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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Everything posted by cnosil

  1. Could be a bad head; manufacturing processes aren’t perfect and have tolerances. Go back to the fitter with both drivers and compare them side by side and explain what you are seeing on the course.
  2. Most games have rules that were arbitrarily made up. People may not want to change the size of the hole because of tradition and that is the way golfs forefathers wanted to play. There have been experiments with larger holes so it isn’t unprecedented https://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/04/golf-15-inch-holes What does successful mean and why does everyone have to be successful? if you are playing golf for fun, play by the rules you want and ignore the ones you don’t like. Want a bigger hole, pretend the hole is bigger; don’t want to hit from a divot move your ball; don’t want to follow stroke and distance penalties then don’t. maybe I have just learned in my life that the rules are the rules and I will follow them. If it is a game and I am just playing for fun, I’ll break the rules; like moving the ball off a tree root to prevent injury or damaging my club. I am not opposed to rule changes or change in general; but when playing a game the rules are the rules. Additionally, Any rule change would be arbitrary; banning anchor putting could be considered arbitrary just like making the hole 6 inches would be arbitrary. Courses make changes occasionally by changing the routing to not be 9 or 18 holes, bigger holes as you suggested, creating holes with par greater than 5. While we may not like some of the rules, other than the irritation that they seem to cause there really isn’t a specific reason to change them.
  3. If you didn't tag it as part of the spring invitational, it won't count for this period.
  4. it is a solid club, but "it felt ok" isn't really a way to test a club. at least use your current driver and compare side by side. if you aren't doing a fitting, try different shafts and see how they compare.
  5. If you do a search there are a couple of threads about Edison wedges
  6. Golf has bee a struggle lately and I have been really frustrated. Generally just terrible play mostly with the irons. Tonight was league night and I was scheduled to play and to be honest I was dreading playing before the round. Things turned out pretty well 4 FWs (missed one long), 5 greens, 17 putts for a 38. Had a few bad shots and a few mental lapses but overall it was a big improvement from how I have been playing. Looking forward to this weekend to see if I can continue the improvement.
  7. I'll let you know when I swap them out. I think I am 6 years in on the current wedges in my bag. Have tried a few others, but they are pretty old as well.
  8. Swing speed is only one factor in selecting shaft flex. I am assuming you fit your self; did you do any comparisons or just pick the best available club. Don't know what your disaster is, but if the instructor isn't a fitter, they may not try to change your clubs and a bad matching shaft probably wouldn't be a disaster.
  9. I know they are assembled in the US; not sure about manufactured. Also not sure what shafts would be manufactured in the US.
  10. Might have a career round but not excel in the criteria that is being used to pick a winner.
  11. Do it for the personal memories. you will always be able to go back and see your son growing up. Those are memories that cant be replaced and will cherish forever. But from a contest perspective We’re you able to view the winning videos? How are they judged? What do you think separates them from yours?
  12. Really hard to guess because everyone is different. for simplicity of comparison; think about irons that have 3/4 degrees between them but the higher lofted has roughly a half inch shorter shaft. Depending on swing speed most people see a 10 to 20 yard difference between clubs. When you get to those lower lofted clubs like 13* they are harder to hit and people so the gaps become harder to predict. Player 1 may hit the 13* 20 yards shorter than the 16* and player 2 may hit it 30 yards longer. This is why it is important to try clubs an get some type of fitting to compare.
  13. https://www.sub70europe.com/ No mention of demos on the site though.
  14. The post count badge changes automatically. I think the next one for you is 1000
  15. I have a signed golf ball from most of the lpga and Symetra players I have scored for during the local tournaments i have some autographed stuff I got at the PGA merchandise show. Have some autographs and game worn jerseys from minor league hockey players. Personal favorite is my Manon Rheume autograph.
  16. Yes. In the app select tools and then combine. If you pick one of the various combines there are tutorial videos.
  17. Did you send a message to the forum admins with your transaction info?
  18. Yep to all of this. Scott will say that it isn’t anything new, but he is the first to package it in digestible format. he is adding some good stuff though. In the most recent update he added a player test to he’ll evaluate your game and some AR stuff to see distance/dispersion lines at your course/range. I am eager to try them out.
  19. The mental approach is a big part of decade. Scott talks about it a lot and how it is hard to be completely committed and mentally focused. His approach is to make golf emotionless and really understand expectations
  20. i am using google earth pro. Pretty much everyone recommends that for doing course analysis.
  21. Read this: https://pluggedingolf.com/there-is-no-perfect-fit/ You went to a fitting and the fitter put you in clubs that he felt worked best for you. Just because they aren't what you think you should have doesn't mean it is wrong. I don't see anything wrong with the combo but you haven't provided any numbers from your fitting. You mentioned that you were fit at a "retailer"; that could be lots of things as Club Champion is a retailer as is Dick Sporting Goods.
  22. Even with that additional information driver might be the right call as you probably won't always eliminate the possibility of being blocked out. Looking at the driver decision chart it might be 3 wood to lay back from the water. You will have to figure out your landing area and how much space you have.
  23. Looking at the course I see 64ish yards between Hazards. Per decade, I believe the target is basically between the lakes and about 10 yards right of the path. It doesn't look like anything is terrible if you are left of path other than the tree and is looks open enough to get past that tree on a second shot if you are behind. I think Scott would tell you hit driver.
  24. My suggestion is that you continue to work with your coach to find a set. He will be able to identify the best set for you.
  25. If you are going to sign up don’t wait until you start playing lots of content that you will rewatch and will be beneficial before you play.
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