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Testers Wanted: Sub 70 Pro V2 Fairway Woods ×


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Posts posted by Parshooter36

  1. 13 hours ago, rkj427 said:

    Have any of the testers had issues with shots not being recorded by the S70?

    I seem to have that on occasion with the S62 at times. 

    I do not use the club sensors either.

    The only shot my S70 hasn't picked up so far are around the green. I do have one hole at my course where the tee box is very close to the previous green and it will assign my drive on #7 as a short shot into the green on #6 if I tee off before it prompts me to complete my score for #6.

  2. Coming from Shotscope, I am really starting to enjoy the simplicity of just recording my full swings and the number of putts on each hole.  At first I was missing the more detailed putting and chipping stats that I was use to getting from the V3 and club tags, but I do not miss editing after each round and trying to remember where I putted from on each hole so I can get accurate data. In the beginning I fully expected to get the CT10 sensors to use with the S70, but now I am not so sure.

  3. 7 hours ago, FallenSaber said:

    Got a round in at Balboa Park Golf Course. The watched performed outside of a sluser error. I updated "My Bag" in the Garmin app assuming it would show the club type followed the input. I assumed wrong and probably should've known better. So when I was prompted to input my club that I hit, all I saw was PXG XCOR2 for ever club. It was easy to figure out the club, by counting down from 5I or up from GW.

    Also, interesting to view how different courses are. I didn't grab a score card for Balboa so I didn't have really any idea of what I was in for an have never played the course before. The GPS map was incredibly helpful and helpful for quick distances to the group I was playing with. I felt like the course was much shorter than what I've been use to lately, mostly playing at Torrey Pines and it was. As you can see in the comparison below, 16 holes at Torrey South was .77 miles longer but did not have as much elevation change. Also, the temperature was way off for Balboa. It might have been 67 when I starter (though I don't think so) it was significantly hotter when i finished.


    I noticed that when I updated my bag as well. I ended up going back to the generic clubs so it just says 7 iron, 8 iron, etc. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Josh Ross said:

    I have one more round before that feature is unlocked for me but I've got two rounds planned for this weekend.

    I have my doubts on the suggestions because my yardages are all wacky looking due to the elevation changes here.


    Some are close because I've had flat shots with them, but others are a good bit off. I added my true averages with these clubs to the far right. I've done two gapping sessions to get these numbers and find them to be very accurate for what I see on course. These Garmin averages reflect that I haven't hit a full SW yet and the only 5 iron I've hit was off a pretty elevated tee. I know it'll work itself out as I play more but initially it's gonna be wacky. Thankfully the two rounds I have coming up this weekend are in south GA where I'm on flat ground.

    My middle of the bag numbers are a bit skewed still, but I expect them to normalize as the watch collects more data. I was playing a shorter course yesterday and had mostly 8 iron or less into the greens.

  5. On 8/21/2023 at 8:33 PM, goaliewales14 said:

    Have any of the other testers tried starting on a random hole? 

    I was in a 1-man scramble over the weekend and it was a shotgun start. My group started on 13. When I went to go start the round, I was able to change the hole to 13, but it wouldn't automatically go to the next hole after I entered my score like normal rounds. I had to keep choosing the next hole through the menu each time until I got back to the first hole.

    We started on the 3rd hole in a scramble this weekend. The only thing I had to do was move it to 1 after playing 18, other than that it switched automatically.

  6. The 1st time I felt old was whe I realized I could remember my dad being my age, probably in my late 20s.

    On the flip side, I was playing in a group a couple of weeks ago with a guy in his mid 20s. Mind you I was playing great, I shot 3 over on the front which was the 1st time I had broken 40 on that 9.  After we made the turn he said "I think they let you move up to the black tees at 60".  I told him I know I swing like an old man, but I'm only 49. 

  7. 5 hours ago, revkev said:

    Enjoying the reviews. In the past I’ve used ARCOSS and currently use Shotscope. From my perspective each of these systems has their strengths and weaknesses.

    I’m interested in this one because I want the multi use functions. Are the testers wearing theirs as a watch? Are you also measuring steps and fitness?

    Just curious.  

    I am wearing it as my everyday watch.  I am not a smart watch power user, but I do have it tracking steps and my heart rate.  I have even been trying to wear it at night (which is not something I normally do), so it can tell me that I do not get enough sleep. That was one of my biggest draws to the S70 as before I would have my everday watch, then switch to my golf watch when I was at the course. This is definitely a feature packed all-in-one solution.


  8. I now have enough rounds that the virtual caddie has kicked in on my S70. Apologies for the picture quality, I am working with tech support on my brightness issue.  The shot from the image was 108 slightly downhill shot.  Typically that would be a gap wedge yardage for me, but the virtual caddie recommended a sand wedge which was the right call for this shot.  My sand wedge is usually 95-98 yards and you can see the distance arc on the map shows my sand wedge should be just short of the green or maybe on the front edge. I did hit sand wedge and was flag high just on the right hand fringe, so +1 for the virtual caddie.  I did notice in my longer clubs that it did not alway call the club I would use, but I am betting that will get better it gathers more shot data.



  9. 8 hours ago, Josh Ross said:

    I haven't had that come up. One of the courses I played has both the 1st and 10th tees close to each other. The watch picked up hole 10 but with a quick change it was on the right hole and functioned properly.

    I haven't had a shotgun start, but have started on the back 9.  The only thing I remember having to do was switch to hole 1 after I finished the back 9 because it wanted me to end my round.

  10. I've been comparing some of the Garmin data versus my Shot Scope data. This data is not from the same rounds, but the stats are very similar.  You have to add the C10 sensor to get chipping and putting data from Garmin, which is unfortunate.  I don't know why it won't allow you to edit the putt positions on the green so you can get more accurate data.  

    Garmin data:



    Shot Scope data:



  11. 1 hour ago, Shrek74 said:

    I wonder if there's a way for you to track your game and have the virtual caddy make recommendations but only use a list of user inputted distances instead of it's tracked distances. Still continue to give all the stats you like, but to a point ignore the distances.

    I know in Shot Scope I can mark a stroke during the editing process as a positional shot so it doesn't take that distance into account for it's average distance for that club. Maybe see if Garmin can do that, if that helps you at all.

    I have Shot Scope as well, but have not found anything similar to the positional shot option yet.  I also like the Performance Average option that Shot Scope has that automatically kicks out any shots that are abnormally long or short.  It creates a better useable club average in my opinion.  

  12. 9 hours ago, FallenSaber said:

    Got to the range and did some tempo work today. Figured out that the best setting for me was Amateur Fast. I knew I had a faster swing tempo so started with Medium but quickly figured out that medium was not for me. By the end, I was getting both the back swing and down swing green.

    One thing I like about the tempo trainer and one thing I do not like and both mostly have to do with  swinging without a ball. The Tempo Trainer feature has a vibration option that can be turned on and off. If you have it on, it will vibrate for the start of your back swing, vibrate a second time for the start of the down swing then vibrate again for the end. I like doing this without a ball so you can solely focus on your tempo. Now, the part that I do not like is that it rarely records a swing, 1 in 20+ if you are practicing without a ball. When I get home from work and after I pick up my boys, I usually set up my phone with a swing recording app and I'll do 5-15 swings with a club. I tried 3 separate days and only registered a swing on 2 days. It's hard for me to get to a range on a regular basis and it would be nice to practice on tempo at home. That's where the vibration feature helps.

    As for visibility outside and placement with the glove, I had no issue with the brightness of the screen or placement with my long. I am wearing a Mizuno glove and their design might be better suited for wearing a glove. Gloves that are not as low profile by the wrist seem to be causing some issues with the other reviewers. @goaliewales14 @Josh Ross @Parshooter36 what are your thoughts on the idea that it's possibly the back profile of the glove?


    Your glove definitely looks watch friendly. Also, you have a much quicker back swing than me but the downswing time is about the same.  I struggled to get my tempo down to 3.5 with my normal swing being right around 4.0. Oh, and your screen looks great outside. I factory reset mine last night to see if that would improve my screen brightness.

  13. I have been checking out some of the health monitoring features of the watch even though I'm mainly interested in the golf features. While looking at my heart rate report from the other day I noticed that my heart rate was elevated during my entire league match Tuesday night.  It was not a very close match and was very casual, so I was surprised to see that data. 

    2023-08-18 14_30_57-Garmin Connect.png

  14. On 8/15/2023 at 10:45 AM, goaliewales14 said:

    I just went to go grab my glove and this is what it looks like if I take my time both putting on the watch and the glove.  The glove gets extremely close to the power off button.  (I do take my glove off after each shot)  You can also see that there's not much room left for me to adjust the watch to make it any looser to allow me to slide up much more.  I'm wearing the watch just left (on my left hand) of my wrist bone, so where you'd typically wear a watch.  




    I finally got around to checking my watch to glove distance an my glove actually overlaps my watch a bit. I have never noticed the buttons getting pushed by the glove and like I said earlier, I've worn a golf watch for several years not so it's not something that bothers me.  I could absolutely see how it could be annoying for someone that is not use to weare a watch though.


  15. 7 hours ago, Josh Ross said:

    That's odd @Parshooter36, mine has seemed plenty bright when outside. The picture I shared from my round the other day was outside in partial sun but honestly it looked similar in full sun too. I wonder if something's going on there?

    It dims as soon as I step outside. I was hoping I had some kind of adaptive brightness setting turned on, but I cannot find anything like that in the settings.

  16. 1 more thing I'm having issues with is the seeing the screen outside. Everybody online is raving about how bright the screen is, but mine is very hard to see outside and impossible to see in the sun. The only display setting I can find is brightness which I have maxed out. Here are some pics of the S70 compared to my old watch. These were taken inside, then outside, then in direct sunlight. 



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