hips rotate back and around and he doesn’t move toward the ball either and no space created from where his backside is at impact to where it’s at post impact 




  4. 14 minutes ago, rbsiedsc said:

    18birdies had me do this drill. Looking at the advanced protocols, My hand width on the downswing doesn't look terrible in comparison. I do agree I should get some more rotation in my swing. 

    Yeah all of your downswing issues are a result of your takeaway and backswing. I noticed when getting the captures of setup and thru back swing that you again move the arms a lot to get them back towards the ball. If you slowly scroll thru your video when the club gets to parallel to the ground the toe is pointin straight up where it should be pointing more towards the ground then when it’s just off the ground before it gets to impact it’s pointing way to the right and your chest and hips are closed or square to your target line when the hips should be opened up and the chest opening. 

    the big thing about the planemate is the rotation of the body. The 3 Rs

    if you are on Instagram look up riggsgolf. He has a video going over the swing basics of in one of his recent posts. He also has a video of him using the planemate. He does a pretty good job exposing things.  Marring Chuck and David woods have some pretty good content on their YouTube channels

  5. 2 hours ago, rbsiedsc said:

    Thanks for the observations. I do have limited mobility and when I do try to rotate and I film it side on, I have a sway to my swing. I will say yes, my hand to seem to be too high, although the angle of my camera to the protocol video is different. When I try to get more depth in my hip rotation, it also feels like I am about to fall over. Any advice is greatly appreciated. In terms of my butt position, I did the 18 birdies AI swing analyzer and it told me that I was rocking to far back and that my butt should stay in line. Is this not correct?

    Here’s some stills I grabbed from the video. 

    Here’s my amateur line drawing to show the address position. Based on angle and my line you can see the back of your armpit isn’t over the balls of your feet and your knees are slightly in front of the armpits. A better balance point is to have the back of the arm pit, knees and balls of the feet in a line.  I’ve seen several instructors and have had two different ones tell me at address the weight/pressure should be on the balls of the feet. As you rotate into the back swing the pressure then moves towards the heel and should really be felt where you shoes laces are tied, and the pressure in the front foot comes away from the heel. Then it reverses a bit the opposite way in the transition and downswing.

    In the second pic it looks like you picked up your arms and put them in this position and didn’t rotate the upper spine/ shoulders, which will lead to getting the body and arms separated. They should maintain the triangle for the first couple feet, the one piece takeaway.

    in the last pic you went from the second pic straight up with the arms and then at the top you had a slight bit of rotation to get the hands and shoulder back in preparation to relax the wrists and shallow the clubs.

    a good drill to work on the shoulder movement is to put a club or alignment stick across the the shoulders and feel the left shoulder for down and the right should up and back so the end of the club or stick is pointing towards the ball.

    Also to feel what I was saying about the shoulder moving the arms let your arms hang at address, keep your left arm pinned to the side, feel your left should go down move towards your trail said and feel how the arm moves by itself 




  6. 1 hour ago, rbsiedsc said:

    Thanks for the observations. I do have limited mobility and when I do try to rotate and I film it side on, I have a sway to my swing. I will say yes, my hand to seem to be too high, although the angle of my camera to the protocol video is different. When I try to get more depth in my hip rotation, it also feels like I am about to fall over. Any advice is greatly appreciated. In terms of my butt position, I did the 18 birdies AI swing analyzer and it told me that I was rocking to far back and that my butt should stay in line. Is this not correct?

    Allowing the knees and ankles to move and rotate will help with overall rotation. If they are “locked” into place the hips and torso will be restricted from turning. There should be some daylight between your legs at the top of the swing and the lead leg should increase in flexion while the trail leg loses some.

    You want to feel like the shoulders start the swing with the left shoulder going down. Without doing anything this will have the arms raise a little when you are at p1. A little more bend in the left side will get the hands and arms to p2 aka hip high also at this point the hips should have a little bit of rotation. From this spot it’s some chest and hip rotation with trail arm fold. 

    not sure what the analyzer was trying to tell you with butt staying in line. Like you I lacked rotation and depth in the takeaway. An instructor I worked with last year gave me a drill to do. Take your address position with your butt close to the wall but not touching. Feel the right shoulder and hips start by them rotating back, you should feel the butt press against the wall then finish the turn. At the top of that move you should feel the pressure in your right heel and be able to lift the toes on your right foot. There should be minimal pressure in your left heel and more in your toes. In transition downswing your right knee and hip should stay about where they are and you left hip/knee should be moving back and around. 

  7. 2 hours ago, rbsiedsc said:

    Here is some planemate swings with my 6i today going at different tempos to try and get the feels. Outside of one swing where I dipped my lead shoulder I think this was a good practice. The thing I noted helps me is to try to loop my trail shoulder back on transition to shallow the club



    Something I notice in your swing.

    You don’t have much rotation of the upper or lower body and it causes you to lack depth in the swing.

    You are very arm dominant. which is probably caused mostly by the lack of rotation and depth. Your arms are very high at the top and should be much closer to the lead arm being on the same angle as your shoulders

    The result of the first two comments lead to you arms and hand being over the front of your feet when they should be farther behind you body.

    All of this leads to you moving toward the ball and and not rotating properly. 

    If you use the fireplace as your reference point and watch where your butt is at address and then throughout the swing. It doesn’t move further back in the backswing. You stay right on it thru the downswing and as you come to te finish you actually move in front of it whereas your lead hip should be rotating back and around and should cover the fireplace opening and block it.

    i grabbed a snapshot of protocol 5 as a reference point at the top of the swing. You can see where David’s hands are at the top as well and how his lead arm is more inline with his shoulder plane.  He’s using a wedge here so his turn and swing length are going to march his shot type. Since he’s hitting a wedge and not going full out those are going to be short compared to if he was hitting a full shot or a longer iron.

    You are swing a 6i so your turn should be bigger than his and you arms and hand should be deeper



  8. 46 minutes ago, PMookie said:

    I tried the VR a few years back just after it launched. I tried it in the PXG Gen 2 drivers and had good numbers, but when I tried it later that summer, the numbers weren’t as good.

    I’m thinking the IZ would be perfect in the Max to help reduce some spin that will come with the head, and I really liked the feel and launch I got with it in my Epic Flash SZ. I think it could be a deadly combo!!!

    My fiend who was telling about the VR said it was a little “loose” but a good shaft.

    the iz is definitely going to knocK some spin off. When I hit it in the m5/6 compared to the ad di and one other shaft I tried that for the life of me I don’t recall if it was a rogue or diamana the iz was about 250-300 lower. It put me in a spin range than looks good on the monitor but in real life scares me. IZ was in the low 1800-2000 range. I probably could have lived with the ad DI in that 2100-2200 range but I wasn’t ready to dump the money into the m5/6 and was happy with the g400 I had

  9. 2 minutes ago, Golfspy_CG2 said:

    Yep, I have been to that range, I believe the green is about 150 or so out, and the fact they use limited flight balls, puts a whole lot of different thoughts in your head.  I mostly used the shortgame area they had, could actually hit wedges out to like 70 yards to a real green.  

    Yeah that’s about the distance especially for anything from grass areas outside the teaching bays and about to where the pro shop is.

    the short game area is one of the best non private ones in the area imo

  10. 3 hours ago, fixyurdivot said:

    Wow!  That is significant.  Why I'm not seeing that in my informal comparisons may just be inconsistent ball striking??  I often have courses to myself and can play two ball comparisons; I did this several times while testing the Maxfli Tour and Tour X.  Looks like a ball fitting needs to be added to the list.

    This year I’ve compared the tp5 and 5x to the 2017 and 2019 prov1 and 1x.

    swing has been pretty inconsistent all year for me but fortunately I played some solo rounds where I could do some side by side comparisons with these balls. The titleist balls were pretty even/consistent tee to green. The tp5 was one I couldn’t tell if it was my swing or the ball but some days it was as good as the 5x and some days I wasn’t seeing driver distances keeping up with the others.

    The 5x for me works as well as both provs.

    I think a ball fitting is valuable but doing one yourself from shots around the green back to the tee is just as good.  I really want to do a ball fitting and driver fitting at TPI to see how that goes.

  11. 10 hours ago, fixyurdivot said:

    Just as a point of reference, how much difference were you seeing in distance?  My driver swing speed runs about 103.  Perhaps at these lower speeds the separation in distance just isn't that much?

    My SS is about the same as yours. With the chromesoft it was 1/2 to 1 club distance with irons. Hitting balls side by side on the same holes I would see 10-15 yards difference. I have a couple friends who are faster and they would see similar differences.

    With the Bridgestone bx and bxs i was on avg losing 10 yards off the tee with irons I was a full club shorter

  12. 9 minutes ago, fixyurdivot said:

    As someone who has not been ball fitted and not found an appreciable difference in the handful of balls I have narrowed down to, I'm curious about the compression question as well.  I've had days when a Chromesoft or newer Titleist Tour Soft have played better in distance and, to a slightly lesser degree, green holding than ProV1, Maxfli Tour, Snell MTB, and Bridgestone BX S.  

    To those who have been "ball fitted" what if any surprises did you find?

    I’ve done a few bridgestone ball fittings when they were doing them in person. 

    In the last fitting i did which would be around 2015/16 the rx was the ball I was fitted for. We looked at the bx and bxs and spin increased with both that was detrimental to optimizing my distance. 

    i played the rx multiple seasons on and off since every fitting i did with them that was the recommended ball compared to either the Srixon z star or Prov1. 

    ive played a bunch of different balls and what I have seen the “softer” balls like the chromesoft, q star and Wilson have all been shorter off the tee and with irons compared to the tp5 and 5x and the Prov1 and 1x for me. I’ve tried the last two versions of bx and bxs and both have been ok.

    I recently tried the exp-01, tour soft and they rolled out further than the tour balls 

  13. 2 hours ago, Rickp said:

    Got in a early 9 w only 2 Par 4’s.
    TSi2 driver is about as forgiving as it gets, no doubt about it. Hit 2 Tee shots 1st was off center toe and it had a little fade but decent distance, 2nd was nutted and it’s definitely longer than G410.
    I’m still getting used to the new shaft and adjustments.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    To tie into robs question the distance difference is in total distance correct?

    have you had a chance to do any testing on a monitor since the shaft switch to compare numbers between the ping and tsi?

    27 minutes ago, Golfspy_CG2 said:

    Are you seeing any more height from the new shaft and weight.

    I was going to ask this too.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Manimal26 said:

    So what you claim is being nosy I feel was me asking a simple question that you took offense to. When In fact I asked a question what it had to do with his quest to break 80. You could have said for your own curiosity or because you feel they are treating symptoms not causes. ... your opinion is your own brah... but I am not sure how you could know that the drills are treating anything when you have no clue what  A.) the drills are even or B.) what his coaches plan is and C.) as a 9.3 HDCP index what makes you feel qualified to state your opinion with out anything to back it up?

    if you want to pick someone apart make fact lacking claims or opinions   go do it on WRX, but my MGS is about “giving a s***” 

    So before you throw an opinion out in this public forum thread where someone is committed to improving at least provide some value to the conversation instead of trying to satisfy your own selfish curiosity and throwing opinions out that have no basis...  


    You are reading to much into things bait my questions to him. I was interested to see if he was still working with his coach because I hadn’t seen any posts on the follow up discussions that he may have had with his coach about the progress and if they had made any adjustments to their approach. 

    based on an observation I asked some questions to ascertain more information and as you see in my follow up to his reply.

     I’m not here to pick anyone apart and can we seriously get off the wrx vs mgs stuff it’s old an tiring,  it everything that being questioned is an attack and to trigger people. And that’s the last i have to say on the subject and we can get back to the regularly scheduled program of his quest to break 80

  15. 1 hour ago, dlow206 said:


    Cool. It’s interesting he’s focusing on the eyes and head movement. What drills or thoughts is he giving you for those?

    53 minutes ago, Manimal26 said:

    @RickyBobby_PR I am not sure what those questions have to do with him on his goal to break 80, but his swing looks so improved from even just a few weeks back. 

    @dlow206 keep it up man whatever you are doing seems to be working so I’d stick with it!

    Since you want to to be nosy it was for my curiosity. Those seemed to be working on symptoms rather than a cause.  After all it’s a public golf forum open for discussion. 

  16. 1 hour ago, dlow206 said:

    Slowly working on a few things, primarily trying to eliminate excess wandering eyes and head movement, and trying not to have excess arm swing at the top of my backswing. Also, trying not to swing too much inside, but the primary focus is on the head and excess arm swing. 


    Are you still working on the drill(s) from your coach?  

    Are these things he’s talked to you about or things you are working on based on some research other swing coaches videos and/or feedback from members here?

  17. 9 minutes ago, golfinnut said:

    Nearly $800 for a driver???  C'mon ... that's getting out of hand.  

    A GD shaft after market new is $380 and used to be $500 for the AD DI. The good thing is that most people don’t need an after market shaft and can do just fine with a no upcharge shaft especially the ones most brands offer these days are the real deal after market version.

    There’s lots of consumer items that cost a lot that people don’t need but by.

    It’s simple play what works for you and fits your budget and don’t worry about what someone spends or doesn’t spend their money on or why they spend their money on it.


  18. 1 hour ago, Killex said:

    I can guess a few reasons golf is not booming at the moment.

    TIME: Golf takes a long time. It is a minimum on 4 hours on the course, then all the preparations that go along with it. Driving, warming up, check in, etc. On average you are looking at a 6 hour part of the day.

    MONEY: Golf is a very expensive sport. It always has been and more than likely always will be. Along with the actual cost of green fees, equipment and apparel are getting out of hand.

    PEOPLE: With all the new technology in the world, people are simply not getting outside as much as they used to. Kids are playing more video and computer games than when I grew up. When I was a kid I looked up to Tiger Woods and he motivated me to get outside and play golf.

    What makes you think golf isn’t booming? 

    people have been buying all the new equipment. TM sold thru their initial stock of p770 irons and iirc the p7mc in less than a week and by the end of the second week were already into delivery dates of November and December. 

    i haven’t seen numbers in the titleist driver and woods release but based on limited info available via forums they are having success with the launch. 

    Rounds played for the year are up. I read somewhere that September alone has a 25% increase in rounds played. 

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