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Final Reviews: BirdieBall Outdoor Putting Green

Ratings Distribution


Detailed Ratings

Basic Characteristics
Ease of use
Keep it or Trade it
On-Course Performance
Quality of components
Equipment Type: Training Aid
Vendor: BirdieBall

Congratulate our testers!





For a company like BirdieBall, the pandemic created an unexpected surge in demand for at-home golf practice gear. With many courses closed down, plenty of golfers looked for opportunities to transform a garage, backyard or living room into a makeshift short-game practice area. Now that the industry is back to some semblance of normalcy, golfers haven't abandoned this concept. In fact, it might have lit the type of fuse that results in conversations that start like..."Hey, honey....you know that addition you always wanted to put on the house....?"

I'm not suggesting you go that exact route. But, a quick Google search reveals that the market isn't suffering from a shortage of manufactures. In short, if enough people are willing to buy something, someone will figure out a way to produce it.

It doesn't take a Ph.D. in economics to understand that BirdieBall is in a complex, yet potentially lucrative situation.

In order to take full advantage of the unforeseen - and perhaps temporary - circumstances, it is in BirdieBall's best interest to extend the product line where it believes the opportunity exists to gain new customers.


We know that Birdieball produces class-leading indoor putting mats. Its secret sauce is a polymer that allows the indoor green to roll precisely like the manicured surfaces tour pros putt on every week. If there's a downside, it's that the indoor version looks more like a foam pad than a conventional putting green. Then again, a good bit of BirdieBall's success is rooted in its purposely non-traditional approach.

All that aside, it seems fitting that consumers would want to see if BirdieBall could replicate the recipe in an outdoor putting mat. BirdieBall believes it's done exactly that. Well, maybe not exactly.

Most putting greens resemble artificial turf. The primary upside to turf-like material is the enhanced durability necessary for outdoor uses. However, many greens are slow, bouncy, and frankly, junk. Those that offer better performance typically require custom installation and possibly an equity line of credit to foot the bill.

So, how does Birdieball hold true to its position as a market leader in performance while offering golfers a budget-friendly solution? Good question.

According to BirdieBall, its new outdoor putting mat checks the three vital performance boxes. Tight weave. Heavy face weight. Final shear cutting.

Think of it a bit like a high-grade carpet. The density helps promote durability, while the tighter weave ensures that the ball rolls on top of the material. And with the final shear cutting process, BirdieBall states that the putting mat offers the same green speed (10-11 stimp). As a point of reference, this is close to what you'd likely find at higher-end public and daily fee courses.

But, because this is a new product, we thought it would be best to get it in the hands of several MyGolfSpy readers and get your feedback.

TESTING INCLUDES: Outdoor putting mat, birdie balls, strike pads and targets

Quality of components
Ease of use
Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Keep it or Trade it

Stuka44: BirdieBall Outdoor Putting Green

Introduction  8-14-2021

Well everyone welcome to my first review since joining MGS.  I'm excited to have been picked to test this product.  

I'm 55 years old and have lived and play 99% of my golf in northeast Ohio.  I play $30-$50 a round public courses as a general rule and have never belonged to a club.  I have been golfing regularly since about 2008, but learned the game when I was 16 or so.  I have never had a golf lesson, or club fitting of any kind.  I am an avid golfer at this point, and golf mostly to spend time with two of my older brothers, who have recently picked the game up again after long layoffs. I play all year long here even January and February as long as there is no snow on the ground.

I am currently around a 14 handicap, and I am a very easy swinger of the golf club.  In my younger years I always found myself using a less lofted club by one or two compared to those of similar age I was playing with.  I don't mention that as a negative!, I have always been alright with this, "just let the club do the work"  was and still is, and will continue to be my motto. My current putter is a Ping Scottsdale "Wolverine", and I wasn't fit.  I just like the way it felt, and had never been successful with shoe, and blade type putters so I tried the mallet.    

My first impressions were good.  The matt was bigger than I expected it to be, its 3'4" x 12 feet long, however finding a level enough spot outside wasn't to be so I set it up in my basement.  It seems to be constructed well enough to certainly go outside.


The speed of it is quite good, and seems like it will translate well to the green speeds I play, (We'll see I guess that is part of the point of this).  There is another single cup at the opposite end from the three.  To the center cup you can comfortably practice 2-10 footers(painters tape along the edge), and add 6 inches to the side cups. The matt/cup is about 1/2" deep.

I'm going to be concentrating on what I read in Broadie's book "Every Shot Counts".  Trying to concentrate on making a higher percentage of putts in the 3-10 foot range, more specifically  4,5,6, and 7 footers.  I've never really been a practice guy, and rarely get to the course in time to practice putts or take a practice swing. Here are some of my putting numbers, based on 130 some rounds I have loaded into Free Golf Tracker(since 2008, some years I didn't enter many), which I hope to improve!!










My average putts/GIR is 2.2, and my average putts/PER HOLE is 1.9, and my current average putts per 18 is 33, and I average 2.9 3 putts per 18 holes. I'm hoping the BirdieBall Putting Green will improve my make percentage at 10 feet and under, and help reduce 3 putts overall at all distances.  Only time, and PRACTICE, will tell!!!!


This last chart directly above represents the last 18 rounds I've played.  For the last 18 rounds (not knowing anything about the BirdieBall Putting Matt test/ review) I began to pace off my First Putt Distance.  And the Free Golf Tracker keeps track of 1, 2, and 3 putts for the distance you put in.  What I would hope to see as I practice rolling putts on the BirdieBall is 1 Putt make percentage especially in the 3-10 foot range go up(Hopefully Substantially). STAY TUNED!

BirdieBall Outdoor Putting Green..Official MGS Forum Review by Stuka44(Don)



I was able to get in about 3-4 practice sessions a week, consisting of about 40 putts each session.  Two each from 2-10 feet, and then another 6 each from 4, 5, 6, and 7 feet.  I was able to get in 5 additional rounds of statistics for my putting since the Introductory post about the product.  I did have improvement.

Quality of Components (8/10)

The BirdieBall mat (3'4" x 12') was packaged quite nicely and is not really too heavy.  This being said I am not to sure I would want to have to move it a long way to put it away after each use, its kind of awkward, and I'm not sure how rolling it up and putting it back down would affect its flatness for use. 


I noticed two very minor problems that I am classifying as "quality".  The first was mentioned in previous comments and by another tester.  One of my cups seems to have a little crown which causes a little break to the right.  A little annoying but I just know to aim center to compensate on that one.  The other issue is that the flags, and their bases which go into the 1'2" deep cups are very light.  Let me make it clear that when putting to the cups with the flags in them, THEY NEVER FELL OVER, EVEN ON PRETTY FIRM PUTTS.  My issue (and its mostly laziness on my part) is in retrieving the balls.  Clearly they were designed to be lifted and the balls dumped like on a real practice green.  I found that in doing this that the bases and flag would separate quite often, I glued mine finally.  Then I tried just tapping the ball out of the cup with my putter.  This is where the slightest bump of the flag and it would topple over.  A little heavier base for the flagsticks would be nice.

SAM_0316 (2).JPG

Ease of Use (9/10)

The mat was very easy to use and its purpose was clear.  The only problem I had here was that in order to get the maximum distance for a practice putt, I found that I needed to remove the bumpers on the end I was putting from eventually.  For me if I tried to place a ball within a foot of the top  edge pictured below, that my backswing would contact the rear bumper.  I also like to make a few putts from as close to the edge as I could get( and putt across the green so to speak) from as far away as I could get, so I removed the side bumpers as well on the end I was putting from.

20210808_160915 (2).jpg

Basic Characteristics (17/20)

I have never had any sort of actual home golf practice item.  I've always only ever practiced on my various carpet weaves for putting practice.  The BirdieBall putting mat most definitely encouraged me to practice.  The fact that it was quite quick, and looks like an actual putting green seemed to encourage me that what I did on it, would actually apply on a real course.  That feeling in hindsight was clearly lacking when in winter mostly I would try practicing on my carpet.  Quickly I would feel that putting on the carpet wasn't going to do me any good.  The quickness of the first few putts, and smooth roll very quickly got me  thinking this would help my putting.  The variety of this version of BirdieBall mat was good.  Its length provided the ability to practice about 10.5 foot putts at a maximum, and clearly shorter putts.  Again having read some books and other material, prior to getting this mat, I had determined that I needed to practice putts mostly in the 8 foot and less range, as a means to improving my scores a little more.  So the opportunity to review this mat fit right in with what I was planning to do.  I did notice some improvement quickly.  I noticed after making 120 or so practice putts that my stroke seemed much more consistent, and mentally making putts but trying to get them past the hole without striking the bumper behind the holes was great for distance control.  Something I hadn't ever really paid attention to in practicing intermittently before a round.  The tight weave and quick speed of the mat was very good, after having used it for a while the width of it was a little restricting for me.

On Course Performance (27/30)

At almost every distance of putts, my one putt make percentage improved after the limited duration of practice I was able to get in, and the numbers as indicated earlier are just 5 additional rounds to the total.  I would expect that with continued practice and adding of rounds that the numbers would continue to improve.



The top chart was the original 18 rounds, and the bottom is newest with the five additional rounds added to the totals.  One putt make percentage went up at 6,7, and 8 feet.  I was surprised at 4 and 5 feet.  4 feet was only 1 additional putt that I missed since the one putt percentage went down, and 5 feet was 7 additional putts, and the 1 putt percentage went down there.  I would note and this is not an excuse, but it is kind of ironic.  The last round I played I had to use my brothers putter(and it is not identical to mine) because my putter was leaning in the basement next to the putting matt.   I also noticed that at almost every distance beyond 8 feet the 3 putt percentage for almost every distance is going down.

I expect that continued practice will improve 1 putt make percentage.  But what I noticed most importantly though is that on these critical distances 10 feet and less is that all of the practice strokes I have made on the mat(which is pretty quick) has improved my stroke and distance control to a point where I'm not really concerned with making a horrible stroke and leaving an 8 footer 4 feet short, or blowing a 6 footer 5 feet past the hole.  The practice on the BirdieBall mat has really helped me mentally  to be confident in my stroke, also on 10-20 footers, and while not really expecting to make them based on make percentages, I'm putting them to try and make them without really being concerned about making a horrible putt.  I guess I'm trying to say I am putting to make them confident in a two putt, and not putting this distance of putt exclusively not to 3 putt, if that makes any sense!

Final Performance Comments:

A minor issue with it is that I really don't see the need for the cup on the opposite end from the 3.  Although I have the grass insert in this cup hole, it just impedes my ability to putt from as long as possible to the center hole on the other end. and in regards the the 3 cup end I would like to see at least one of them be very close to the rear edge to maximize the distance of the mat.

Miscellaneous (9/10)

The only thing I think I would like better would be to have the green be wider, so when putting from the edge you could be standing on the mat, and wider would provide a little opportunity to put "across" the grain so to speak.  From the right edge to the left cup, and vice versa.

Keep it or Trade It (20/20)

I would definitely keep it.  As a largely non-practice golfer the putting green is very good.  It represents a quick putting surface, which in the big scheme of things I have practiced on for only a very short time has improved my performance and attitude over my putts.  It seems very durable so if it holds up as promoted, and lasts a long time then I believe it would be worth the cost.  This is for every golfer.  I only wish I had put some effort into practicing my putting earlier in my golf career, especially realizing how just a little practice has helped me.  Repetition of my putting stroke on the BirdieBall green has transferred directly to the course and has me on the way to continued improvement.


The BirdieBall Outdoor putting green seems to be very well made.  The durability obviously can only be judged over a much longer period of time than available.  The practice you can do on it, given its speed, does  help you on actual putts on the course, and I believe will without question help you putt better.  This last point is a tough one which I want to address in this conclusion if this is all you read of my review.  Cost!  This 3'4" x 12' version is listed at $455.  If you are someone who loves to "practice" the game of golf, like my brother, who stops at the driving range 3-4 times a week, then I think this would be well worth it.  Just being honest if you are someone like me who plays but doesn't love to practice really, I'm not sure I would spend that much on it, without seeking out some comparison  prices for similar products.  This is not a bash of the product it is top notch, but $455 is a lot of money.

FINAL SCORE (90/100)

Driver: Cobra King Speedzone

Irons:  :callaway-small: Mavrik 4-GW

Wedges:  :cleveland-small: CG-14 56 & RTX 52

Hybrid:  Callaway Apex Pro 2H 

Woods:  Gigagolf  3W, 

Putter:  Ping  Scottsdale Wolverine

Ball:  Srixon Z-Star XV 

Link to review
Quality of components
Ease of use
Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Keep it or Trade it

BirdieBall Outdoor Putting Mat


Stage One


Hi guys and gals I’m David Kleck. I live with my wife and daughter in La Porte Texas, a small city inside the Houston metroplex right on the Galveston Bay. I’m a practicing veterinarian and avid golfer. It has been since last year’s CobraConnect Challenge 4 since I’ve been honored to be part of a review here on MGS. I‘ve played golf on and off most of my life but I have played consistently once or twice a week since 2007. My natural swing is a cut and my big miss has always been to the right. But over the last three years as I’ve become a better student of the game ( with the help of MGS ) my game has straightened out quite a bit. My current USGA handicap is 10.8. I use Arccos Caddie to track my shots and analyze my data to help me to know what areas of my game need the most work. Current state of my game.


As you can see, putting is a strong suit of my game. But there is always room for improvement. Will a BirdieBall putting mat help me improve? Let’s find out. I have always wanted a putting green or mat in my backyard and now that dream has come true!



My BirdieBall boxes arrived! Let’s get to unpacking.


Goodies from the small box!


Two strike pads, two targets, and a bucket of birdieballs.


Foam backing on strikepad allows you to play off concrete or grass.


Target options


Other stuff BirdieBall makes.

And now let’s open the big box!


Yeah baby let’s get this set up.


Yes I want that too! 


Not sure what this is? 



                                                                  Mps3QFcSTgf8z9Nn__o-jSMhO9L8Z4In0KeoKhdbi5kNsNn0XK6tjgbf8vF8Kca_hjqLIgSrCfeqeQdd3Sz4PYX61aB4Mktm5kTWNZeqU0ya3gKExF7H_QQed46TeOudM2zPwLvJ                                                                                                                                 Everything out of the boxes.


Ready for action!






My initial impressions of these products are that they appear to be of good substance and will have reasonable durability. The products were very well packaged and arrived without any damage or blemishes. Will practicing frequently on a quality putting mat conveniently positioned on my back porch improve my putting stats? Will BirdieBall practice in my backyard improve my short game? I can’t wait to give this a try!

The official review

After putting on this mat for over a month, I never want to do without an at home practice area ever again!

It is I think a huge advantage to know that you can putt the ball straight. This mat is solid and consistent even on my back porch in the Houston summer heat. I have seen no decrease in playability of this mat over the course of this test what so ever. We all know that over time everything ages due to environmental factors and use over time. Quality products age slowly and this mat hasn't worn at all.

Quality of Components 5/5

If you cannot set this practice mat up, well, you should not be playing golf the most difficult game in the world!

Ease of Use 5/5

The basic characteristics of this mat are fairly simple, simulate a putt on a green that  if you hit it straight at the right speed the ball will go in the hole. This mat does that in the majority of the time and you can really gain confidence in your short straight putting game. Also you can discover, as I did, that hitting ball straight is not as easy as you might have thought. When you spend much time on a mat 3 feet by 12 feet you soon figure out that there are a few subtle breaks or grains that affect the roll of the ball. After that  you should roll almost every ball in the hole. I was not doing that at first and that made me realize I needed to make some changes in my putting stroke to correct my alignment. That correction for me was to change my hand and wrist placement to what some refer to as walking the dog putting grip...and that is working for me.

Basic Characteristics 5/5

The on course results is what it is all about for me! I take pride in my golf game and at the same time I know I don't make a living playing golf. I measure my game against folks that play once or twice a week like I do. If I can improve just a little bit because of some simple, CONVENIENT, practices I can do at home that help my golf game...what a value that is.



Okay that is a minor improvement in my putting stats. But I can tell you my confidence has increased greatly. I get over putts that I just wanted to get close that now I feel I should make! And now the elephant in the room...nearly 6 point handicap drop in short game!  


Thank you Birdieball for including a bucket of birdieballs and 2 strike plates and 2 targets with my putting mat. My biggest weakness throughout my golfing life is now becoming a strength! 

On Course Performance putting matt 4/5

On Course Performance BirdieBalls 5/5

A putting mat has limitations and your expectations of a 3 foot by 12 foot putting mat have to be reasonable. You cannot develop lag putting skills on a mat of this size, I don't think you can learn to read greens on a small putting mat, and you cannot learn the affects of the grain of grass on a putting mat. But if you can start the ball on your intended path you give yourself a great chance of making more putts. 

Miscellaneous 3/5

For me to have a convenient way to practice golf is the only way I can expect to improve at the game I love.  I'm a busy practicing veterinarian with a daughter who is a high school cheer leader and plays on the tennis team. I have obligations outside of golf!  Birdieball outdoor putting mat is here to stay! I love having the putting mat on my back porch.

Keep it or Trade it 5/5


:cobra-small: SpeedZone Pars and Stripes 9.5* Driver 14gm weight in back, VENTUS Blue 6-R set to +1* draw.

:cobra-small: 14.5* Fairway,  18.5* Fairway, 22.5* Fairway.  All with Tensei CK Blue R set to +1* draw.

:titleist-small:  816H1 27* Hybrid w/ Diamana Blue Board 70 HY Stiff Shaft

:cobra-small: SpeedZoneONE 5 + 6   KBS Tour 80 R

:cobra-small: SpeedZoneONE 7, 8, 9  KBS Tour 90 R                                     

:cobra-small: SpeedZoneONE P, G, S  KBS Wedge

:cobra-small: King Black ONE 60*  VO8*      True Temper Dynamic Gold Black

 Lamkin Crossline Cord Connect Black Mid-size plus 2 wraps

:cameron-small:  Special Select Newport 2  34" :scotty-small: Matador grip               :Arccos:                                                                                                                                                               

:titleist-small:  -ProV1x  Align XL  

 All in a :cobra-small:  Masters Staff Bag  or  SpeedZone stand bag

#COBRACONNECT CHALLENGE 4  The ONLY One Length Contestant!

Tested :bridgestone-small: Prototype Balls       Tour B RXS                Tested:image.png.8e77a45b1fe8c9cfb7c2a61386f855a5.pngBlack Cat irons 5 - PW UST Mamiya Recoil Graphite Regular +0.5" 1* upright                

 BirdieBall Outdoor Putting Green                                 



Link to review
Quality of components
Ease of use
Basic Characteristics
On-Course Performance
Keep it or Trade it

Hello boys and girls. Its time for another thoroughly in depth golf item review. Since joining these forums a few years ago I have really enjoyed testing and reviewing almost anything golf related. I've written up posts on, golf balls, clubs, putters, wedges, tees and a onewheel. 

This summer has been a whirlwind for me and it is just starting to settle down. I've been in the process of selling/and buying a home, moving across a state and being homeless while between houses for 3 weeks. Yet still trying to get as much golf in as the wife will let me given everything else going on. The Birdie Ball test kit arrived at my new house before I even did!


I am super excited to be selected to test out this new indoor/outdoor putting mat. I have owned a couple of the generic 8' mats with the elevated cups for basically ever. I have hours and hours of practice using them and a updated better version would be a welcome addition to my golf practice. Is this new mat that?

So over the next few weeks, I'll be testing this mat indoors and out. I'll see what I think of the quality, the durability and if Birdie Ball has created a great putting mat, or just a great dog bed(notice Stevie, our Wirehaired Pointing Griffin, thinks it is a nearly optimal blend of cushion and scratchiness).


Also for the first time in one of my tests, I am enrolling the help of my assistant Xander and he is very excited:


There is a lot going on with this, as I was not expecting the outdoor targets and birdie balls to also test. Fortunately, my new house has a back yard that is almost 200' in length so I will get to test them out with some real swings. Any guesses on which club will clear the fence at 200'? Will any of them?

But for the mat, my big concerns are if it rolls like a nicely manicured green at Augusta, or a early evening Poa annua green at Chambers Bay(sorry chambers bay). It also came with a warning to not let it exceed 180° F, and while every part of me wants to test that... I feel like I should leave that one alone... but maybe


But the biggest question for me, does the Birdie Ball Mat make for a better practice tool than ye ole' felt ramp mat?


Let the putting begin!


Stage Two - The Review 9/10/2021


Birdieball Matt – Official MGS Forum Review by Thin2Win (Christopher Stefaniw)


Testing a practice aid is different than testing an actual club, ball or other product. But for me, it still boils down to 2 big things:

1)    Does it work for me?

2)    Is it fun to use?

If either of those ingredients are missing, I’m not going to use it. And I would guess that for most of you out there, you are in the same camp. It does need to work, and it does need to be fun. When I ask “does it work for me”, I’m really asking if I think using it is beneficial to my game. Even if it is just on a psychological level, that counts for me. 😃

The “is it fun to use”, well that’s straight forward, regardless of results, I’m not going to keep using it if it isn’t “fun”. What is a training aid I use and keep using? PuttOut. Its simple, easy to use, is fun, and even if only in confidence, helps with putting.


So as we dive into the details of my review, those 2 tenets are the focus for me.

Ease of use

The actual setup and use of this is straight forward. And other than attaching the bumpers(see below) it all went together quick, easy, and exactly how I thought.

8 out of 10 points


Quality of components and Basic Characteristics

Here, I needed to adjust the review format a bit. There is normally a Quality of Component section, and a Basic Characteristic section. For my use and testing, I couldn’t come up with a way to split my review of those two up as they were so intertwined. So here, I merged them. Please see why below.

 Taking the mat out of the box you can feel the heft quality of it, its solid. We had the 3’6” x12’ version for testing, and it was not light. I’m not sure I would have been able to move the 6’x12’ version without help. It rolled out of the box… mostly flat. Definitely flatter than when you unroll the standard 8’ felt putting mats I’ve used. But not actually flat. It took most of a day for it to lay down all the way. Right off I started using it on some indoor hardwoods. Then I moved it to indoor carpet, next to indoor/outdoor cement and then finally I put it straight on my lawn. It looks cool, it takes up a good amount of space and I was very excited to start putting on it. As with most things, there were good and bad things. Unfortunately for me, the bad was bad and the good was limited. 

Let’s start with The Good:

      It’s a great hitting mat, I hit some chips off it last week, then moved to full swing shots this week. It is durable, it feels good, and the turf interaction is great. It was the highlight of my use with this mat. I’m not sure where they get these mats, but it feels and looks like a premium hitting mat that has been cut into a longer form.


      The Mat rolls fast. Much faster than a felt putting mat, and I liked that. Faster than a standard weekday muni around here. More like a Sunday muni or a well kept private course speed. 10ish on the meter would be my feel for the speed. 


The Bad

      The rubber bumpers that are included don’t really work and suck to put on. Balls with any pace bounce right over them. I’m not sure what their primary design use was for, but I can’t imagine that it was for this application. More like they needed a bumper and went to the local hardware store, found a rubber seal for something else and thought, “this will work”. I moved the mat a handful of times throughout testing, after the 2nd move I stop using the bumpers because they don’t stay attached, and again, suck to put on.

      The cups that came with it have never fit right. The plastic cup slides in from the bottom, but with my mat all the cups were slightly larger than the cutout holes. This creates a raised ridge around every cup. Any putt that was slowly heading towards the cup would deflect away. Also, the sticks that go into the cups are very short. Like, very short. I’m not tall, 5’7”, and the leaning over to reach the stick to pull it out was annoying to the point that I also stopped using them. It was much easier on my back to use my putter to knock the ball out of the hole than to use the provided stick. Also, on any of the harder surfaces (wood/cement) the ball would bounce out of the hole on most putts. Yes, they make an additional mat to put under this mat… but that is a different product to help make this product better.


      The putting surface itself had uneven heights of material running the length of it that resulted in ridges that the ball would ricochet off. Putts need to go straight down it, not diagonal at all. Which limits the need for it to be as wide as it is. And as the ball slowed down, it would break like Poa Annua late on a summer afternoon. In other words, wherever it wanted. Combined with the ridges around the cups…. It was frustrating to use as a putting surface. My wife used it one night for about 3 minutes, turned to me and said “this is disappointing” and never used it again.

10 out of 30 points


On-Course Performance

So as much as I had issues and was mostly annoyed with it. I still spent more time practicing my putting with it for the purposes of seeing if the ridges would ever go away or the grain would roll smooth on a different surface. And for me, any time spent practicing does pay off. And maybe the fact that putts had to be exactly on pace and line to go in made it even more effective than if the ball rolled straight and stayed in the hole. PuttOut is fun because of how hard it is, maybe this mat being so hard for me to use is what helped. But my putting has been dead on from anything inside 10’ for the last month with rounds of 75,73 and 75.

30 out of 30 points



Also included with the mat were some Birdie Balls(100!!!) some impact hitting pads for them, and some outdoor targets.


If you haven’t ever hit a BirdieBall, and you have an outdoor hitting area that you want to take full swings, watch the flight pattern, but not blow out the neighbor’s windows, then they are for you. They are the best limited flight golf ball I’ve ever used. Hitting into a net? Eh, just use a real ball.

 10 out of 10 points


Keep it or Trade it?


Right now, I don’t know. I have plenty of space at my place, so I have it setup. And I still roll a few putts on it most nights… But I also have the standard ramp style felt one beside it, and I end up using that more. The ball coming back to you, rolling straight, etc. Its just easier to use and you get more reps in with a ball return.

Do I want it to be cool and have friends marvel at it and want to use it when they visit, yes… I’ll probably pass this off to one of the other spies who I have lined up and know need help with their putting( @fixyurdivot )but I’ll use it until then. But I won’t be sad to see it go when it does.

 10 out of 20 points



Its cool, practicing on it will help with putting because you are practicing. But it has issues with roll and component choices. For me, I don’t think it is an improvement over the ramp felt style mats. Using it reminds me of when I watched Mad Men. They had Jaguar as a customer, and Jags were sleek and stylish, and everyone wanted one. But then you go to drive it and it wouldn’t start.


Final Score: (68 out of 100 points)







Driver:   :taylormade-small: SIM2 Max 12° - Accra TZ6 M4

FW Wood:     th.jpg.d6e2abdaeb04f007fd259c979f389de6.jpg Gen5 0311 7w  Fujikura Motore X F3

Irons:   :srixon-small: ZX7 PW-7i, ZX5 6i-5i

Wedges: :cleveland-small:  Zipcore 50°, 58°

Putter:   :taylormade-small: MySpider X

Cart: image.png.5aa5e9b8c0d6e08a2b12be76a06a07ca.pngOnewheel XR+

Ball: :srixon-small: Z-Star Diamond/ Z-Star XV







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Hey testers!  Just saw that this flipped to "Test-in-progress" which I'm hoping means you might have some goods on the way!

I don't see any intro posts or anything (not sure if that's an issue with my browser or not) so sorry if this is in your posts but how are you all going to set yours up?  If I owned my uncles old house this would be going under the pool house veranda 100%.  One day when I move I want to make sure I have room for something like these.

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On 8/12/2021 at 10:37 AM, B.Boston said:

Hey testers!  Just saw that this flipped to "Test-in-progress" which I'm hoping means you might have some goods on the way!

I don't see any intro posts or anything (not sure if that's an issue with my browser or not) so sorry if this is in your posts but how are you all going to set yours up?  If I owned my uncles old house this would be going under the pool house veranda 100%.  One day when I move I want to make sure I have room for something like these.

After having this on my back porch for a few weeks now I never want to be without one again! I'm already jones'n for a larger one🤣


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1 minute ago, sirchunksalot said:

That's a good looking setup you've got there. What size are you testing? 

Testing the 3' x 12' putting mat. It has good cushion but I laid it over carpet I had on the porch to give it even more cushion. One of the flyers that came with the mat indicates that in September of this year they will be offering a mat pad to further and to the padding of your mat.


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9 minutes ago, daviddvm said:

Testing the 3' x 12' putting mat. It has good cushion but I laid it over carpet I had on the porch to give it even more cushion. One of the flyers that came with the mat indicates that in September of this year they will be offering a mat pad to further and to the padding of your mat.


Nice! I really like that patio area you have it set up in, gives you a chance to both practice and take a break. My wife would love it just for all the plants y'all have out there. 

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8 minutes ago, goaliewales14 said:

How hard have your mats been to keep clean and has the weather affected any of them so far?

Mine is under a porch roof, but does get leaves and some debris my dogs drag across. I just use my blower and it cleans up nicely.

When I first unrolled the mat and putted on it it had some crazy waves in it that caused the ball to wiggle off line. I think that was from being rolled up for shipment. After sitting on my porch in the south Texas heat for a few days the wiggles and waves were gone. It rolls really true now. If I want break in my put there is a donut piece of foam to put under the mat.

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32 minutes ago, daviddvm said:

When I first unrolled the mat and putted on it it had some crazy waves in it that caused the ball to wiggle off line. 

Mine is still struggling with the waves, I've got 2 decent ridges that run the length of mine. But good to know that they might go away. 

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I'm not sure what you two are finding, @stuka44 @daviddvm, but the speed is definitely faster than my felt practice ramp mat I've always used. I was putting on them both back to back, and putts that were rolling to plenty fast on the Birdie Ball mat were coming up short on the felt mat. So it does have the stimp of a nicer green. 

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Yes  @Thin2win   @daviddvm     I also find it to be on the quicker side.  I've actually had to concentrate on not just hitting the putts so they hit the bumper behind the holes, with too much force.  As this would likely represent a miss going well beyond the hole.   Now during practice trying to pace the putts so that misses either do not hit the back bumper, or hopefully barely make contact with it.  I believe it does adequately represent a quicker putting surface.  Hopefully this will equate to better distance control on real greens.

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I've had my green out of the box for a couple weeks now, still has a very defined raised area where all the holes exist. Hard to get a picture that shows it, but a noticeable Ridge around every cup. 


Doesn't affect putts with pace, but I'm not dying one in. 

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2 hours ago, Thin2win said:

I've had my green out of the box for a couple weeks now, still has a very defined raised area where all the holes exist. Hard to get a picture that shows it, but a noticeable Ridge around every cup. 


Doesn't affect putts with pace, but I'm not dying one in. 

The availability of the sub base pad may eliminate this raised area at the hole by allowing for a deeper hole.


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2 hours ago, daviddvm said:

The availability of the sub base pad may eliminate this raised area at the hole by allowing for a deeper hole.


I don't think that would correct this for me. On my green, it looks /feels like the holes are cut slightly small for the cups to fit into. Thus, pushing the cups in pushes up the mat around them. 

If I take the cups out, it lays flat. 

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Have either of you guys tried using the mat as a hitting mat yet? I took a few shots of it today. Curious your thoughts on that use for it. 

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8 hours ago, Thin2win said:

Have either of you guys tried using the mat as a hitting mat yet? I took a few shots of it today. Curious your thoughts on that use for it. 

I have only played around with wedge on mat to chip in the hole. No full swings as I have mine under my porch roof, but I will try some shots off the mat going forward.

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I thought I was noticing a little funneling effect with the side bumpers in place on the 3 hole end(that I hit to).  I now only have the bumper behind the holes on the 3 hole end.  In order to be able to put as close as possible to the end and a little off center(just to change up the angle)  I have no bumpers on the end I put from. 

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I took the mat out to the front yard to try it as a chipping mat. I was very pleasantly impressed with how well it did and felt. I hit maybe 30 15y chip shots and could not find any noticeable wear or indication that I had been hitting a wedge off it. Durability seems very good. 

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Fresh off 2 spine surgeries and can't golf for for the rest of the year - however, I can putt! Could definitely put this to good use as I work on my short game the rest of the year! Would love to test. 

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Might be the perfect alternative to convincing my in laws to put in a putting green at the summer house. I hope it rolls as true as the indoor version and holds up well. Wonder if the non golfing folks would find it fun as well while being a serious training tool for me.

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I can putt 🤡 I will Be honored to test the outdoor birdie ball putting surface. I have an indoor bitdir ball  surface that I use on a regular basis I also use an ex putt.I like koi to put almost every day. I like to think that I have a solid BB5275D7-EA4F-4A8D-8DAA-041C88461E67.jpeg.18a12cd486841484ca22f67ef53c4b1b.jpegstroke with good impact. Once again I would love to try this product and give you a critical review

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Just now, Ebo said:

I can putt 🤡 I will Be honored to test the outdoor birdie ball putting surface. I have an indoor bitdir ball  surface that I use on a regular basis I also use an ex putt.I like koi to put almost every day. I like to think that I have a solid BB5275D7-EA4F-4A8D-8DAA-041C88461E67.jpeg.18a12cd486841484ca22f67ef53c4b1b.jpegstroke with good impact. Once again I would love to try this product and give you a critical review

“Hit the ball Willy”

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I have a small area in back yard I use for putting drills but this would be a god sent........not having to mow low and be perfect.......thnx for the chance to win

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