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  1. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to GolfSpy_APH in What Brands/Products Do You Want To See for Member Testing 2024?   
    Oh I'm sure there are some out there brands. I'll be very excited to bring some attention to new products and brands.
  2. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from jbern in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  3. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Kenny B in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  4. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to Splatt in L.A.B. Putters - 2023 Forum Review   
    G’day guys, I’m Splatt, or Sean Platt if you want to get official about it (see if you can put together where my nickname came from).
    Firstly, I’d like to thanks MyGolfSpy and LAB golf for the opportunity to test this amazing putter.
    About me
    I’ve had an interest in golf for a long time starting back in the days of the PlayStation 1 and the early Tiger Woods video games.
    However, I didn’t start playing golf until relatively recently.
    My work held a corporate golf day and I was tasked with leading a 4-man ambrose team. Finally, I would get the chance to find out if the years of Tiger video games translated into real life, spoiler alert: They don’t!
    I don’t think I actually hit the ball until the 3rd hole, I lost the 2 sleeves of the company-branded golf balls I was allocated by the 7th, and I accidentally let go of the driver on the 13th, but by the end of the day golf well and truly had its hooks into me. By the next weekend, I had a set of old clubs I had borrowed from a friend and I was back playing a full 18 at my now-local club; I shot 139 and I still have the scorecard. I’m going to frame it one day so I can see how far I’ve come.
    My game
    I’ve come a long way since the days of shooting a casual 139.
    I’m currently a 21 handicap. I get regular lessons and my swing has improved a lot, most obviously in the last 12 months my swing with the driver has resulted in a lot more fairways.
    However, a glaringly obvious shortfall in my game for a long time has been putting.
    3-putts have been as common in my game as water-balls, chunked chip shots, and swear words. In fact, it’s a running joke amongst my friends that whatever ball I’m using is the 3-putt variety:
    “What you got there? A Titleist? Must be the new Titleist 3-putt”
    “Using Bridgstones now? I didn’t know they did a 3-putt model” etc etc

    This is why when I saw MGS had a chance to test a LAB putter I jumped at the chance.
    Over the last 12 months my putting has improved a lot, I switched to a mallet and moved to a straighter putting arc.
    From all of the promos and advertising the LAB seems perfectly suited to me and what I want to get from a putter.
    My plans and what I need from the putter
    Prior to the LAB arriving, I’m going to get as much putting data from my existing putter as possible. I’ve already recorded the number of putts per round for the last few years, but I’m going to be going for some more in-depth data.
    Once I have the LAB in my hands, I’m sure there’ll be a bit of a teething period where I get used to it, but from there I’ll try and get some data so I can see the differences straight from the get-go.
    Moving forward from there, I plan on being quite regimented in testing the putting: multiple putts from varying set distances, plenty of time on my home putting matt, and as many real-life rounds as I can squeeze in.
    And of course, as much data as I can get.
    To stay in the bag after the testing period I’d want to see some improvement (putts per round dropping, less 3-putts, leaving longer putts closer ect), but more importantly I’m going to need to trust it.

    Arrival and unboxing

    The day finally arrived and my new LAB putter was delivered.
    I happened to have the day off and I'm pretty sure I scared the crap out of the delivery man. He got about half a knock in before I ripped open the front door.

    Some care instructions to follow.
    I hadn't thought about oiling it. Might be a once a year job after the winter season:

    The head cover game is strong.
    It feels high quality and the fit is nice and tight.

    For the putter I went with the Mezz.1 Max in a blue finish with a white shaft. 
    I opted for 4 arrows for the alignment rather than the standard single line.
    The money shots:

    Previously I used an Odyssey Stroke Lab Mallet.
    I was surprised at the size comparison between the 2. I assumed the Mezz.1 Max was going to be substantially larger than my Odyssey, but it's only slightly wider.
    Some comparisons:

    I love the colour and it only gets better outdoors and on a putting green:

    I'll be back in a few days with my initial thoughts.
    Initial thoughts

    Ok, that's my initial thoughts done....

    More detailed initial thoughts
    I was stunned by how the putter looked and felt when I first took it out of the box.
    Let me tell you, the pictures I have above and the official promo ones from LAB don't do it justice. In real life, this is a seriously stunning looking putter.
    The blue has the perfect metallic shade to it that pops without being obnoxious and paired with the white Accra shaft is just *chef's kiss*.

    Now for the actual performance: this putter rocks!
    Comparing it to my Odyssey Mallet is legitimately like night and day; and the Odyssey wasn't a low bar either, that putter fantastic in its own right.
    From the easy set up, the feedback from the strike, to the weight of the putter, everything about the LAB is like a friendly helping hand assisting you to making the putt.

    The first night it arrived I spent an hour or two on my indoor putting matt. The first half an hour or so was mainly admiring the looks and getting used to the different grip, putter weight, and setting up with the pre-built in shaft lean. After that, I was off and running hitting what felt like identical putt after putt.

    The biggest thing I noticed that first night was after I few hours when I switched back to my Odyssey putter for a few putts.
    I got into my putting stance and, holy crap, this putter is fighting against me!
    It must be something you get used to pretty quickly and stop noticing, but when I switched back to the Odyssey it just felt like the face did not like being square to the target.
    Then I went back to the LAB and the differance is outstanding, the face automatically wants to be square to the target.

    When I putt I concentrate on three things: where to aim, start line, and pace. With the LAB I feel like I can forget about the starting line as the ball effortlessly rolls exactly where I'm aiming.

    Speaking of the roll, the LAB not only aims exactly where I'm aiming, but the ball rolls so purely.
    This may be more of an indictment of my putting skills rather than the qualities of the LAB (but probably a healthy mix of both), but I've never had a ball roll so smooth and pure. 
    I use a line on a ball for alignment (seen above) and, let me tell you, that line just rolls over and over on itself without wavering, like a snake chasing its tail.

    I've found a place in Perth that dials purely into putting stats called the Putt Lab, I'm going to try and get in there this week for a detailed comparison between the LAB and my old putter.

    Stay tuned for that and more testing to come.

    Rainy day testing

    Australia is being very un-Australian right now and there's all this water falling from the sky. 
    In fact, the only time it's not been raining is where I've been at work far away from my putter.
    I have found a place near me that specialize in putting lessons and data. I've got some time booked there next week for an in-depth putter comparison.
    Stay tuned for that.

    In the meantime, I decided to do some at home tests using my Putt-Out matt and Putt-Out Pressure Trainer.

    The matt has 6 stations at increasing distances from the hole.
    I took 10 putts with the LAB and my old Odyssey putter at each station and counted how many perfect putts I could do. A perfect putt has the perfect line and pace and will finish in the small hole in the Pressure Trainer:

    One thing I noticed while doing the test was the LAB had a certain 'dialed in' feel to it once I managed a perfect putt and subsequently led to more putts in a row with the LAB than the Odyssey.

    Results from 60 shots
    Odyssey -  19 perfect putts with an average of 3.16 per station LAB - 20 perfect putts with an average of 3.3 per station Not a huge difference, but I know I'll take an extra putt per round finding the centre rather than not.

    As you can see from the pics above, I was nervous as hell when the premium package finally arrived. I had been tracking the box like the sycophantic golf nut I am and when it finally turned up at the door I literally broke out in a sweat when I saw what a beating the box had taken.
    But, LAB Golf was fully prepared and had wrapped my baby in layers upon layers of the finest bubble wrap.

    The box took a bit of a bashing in the long journey from American to Australia:

    I'll admit I was a little worried about the condition of the putter inside, but LAB had that covered with ample additional packaging inside the box:

    Once out of the protective packaging, I was very impressed.
    The leather headcover feels ultra-premium and fits snuggly over the head of the putter. The material is a soft felt on the inside and is thick enough that when I slip it onto the putter it gives me confidence that it protects the precious cargo inside like a high-end motorcycle helmet.
    The magnets which hold the headcover closed are strong and close firmly around the putter.

    head cover.mp4   After admiring it from all angles for what felt like hours I set up my putting mat and gave it the first of many putts. The schtick from LAB Golf is that it’s all about Lie Angle Balance (L.A.B, get it), which basically means that the putter is balanced so that it doesn’t try to open or close the face during the swinging motion.
    This is noticeable straight away during the backswing. My old putter would feel quite heavy in the takeaway, and when comparing it to the LAB I realised that this wasn’t the weight of the head, this was the putter fighting to close the face. In contrast, the LAB actually feels quite light during the swing.
    Later that day I took it for a test drive on the putting green at my local driving range. I started with some shorter-range putts and then moved on to some longer-range ones.
    The thing that stood out to me first was how the ball rolled off the face. Now, I stated above that I’m not the best putter of the ball, there are obviously some huge technical issues behind my technique, but when I strike a putt with the LAB the ball just seems to roll much more pure than I’m used to. Instantly the little hops and wobbles that I had become accustomed to were gone and replaced by a smooth roll towards the cup like I was hitting the putt on glass.

    AESTHETICS 10/10

    For the putter itself, I went with the Mezz 1 Max in a blue finish, arrow alignment aid, and a white Accra shaft. The contrast between the electric blue putter head and the white shaft really blew me away when I first took it out of the packaging.
    The shaft has a texture on it which surprised me because my current putter has more of a glossy finish to it.

    For me, it’s the perfect shade of blue, it’s not too bright nor too dull. It just pops against the grass and my golf ball, which has made alignment and aim direction much easier.

    The sound off the face is crisp and powerful sounding on the longer hits, I’ve had putters before that have had a clicky sound which just ends up putting me off; luckily the LAB isn’t like that.
    This is also the same for off-centre hits; strikes out of the toe and the heel still sound powerful, which also gives me confidence that I haven’t completely ruined the shot by not striking it in the centre.

    THE NUMBERS 8/10

    I took the LAB and my old Odyssey putter to a place near me called The Putt Lab to get some comparison data.
    I did 30 shots with each on his tracking Capto system, this would give me the data for the comparison.
    Firstly, David from The Putt Lab, took some measurements from both putters including lie angle and loft.
    The LAB came back with 3.5 degree of loft and a lie angle of 69 degrees, exactly the specs as per the build, kudos to the guys over at LAB. The Odyssey, however, was a different story. The lie angle measured as 1.5 degrees, which means that at impact with a bit of shaft lean the putter is delivering zero loft, or potentially negative loft (more on that later).
    This would help explain why I always struggled with longer putts and a funky, bumpy roll of the ball.

    Some more data below.


    ON-COURSE 19/20

    Now we’re onto the good part, taking this bad boy onto the course.
    I’m going to preface this by reminding you that I’m not a great putter, I generally average around 40 to 45 putts per round.
    Terrible, I know.
    My first round with the LAB was at one of the monthly games with my social club, I had told all of the boys the month prior that I had a LAB putter on the way, so when I turned up to the course with it, it was like I have turned up with a celebrity. Everyone had to get a look and a couple of practise putts.
    This first round happened to be a great first test for the putter because I was having on of my famous terrible ball-striking days, so the LAB was up against it to try and salvage my round.
    And, oh boy, did she save my bacon that day.
    As soon as I got to the green I felt I could relax and let the LAB do the work, in fact, anything within 5 feet almost felt like cheating they were going in that easy.
    My previous round before the arrival of the LAB I had recorded 43 putts, this first round with the LAB I dropped to 36 putts!

    I really like the look of this putter at address, it has a certain squareness about it that gives me the confidence that the golf ball is going to roll exactly where I’m aiming. Whether I have my aim point correct is all up to me.

    One of my new favourite things is when I’m paired up with random people and watching their expression on the first green when I whip out the blue, point, Mezz 1 Max. I have found it’s always a talking point and quite the ice breaker.

    I’ve now had multiple rounds with the LAB and the only minor issue I have faced is pace control on medium to long range putts. The ball rolls so smoothly that it’s completely reversed my pace issue, I used to have a habit of leaving putts short (I’ve since learnt that’s because of the face loft), but now my misses are rolling way passed the hole. It’s even trickier on downhill short putts, it literally feels like a tiny tap is too much.


    This is a great putter, there’s no question about that. Before it arrived I was concerned about the centre-placed shaft, they’re definitely not for everyone and I wasn’t sure if I would like it or if it would put me off, but, luckily, I have not even noticed it.

    The remote fitting process was a massive highlight. It’s as simple as filming yourself face-on doing a putting stroke with a vertical reference point behind you like a doorframe. And that’s it, LAB will take it from there and calculate the lie angle.
    Mine came back at a very nice 69 degrees.

    I have two criticisms.

    The first is a very minor one about the putter itself. Along one edge of the putter grip it has written down it in bold white lettering ‘L.A.B GOLF Press No II 1.5’ and it’s just makes it look a little busy for my tastes. I would much prefer it didn’t have this and just had the tasteful centre line and LAB Golf logo on the front.
    Is it make or break? Definitely not. I almost forget it’s there. Almost.

    My second criticism is mainly because of how much I love this putter that I find it frustrating there are not more of them around in Australia. None of the golf stores here stock them, it’s an online-only item. For most people who would be interested in switching to a LAB it’s a pretty big leap of faith to just order without having a test putt, and I think that’s a real shame. Hopefully LAB can work on getting them into more Aussie stores.

    I honestly cannot imagine another putter coming along that would knock the LAB outta my bag. I think every other club in my bag is going to get upgraded and/or swapped out and the LAB putter will still be going strong.
    It has reinvigorated my love for putting and I have noticed myself practising putting more just because I want to be using it all of the time. When I used to get to the green I use to take a deep breath and whisper a prayer that the worst is only a 3-putt, now I breathe a sigh of relief when it’s time to get the putter out of the bag.

    I don’t think the putter is for everyone, I’ve had a couple of people hit some putts with it and can’t get past the uniqueness and the centre-mounted shaft, but I do honestly believe that most golfers would see a benefit from using a LAB putter.
    The LAB Mezz 1 MAX is a unique beautiful putter that does what it says in the marketing hype.
    Give it a go.

    Final Score 94/100

  5. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Rob Person in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  6. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from EasyPutter in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  7. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Cfhandyman in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  8. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from sirchunksalot in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  9. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from cksurfdude in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  10. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from IndyBonzo in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  11. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from rkj427 in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  12. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from ejgaudette in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  13. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from William P in The Good Morning Thread   
    Well Saturday I got out to the range and was able to get some good practice in. I did not get along with my 6 iron. I hit all my other clubs, maybe not always flush, but my 6 iron hates me right now. The more I tried to get my 3 good hits with it, the more I struggled. I stopped and moved on. When I had 5 balls let I switched back to it and tried to hit good shots again, this time I got one good. the other 4 not so much.  Must have been in my head on that.
  14. MGS
    Wheelieb reacted to GolfSpy_APH in MyGolfSpy Forum: How To Be A Tester Guide   
    A PSA for anyone new around here give this thread a read!
    If you are wanting to be a tester this will guide you and Tell you all the ins and outs. What we look for, why we pick who we do and more.
    We truly want to get all of you new to the forum involved, but you have to do a little to show us you're ready! 
    Check out the first post and ask questions if you have them!
  15. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from Golfizit in Does Golf Remain Fun?   
    As someone who has been newish to the game and do at least once a week play, you have to have fun every time you go out and play. If there is a shot that you make all the time, but wind up duffing it that one time yes you get aggravated. But you have to laugh at yourself. Getting better is the ultimate goal yes, but having fun regardless of how you are playing is key. Even if you had a bad day on the course, deep down you had fun because you see what you need to work on to get better. When I was getting out drove by 50-60 yards, I still had fun. I was learning. You just have to keep learning every time you go play. But that is my mindset and may not work for others.
  16. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from BallsLeon in Pick 5!   
    For my course, I’ll go with my 5 wood, 7 iron, GW, 54 degree, and 58 degree
  17. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from nvizble1 in Tell Us Your Best Golf Story   
    About a year ago a couple friends and I went out to play. We knew the round was going to be wild when the group ahead of us were on the first tee and they were all playing pranks on each other when they were trying to swing. Cool, we have no problem as we aren't tour pros or even club champs. We like to go out and have fun. Well hole 6 comes up and they are on the tee, we pull up and start talking with them and it became a sevensome starting on that hole. We were making bets about anything and everything we could, but we were good about it as we played like a scramble format to keep pace of play up. the guys who didn't hit their driver far wouldn't hit on driver holes but all the par 3's we all hit. Anyhow, the last few holes got way more interesting. Hole 14 became the I challenge you hole where I got challenged to hit over water to the green instead of playing it safe. If I didn't make it I had to pay for a round in the club house. No problem, cause if I did he had to buy that round. Well I hit and we saw a splash. I resigned myself to the fact I'm going to be paying an extra 60 bucks for beers in about 45 minutes to an hour. we drive around and my ball had hoped out of the water and was sitting about 2 feet away from it. He was buying drinks. The next hole I challenged him to a double or nothing on a dog leg left hole. He could hit his driver and get it around the corner and not hit any limb he wouldn't have to buy the round, but if he hit and limb he had to buy two. This guy hit and the ball was headed for the smallest limb, but there was a variable no one took into account. A hawk was flying by holding a fish in it's talons. dude's ball hit the fish knocking it out of the hawk's grasp but avoiding trees and cutting the corner. Never in  my life have I seen that. Probably won't ever see that again.
  18. Haha
    Wheelieb got a reaction from SliceBoss in Tell Us Your Best Golf Story   
    About a year ago a couple friends and I went out to play. We knew the round was going to be wild when the group ahead of us were on the first tee and they were all playing pranks on each other when they were trying to swing. Cool, we have no problem as we aren't tour pros or even club champs. We like to go out and have fun. Well hole 6 comes up and they are on the tee, we pull up and start talking with them and it became a sevensome starting on that hole. We were making bets about anything and everything we could, but we were good about it as we played like a scramble format to keep pace of play up. the guys who didn't hit their driver far wouldn't hit on driver holes but all the par 3's we all hit. Anyhow, the last few holes got way more interesting. Hole 14 became the I challenge you hole where I got challenged to hit over water to the green instead of playing it safe. If I didn't make it I had to pay for a round in the club house. No problem, cause if I did he had to buy that round. Well I hit and we saw a splash. I resigned myself to the fact I'm going to be paying an extra 60 bucks for beers in about 45 minutes to an hour. we drive around and my ball had hoped out of the water and was sitting about 2 feet away from it. He was buying drinks. The next hole I challenged him to a double or nothing on a dog leg left hole. He could hit his driver and get it around the corner and not hit any limb he wouldn't have to buy the round, but if he hit and limb he had to buy two. This guy hit and the ball was headed for the smallest limb, but there was a variable no one took into account. A hawk was flying by holding a fish in it's talons. dude's ball hit the fish knocking it out of the hawk's grasp but avoiding trees and cutting the corner. Never in  my life have I seen that. Probably won't ever see that again.
  19. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from William P in Does Golf Remain Fun?   
    As someone who has been newish to the game and do at least once a week play, you have to have fun every time you go out and play. If there is a shot that you make all the time, but wind up duffing it that one time yes you get aggravated. But you have to laugh at yourself. Getting better is the ultimate goal yes, but having fun regardless of how you are playing is key. Even if you had a bad day on the course, deep down you had fun because you see what you need to work on to get better. When I was getting out drove by 50-60 yards, I still had fun. I was learning. You just have to keep learning every time you go play. But that is my mindset and may not work for others.
  20. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from HikingMike in 2024 New Drivers - What Is Your Favorite?   
    I love the way cobra clubs look. They just don’t perform well for me at all. With the exception of the F8 3 wood I had. At times I miss it, but then realize that my ability to hit a 3 wood up until now was not on par with hitting a 3 wood. Now I’m thinking of getting one back in the bag. We will see on that though
  21. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from HikingMike in 2024 New Drivers - What Is Your Favorite?   
    I stopped going to X to see their posts. They post the same thing on instagram. A lot easier to find posts like this on there
  22. Like
    Wheelieb reacted to mynerds in NFL thread! What are you thinking?   
    This the same Cutler you're talking about? I'm all about recognizing talent when we talk about "bests", so long as we also recognize effort, attitude, and results. I'd pick Jim McMahon in that time frame but "who was the biggest wasted talent" isn't a particularly fun topic for me.

    Unless we're talking about the Lions. Then we have PLENTY of material to chat about 🤣.
  23. Fire
    Wheelieb got a reaction from funkyjudge in NFL thread! What are you thinking?   
    Bears had Cutler which is arguably the best qb to ever play for the bears. Why they never gave him more offensive pieces is beyond me. But Williams is not the answer, nor is maye u til they shore up that o line
  24. Hmmm
    Wheelieb got a reaction from berkeleybob in NFL thread! What are you thinking?   
    As a Green Bay fan with ill taste for the bears, Justin Fields is not their issue. Getsy was a huge part of it when all he wants to do is throw screen passes. He’s gone now so they need an OC that has a brain that can work with the players abilities. No, Caleb Williams is also not the answer. 
  25. Like
    Wheelieb got a reaction from GolfSpy_SHARK in Does Golf Remain Fun?   
    As someone who has been newish to the game and do at least once a week play, you have to have fun every time you go out and play. If there is a shot that you make all the time, but wind up duffing it that one time yes you get aggravated. But you have to laugh at yourself. Getting better is the ultimate goal yes, but having fun regardless of how you are playing is key. Even if you had a bad day on the course, deep down you had fun because you see what you need to work on to get better. When I was getting out drove by 50-60 yards, I still had fun. I was learning. You just have to keep learning every time you go play. But that is my mindset and may not work for others.
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