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Testers Wanted: ExPutt! ×


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Posts posted by MIGregB

  1. I've been using Pure grips for close to 10 years now. I first tried them because they were less expensive (I still haven't paid more than $7.50 a grip although I haven't had to buy any in about 3 years), they were made to blow on (I replace them myself and was fascinated by the concept), and they are produced in the USA (that's not a hard-fast rule, but I like to when I can).

    I've been very happy with their longevity (they last me for years and I typically replace them when I finally see wear even though they still seem as tacky as new), I can blow on a new grip in minutes AND use the club immediately, and I've never had one twist or move on me (I once had a 105mph swing speed, but now I'm <100). So are they the "best"? No clue; there's waaaay too much subjectivity for any product/service to really be the "best". But they're certainly my favorite! I've only had one grip in my lifetime that I hated, a Winn grip that came on a club that shredded within months. But I've yet to find a grip that I like as much or better without paying much more. 

  2. I've used blown on Pure grips for 7 or 8 years now and they continue to be my favorite. Pure grips are made to blow on and they stand up to air pressure better than others. You can't go wrong with the advice others have already provided (use heat to take old tape off, 60 PSI in short bursts). Unless you have a pretty high swing speed, you'll never have a Pure grip twist on you. I don't know the SS threshold but I used to be in the low 100s so I would guess in excess of 105 mph, meaning the vast majority of those reading this post will never have a problem with blown on Pure grips. (You lucky minority have no choice but continue using the messy tape/solvent method 😄 I'd love to be you!!!). I play a fair amount of golf (50+ rounds a year plus weekly range time) and I easily get 2 seasons out of the these grips on my most highly used clubs proving them to be more durable than any others I've used. After the 1st time, it only takes minutes to put on a new grip making that club immediately usable.  Again, unless you're a high swing speed person, I think you'll be happy.

    BTW, Ian Frasher at TXG once said that they typically blow on grips for testing, but use tape for the permanent install. But as I said earlier, Pure grips are made to blow on so your mileage may vary using other grips.

  3. 19 hours ago, cksurfdude said:

    If you're using Manual Putt mode (going to try it myself) do you even need the "P" tag..?


    11 hours ago, Larryw said:

    No, tag not needed for manual putting mode.

    Agree! I believe the watch is the actual GPS locator, the tag simply triggers the watch to mark a position. Pressing the button eliminates the need for the tag to mark a position.

  4. 10 hours ago, JerryB said:

    I just got my V3 in the mail this afternoon and am playing tomorrow, but it's a scramble format.  If I'm not playing my ball all the time, I won't get accurate numbers, will I?

    Correct. But if you want to record a particularly good shot of yours that doesn't get used in the scramble, you could go to your ball and pick up another club making sure it syncs with the watch before moving on. THAT shot will be accurately recorded. (But beware, you'll get some funky numbers for the next shot you record. Just remember what you did so you don't think you shanked the shot after the beautiful drive!!!)

    Once you sync the completed round with the app, you can then look at that shot in the hole-by-hole portion of the app. My Wednesday league plays a 2-man scramble once a month and I've twice had a particularly good drive that we couldn't use because we had to get my partner's shot in. I got it recorded so I could see it later. And even though I couldn't get that shot into the Performance records (only edited & signed off rounds get into the statistics), it gave me an avenue to show off. Hey! Fat-mouthin' rights are important, too!!

  5. On 9/13/2021 at 5:29 PM, tony@CIC said:

    Ok I confess - I don't know the difference or the benefits of manual putting over auto. SS instructions only show how to change the settings from one to another but not explain the difference. FYI I do have the Putter tag installed, my watch is set on auto and I have been recording the # of putts over the hole. 

    Geez, I'm sorry. I just realized that I never replied back to you even though a few others echoed my thoughts. My experience with Manual vs Auto putting is that it seems more accurate and dependable. I'm not sure whether the auto putts that I know were missed was because I didn't linger at the putt long enough (read: walked up and swatted it out of frustration!!) or some other reason. And I noticed that additional putts could be recorded on Auto if the watch synced with the putter before I was over mine. But manual putting, so far, has been 100% accurate when I press the button.

    BTW, I used strong double sided tape to attached the sensor to my putter. I just thought it'd be easier to remove than glue should I need to.

  6. 3 hours ago, CWilson216 said:

    My problem with going through the putt screens is sometimes it will show "Pick up" The only way to get back to approach is to walk away from green at that point. It's one reason I am still flirting with the idea of manual putting. I don't think the putt screen occurs until I activate it and can see distance of last shot etc while on the green ??

    I notice that sometimes, too. But it seems that if I walk far enough off the green, an "X" at the top-left appears that will remove the putting display and revert to the shot display. However, it doesn't seem matter whether you're in Automatic or Manual putting mode. It's happened in both scenarios to me. I still much prefer the Manual mode (once you get used to pressing buttons, that is)

  7. On 9/15/2021 at 9:13 AM, MIgregb said:

    Absolutely! And that points to a characteristic/function/quirk that seems to be the root cause of most of my issues with accurate recording. SS doesn't have a clue as to when you "hit" a shot, just when the tag syncs up with the watch. For example, if you grab your driver holding it in your watch hand and stand behind others as they're hitting and then walk up to take your turn, it may, depending on how far you were standing as you waited, record 2 shots. One where you were waiting, one where you hit.

    To prevent the erroneous shot, I'll use the bottom left/right buttons to go back a hole and then return to the one I'm playing. That wipes out the club sync and seems to start fresh on that hole. I've only done that on the tee so I don't know whether that only wipes out that one sync or the entire hole; meaning it'll wipe out any previous shots made on that hole. I'll test that out today. I'm playing my league round on a sh*t course that isn't GAM rated (so I can't use it for handicap anyway) where the old guys I play with make up a bunch of VERY forgiving rules. I look at the round as a practice round that doesn't count for anything so messing up a hole's worth of tracking won't much matter.

    So, I tested out my question of whether an entire hole's worth of shots could be wiped out by backing up a hole on the display and then returning to the one I'm playing before completing the hole (see above). It does not. All previous shots (positions) recorded normally. Now it makes me wonder whether I simply hadn't move far enough away from the spot where I noticed the driver was displayed on ShotScope (V3) to where I actually teed off for my original statement to be valid at all. I'll wander farther away next time to see; my guess is that will show 2 shots.

  8. 21 hours ago, MattF said:

    The benefit is accuracy on where the putt was taken. And, you can hold the putter with the tag near the watch without it tagging a putt location.

    Absolutely! And that points to a characteristic/function/quirk that seems to be the root cause of most of my issues with accurate recording. SS doesn't have a clue as to when you "hit" a shot, just when the tag syncs up with the watch. For example, if you grab your driver holding it in your watch hand and stand behind others as they're hitting and then walk up to take your turn, it may, depending on how far you were standing as you waited, record 2 shots. One where you were waiting, one where you hit.

    To prevent the erroneous shot, I'll use the bottom left/right buttons to go back a hole and then return to the one I'm playing. That wipes out the club sync and seems to start fresh on that hole. I've only done that on the tee so I don't know whether that only wipes out that one sync or the entire hole; meaning it'll wipe out any previous shots made on that hole. I'll test that out today. I'm playing my league round on a sh*t course that isn't GAM rated (so I can't use it for handicap anyway) where the old guys I play with make up a bunch of VERY forgiving rules. I look at the round as a practice round that doesn't count for anything so messing up a hole's worth of tracking won't much matter.

  9. On 9/12/2021 at 11:39 AM, cksurfdude said:

    I think I'm gonna try that out .. do find myself editing a lot of putt and pin positions.

    I went to manual putting a few weeks ago. After a couple of rounds having to focus on pushing the button before I walk away from the spot of the putt, it's become 2nd nature. I often had missed putts on auto so I much prefer this method.

  10. 14 hours ago, toehold57 said:

    I can’t remember how to do it but I think(!) there is a way to put the watch in ‘pause’ mode, it will ignore swing until you enable it again.  I didn’t pay much attention to it, I’d forget to turn it back on 🙄



    1 hour ago, MattF said:

    There is, push and hold the top left button until the pause screen appears, then press the top right button next to the check mark. To unpause is the same thing.

    Thanks for the info, guys, but I find it annoying to remember to pause (not to mention the whole 3-4 seconds it takes to do it!!!) when I want an impromptu swing. Then remember to un-pause before my live swing. That's what I meant by "short of pausing". I think I'm going to tryout my un-tagged club idea to see whether I find it more or less convenient than pausing. It's probably neither, just different but maybe I'll like it better.

  11. On 8/4/2021 at 1:25 PM, Larryw said:

    Everyone has just about covered the minimum impact and the phone is not required on the course.

    But, I use the "manual" putting setting. This only requires pushing one button as you stand over the ball - ready for your putt - on each putt you hit. (hopefully only 1 or 2 per hole 🙂). Then as you get your ball out of the hole, you push one button to record the pin location.

    I have found that it records the putt distances more accurately for me using the manual method. Perhaps I am settled longer over the ball in my pre-putt routine - pressing the button as one of the last things I do before hitting each putt. I could never figure out how it knew the putt locations if I just pushed "2" putts. Since I tend to make practice putts (without a ball) while standing around waiting for other players to putt - I just didn't know how it determines practice putt from real putt.

    I don't even have the tag in my putter. Manual works much better for me.

    Based on your positive comments, I've recently switched to manual putt tracking and I completely agree that it works far better and more reliably than auto mode. My only issue is accidentally pushing the bottom right finished button (V3) before I'm ready and having to switch back before putting out. Seems like I only have to brush it for it to register. Thanks for your post!

  12. On 7/29/2021 at 8:29 AM, fozcycle said:

    Then I figured with the watch showing the last club, I started taking a practice swing then looking to see if the club registered.  At 70 yrs old I don’t always take practice swings to keep from wearing out, but this actually works!  Have not missed as many lately.

    That's funny! I'm 70 years old and I HAVE to take practice swings otherwise something will lock up when I try to hit the ball!

  13. So... between tony@CIC & toehold57 posts alone, my understanding and low-maintenance use of Shot Scope has improved considerably. Now, post round clean-up is pretty minimal and the extraneous shots nearly eliminated.   I'm still working on a process of being able to keep loose by swinging a club well off the ball (like when someone else is setting up to hit) without recording a shot, short of pausing. Maybe I'll start carrying an iron without a tag installed for that purpose. Now I want to understand the reporting process to help Shot Scope correct location errors. I'll go through these posts & the Support files to see what they have to say about it.

    Thanks again!

  14. 21 hours ago, toehold57 said:

    We talked about this a bit last year.  

    • My take is when you take a practice swing the tag and watch sync up, you can see what club you have on the watch.  Remember, the watch band has an antenna in it, so the tags and watch do talk to each other.
    • The watch now reads the GPS coordinates.  It has no idea if and when you actually hit the ball.
    • After you move some distance away from this location the watch will assume you will be hitting your next shot

    Several have noticed that if you seriously duff one a short distance that only one shot will be recorded.

    It’s a simple design that appears to work well.

    Boy, I missed those posts! That explains a lot. Thank you for the re-posting!

  15. On 8/1/2021 at 12:38 PM, MIgregb said:

    So it will be a bit longer before I can truly report back that the factory reset corrected my missed shots issue, because I didn't realize until I was already at the course that one of the tags had fallen off 😠. However, it does appear that all of my other shots did record. Once again, I'll report back after my next round, hopefully tomorrow.

    Alright, so... It seems that the factory reset has cleared up my missed shots issue, at least for 2 rounds. But I still have extraneous shots that show up from time to time. They always seems to be from the club I last used and knowing that makes it simple to delete it. But I'm still not sure why it happens at all.

    I clearly remember one of them. I hit a great 8 iron over a row of pine trees (yes, that means my previous shot was a driver over said trees into the adjacent fairway; but that's another issue!!!!). But I misjudged direction a bit and flew over the other side of the fairway. So instead of waiting for my playing partner to pick me up, I started walking to my ball occasionally using the club as a walking stick. I don't recall "hitting" an object or the ground, but I did ground the club.  I'm guessing one of those got recorded as a shot.

    Anyway, the reset seems to have eliminated the missed shot issue.  Tony@CIC, thanks again for posting it!

  16. On 7/29/2021 at 12:22 PM, MIgregb said:

    Thank you for posting this! I've been having more and more issues with missed shots (I always take practice swings & even look to see if the club I'm swinging is registered before the real swing) and thought a factory reset would probably be the 1st thing to try. I've done the reset and will play tomorrow at the same course that I just played where 4 shots were missed. I'll report back as to whether it helped.

    So it will be a bit longer before I can truly report back that the factory reset corrected my missed shots issue, because I didn't realize until I was already at the course that one of the tags had fallen off 😠. However, it does appear that all of my other shots did record. Once again, I'll report back after my next round, hopefully tomorrow.

  17. On 7/28/2021 at 7:43 AM, tony@CIC said:

    Here's a fix for those V3 owners that don't have a 'state of charge'' when the watch is plugged in. My watch looked like this when it was being charged so never knew if or when it was fully charged. 


    And the fix:

    Could you please try reverting your firmware back to the original firmware that the watch came with as this has been known to solve these sort of issues.
    To revert the firmware on the watch to the original 'golden firmware' please follow the instructions below:
    1. Make sure the watch is turned off. If you cannot turn the watch off normally then please hold the top left button down for 15-20 seconds.
    2. With the screen off, hold down the bottom left and right buttons.
    3. Whilst still holding down those buttons, press the top left button once and then release. A V3 logo should appear on the screen. If this does not appear then start from the beginning.
    4. Continue to hold down these two bottom buttons for 40 seconds. This should reset the firmware.
    5. After this is done, connect the watch to the mobile app and update the firmware/go through on boarding. It is very important to do this straight after the reset.

    Thank you for posting this! I've been having more and more issues with missed shots (I always take practice swings & even look to see if the club I'm swinging is registered before the real swing) and thought a factory reset would probably be the 1st thing to try. I've done the reset and will play tomorrow at the same course that I just played where 4 shots were missed. I'll report back as to whether it helped.

  18. tony@CIC, thanks for starting this thread! This is my 2nd season with V3 and I agree it's much better than V2. It even works better than Arccos for me as I play a lot of morning golf and their sensors don't do as well in low light (not to mention that it's more expensive to use). 

    I still often forget to mark penalties at the time, sometimes because I'm not sure which one applies. And I, too, sometimes forget to close out a hole while at the pin. But those are not my biggest issues. My biggest issue is that, being a bit on the ancient side, I often swing a club well off my ball to stay loose and sometimes (too often lately) if I take even a small divot, it records a shot completely messing up the tracking on that hole.  I can alleviate that by "pausing", but forget to do that and then forget to turn it back on.

    No system is perfect (not yet, at least), but I do like Shot Scope best between them & Arccos.

  19. I have a VERY loaded question for the testers, or actually anyone who might have an opinion. My question goes to your thoughts on the efficacy of the SuperSpeed Training System vs. other simpler (read: less expensive) methods.  

    Hank Haney says making a golf swing 50 times a day will dramatically improve your swing. So just being bored this winter, along with hoping to do something to improve my swing speed for the season, I started swinging my driver in my living room every day. I started off with a top speed of 89 mph as indicated by my PRGR device. After several weeks of swinging & doing the left swing/right swing drills other on-line coaches suggest, my top speed was routinely in 99 to 100 range topping out at 102 a few times when all the stars aligned & my body cooperated. At the driving range my swing speed seems to top out at about 96 mph, but now I’m concentrating on hitting it straight rather than purely swinging faster. I don’t know what my swing speed was when hitting a ball before starting this exercise.

    SuperSpeed doesn’t cite specific speed increases, at least from what I read, after the initial 5%, just that you’ll continue to see improvements as you continue the program. I’m a soon-to-be a 69-year-old guy and I’ve already increased my swing speed in the 11%+ range. So my question is: do you think there would be much of an advantage to the SuperSpeed Training System for someone like me?


  20. Well, I actually started this several years ago to help another issue I was having, but I do 7-8 minutes of planks. I used to do just straight planks, but read that side planks really help your golf swing so now I do 4 min straight planks, side planks for a little over a minute each (trying to build up to 2 mins on each side), then finish off the time in a starting push-up position plank. It took a long time to build up to several minutes (I couldn't even do 30 seconds when I first started), but it's paid off tremendously.  I've since added some arm & triceps curls (not a lot, just to keep the elbow protected), about 20 kettle bell squats, and some calf isometrics. The planks and the calf exercises are isometrics so no equipment is needed; just tenacity. All together I only spend about a half hour and do them every 2 to 3 days. Start slowly and don't quit doing them. I've absolutely helped my swing speed and improved my waistline.

  21. I agree with Wedgie taking the 1st group; they're more consistent. But I'm struggling with which is the Sterling and which is the Ping. Just based on the lower consistency & higher shot dispersion, I'm guessing the 2nd group of irons are the Sterlings. Your regular clubs are probably more consistent until you've had some time with the Sterlings and I understand a good fitting is even more important to performance with one-length irons vs. conventional so they may not be fitted that well to you. I'm actually surprised that there isn't a much greater difference because of the reasons I'm already mentioned (little playing time, not fitted to you). Be interesting to learn which is which. Thanks for the test!

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