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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Posts posted by daviddvm

  1. 5 hours ago, Golf2Much said:

    I'd like to shout out to my 2 Ball partners @Peaksy68, @daviddvm and @Golfspy_TCB for joining me in the tournament.  Thanks to your scores, we made respectful run at the titles.  

    Hopefully next time you all will be available as partners so we can give it one more shot!  I appreciate you all for allowing me to join you in our quest for MyGolfSpy history!

    Can't wait for the next opportunity Norm! I'll bring my "A" game!

  2. Date 12/22/2022
    Course Name Timber Creek (Pines/Creekside)
    Gross Score 77
    Course Handicap 6
    Gross Strokes over/under par 6
    Net Score to Par 0
    Net Score 71
    Net Birdies or better 7
    Longest Drive 254


    My course handicap dropped to 6 after last week's round!

    Played really well today, 16 of 18 GIR, had several makable birdie putts today but only converted 2. Really nice to be able to get a round in before the arctic blast comes through.

    But our cold weather will only last for a few days this weekend and then temps will be back in the 70s by Thursday next week. Nice to live in Houston🌞

  3. Date 12/15/2022
    Course Name Timber Creek (Pines/Creekside)
    Gross Score 73
    Course Handicap 7
    Gross Strokes over/under par 2
    Net Score to Par -5
    Net Score 66
    Net Birdies or better 1
    Longest Drive 250

    Great round today, drove the ball really well, approach above average, short game okay, and putted much better this week 33 total putts.



  4. Played my second full round with the Proto 388 yesterday and I have to say the ball performed really well and I was swinging very well off the tee, approach game better than normal and short game was spotty. But my putting absolutely SUCKED!!!!!!!!! 37 putts, 6 opportunities for birdy 3 of then short putts and I couldn't make a single one. I am not blaming the ball as last week I converted 4 of 9 birdy opportunities with the same ball.

    Now I am at a crossroad I've played two and a half rounds with each ball. I did a little number crunching and the biggest disparity between 348 and 388 was total yards of driving distance. 8580 yards for 348 vs 8309 yards for 388. I know it's a small sample size but that is a consideration I have take into account when I choose a ball to play. 




  5. 4 hours ago, mikeanthony said:

    Nice David! 👊🏼 I’ll be giving the 348 my full commitment this upcoming Sunday. Have really enjoyed the 388s thus far. 

    Are you still gaming to Cobra OL irons? 

    Yes sir, I'm still on Team one length! But I have put a Titleist hybrid in my bag. The one length hybrid just didn't work for me.

    I think you are really going to like the added distance and height with the 348. But you will be surprised how they perform in the wind.

  6. Played my first full round with the 388 Proto today. I played well. Shot par 35 on the front nine 4 over 41 on the back. That is an exceptional round for me. The conditions were cool 50 degrees (cold for us in Houston) but the course was in great shape with the greens running fast at probably 10 on the stemp meter.

    The round could have been some better if I had made one of my two eagle putts on the day. I played the entire round with the same ball today and that doesn't happen very often. The ball obviously performed well and the biggest take away for the day was trajectory. I felt in control of the ball even though looking at the stats I may have lost some yardage on most clubs. 

    I will tell you that if I score lower with a ball that doesn't go as far...I'm good with that🤣


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