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Sign up Closed: Fit For Golf App and Program

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
833 signups
Equipment Type: Fitness App
Vendor: Fit For Golf

Ready To Get Golf Fit?

We are looking for six golfers who want to make a commitment to get “golf fit” through the Fit For Golf App. With all the hype from new releases, there is a buzz in the air that the golfing season for many is just around the corner. The last thing anyone wants is to be caught on the back foot and not ready to take advantage of the start of the season.


What is Fit For Golf?

Created by strength and conditioning coach Mike Carroll, Fit For Golf was established all the way back in 2014, but it wasn't until 2017 that the first online program was launched.

Mike had learned about how some trainers at the time were using apps to deliver online programs and decided to create his own Fit For Golf App. So, what does the App feature?

As part of the Fit For Golf app, there are a variety of programs and workouts to suit all golfers that can be done at home or in the gym. It also includes "easy-to-follow videos," a schedule, and a progress tracker to ensure all involved keep on top of their programs.

Finally, the app also includes support, where golfers can reach out to Mike or one of his support team for guidance and assistance.

What Is The Test?

We want six golfers who are looking to improve their golf games by putting in the work off the golf course. Testers will get access to the new Fit For Golf 2.0 App that offers a fresh user experience and be able to offer valuable insights to the most recent changes.

The selected golfers will receive a 1-year subscription to Fit For Golf and provide feedback on the app and all its features. They will also provide status updates on their progress, how it is affecting their games, day-to-day activities, and how the program integrates into their daily lives.

Are you interested in being a tester?



*Registration closes on Jan 31.
*Testers will be announced on the Forum on Feb 6.
*This testing opportunity is open to all golfers worldwide but must be a registered forum member to be selected.


Just signed up. I have been trying to properly work out this year and play more golf. I got a Schwinn upright bike and the adjustable Bowflex dumbbells during the new year deals. Additionally I just got a Rapsodo MLM and net setup in my garage after my wife gave me the OK. I live in St Louis and doing a sim league now, but I’m hoping to play at least a weekly 9 when it gets warmer, there’s a muni I’m hoping to hit up early before I go into the office each week. Seems like a great way to get involved and work on my game and myself!

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Just signed up! I have tried a couple programs, but they were not well organized so hopefully this would be different. Looking at their webpage, looks like it's more organized and self explanatory than others I have tried. I play every day during the summer months and usually 3 days/week in the sim during the winter months. I need to get more fit for golf so I can keep playing during my 70's onto my 80's like a couple of my playing partners who go south for the winter!

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Very cool and unique testing opportunity! As a fitness industry professional, I have loved seeing the increased emphasis on performance training from tour pros. Every single person out there can and will benefit and see improvement in their game in one form or another through adding or optimizing training routines. 

Good luck to all who apply!

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I played 18 yesterday and was unusually sore afterward, so it's definitely time for some golf-specific fitness. And my girlfriend is buying a home gym which should dovetail quite nicely. If not, I'll join a gym for the duration.

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As an older guy (76), I've tried a couple different golf fitness programs but just haven't found one that I stick with more than 3 or 4 months. Would love the opportunity to try the FFG program as I have heard a number of good things about it and the options might make it more user friendly.

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3 hours ago, GolfSpy_BEN said:

A fantastic opportunity and one that will help 6 of our members become healthier versions of themselves for 2024. A timely test, indeed!

My thoughts exactly! Cool opportunity!

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I've been kicking around the idea of subscribing and using FFG for a while now in lieu of my current workout regimen. I've heard awesome things about the app and know that Mike is a super good dude and really responsive - I've had a twitter conversation with him on some rehab protocols. I thought it was really cool of him to respond to my questions!

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Interesting coincidence was thinking of downloading and checking out the app...

Part of this Winter's golf-related activities include getting back into much better condition!

Also been following along in separate thread for "Fitness Goals" which has inspired me to both be more consistent with my workouts and to add in more exercises, including some light weight lifting. People in that thread have suggested FFG.

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