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Posts posted by RickyBobby_PR

  1. Played ok yesterday. 38/41 and should have been lower on both 9s but that’s golf and have to take the good with the bad. 

    Despite the heat had a good time with the guy and his two young adult sons. All were relatively beginners but played fast and his oldest was pretty good, once he learns his iron distances better he’s going to break 80 quickly 

  2. 16 minutes ago, revkev said:

    What does your doctor say about it?  I would never do anything like this without seeking my doctor's advice first. 

    It’s not really something that is negative to ones health and there are studies out there showing benefits to using IF including better focus and mental acuity during the fasting period.

    theres different types of IF. The 18/6 window mention, 20/4 window and a complete fast for 1 day a week. 

    It’s really no different than eating 3 meals in a full day or 3 in a short window. There’s also some studies that show 2 meals a day is beneficial for many


    Dr Jim Stoppani uses it as his lifestyle and has been doing it for years. He’s also pretty well built physically 

  3. 1 minute ago, ole gray said:

    Is there a set amount of calories you are allowed in your "window"?


    Caloric intake is dependent on many factors and is individual dependent. It depends on what your goal is, but there is no limit or max per SS just whatever your caloric needs are.It’s easier for those who are eating to maintain weight or losing weight than those trying to bulk. One can over eat in the eating window just as easily as one can over eat without it.


  4. Intermittent fasting is a good tool for weight control. In my reading and listening to various experts who have their doctorates in nutrition and training the results for fat loss aren’t better or worse than other types of eating lifestyles.

    What I have found is when in a caloric deficit phase especially as the calories drop this makes it easier to not feel as hungry and get cravings during the day. 


  5. 11 minutes ago, SmoothG said:

    But what if those are the last 3 putts for the round?  

    The way we do it the snake doesn’t carry over. Its per hole. But for most stuff where ties could happen then if one ties we all tie

  6. 15 minutes ago, SmoothG said:

    I'm looking to add the game "snake" to our group. One question for those familiar... What happens if 2 people three putt the same hole?  Who holds the snake?

    The way we play snake is whoever 3 putts a whole owes money. If two people snake then their money cancels each other out but they each owe money to the other people in the group 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    I didn’t say anyone said that it was healthy. I don’t even know where that excerpt is from. But your men’s health, golf digest and other outlets will use this and put it out as gospel. Utilizing the image of Bryson that this is how you can “be like”. Not Bryson’s fault and I would blame the person that believes that that’s a good diet to follow. I have my own thoughts on keto but as you said won’t get into that here. Colorful meals and proper intake.

    The healthy part was related to your comment about your healthier eating.


  8. 18 minutes ago, Lacassem said:

    I have issues with this strictly because they’re putting out that “this is a diet you can follow”. A) the average person cannot follow this strictly on the fact they won’t be able to put those calories to use and B) it’s not healthy anyway. Granted he probably gets variety day to day and this is probably 1 day if X amount of days. Either way ITs NOT A HEALTHY DIET.

    i struggled (recently just broke the habit) after the military with lots of eating just because I could burn them but it was healthier eating.

    moral of the story most of is most of us could never follow this and I think it’s haphazard to put it out as “be like Dechambeau eat like dechambeau”

    Who is promoting this as a diet anyone can follow. I watched a large portion of sundays coverage and part of Friday and Saturday and don’t recall anyone saying that anyone could do this.

    I agree that most people shouldn’t because it puts them in a large calorie surplus and would gain lots of weight and mostly fat if they aren’t training or training properly to put the calories to use. It’s like many of the NFL lineman that drop a bunch of weight after their playing days. They were eating and trained for their needs.

    Like Bryson working with a coach for calorie intake and training is better than picking an eating plan and trying to navigate it for best results 

    The term healthier is misleading because food and calories are energy. Foods can be more nutrient dense than others but that doesn’t make one healthier than the other. There’s lots of approaches to daily eating from keto, flexible dieting or what many probably know as if it fits your macros, use of intermittent fasting...won’t get into all of that hear but for anyone interested look into Dr Layne Norton, Erik Helms, and others that have  published in the health and nutrition community. Dr. Norton cites lots of other studies in his posts on social media and YouTube. 

    I know female physique and powerlifting athletes that eat more than some men and the 

  9. 9 hours ago, heribertomaya said:

    The 60 sounds good and as any other wedge to me now.  Nonetheless, the 56 maintained the tin metal sound........but whatever I learned and will probably never get vokey wedges again after this.  Will be changing the 56 to the new Cleveland when it launches and keep the vokey for range/practice.

    Have you tried to call vokey/titleist about the issue?

    From reading here and wrx it seems like you may be the only that had this issue 

  10. 35 minutes ago, bluesmandan76 said:

    I’m thinking along the same lines. It’s definitely interesting as an experiment from “the golf scientist” — but sustainable... for years? We’ll see.

    I tend to think that fast massive gains are difficult on tendons and joints. And in golf, when the swing becomes too violent/explosive and not graceful enough, body parts will blow out. This is what happened to Tiger, in my opinion (and also according to others, such as Gary Player, for example—an early example of a golfer who was big on diet and physical fitness, with very specific convictions/theory about what an ideal golf physique is). Tiger was the best, bulked up to become better, it worked for a few years and then body parts started breaking down... the knee and back are obviously known but I’d bet he has issues we don’t know about too.

    If Bryson stays on this path, I expect injuries in his not too distant future. His swing does not appear graceful to me, but explosive and violent.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Bryson hasn’t said how much he planned to gain or to what ball speed he is trying to get to on the course so speculation about if it will hold up in the long run is putting the cart before the horse. What Bryson said is he wanted to be the longest driver on tour. He along with his team decided he needed to add mass, they developed a strategy and put a plan together to get there. He has achieved that so what he set out and accomplished that based on his distance stats so far. We need to see what goals he has for long term and to wait and see.

    As for Tiger it wasn’t his bulking that caused his issues. In his own words it was the amount of running he did early on. He was running 30 miles a week and many times that was done in military boots so saying bulking caused his issues isn’t true.

  11. 20 minutes ago, sixcat said:

    Nobody, including Bryson, knows how this will play out over time.  We've never seen anyone at the highest levels of golf do this before.  The on-course results are interesting and intriguing but I don't believe it is sustainable.  I believe he will ultimately have injury issues.  It just depends on how long he can sustain this frame and play golf at the elite level his is currently playing before those injuries mount.  

    Again, my opinion.  It may or may not be worth a s*** for anything!

    That goes for anything in golf or life. It’s not like Bryson is doing this on his own and just winging it. Anyone working with a coach whether it’s for their swing, their nutrition or training communicates with their coach and there’s a plan that has some sort of goal associated with it to track progress or lack of. Based on the whatever metric is used to track the coach uses that plus feedback from the individual and adjusts accordingly. 

    None of us knows what his long term goal is or what the intermediate points are to that end goal so yes this may or may not be sustainable for a long period of time (whatever one considers long). It may not be his plan. What we can do is look at his goal and did he achieve it. So far the goal was to bulk up to gain distance and be the longest driver on tour. He achieved the added weight and the added weight achieved his goal of being the longest driver on tour over the last several weeks. It also hasn’t affected his ability to play well and finish high on the leaderboard. 

    Now it’s sit back and watch and wait for what’s next or see if things start going bad for him and if he adjusts and how he adjusts.


  12. 1 minute ago, Getoffmylawn said:

    @RickyBobby_PRis right, the guy has a training staff and dietitian scheduling and programming his workouts, nutrition, etc. I doubt any of use are really in a position to second-guess the experts he has around him, especially since it's obviously working for him.   I'm honestly a little surprised the total calorie count is only 3-3.5K.  I did a mild winter bulk and my total calorie count for a bulking diet, per day, was 3.1K.  Granted that was for a slow clean bulk, but I'm only 5'9"...I would have guessed he'd need more than that.

    But again, he's no doubt surrounded by experts who know what they're doing.

    I was surprised the cals were in that range. I expected them to be in the 4-5 range for the amount of weight he gained in a short period of time.

    At the end of the day calories are energy and the number of calories needed depends on the energy levels and expenditures of the individual person and their goal. The rock eats about 7k calories/day and is upwards of 10k. His cheat day looks like most people’s entire week

  13. 30 minutes ago, sixcat said:

    A few isn't 7 a day!  Far from it!  To each their own!  I don't believe it's sustainable.  Time will tell.

    Again he has a training staff. If 7 was an issue they wouldn’t let him have that many. Also they don’t say if it’s pure protein like whey or casein or a combo or if it’s some concoction of protein sources blended up. 

    As with anything in training time and tracking will always determine the results. It all depends on what his goals will be and if they change to accomplish something else. His current goal was to bulk up to increase driving distance. Over the last 3+ months he was able to do both. He could easily go into a maintenance mode if he’s at his desired weight and appearance. maybe as the year goes on his wants to cut some body fat to improve his physique then his diet will change and what he consumes will match up with that.  It would be like a bodybuilder who goes into a long bulk to add muscle and size then enters a prep phase to be stage ready and they cut size. 

    We have to wait and see what his goals are, but for the time being he’s achieving what he’s set out for.


  14. 16 minutes ago, sixcat said:

    The "supplement" industry is the least regulated industry in the world. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2016/06/supplements-make-tobacco-look-easy/488798/

    Pretty damning when the past 6 Directors of the Department of Health and Human Services compared supplements and their effects on the US population to be as bad as big tobacco! 

    I'll pass!

    I don’t disagree that there’s issues within the supplement industry and a lot of the issues revolve around supplements like fat burners and nowhere in that article does it talk about issues with protein shakes. 

    You won’t find a reputable trainer that doesn’t talk about it being ok to use protein shakes to help meet protein needs. The number of them that would say consuming 7 a day is probably low but I have seen several including those with PHDs in nutrition that say it’s ok to use a few shakes per day. 

    Bryson has a full team around him and I would doubt he’s drinking 7 shakes without their approval and recommendation on what brands to use.


  15. 36 minutes ago, sixcat said:

    Sounds rather constipating to me.  That many protein shakes cannot be healthy.  I don't care what anyone says.

    Edit to add; Absolutely no fruits or vegetables unless those make up his "snacks while practicing."  Sounds a bit like trying to feed a middle school kid.

    Shakes are healthy and are supplements. He’s probably consuming 240+g of protein. Not easy to get that in while not being at the house for every meal. The shakes are a supplement to eating 

  16. 44 minutes ago, bens197 said:

    The LST 400 head has been the constant for me and with that, the Hzrdus has a better dispersion. What I really like about the EF is it has a better loading feel. While that’s all subjective, when you feel good you certainly can play good. 

    Agree. I’ve mentioned in other threads that PX didn’t account for feel at all in their design of the hzrdus shafts and it was all based on performance. 

    When I was there it was before the evenflow blue and black came out and they said with that like the kept the focus on performance but accounted for feel

  17. 1 hour ago, bens197 said:

    Update since 5/13. 

    This stat is with me playing the Evenflow Black 65 6.5 and I’m relatively happy. It is not the best dispersing shaft I’ve ever played but it makes up for it with a penetrating flight and a lovely feel. It hasn’t been bad enough for me to put the Hzrdus Yellow back in the bag.  More updates as the season evolves. 



    Having played both shafts there is a better feel in the ef blue compared to hzrdus yellow. I liked the blue other than days where I was quick in transition, then I could feel the boardiness in the shaft.

    For me the dispersion was more based on head. With the ping g400 and hzrdus yellow unless I pulled the shot the left side of the course wasn’t a factor. With the blue and my preference with the fade in a titleist head I had a tendency to push the ef blue setup and in testing with a TM and ping the tendency was similar.


  18. 38 minutes ago, Tsmithjr9 said:

    think it was pretty standard awhile ago that club pros had more direct relationships with manufacturers and reps.

    It’s still pretty common for teaching pros and head pros to have staff deals. It’s probably rare to find one that doesn’t. I can’t think of a pro ive gone to for lessons or saw working at a course that didn’t have a staff deal. Heck my old fitter had one and the current has been offered one several times

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