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Posts posted by Quigleyd

  1. 16 hours ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    Buyin companies and scraping their product happens all the time in all kinds of industries. They get the patents and IP. 

    It’s what TM did with Adams. 

    I know. I just dont think in this case the killed a pretty good brand and replaced it with 💩.. Taylormade bought Adams then ran with it and had awesome products. Well, they bought them because they stole IP, then lost a lawsuit and it was cheaper to just buy them then pay the lawsuit. 

  2. I didn't read all the responses, but I don't think LAgolf is ever really going to elevate from where they are. They are a bit of a mess internally from what I am hearing. They bought a pretty successful putter company to completely scrap it and go almost full carbon in putters. They are pretty ugly and unrefined. Their marketing is all over the place. They tried to do a high-end high-class deal with the first putter release and all the tour pros at a swanky party. That fell on deaf ears so now they have low-brow YouTube commercials. All the while their biggest name stopped playing their driver shaft. 


    I do know they are producing shafts for House of Forged shafts for them now. 

  3. Brooks's best days are behind him. Injury, age, and a hot run that is over means if he was currently on the PGA tour he wouldnt be relevant for much longer. So he may as well jump ship. He has become about as big if a tool as Reed. I was a big fan for a few years, then he decided that he wanted pretend that he was super cool. 

  4. Interesting conversation. My personal thought on PXG has never been that their products are not good. They are just not worth $499 for a wedge. There is not enough or really any performance benefit to paying that much of a premium for their products. 


    Also, the ping finish works great. But it does not last. It wears off after just a few rounds and any added benefit is gone. 

  5. Just finished listening to this. While I do agree that the notion of "aim small miss small" is a bit false. I have also seen that blades can for the right person be better. Personally, I play blades currently. I don't really miss the center of the face, but that does not mean I always hit the ball straight. Also, considering it is my money, I will spend it on what I like and play what I like, and find enjoyment in the game with it. 

    I have played cavity backs, and probably will again. Right now, the Mizuno blades I am players are just fine. I really do not think I would play "better" playing something else. 

  6. Of the etc brands I think they were the most legit. Unless you consider PXG DTC now.  It they had true R&D and product development. Sub70, new level etc just take near net forged black and then get crazy with a milling machine.. they produce fine irons but there is no real R&D to it. 

    Ben Hogan icon irons were awesome. Interestingly, I feel like in the past year I have seen a ton of their stuff around. Guess not enough.

  7. Having seen this line in hand. I am excited for it. I played the TSi line and this is a very good step forward. You will not see anything crazy in terms of performance jumps but it is a solid next step. The shape of the fairways is better, and I think the ball flight is more stable. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Kansas King said:

    The engineering behind golf clubs, especially players irons, isn't exactly rocket science. Read into club design a little from those who publish like Wishon and Maltby. You will likely come to the conclusion rather quickly that when you are playing and designing within the confines of an iron, especially smaller players iron, there is only so much you can do. The reality is that most clubs today are usually at the limit of materials and/or the rules. The end result over the last decade hasn't been so much improvement in clubs as much as simply designing clubs to meet the preferences of more golfers. Some golfers need more help with launch while others may need more spin while others maybe just want to maximize distance. No one iron or any amount of R&D can combine all those into one iron and generally speaking, what the big OEMs do design wise isn't greatly different from what DTC companies do. The general trend in the golf industry isn't always to chase the next best thing but sometimes it's just to chase the next BIG thing. There are tradeoffs in every design and what's new today isn't always what's best for each golfer. 

    I get that. I have read plenty. I am simply skeptical. But, these are human tests and preference and excitement etc play in to all of that. 

  9. I don’t know about this. I love the articles and test Mygolf spy does.  But I have to be honest, this raises serious questions in my mind as to the validity of this test.. sorry, can’t buy it that new level beat out all the other OEMs. That have actual RnD. That don’t just purchase near net forging then mill them to some shape. Sorry. Can’t do it..

  10. If some one wants one of these trash shafts I will send you one. Has a tm tip. I got it for free. I actually have two because they sent me one and 3 swings in the tip came off. They didn’t even prep the tip. Then further inspection showed uneven layering of the carbon fiber and bubbles.

    so I have two. Just hit me up. I will send it.

  11. 10 minutes ago, RickyBobby_PR said:

    Odyssey and Scotty go back and forth on overall sales. Odyssey is also more of a budget friendly putter and they have a hype machine that is Callaway marketing.

    Cleveland putters imo are superior to odyssey but they don’t market them at all.

    No they don’t. Scotty does not even come close to the sales of odyssey. It’s oceans apart.. odyssey is the undisputed putter king. 


    Cleveland makes a solid product. I am not sure it is a better over all product than odyssey but it really doesn’t matter. They make a good product.

  12. 4 minutes ago, JohnSmalls said:

    What did you like/not like about them?  How was the Staff Model better for you?

    It is just mediocre at everything. Feel is softish which is not my preference. Comparative distance was on the shorter side for me. Spin was ok but seems lower. 


    the staff is better at basically everything. I can see some not liking it because it is pretty firm. It is longer, and spins more. 

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