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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×

Josh Ross

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Test Comments posted by Josh Ross

  1. 16 minutes ago, J7Hawkins said:

    Love to hear the endorsement! What has kept you from getting the CT10’s? Just curious

    The courses around here have so much elevation change that I don't typically get good data from shot measuring devices like Arccos or ShotScope so I've been hesitant here. I'm faced with multiple shots in a round that are 15-30 yards different from their actual measurement because of slope. With that being the case, the average yardages for my clubs are crazy because on flat ground I hit my 7 iron 188-191 but Garmin has my average at 176 currently. Both my 8 iron and 9 iron show a 161 yards for their average. I've done gapping sessions and know my yardages to the yard for each club and I just don't know if having the sensors is going to add value for me personally in my situation. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ArizonaLogan said:

    Seems like the quiz has room for improvement then.

    1: To account for non set matched (but still in the bag) Gap and Approach Wedge.

    2: To include more club style options because I don't actually have game improvement irons. That was just the closest option to what my irons are. The only other options in the quiz were traditional/modern blades or SGI. Tour Edge describes my irons as "Player's Distance" with a "player's preferred shape". Player's CB and MB are also not options.Screenshot_20230922_105943_Firefox.jpg.c8d4c8a453ec5aef23afeb2955fec4d8.jpg

    Really appreciate the feedback and will definitely pass it on, there's always room for improvement! Our WedgeFit tool is designed to give you the three or four best wedges for your bag, usually starting with the PW. It doesn't allow for other wedges to be included because a huge chunk of our customers are there to purchase a full set and replace anything they have at that end of their bag. It can never be a perfect tool, but being that we're currently online only it is a good starting point to begin the discussion on what you need in the bag. The style of your irons doesn't have to be super specific, it just gives us an idea of the golfer we're dealing with. The C722 are hard to categorize based on those options though, I'll see about adding more categories to it! Thanks again for your input and good luck!

  3. 3 hours ago, MuniGolfer said:


    this would be interesting to compare. I run my irons at 12 yard gaps down to a set matched gw, but then my two wedges at 15 yards so I can play a 60. They would put me at 54, and 58, which would be 12 yard gaps through my whole set. If I were selected I wonder if I go with what they fit me to or what I currently play. I should get a reach out from their fitting consultant, so we’ll see. I have always wanted to try the v sole though. I was going to buy hogan equalizers before they went out of business.

    Hey, Edison WedgeFit specialist here. This is another case of the WedgeFit tool not knowing about your set matched GW at 51°, so it's making the recommendation to have consistent 4° gaps based on your PW loft. We don't think set matched wedges give golfers the best opportunity to score well because the technology that makes those irons so great is counterintuitive for a wedge. In most cases, it's actually opposite of our design so our WedgeFit tool is built to suggest replacements for anything under PW and we find that a lot of our customers come back to replace their PW too.

  4. 36 minutes ago, ArizonaLogan said:

    I'm not sure why the algorithm chose a 48° wedge for the three club set (I already have a 49° wedge in my iron set), so I think the green section is more of the right selection. For a two club test I would need a 54° and 58° though. It would be interesting to see if a 54°/58° set can do everything I normally do with a 52°/56°/60° set.Screenshot_20230921_111218_Firefox.jpg.b3efc9dbd8f2788a15816a42af919474.jpg

    Just to provide a little insight, the 48° is suggested because you put in that your pitching wedge was a 44°. With that in mind, suggesting that your three wedge set be a 52°/56°/60° would leave a massive gap between the 44° and 52°. It has no way of knowing that you have a 49° already. Iron set wedges are counterintuitive in wedge design because the technology that makes your game improvement irons so great is exactly the opposite of what a true scoring wedge should be.

    And to get more testers involved, we decided to do four testers with two wedges instead of three testers with three wedges. The intention isn't to replace three wedges with two, but replace two of your wedges with our two so you can do a direct comparison between them. Best of luck, thanks for entering!

  5. 1 hour ago, Mr Three Wiggle said:

    In the market for a a couple of new wedges -- I think...would love to test them as I am not even sure how to go about choosing a new wedge....I am currently using a GW (50) for everything from 90 - 20, < 20 I switch to PW and do more of a chip and run except when short sided-- I have a sand wedge (56) i use only for green side bunker shots or if I need to open it up for the very rare flop.  The short game is my strength (average just less than 30 putts per) so not even sure if new wedges or adding a middle of the road 52 or 54 would even help -- any thoughts?

    My suggestion would start with knowing what loft your pitching wedge is and then getting you a couple wedges that create consistent gapping and provide the distances you need out of our wedges. It sounds like the pitching wedge and gap wedge are your most used wedges, so if you were lucky enough to be tested I would look at replacing those so you can give them a fair test and really compare them to what you have.

  6. I've been thinking about getting the CT10 sensors to go with one of these watches if I get one down the road. I have used Arccos and Shot Scope in the past but they had their issues. From what I've seen, the issues I had with those wouldn't be a problem here. With Arccos, I needed to have my phone with me at all times (the Link hadn't been released yet) and with the Shot Scope the yardages the watch provided were not very accurate. With Garmin, I know the GPS is going to be accurate and all I need is the watch for the tracking. I love having my rangefinder for precision, but sometimes you can't shoot the front/rear of a hazard or other distances you may need to know. Looking forward to this testing whether selected or not!

  7. I have been wanting to buy one of these ever since it came out! Never used a watch GPS (or any GPS for that matter) until I was selected to test the SkyCaddie LX5 on here in 2020. Finally caved in and gave it to a friend who was wanting it and now I'm missing a GPS. Would love to put not only the golf features to the test, but also the health features as well. Followers of my LX5 test know, but I have to keep daily logs of my heart rate at different times and also monitor overall heart health. This appears to do a great job of everything I need and I'd love to put it to the test!


    Thanks Garmin and MGS for another amazing opportunity!

  8. These things are sweet! I would've been in but the lack of custom shafts kills it for me. I know exactly which shafts work for me and I don't get along with KBS iron shafts at all. I wouldn't be able to be fair to the clubs with the wrong shaft in them. Good luck to those who are selected, looks to be a fun and exciting test! MacGregor is back!

  9. Wow, thanks Zebra for the cool opportunity for our members! Seeing as I'm taking delivery of my new putter next week I'm not gonna enter my name in the hat but this is pretty darn cool. Good luck to everyone that enters!

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