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Testers Wanted: ExPutt! ×


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Posts posted by RickyBobby_PR

  1. Golf gods giveth and taketh. Shot 93 today and struggle with the swing. Was fighting the blocks and then the pulls to try and sboid the block. Short Game was ok but not good enough to save enough holes. Greens were pretty fast and I was so much in my head over swing I couldn't fully adjust to the speed and as a result left some chips short after being scared they would roll out too much

  2. Been almost two weeks since I touched a club. Rhythm and weight transfer were off. Struggled with consistent contact and ball flight. Found a little bit of my swing near the end of the session. Definitely need to get more time at the range to get it figured out. Hopefully I can keep things smooth tomorrow on the course

  3. Whoa!! More details please!



    Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy

    I noticed they had been doing fittings with the regional vans and then saw they had one here in dmv at tpc Potomac so I made an appt. the fitter is from nj, they had a female there as well, if her job is social media for Delmarva and I think she does so e “sales” work with the accounts in Delmarva.


    Pretty cool fitting and decided it was time to age the plunge

  4. And yet it's the CART BAGS that have FIFTEEN slots!


    Those carry bags with the funny legs that stick out often don't have individual slots.

    You can leave a club behind and not know it until four or five holes later.

    That's a great way to have fourteen or fewer clubs.......left.


    When I would RIDE with my FIFTEEN clubs in the FIFTEEN SLOTS, at least I knew that I had all of them with me.

    Not that they did me that much good.


    Also, this is turning out a lot like the Ready Golf thread.

    Once again, old Nifty is swimming against the tide.

    Golf is a lot more like real life than I'd realized.

    There are stand bags with individual slots. One who is paying attention whether walking or riding will know if they are missing a club. Leaving clubs from I've seen happens when people are chatting away and leave their club on the green or around the green where they started and not bring them with them when they get closer to the hole.

  5. Will it make the game easier..maybe for some because they will have clubs for the awkward yardage and not have to take partial swings, but imo many in that category don't practice with a purpose or learn to hit different type shots and everything they do is full speed swings and with wedges this could xausecspin issues that causes the ball to ballooning or just come up short because too much spin.


    Golf imo has been a game of shot making and playing different shots, it's one of the things about the older pros I like watching and really enjoyed about tiger. The creativity/artistry is such a fascininsting part of the game and imo would be something that gets lost if players had 16 clubs in the bag

  6. I have a weak 3w at 16.5 that use 2-3 times a round depending on the course. The courses I've been playing lately I've kept it in the bag off the tee because drivers been working and on par 5s where I could use it I've either been at a distance it's not needed or my angle doesn't majesty it an option.


    It's stays in the bag to an an alternate tee club

  7. Hit about 150 balls working on not getting hips open too early in the transition. First time swing a club in two weeks so had to battle tempo issues for a bit.


    I love the extra distance I get when I'm not getting open quickly and able covering the ball. Also missed the feeling of flushing blades.


    Forgot the phone st the house so was unable to get video or pics of the swing

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