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    tommc23 reacted to funkyjudge in Random Thread   
    Although I used the VA for medical and dental care for a few years after I got out of the USMC in 1969, I have not done so in many years. Because I constantly heard how bad VA medical care is in NJ and the Philadelphia area, I have avoided going to the VA.
  2. Like
    tommc23 reacted to excourse in Random Thread   
    Since moving to Florida I've noticed a huge difference in the VA care here vs. in Philly. Quite an improvement in the quality and timeliness of care. They get a double thumbs up from me.
  3. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Rickp in Random Thread   
    The VA got much better a few years ago.
  4. Like
    tommc23 reacted to hohjoe in Random Thread   
    I spoke to some recently and discovered he had worked for a VA clinic near me and naturally the subject of military service came up. He asked if I received any VA service, and I told him I did not and didn’t think I qualified. He assured me I did.
    So I went to the clinic, applied for service disability hearing loss. I was asked to schedule a hearing test just over a month later. I had the test, and I was told to expect a 6-8 week wait for any further action.
    Then in just over two weeks I received a letter stating the VA accepted responsibility due to my MOS for 50% of my hearing loss in each ear and 10% of my tinnitus and the VA is going to pay me a monthly stipend. I was, and still am, shocked since it took so little time to process the data and since it’s been so long since I got out of the Army in ’74.
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    tommc23 got a reaction from sirchunksalot in Happy Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday @Peaksy68
  6. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from cksurfdude in Random Thread   
    People are PITAs
  7. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from fixyurdivot in Random Thread   
    People are PITAs
  8. Like
    tommc23 reacted to cnosil in CNosil - Journey to a better golf game   
    Went through the ShotScope data that I have captured over my last 15 rounds and compared to a scratch golfer to see if there were areas that stood out. (If you want the gory details, I posted those in the ShotScope LX+ testing thread)   Based on my assessment, here are a few things I am going to work on:
    3 putt avoidance.   I have to get better with speed control.  I’ve been reading some of Geoff Mangum’s work and getting in some more practice time.   over the past couple of rounds I seem to be getting a little better feel for distance.   improve 9-12’ putting:  numbers here are a little low.  Start line performance will be the way forward here.    Approach shots/GIR:  my lessons have significantly improved my ball striking.  As with many amateurs, missing too many greens shot so I am going to consciously work to more club into greens especially on the front to middle pin positions.  Basically get on the green and rely on putting instead of short game.  This also ties into the topic of my last lesson which was alignment.  With good alignment my ball flight is much straighter and on target.   short game proximity to the hole:  the time I spent on the short game has resulted in much better contact.  Now I need to work on proximity to the hole to get more up and downs.  Basically, need to learn how much the ball will release on these shots? I have one more lesson in my series so I need to figure out what to focus on.   We have already addressed the above items and I am confident that I am able to work on them independently so I don’t really need a coaching session.   Based on my Shotscope data, fairway bunkers is a weak area. I hesitate since not sure that will really translate to improved scoring since this isn't something that happens every hole or even every round.   That said I do recognize that being able to hit out of fairway bunkers could also improve general ball striking.  
  9. Like
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy_APH in 2023 Forum Features   
    The first update is a Google Docs Embeding Code so we have a similar function like posting youtube links, tweets and various other programs that make featuring these programs or links in a smoother fashion on the forum. 
    Before google docs when linked would simply look like this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hu2Y5y19FQVLiabySC60mguFKl01GdR2o5ePadZkJxY/edit?usp=sharing
    Although functional and can be edited to look like this; General Testing Template
    We can now have them feature like this:
    The steps for doing this are as follows

  10. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to EasyPutter in 2023 Forum Features   
    Looking forward to what's next 👍
    It's snowing on this side of my forum screen. And there wasn't any yesterday until after dark.
    Edit - 3 weeks later...

    and the white stuff left is smaller each day. 
  11. Like
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy_APH in 2023 Forum Features   
    Over the coming months we will be adding some features to the forum. Some large and quite significant, others smaller however still important. I will list them here prior to implementation along with any key notes of how they work function and instructions for quick how to work them. 
    If you have questions about any of them please do not hesitate to reach out or post questions here. 
    Also did anyone notice it snowing on the forum Tuesday for a few minutes? haha
  12. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from Rickp in Random Thread   
    People are PITAs
  13. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from Kenny B in Random Thread   
    People are PITAs
  14. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from MattF in Random Thread   
    People are PITAs
  15. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Peaksy68 in Happy Birthday thread   
    Thanks mate👍
  16. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from Peaksy68 in Happy Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday @Peaksy68
  17. Like
    tommc23 got a reaction from EasyPutter in Happy Birthday thread   
    Happy birthday @Peaksy68
  18. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to GolfSpy_APH in Ten things that evidently never happened   
    Me actually being able to stay out of that LIV thread after I've said I'll never post there again...
  19. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to hckymeyer in Ten things that evidently never happened   
    @GolfSpy Barbajo Going in to a 2nd Swing without buying something that's at least 30 years old
  20. Like
    tommc23 reacted to CarlH in Ten things that evidently never happened   
    Somehow, I missed this thread earlier ... true, but downright funny stuff!
  21. Like
    tommc23 reacted to downlowkey in Ten things that evidently never happened   
    No “apologee” necessary, Sam
  22. Like
    tommc23 reacted to chisag in Ten things that evidently never happened   
    ... Wow thems big words an I ain't no roads scawlar but iffin they mean a typo, no that ain't it. More like a flat out wrong indentidee. So fixed it for ya and now you can go back to brain serguree or rocket dee-zine and hope youse aksept my apologee. 
  23. Like
    tommc23 reacted to Shapotomous in Got Problems?   
    Thanks for asking.  She surprised everyone (herself included!  😄) and is bàck home with us after two very tough weeks in the hospital.  Once discharged after a week of in home rehab she is back to short walks with using the walker and eating frequent small portions. 
    Its been a difficult month but things are stabilized to the new normal.  I may even get out to play 9 once in a while!
  24. Like
    tommc23 reacted to sirchunksalot in Got Problems?   
    I got a little bit of a scare earlier this evening. My wife came in from the bathroom and told me we had very little water pressure. I checked under the house, no leaks. I went to the meter and it wasn't moving. That at least alleviated my stress that I was going to have to dig up the water line tonight and tomorrow.
    Turns out, there was a water main break a few miles from here and my whole area is without water. I was just thankful I was able to get a shower in before we lost it all. 
  25. Haha
    tommc23 reacted to cksurfdude in Random Thread   
    Man Cave! (... Tim Allen arrrh arrrh arrrh 🤣)
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