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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×

GolfSpy SAM

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Posts posted by GolfSpy SAM

  1. The Bat-Attack was high on my list of "to test" putters before I got selected for the LAB test.  Based on initial impressions, the DF 2.1 is going to be staying in my bag for a while, but if anything changes, I'll for sure be testing out PXG's offerings. 

  2. 3 hours ago, GregB135 said:

    What would your reaction be to this situation? I was a little mad about it, and it took me a couple of holes to shake it off.

    This feels like an undue penalty on you. I'm surprised they didn't give you the option of taking the better score of the two holes, although maybe that would have also been unfair to the players behind you, but... That's a bummer of a ruling. 

  3. I just read through all 12 pages of this - complete and utter delight.  Can't believe the work you put into this - really, really fascinating.  I have been playing the MTB-Black (in bright yellow) and really love it, but also have a box (well, two, technically) of Kirkland's that my wife bought, and it's fascinating to see the differences so well broken down.  I have yet to put them into play at the same time, but I definitely think the MTB wins feel-wise.  Glad I bought the bundle of these.  The Kirkland's are a lot easier to lose, but as my game improves, I'm (thankfully) finding I'm losing way less than even a year ago.  I have several boxes of the Vice Pro as well, and have enjoyed those, and nice to see they kept up with the other balls tested against.

    Seriously - congrats on this thread.  Genuinely enjoyable to read through everything. 

  4. 1 hour ago, GregB135 said:

    . Words of the day "Relax, and have fun". I need to get that imprinted on a dozen balls I think.

    Congrats on the 2x graduates!! We'll be (theoretically, anyway) dealing with a similar thing in about 16 years, so... Not sure "looking forward to," is the right phrase, but... 😜

    I love your ball-imprint idea. I mean, it works on so many levels. Not only does it help you mid-round, but THINK of how much it'll mean to some random golfer when they happen upon it in the woods (after you've given up on finding it, and have naturally pulled another from your bag, reminding yourself in the process to Relax & Have Fun) - it will be like a sign from the Golf God (Geoff, for what it's worth. His name is Geoff), literally telling him to Relax & Have Fun. 

    I think there's a business model here. "It's a Game: Enjoy It," "Enjoy the Walk," "Smile, You're Being Recorded" - I mean, the possibilities are endless. "I Saw What You Did On 7th Fairway", etc. 

    Psychological Warfare via golfball. 

    PsyOps Golf: if you're going to lose your ball, help someone else lose their mind. 

    (I realize this went off the rails, but I can't help laughing at some poor guy (me) traipsing through the woods and thinking "ah HA!" and then reading the message on the ball and freaking out - I would legit watch this "hidden camera" show, for real. 

    Good luck on the next event - once you find your groove, I'm sure you'll post some awesome scores. 

  5. So quick follow-up from today's round. Played an executive course (par 61) and had my best round (not even close to my previous best, too), shot a 68. 

    Added four grams of tape (two pieces) to the heel-side (my miss tends to be right, so it felt like a good starting point), and then hit an absolute BOMB (for me) on the first tee. One heel strike cost me a shot later on, but then found the middle of the face (and the fairway) 3 more drives (one miss bad to the right, but that was purely letting the head turn in my hands - that was all me). 

    Overall, a GREAT result first time out. Really felt like I could actually feel the head at the top of my backswing, which was the whole point. 

    I'll keep you updated if anything changes, or as things progress. 

  6. I love that the sixth field is like... Every other golfer. Gulp. 

    Love these contests - that's a crazy great prize for the winner - I'm very confident in my picks. 

    Not to win, just, like - "I'm confident these guys will play. Mostly. I'm MOSTLY confident these guys will play. Or at least arrive in Tulsa. Ok. Some of them might not know how to get there. Dammit."

  7. I have a 4-PW set of Ping Eye 2s (orange dot) - lol - refreshing them would probably cost more than they cost me/are worth, but I really loved them and have yet to have the heart to get rid of them. 

    Anything ideas on whether they refresh that old, or is it only more modern clubs?

  8. 4 hours ago, Msnarr84 said:

    Not sure if this necessarily tracks in shiny metal forum, but as far as recent sub70 purchases, I just picked up the new 949x fairway wood and it is perhaps one of the best 3 woods I've ever hit right out of the bag...no warm up to test and hit 5/5 fairways with it. Honestly feels like it wants to go only straight. I was always in the category of why hit 3 wood when it's not that much straighter than my driver anyways; but this one feels like it actually fits the mold of fairway finder. Haven't had extensive use off the deck yet to grade it in that aspect.

    It's also far better looking than the website and feels spectacular; hearkens back to some of the callaway xhot fairways in terms of sound and feel: very much that muted "wood" like feel and "thwack" sound, alternative to tinnier metal on the other side of the spectrum.

    Also doesn't hurt when, after an upcharge shaft, it's still 50$ cheaper than the big guys.




    That is shockingly good-looking. What's the shaft you went with? Love the combo

  9. The 7-wood topic got me wondering: what's the difference between the Hy-Wood and a 7-wood? Just loft/head-size? I've got room for another club - no longer need/never hit my 4-iron (GI Sim Max), and was thinking about some kind of hybrid, but have been loving my 7-wood (about 200-210 yards-ish), so not sure I need anything else. 

    Absolutely love the look of the 3-hy-wood, fwiw

  10. Anyone have experience with the Cleveland Hy-Wood? There's another thread with people absolutely in love, and it feels like a similar-kind club - easy to hit, fills all kinds of options. I have a 7-wood I recently threw in my bag (got suckered into a 3-5-7 set from a DTC thing - a story for another day), but it is CRAZY easy to hit, and I've used it all over: tee on long par-3s, fairways, rough, even once from an impossible lie behind the green nested in tall grass - just putted it and stuck it to 2 feet. 

    Big fan, ultimately, but curious (mostly because I have a sneaking suspicion my DTC/mail-order club isn't really optimized) about other options in the same arena. 

  11. 10 hours ago, smohan215 said:

    But since driver has much less loft and no turf interaction...

    Wait. Who says driver has no turf interaction?? Dammit. 

    I think I may have just had a lightning bolt moment. 


    (Following this thread, as I have a Cobra and my miss is also push-fade. I did set mine to "D", and it's helped SOME, but the shaft in my driver isn't optimized, stop I don't use it currently - in the process of figuring that out. Separate thread.)

  12. On 5/6/2022 at 5:05 PM, JimmyShanks415 said:

    My suspicion is that it's a swing weight issue. I've only swung a Lag Shot driver a couple times, but from what I recall it's a relatively high swing weight compared to most off the rack drivers. Stock for the Cleveland Launcher is D3 and the SpeedZone is anywhere from D1-D3. So, could be that in swing weight terms, Lag Shot > Launcher > SZ, which coincidentally happens to be the same order you indicate you hit best-to-worst. Could be worth spending a few bucks on some lead tape to add a little head weight to the Cobra and see if it helps.

    Great thought - lead tape strips should be here tomorrow. Super curious to see if a little extra weight makes it a little easier to feel the head (that's what she said. I'll be here all week). 

    Any suggestions on how much to add? From what I can see, each strip (I ordered) is two grams - it'll probably just be a lot of trial and error. 

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  13. 1 hour ago, DiscipleofPenick said:

    I can relate to this a lot. I used to be unbearable to play with - temper, snapping & throwing clubs, etc. I've had a few guys tell me they weren't playing with me ever again. Well I finally learned to keep it under control on the course. Also, a few years ago I was diagnosed with anxiety and have been on medication to help with that. It's made a huge difference, and I am much happier on the course and in control of my game. I put too much pressure on myself, and I feel like this year, for the first time in a long time, I am feeling good on the course.

    Appreciate you sharing that - glad to hear the meds are helping, especially when it comes to your enjoyment factor.  I'm a big believer in letting medicine be a help where it can be, that's for sure. 

    I also wonder, and this is from someone who JUST broke 90 for the first time, if the better you get the MORE likely you are to feel anger/frustration at bad (stupid, in my case) shots. Like, I'm not EVER expecting to be near scratch, so a duffed shot can be laughed at.  But if I was expecting (near) perfection, I could see how a big miss could be pretty hugely disappointing.  Not looking to enable bad behavior, mind you, but I definitely think MY reactions to bad shots does not equate to what EVERYONE'S reactions should be - I can laugh, because I know I'm on the road to getting better and more consistent.  Sure, it sucks, but a duff's bound to happen.  But if I were a scratch golfer, and knew how good I COULD be, well, that might be a different thing entirely.

    Now add to that the idea that this is your profession, and you bringing home money is actually dependent on it, well...crap. That's a huge amount of pressure.

    So more power to Matty for redefining his focus to be "fun", and hopefully that will help redefine his successes, too. 

  14. On 5/5/2022 at 5:27 AM, Hobert said:

    I feel like this is now a thing and we need a "Sub70 Fanboy" tag to put under our Donor, Broke XX, etc. tags on the left. 🙃

    Hah! Speaking of those tags - how do you get them? I broke 90 for the first time this past month (main goal for my year), and recently donated, and would love to add at least the "broke 90" tag, but can't figure out where to find it. 

    Is it something doled out by MGS admins, or is it somewhere I've just not looked yet?

    And those 659s look so so good, especially for the price. Not sure I could game them effectively, but I'd at least have pretty clubs to throw around the course...


  15. That’s a great-looking iron, and the deal is pretty incredible for a full set, even with upgraded shafts/grips, it's sub-500. I've never heard of them, but that's not too much of a surprise - not super familiar with the DTC offerings outside of Sub-70/Takomo/etc. 

    Anyone played these or any of their other offerings?


  16. Rolled the 5.5 and the 9.5 (only two they had)  at my local pro shop and they’re just flat-out beautiful. Great roll, great balance, felt incredible. LOVE the top-down look of the 5.5, but the 9.5 grew on me in the few minutes I played around with it. 

    However, if I’m going to spend $450-ish, I’m gonna take a stab at the LAB first and see if that’s a match. But DANG those Scotty’s were pretty. 


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