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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Posts posted by romeopapazulu

  1. I'm with @chisag and @cnosil on this one.  If your current irons are a terrible fit, there might be some good gains with a properly fit set.  If your main issues are with the indian and not the arrow, then Sub70 looks like a great option to have some fun with some new irons without breaking the bank.  If you fit well into some of the stock shafts, they are a steal.  Even with some of their more expensive shaft upgrades you are looking at prices below a new set of Hogans and practically half of a similar set of big brand OEMs.

    Oh my stars....the 699 Pros are on the website...I might be getting in some serious trouble in 2020...

  2. So what gets stamped on the bottom of the club?  The name?  What size font would you have to use for it to fit?  Would milling that much out of the sole of the club throw off the swingweight?

    If you propose putting the loft of the club on the sole,  The Ben Hogan Company already realized that was a bad idea and have iron numbers again.  Going back to lofts would be a return to insanity.

  3. On 12/2/2019 at 9:00 PM, ChasingScratch said:

    The last round I had with the Elevado was fine. 76 with 4 birdies, but only one putt made over 9ft (a 14ft birdie on #18 thank you very much lol). I had lots of putts that I played just outside the left or right edge that missed there, I just over read the break.

    Is it bad that I don’t want to game the Elevado next time I play? Probably not a good sign huh? It’s not that it’s a bad putter. It’s certainly not. But I’m finding how much I really like the look and feel of my gamer.

    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    I am finding the opposite.  I think the confidence is higher with the Elevado.  I am not seeing numbers that indicate I will have 5 less putts per round, but when I stand over a putt, I am feeling like the putting stroke is a variable that is out of the equation and the result now only depends on my sub-par green reading (maybe that should read "plus-par").

    Now I just need to have someone tell me how to quantify the putting mind games...

  4. 20 minutes ago, downlowkey said:

    I was referring to the “special” edition (as pictured). Yes, that is the reason.

    They mystery irons appear to be a fair approximation of my current Adams MB2s so I technically wouldn’t turn down a free blank version but they’d probably just collect dust with all the other sets. #bestironever👇


    Yes, I dont know that Reed has the same ring as Nicklaus or Hogan. I am not anti-Reed (yet) but have no desire for irons with his name. 

    Adam's was soooooo underrated. I think they punched way above their name recognition. I may have to hunt down some of these MB2's myself. 

  5. I'm now buried in 18 inches of snow. So unless I can maneuver a trip south for a weekend to get a round in, I will be looking at birdieball practice from now on. 

    In looking at my practice green work, a slight advantage went to the SC on the long range putting. But that was quickly given away by more solid short range (dare I even admit mid-range?) second putts. 

    I think the main advantage of the SC on the long putts is that they would occasionally go in. I didn't sink any super long ones with the Frontline. At that range it is hard to say if it is pure luck or if I can really judge line and speed well enough with the SC to drain one now and then (not probable).

  6. In all of my testing so far, neither my current gamer or the Frontline have really jumped far ahead.  The practice green testing tends to bounce back and forth between drills and one of them usually ends up ahead by the end of a session, but it doesn't amount to more than a stroke per round.

    Last night, though, was an absolute domination.  I will have to see if this was a blip that will return back to the norm.  But if that was a session trying putters in the golf shop, there would have been no doubt as to who I would be taking home. 

  7. 5 hours ago, ChasingScratch said:

    Been putting a lot indoors lately. We just had rain the past three days in a row so not much else I can do really.


    I’ve been playing around with hitting off the toe and heel of the Elevado to see how it affects impact feel and accuracy. On short putts inside 6ft, I’m not seeing much of a negative impact on dispersion. I can still hit a dime I have on my matt whether I hit the ball out of the middle or either end. So what? I tried with my Ping Sigma 2 Tyne 4 as well. Same results. And who hits their putter so far out near the toe or heel anyway?


    I have had some funky feeling putts so far with the Elevado. Sometimes something just doesn’t feel quite right. This isn’t to say that the ball goes crazy offline or anything, but I’ve had some that almost feel like the putter wants to twist in your hands at impact. Maybe I’m crazy..... 🤪



    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy


    I have also been trying to do some heel center toe testing. I need to get some impact tape soon can do it and see impact without purposefully hitting it on the toe or heel. I feel like it does a good job minimizing twist, but when I know I am hitting o e one the toe, I feel that it's hard to not influence the stroke.  

    I have also hit some weird feeling putts. But these aren't twisting. I think I am swinging with the putter a bit off the ground and hitting it below the insert. And that has a weird clank of a feel like hitting a softball off the handle of a bat. Distance isn't terribly punished though. 

    I haven't done that too much, but when I think about the shallow face of this putter and lift it to hit the center off the face (center height) I have caught it thin and gotten that feeling. Better to not think i suppose. 

  8. 1 hour ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    i think the most wanted was a good test in that it gives a comparison to the pros and cons of each. Saying it’s x amount different than y device while that would be nice to have it’s not necessarily important imo.  To me it’s like a body weight scale someone uses when tracking weight loss/gain. Is the scale of100% accurate compared to another model? Maybe but maybe not. However if you use the same scale everytime then you have consistency in measurement and can track progress. If you start off at x lbs and lose 5lbs in a month does it matter if you were 200 or 203lbs at the start? No because you’ve achieved a loss of 5lbs.

    the same applies to a personal lm. If one is trying to work on their game and increase speed/distance they use the lm of choice and can see what their numbers are. After a period of time practicing, taking lessons, training to whatever method they use to improve they can look at the numbers on the monitor and see if they have gone up. If after x time frame there is an increase of 2mph they improved. Doesn’t matter if the starting speed is 100 on y device or 102 on a device. The gain was there.

    I agree with your case that accuracy doesn't need to be the top priority.  However, to track progress, there needs to be some level of precision in the device you are using.  If one of these devices tells me my 75 yd shot is only going 65, but it is always very close to that 10 yds short, I can use this for practicing (Precise, but not accurate).  If it tells me my 75 yd shot is going 75 yds, but that is an average of anything from 65 to 85 yds, then it is relatively useless in my opinion (accurate, but not precise).  I don't see where any of that is discussed in the review, so looking at the actual data to see how these things perform would be helpful.

  9. So you're stranded on an island with a beautiful golf course (not really "stranded" then) and the pro shop has only two putters for you to choose for your bag.

    One feels like you can always line it up exactly where you want to hit it, but you have an occasional WTH stroke leading to a wobbly pulled or pushed putt.

    The other putter can roll the ball perfectly down the line, but you are a little less precise on your alignment.

    Do you prioritize alignment or stroke?  (These are the only two choices available.  No "I watch Forged in Fire so I will make my own putter that fits me perfectly and aims by itself".)

  10. As others have already said, the background reviewers give about themselves can provide so much more meaning to a review.  They may have a pretty negative experience with a club or product, but when they explain how it deviates from their preferences or dig deeper into why it didn't work, I can still deduce that I should give it a shot because our preferences are polar opposites. 

    As a tester, I can't see how your game could get worse even if the product wasn't a good fit.  If it is for a club, aren't you also still hitting the old club to verify that the new one works better or not?  Maybe if you are already playing 18 holes 6 days a week you aren't increasing your time on the range or the course, but many of us will be putting more than normal time in to get a review done.

    I have learned more about my old putter in the last three weeks as a result of the current putter testing than I did in three months beforehand. The Elevado performs better in some aspects.  My current gamer is better in others.  The heightened awareness required during the testing to figure out the "whys" is invaluable to learning about your own game.  So whether the Elevado ends up in my bag or not, I am confident that I will be improved by the end of this.  

  11. 2135.  Besides my bedtime, what does this mean?  This is the radius of a golf ball in millimeters x 100.

    Why should you care?  Cleveland feels that by having the alignment line on the putter at this height, you can have your eyes inside of your line and you can still tell that the ball is centered on the club face.



    In their example above, I can see how there could be some issues with someone who has the eyes well inside the line or even outside the line (gasp!), IF they have a putter with the alignment line at the base of the putter.  I don't have a putter arsenal the size of @GolfSpy MPR, but when comparing the height of the alignment line of the Elevado to my SC 5.5M and an old Rife 2-Bar, they can't be more than a couple of nanometers x 1000 different.  I can't find any of my trigonometry books to take a refresher, but I think the possible alignment error from the eyes even 12 inches inside of the putting line with a change of a couple mm in your putter line height is going to be significantly smaller than the size of your strike area of ten putts.

    Is this really technology?  I would say it is a measurement (that's missing the decimal point).  Do I like it?  Yes, because I had some wires crossed at birth and am severely left eye dominant.  That line on top is great for me.  

    Can this be a detriment?  I can't see how, unless you are playing TopFlite Magna's.  In which case you will need to find a putter with 22098 "technology".



    On a side note, I have determined that my horrible speed judgement in the last round was a result of my practice green.  I got the medium speed green and played on really slow greens.  Without a single warmup putt, I left a 15 ft birdie putt on the first hole 4 ft short.  I hit some more putts at home last night and my speed was right on again.  So not so much a putter issue than a putt-er issue.

  12. As @downlowkey said, asking for the ball type and markings before stating you found such and such eliminates the chance that they claim a ball that's not theirs.  In a competitive match, I would establish their ball and markings before they have a chance to find one and claim that it is theirs as well.

    Nothing else jumps out as glaringly offensive, but I will play devil's advocate for giggles since you asked.

    Was this playing partner rushing to get things over with?  When a group I am in gets to the green, most people mark their ball and clean it off.  Is this guy just walking up to his ball and whacking it in the direction of the hole while you are trying to measure?  Is it possible out of excitement you were messing around with a tape in the cup still while he has already cleaned his ball off and taken a read?  I could understand his frustration if you are lollygagging around and wait to measure until he is stepping up to take the putt.  That timeline seems rather unlikely, though.

    As for him driving off, I suppose he was angry you didn't give him time to hit a third?  A little communication on his part can go a long way to avoid that situation.

    Now that I'm done trying to see this from the other guy's side, I hope you enjoyed your last 4 holes!!!


  13. For those that have the CB/MB combo set, how do the top lines look?  Is the CB any thicker than the MB?  If you had to compare the look from address to any of the big(ger) brand clubs, what would you compare these to?

    Sycamore IL is directly en route to the UP from Salt Lake City, no?

  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a heavier putter is "generally" better for stability on short range putts at the expense of long range touch.  

    I have a touch drill I am trying indoors.  I need to get a putt at least 3 feet, then try to pass each putt with the next one and squeeze in as many as I can before hitting the end of the mat.  So I think my range is 3-11ish feet.  Come up short and I'm out.  I'll send some scores later, but so far I haven't noticed a big difference between the Frontline and my Futura.  Is this range long enough to really tell the difference?

  15. I checked the total weight of the Frontline Elevado and it is 597g.  For comparison, my Cameron 5.5M is 557g.  I will have to get the swingweights checked out, but this is one solid stick.


    I like the grip so far.  It is longer than my two most recent grips, so there is some wiggle room if you like a little more or less of the pistol shape in your upper hand. Here it is next to the stock grip on my Cameron.  It's not much longer than this, but the Golf Pride Tour Sensr is 1.5" shorter and feels pretty small compared to the Lamkin.


    The texture has a good grip to it.  Or does the grip have a good texture? 


    The whole top of the grip is flat.  I would rate this as a medium to medium-large grip.  The upper flat section doesn't seem as wide as the Ping PP60 grip, which feels very awkward to me.  Lamkin has this grip listed at 120g.  If you want to swap this out, I recommend to pay attention to the weight of the new grip.  An EVNROLL Gravity grip is also 120g.  Hmmmmm. 🤤

    The face is completely new compared to my 2135 Satin Elevado.  The Satin Elevado has a face that I can use if I lose my meat tenderizer.  I had a few issues with that putter that I will get to during this testing, but one was the face.  There was so much material machined off of the sweet spot that this was a very soft feeling face.  I ended up switching to a harder feeling ball to firm up the feel.


    Nice grass stain on the face!  Who else has to clean their spouses clubs for them?  Did I just throw myself under the bus there?


    The Frontline has much less material taken out.  This results in a face that is much firmer.  For me, this is a big win.  YMMV.  I had some friends take some strokes with this, and some preferred the meat tenderizer feel.

    I am trying to get putting sessions in each day and am keeping score.  There have been some interesting finds in that testing already.  I will have to do this in many small doses, as I have the back of a 90 year old man.  A few times already I have hit that wall where what I assume is my back just tells me to take a hike and I have no chance of putting a decent stroke on the ball.  I will have to cut myself off before this happens to keep the results honest.  I have also found that it is easier to go from the Cameron to the Frontline than vice versa.  Length/lie may be a better fit on the Frontline. 

    I was able to take this out on the course for the second time this afternoon.  Weather could not have been better.  I also got to try out the Arccos sensors for the first time.  I ended up with 38 putts on the day en route to an 82.  I could not get the speed down at all.  We got the feeling that this course is pretty much shut down for the season, but are still allowing people to play.  Bathrooms were closed, ball washers were all down, and it looks like they were painting brown spots green to keep things looking...nice?  I have spent a good amount of time on the BirdieBall green (medium stimp: 10-11).  This course must have been playing at a 7.  And we rushed out to be able to get all 18 in before dark, so I didn't get any warmups beforehand.

    My consolation is that Arccos rated me as a 7.2 putting handicap.  I wasn't too happy with my chipping, and Arccos confirmed that by giving me an F+ for a chipping handicap.  I had a few 5-6 footers that I managed to miss, but like last time, I hit them where I was aiming.  There were some phantom breaks or force fields around some of the cups and the ball would just take a hard left or right just before the cup.  With them playing so slow and me having such a hard time putting a 3W swing on the ball, getting the line read right (not a strong point of mine in the first place) was just too much to ask.  But I really appreciate Arccos giving me a green participation ribbon for putting while letting me know that if I can't get the ball within 30ft of the hole, those birdies will continue to escape me.


    While this weather holds up I am going to get out again somewhere that hasn't given up on 2019 already.  I really want to know if it was really that slow today, or if I am setting myself up for failure practicing on a green that is a fair amount faster than anything I am going to be playing on.

  16. I've seen 50 yd swings in driver distance depending on the LM/location. So it is crucial to bring your own and do a relative comparison. 

    But that sure does raise some doubt as to how easily they can juice it when switching clubs to make one perform over the other. I've seen enough hidden cam reviews of how shady Jiffy Lubes are to upsell services and parts that they don't even put on or complete.  It makes it hard to trust the numbers when they obviously want to sell something. 

  17. My first round with this was pretty average. I didn't get many strokes with it before we started, so I was going in blind. My iron/approach didn't do me any favors and I didn't leave myself many putts short enough that I was super disappointed with a two putt. 

    The 370g head doesn't sound heavier than many others out there, but it feels heavy. Maybe not a high swing weight, but heavy, balanced and stable. Length and lie also feel like a better fit than my  Cameron.

    One dumb thing I did in my first round is I reverted to using a line on the ball for alignment. I have already determined that I putt worse doing that. I had a few putts that went end over end right on my line that just missed. So I hit them well, just can't line it up right with that method. 

  18. 10 hours ago, GolfSpy MPR said:

    Definitely interested in following along with this review thread. I purchased a Frontline Elevado slant neck from Cleveland immediately on release. I love the look of this line; the all black is very, very sharp. The feel is quite different from the previous generation of Cleveland putters: much firmer.

    But so far, I'm struggling a bit with mine. I replace the stock grip with a Flat Cat, and that may have been a mistake. I think the stock grip has some significant heft to it, and the Flat Cat Slim I put on is pretty light. I don't have a swingweight scale, but my guess is that I've adjusted it several points heavier toward the head.

    (Obviously, replacing the grip isn't a review of the putter itself.)

    Anyway, should be a fun thread to follow!

    I am no expert club builder, but I think a light grip might not be the best fit on this. I have the slant neck elevado as well, and it is the heaviest putter I've wielded in a while. If the stock grip is a heavier grip, a light grip might really throw the balance off. 

  19. 4 hours ago, DaveP043 said:

    Have you watched a baseball or football bounce off of synthetic turf?  You'd never get a golf ball to stop.  And that stuff doesn't last forever, eventually you'd have to replace it.  Most important, I can't believe the golfing public would accept it.  

    I was going to say the same thing. One of the big gripes in MLS is that some teams don't have real grass in their stadiums. It becomes a challenge that visiting teams need to overcome to learn all the weird ways the ball bounces. If I recall, they get some of those straight up first bounces followed by a second that shoots forward. It is much different than real turf. I can imagine that a golf ball would behave quite differently, too. 

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