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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×

GolfSpy AFG

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Posts posted by GolfSpy AFG

  1. Looks like some truly solid progress being made by all the testers. Stick with it!

    As for me, I just started Phase III of the Velocity program.  Velocity is full of good, quality workouts that don't create a lot of residual soreness, so it's great for in-season training.  That said, I am really really looking forward to getting into the Mass workouts, probably in September or October.

  2.  spent some time in my review talking about how customizable the Array lineup is in that it allows you to choose alignment, hosel, and head shape among other factors to get to a fit, and that level of customization stands out.

    Case in point, I'm a fan of the Odyssey lineup and tend to prefer an insert-based putter. After cruising through the entire Odyssey lineup, this is as close as I can get:

    Seven S.PNG

    This one is not the spyder shape of my Array, but it's the right amount of toe hang (40), a slant neck, but the wrong alignment...the fitting I had suggested I need a 3-dot.

    Just maybe adds to the argument that other OEMs don't really offer the same level of customization Edel is providing with the Array.

  3. Just wanted to point out to all the frequent posters in here that the Fit for Golf 2.0 app thread is now live and progressing; 4 of 6 testers have posted their first impressions and the 2 iOS testers just got there app access this past weekend. (I know some testers are frequent posters in here...just want to make sure the word has spread.)

    In addition, Mike Carroll has registered under the username @Fit_For_Golf and is on the forum watching the thread, so take advantage of the chance to interact with him there.

  4. On 2/6/2024 at 2:14 AM, ILMgolfnut said:


    Results to date: I'm not losing any weight, but it is possible that I am converting some blubber to muscle mass, since my shirts seem to be fitting a little tighter around the chest and shoulders. I am picking up 3-4 MPH on my swing and driver distances are stretching out to around 200 on a good contact, which I haven't seen in decades. I noticed hiking through the DCA and STL airports with my luggage last night that this was rather difficult, so I may need to add some cardio to the regimen. Fortunately I have a home treadmill and all the hotels so far have also had them, so should be an easy add.

    It's great to hear you're already perceiving some results!  Mike has made the point on social media that there is a lot of low hanging fruit out there for golfers to make tangible gains, and this is proof.  Keep at it!

  5. After 8 rounds of Stack putting with the 3-line alignment plate, I'm confident Edel is on to something with regards to the fitting.

    First, my overall putting performance was worse as compared to the 3 dot plate.

    3 Line SP Verdict.jpeg

    That entry right on the "12" line is my first with the 3-line plate.  It went alright the first time out, but then the scores ballooned.  Here's the direction bias:

    3 Line Direction.jpeg

    So here's where I have to apologize for not being terribly scientific, but I do believe this demonstrates a left bias (negative numbers in the graph) emerging.  I know the first few entries are wildly to the right, but I think I was guilty of steering things and trying to correct for a bias I was told I had with the 3-line.  Once I put that aside and just started rolling some putts, the make rate got much better but then a left bias emerged.  Again, not terribly scientific of me, and I know I could wash this out with a better sample size, but frankly I want to get back to the 3-dot.  So, so ends the 3-line experiment.

    Edel 3 Line.jpgEdel 3 Dot.jpg

  6. 2 hours ago, ejgaudette said:

    Love reading all the reviews.

    I might have missed it given how much great info everyone is sharing, but I am wondering about everyone's thoughts on the face milling on the Edel. It looks to be a similar concept to the Evnroll or the Cleveland HB SOFT that I use. Have you found it helpful with speed control or keeping the ball on the start line? These are the claims that Evnroll shares on there site.

    Keep up the great testing everyone!

    Purely anecdotal, but I find that there is a discernible difference in feel if you get too much out on the heel or toe. I suspect Edel would argue that their fit is superior to the point that you ought to be hitting the sweet spot more often, and maybe that's true.  I've grown to like the face, and the feel, but it was a big adjustment for me after gaming Odyssey inserts for so long.

  7. Have been traveling and away from the F-1, but can't wait to get home and return to testing.

    One question that keeps surfacing for me in my mind as the time for the official review approaches:  how much of the F-1 works for me because of the F-1 itself or because of the fitting? In other words, if I picked up an Odyssey of equal dimensions in terms of weight, toe hang, length, loft, and lie, how would the F-1 compare to THAT putter? Edel really sells the fitting and customization options of the Array line as a means to get you into the ultimate fit, so I'm planning to do a bit of research into how easily I could build something out in other popular lines that would get close to my F-1 spec-wise.

  8. On 4/27/2024 at 9:14 PM, Subdiver1 said:

    Well, losing a draft review is not cool, but...let’s try this again.

    I started my program last week while traveling.  In this case everything that happens in Vegas is NOT going to be staying in Vegas.  We stay at a hotel that has a pretty extensive gym set up so I was able to get started and play around a bit with the In Season - Phase 1 workouts, Home Based Dumbbells, and Home Based Bands & Dumbbells workouts. I accidentally erased workouts I did when trying to change what I had scheduled, so I lost some info.  But I learned some things about the app.  I also worked through each of the Warm-ups and Mobility Routines several times.  I really like these.


    I have already seen a benefit and improvement in flexibility from the dynamic warmups and stretching routines. My first session doing what Mike calls the “lying open book” stretch I could barely get my left hand behind me to a foot off the ground when extended; after a few sessions I am able to get closer to 4-6” off the ground and improving (it doesn’t look as good as Mike doing it, but I can touch the ground with my right hand).



    I find myself preferring the In Season routine the most.  The gym centric, weights based workouts appeal to my old days in the gym and to a certain extent, to my current cross-fit/HIIT routines.  The Home Based Dumbbells is coming in 2nd and the Home Based Dumbbells & Bands falling into 3rd place.  Part of my preference has to do with using bands.  I have used bands in the past, but I am not a big fan of them because of the variability of resistance through the range of a motion (anyone remember the Soloflex?).  Cables just seem to move more smoothly and I can feel the resistance through the movement.  I understand the concept and the benefit for certain movements related to bands, I just can't ever really seem to get comfortable with them.  

    The routines using barbells and dumbbells present a challenge when it comes to access to equipment; the gym near my office doesn’t have barbells, racks or Smith machines, only Hammer Strength machines and dumbbells and a couple of cable set-ups.  I’ll probably try and work something out with my cross-fit gym where I need barbells, but I shifted to dumbbells over barbells for press movements years ago as dumbbells really help work the stabilizer and small muscles that barbells leave out.  Having a set of adjustable dumbbells at home (though limited to 50 lbs each), bands, pull up bar and some other equipment makes home workouts pretty well supported.  I ordered a medicine/wall ball to cover some of the moves in the routine that I wasn’t already equipped for.

    I don’t have a bench at home anymore so I have to get creative when it comes to chest press movements. Two alternative methods to elevate your back and allow a full range of motion when you don’t have a bench are a medicine ball or slam ball, or using a foam roller (hopefully they are visible in the pics). One obviously provides more incline than the other.


    More to come, hopefully in shorter narrative, as things progress.

    Cheers and don't forget to stretch.







    Good stuff.  Mike talked about it on the conference call, but he's absolutely right in that if you only did the warm up and mobility work you would likely still see improvements.  Glad to see you're already seeing some benefit there.

    Are those Powerblocks?  I have some too, the older verison at least.  You know you can buy add-ons to get those up to 90 pounds each, right?

  9. Phase 3 of Full Speed Spectrum is no joke.  I've been pretty happy to see my speeds stay pretty consistent through Phase 2 and 3; to my mind that means I'm primed to make a pretty healthy jump in Phase 4.  That said, today was not so good.  End of a week of less than ideal sleep is at fault, I think.  I'm about to travel for 5 days and won't be able to do a Stack workout until next Thursday, which will hurt my Grit score but honestly I think I'll benefit from the rest.  Hoping today was just an aberration, and with a lot of sleep I can hit next Thursday ready to set some new PBs.

    Stack Speeds.jpg

  10. So I've only been able to get 3 Stack Putting rounds under my belt with the 3-dot alignment plate changed out for the 3-line.  It's been...interesting.  3 rounds is not enough to be considered statistically significant I would think, but so far...

    Stack Putting Update.jpg

    The top 3 entries are with the 3-line plate.  As you can see, my first go round was basically in line with the 3 dot.  The next round, however, was the worst I've seen with the Array.  More to follow, but I was a bit surprised to suddenly struggle so mightily with it so quickly.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Hobert said:

    The risk for the Broncos is that if the drop too far back/wait too long, someone like the Giants may swoop in and grab the last of the top 6 QBs. But now that they have Zach, they should just go OL/WR... 🙃

    I'm hoping getting Zach was just a flier.  If he's the plan, good lord....

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