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JumboMax Grips


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For those who don't know, I was a moderator on the Rankmark.com forum. The forum has disappeared for whatever reason the owner decided. :) Anywayyy... I was asked by one of the forum members to take a look at some oversize grips named JumboMax. As I'm getting a bit older and my hands sometimes get a bit stiff, I had been casually interested in the idea of oversize grips for a while. When the offer was made to take a look at them, I jumped at it. I had never tried any oversize grips before, so I thought this would be interesting. I had an old 6 iron sitting in the shed that was begging to be used as an experiment anyway. :lol:

For those interested, the grips are available (along with a lot of information about them) from the company site

First impression - Wow.. these things are BIG. They arrived well wrapped and protected WITH some double sided tape. :) That was a plus!

Installation was "typical" of any grip.. Take off the old one, clean off the old tape, clean the shaft, put on the new tape, wet the inside of the grip and tape with solvent (I used mineral spirits) and slide the grip on. It went on like a dream.

I let it dry overnight and took it to the range today to see what it felt like. Ummmm.... about the best way to describe the size was.... BASEBALL BAT! LOL!

I had no idea how this was going to work for a golf club, but I wound up surprised.

I warmed up a bit, then got to work. It took me a couple hits to realize that I wasn't coming thru with my hands like normal. Then I realized that it was part of the idea. Your wrists (at least mine) are much more "in control" with these oversize grips than with "standard" grips. Then I realized, wow... I was actually holding onto these grips with about half the pressure I typically use with standard grips. :) My hands felt better and once I got use to it, the swing felt much more in control and natural.

Now for results. I am NO pro, and definitely not a scratch or single digit handicap golfer. I'm trying to break 90. LOL! I typically hit my irons somewhere within about 15-20 yards right or left of where I actually aim. I'm a hacker working on breaking 90, remember? LOL.

With these grips, I was much more in control and that arc was only about 10 yards right or left. I'm IMPRESSED!!! Now I know this may have been a "honeymoon" period and things might change, and I'm going to keep fooling around with this club and see what happens. I'll tell you this much.. if things continue to go this good after 4 or 5 trips to the range with it, I'll be re-gripping my irons with them! 'Nuff said for now... I'll let ya know if things change in the future.



•Never argue with an idiot. First, he will drag you down to his level. Then he will beat you with experience!•

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Do you find that they make you miss right more? All I have read is that if you play larger grips that it makes it harder for your hands to turn over and the face stays open...

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Hi sactown. I was stationed in Sac area (Mather) in the 80s and my wife is from there. :)

When I talked about coming thru with my hands, that was exactly what I meant. My first couple shots went right. I can see where people could definitely have trouble with this.

If you have ever played baseball think of it like this: When you swing the bat you can either just let the bat follow your arms through the swing, in which case you will probably hit to right or center field (if a right hander) with no concious effort to do so. If you use your wrists to help bring the bat thru the swing, you can "place" your hit to any field you want and can hit it further.

With the grip, if I just let the club follow my swing, it went right. If I used my wrists to assist with bringing the club thru (which I should be doing ANYWAY) it went straight! Straighter, more often, than with the "standard" grip. The oversize grip actually made it feel more natural to do this, and it felt more "in control". Like I said, I don't know if it was the grip, or just a "honeymoon" period and I'm going to be trying it more in the very near future. :)

Stay tuned for future developments. :lol:

•Never argue with an idiot. First, he will drag you down to his level. Then he will beat you with experience!•

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Day 2 at the range...


OK, this is getting scary. :blink:


I went to the range today at lunch and hit a small bucket of balls with the 6 iron/JumboMax. I made a concious thought before I even started to pay attention to wrist action, due to my findings the first time out. (see above) I got loosened up and let the first one fly. WOAH... 20 yds left! :o I immediately STOPPED and checked my alignment. heh heh... umm... yeah.. was my fault. :)


I got set up like I should be and bam... I actually hit the stick at 150! B) I went thru the bucket pretty quick and found that if I did things the way I was suppose to, my dispersion was now down to about a 8-10 yard area, from what was 40!! Balls were flying right where I aimed them. During that entire small bucket, I never once felt like I was out of control of the grip or club, or that it was trying to twist/turn on me.


I also noticed when I hit a couple "fat" shots (yeah, I admit it :P ) typically my club either tries to dig in at the toe or heel, and the shots go right or left pretty dramatically. With the JumboMax grip, and the extra control I had kept the club pretty much square and the shots didn't go as far, but they still went straight.


I also got a little bit sweaty today and had NO trouble with the grip slipping in my hands. I like the feel of the grips. They are kind of like the GP "Players Sofftie" and feel like they will easily last a season.


I'm going to head to the range again tomorrow and am taking a "non" JumboMax 6 iron with me so I can do comparison shots one after another.


Once again, I'm impressed!


Stay tuned, same channel for the next installment of "How the Grip Turns (or does NOT Turn!!!)"

•Never argue with an idiot. First, he will drag you down to his level. Then he will beat you with experience!•

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Yep, you're wrong. I don't work for JumboMax or have any affiliation to them. I work in a warehouse on an Air Force Base in Wyoming. *shrugs* Just an addicted golfer here. :(

•Never argue with an idiot. First, he will drag you down to his level. Then he will beat you with experience!•

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just changed to a Lamkin Perma Wrap midsize grip on my driver before the last round I played which was on Fathers Day. What a difference!!! Usually my round goes where ever my driver takes it. I shot even par! The feeling of control of the clubhead that I got from the extra size and extra tack in my hands was amazing. I've debated going to a midsize grip for a while now, but I don't have overly large hands and I was concerned about the missing right problem I'd heard about. It didn't happen once. I'll be adding these to all of my clubs shortly.

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Thanks for taking the time to review our JumboMax Grips. What you are experiencing is the same thing we have seen with thousands of golfers while doing demo days all across the country. I can understand the skepticism that others here are voicing. We have all heard the wild claims before, and before we plunk down our hard-earned money, we like to know if something works or it's just another gimmick. We would not have spent countless man hours and resources to try to market something that simply did not work (or made little or no difference for that matter). With the speed at which information is passed along via internet and the way golfers talk, it would be futile.


Sure, you might be able to convince a few people to try them, but if people did not see a noticeable difference in their shots, they would simply walk away. That has not been the case. While changing your golf grips will not instantly build a perfect golf swing, many people who have switched to JumboMax Grips have seen some pretty impressive results. The more sound your fundamentals, the better the results.


I realize that using a larger grip goes against everything we have been told or read about the golf grip, but if a person approaches the game of golf with an open mind, you may just find a thing or two that makes the game easier and more enjoyable. That's our goal. The results are all that matters.


As a side note, in addition to sending you sample grips to try, I also sent some to a senior writer at Golfweek Magazine. He put a few on his clubs and thought enough of them to mention them in last week's issue in their new product roundup. Do you think he would have put his reputation on the line by placing a photo and description of them in a magazine read by all the industry pro's if he thought the product was bunk? I don't think so.


I wish you continued success with your golf game and look forward to reading more of your findings, however "unscientific" they might be, and I hope other readers here keep an open mind.




Dale Rehus

JumboMax Golf Grips



PS If anyone here has any other questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them.

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Hi Dale. Good to see you on the forum. :)

*chuckles* yeah... I guess I am pretty "unscientific", but there is a reason for that. I'm not a scientist! :lol: Like I said above, I'm just an addicted golfer. ;)


Dale, what I like most about the grips is the feeling of control over the club head. With standard grips, I have always felt like I was swinging a shaft and usually couldn't actually feel/tell what the clubhead was doing. Next up for me is putting one on a 3 wood. I have NEVER been able to hit that thing well. If that works, I'll be even more amazed than I already am. :lol:

•Never argue with an idiot. First, he will drag you down to his level. Then he will beat you with experience!•

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Just remember that with the longer clubs, your angle of attack will be shallower. Irons promote a steeper swing while the woods require a shallower sweeping type of swing. Slow everything down some, allow the club more time to come around because of the longer shaft. Use a stronger grip if you have a tendency to slice a bit.


Good luck!



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  • 2 years later...

Does anybody know if you can take these grips off a club and put them on another?Is that possible?



I've never used or even touched the JumboMax grips, but I have played the oversize Winn DXI(they are soft) grips and removed them from a couple of clubs.


I don't have an air compressor, so my method was getting a long thin metal rod (a metal skewer in my case) and some mineral spirits and basically prying the grip off the shaft bit by bit filling the separated space with the liquid as I went. Eventually the grip gets enough solvent in it to where you can work it off with your hands.


Word of warning, I did slip a couple of times and put the skewer through the grip. The material was such that I never noticed the hole once the grip was on a different club though.



Driver: Calloway Diablo Octane Tour, UST VTS Silver

Hybrids: 16* Taylormade RBZ Tour 16*, 21* TEE XCG-3

Irons: Adams CB1 4-PW, KBS C Taper Lite S

Wedges: Nike VR Pro Forged 52*, 58*

Putter: Odyssey White Hot XG3


Grips: Lamkin Crossline Midsize

Ball: Whatever I find, prefer Bridgestone

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