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Posts posted by RickK

  1. On 2/29/2024 at 7:52 AM, Golfspy_CG2 said:

    Congrats to our esteemed member @ole gray who shot his age this week a 73 or 74 I think.  Well Done Bill!  

    So I thought this would be nice thread to keep running for those of you who have achieved that great milestone, or even stories of just missing out, would be fun to hear. 

    So who else has shot there age! 

    I missed shooting my age by 1 shot from 69 to 73. Since then I have shot my age at least once each year.  I turned 77 last year and since then I have shot 76 3 times and 77 2 times.  Currently, I cannot even come close.  Hoping warmer dryer weather and improved fairways help me out. 

  2. I gave up on the covers you put on and take off for my personal cart.  I have one of those portable one that I use when I drive to tournaments in bad weather.  But, for my personal cart, I bought the type that installs under the roof line of your cart permanently.  Easy to roll up and down and leave on year round.  I got mine from Ace Golf Cart Covers.  

  3. I have belonged to various clubs in my life,. First time at age 24 and still at age 76. 

    My reasons are:

    • Love the social aspect
    • Practice all I want anytime I want (Range plus chipping, putting, bunker)
    • Become part of Men's Golf Association or Senior Men's Golf Association and play competitive rounds on play day with those groups.
    • Develop friendships and group(s) to play with on non-play days with associations
    • Convenient to my home (last 4 clubs I have lived in club community)
    • Can own my own golf cart
    • Nice dining area with great food
    • Great 19th hole 
    • Staff knows me by name
    • Most members know me by name
    • Challenging layout
    • Rounds generally less than 4 hours
    • Not super hard to get tee times when I want
    • Without a tee time, just show up and get out with a group easily in very little time
    • Seldom if ever over crowded
    • Before I retired, I could jump in my cart, go play 9 holes, go home shower and then show up at my office.  

    All that said, if it comes down to dollars and cents, you need to play enough golf to justify the cost.  Here in my part of Texas we can play almost year round.  If I were in a different financial situation, I would have to pay way more attention to the cost.  

    All this said, I still play in 2 different traveling tournament leagues and play 1 or 2 rounds each week elsewhere than my club.  

  4. 2 hours ago, labillyboy said:

    In my world, there are no longer any "spikes" clubs got rid of them to save on their flooring bills a long time ago. 

    You are referring to metal spikes...right?  Can't imagine clubs not allowing the shoes available today with non-metal "spikes" on the bottoms, the ones that are rubber or plastic. 

    I too miss the sound of metal spikes crunching on concrete. 

  5. On 8/28/2020 at 11:36 AM, AmishJason said:

    I've been playing in Ben Hogan shorts and I have two complaints.  The material of the pockets sticks to golf gloves like crazy.  Which is actually not as much of an issue as at first.  I was keeping a spare tee and ball in my left pocket and when I grabbed them, my pocket would turn inside out.  The other complaint is that one back pocket comes sewn shut for some reason.  It's not really well sewn shut, so it's easy to remove the single thread.  I bought 5 pair and they all came that way.  For $17 a piece, I can't complain too much.  I will get a pair or two of the Ben Hogan pants this winter to see how they are.

    Ben Hogan shorts are by far the best fitting and wearing golf shorts I have owned.  I ordered 3 pair in every color they had in my size last year.  Great prices too!

  6. On 1/18/2022 at 8:17 AM, TR1PTIK said:

    I've never had a pair of "waterproof" Adidas that didn't work as advertised. Currently on my 3rd? season with the Adidas Tour 360 Boost 2.0 and they still keep water out. I can't say the same for my FJ's even at the same point in their life cycle (I've owned them a while longer).

    Interesting.  Of my 21 pairs of golf shoes, all but 3 are FootJoys.  Even the oldest FootJoys still do not leak.  Now, will admit, I never buy a pair of shoes that do not have a 2 year waterproof guarantee.  My oldest pair of FootJoy DryJoys are 12 years old and they still do not leak.  I never put any kind of waterproofing on my shoes either.  

    The 3  pair that are not FootJoys are Under Armour.  One of them is about to go in the garbage.  They have cracked right along the sole and I they probably will leak.  Just noticed that yesterday.  They will be in garbage next week.  

  7. I have been a Footjoy fan for years.  I loved the Dryjoy Tours.  Well, they no longer make them.  Their replacements...well I am not a big fan of them...mainly because of the new style.  Glad I have 4 more pair of Dryjoy Tours that have never been out of the box to go along with the other 6 pair I alternate with.  Oh, and as far as looks are concerned, I will never wear a pair of golf shoes where the edges of the soles are white.  Hate that look.  

    So, I can't say how comfortable the new Footjoy Tarlow or Packard series are as I have never worn a pair.  

  8. I more or less became addicted to golf after playing 4 times.  I knew working and having a wife and child/children I would never ever get to tour level play but just as I was in every sport I played I wanted to be considered a good player.  Plus, I love the game.  I went from a hack to a single digit player.  And, played at that level for many years.  Couple car wrecks later, some mishaps riding bulls and now my body is pretty beat up.  Was hanging in there close to single digit till I caught COVID and lost 16#, down to 145# from 161#.  Now I am weak as a kitten, can hardly hit it out of my shadow, but still love to play and compete.  I am hoping by the time warm weather gets here again, I can get some of my game back.  

    I guess it is pretty simple.   I love the game, love to compete, and love to win.  It's probably the greatest game there is. 

  9. Down here in Texas, you will die in the summertime wearing cotton.  The shirts get soaked with sweat and get heavy.  I gave Goodwill every cotton golf shirt (75 if I remember correctly) I had once golf shirts started coming out in performance fabrics.  I see the OP is from Toronto and I can see where he could prefer cotton.  I also don't wear shorts or slacks with cotton content for the same reason.  Jeans...different story but not allowed to play golf in them. 

  10. I had been using the GP MCC +4 since they first came out and pretty much changed them out once a year.  I really like the grip and the color options were nice.  I retired in 2019 and started playing way more golf than before.  Close to 250 rounds each year.  In 6 months the MCC +4 were slick and I clean my clubs and grips often.  I switched to the Tacki Mac grip and have not had to change my grips since them...going on 3 years.  Granted they are black and have no character but still.....

  11. I go to Myrtle Beach every year and have played Diamondback and Sandpiper many times.  Sandpiper is good, will be easier than Diamondback.  Diamondback is also good and challenging.  Seems to eat my lunch but I enjoy it.  This time of year, I think you will enjoy your selection.

    Stay as far away from any Big Cats courses as you can at Ocean Ridge.  Several years ago, would not have said that.  Played there summer before last and the summer before that.  They have gone seriously downhill.  You can Google Big Cats courses and check the reviews on several websites.  Not good.  Shame, Leopards Chase was probably my favorite course in the area.  

    Also, if you haven't already, post on www.MyrtleBeachGolfTalk.com.  You can get some very up to date info from the members there. 

  12. I often play golf with a guy who is 5 handicap strokes lower than me.  We both hit the ball about the same off the tee.  Our iron play is very similar.  The big difference between he and I is that he is at least 50% better getting up and down when we miss the greens.  He is likely one of the best putters I know of and I am mediocre at best.

    To me it is all about minimizing the damage when you have to get up and down (assuming you keep the ball in play most of the time).

    Keep stats and see where your flaws are.  Then work on them to get better.  


  13. 2021 was a decent year for me.

    Played 244 rounds

    Turned 75 in August - shot my age 74 couple of times before August and then 75 couple of times later in year

    For 2022...starting out rough.  Tested positive for Covid this  past week and in a 3 week time I have lost 16# down from 161# to 145#...weight I really could not afford to lose.

    So, 2022 goals, get my strength and weight back and shoot my age several more times.  I really wanted to have one more round in the 60s before it becomes impossible but that is looking pretty bleak now.  My handicap in GHIN is 11.0 and probably headed upward.

    Y'all have a great 2022

  14. On 11/2/2021 at 11:48 AM, cnosil said:

    You simply sound like an angry get off my lawn type of person that does not respect a large portion of the golfing world.    People who walk also bring coolers or outside beverages to the course, smoke cigars, and contribute to pace of play issues.  It seems to be a huge problem in your eyes but mark be not to others.  Some courses only allow walking at certain times or prohibit walking due to the course layout.  You can always play at a different course or time if you really want to walk.   I don’t know what post got “cancelled” but  you don’t seem up for a discussion on the topic so you were probably very my way or the highway in any response you would have made.  


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